20 April, 2022

Tarot card of the month: May 2022, 8 of Wands

https://psychictarotreadingwithalexfulford.blogspot.com/2022/04/youtube-tarot-card-of-month-may-2022-8.html   YouTube version

Element: Fire   Season: Summer   Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 
Cardinal point of direction: South. Realm:  Spirit. Colour: Yellow. Gender: Male 

Key words: Creative energy, Passion, Quick Action, News, Conclusions

Spiritual progress can be made this month also.

Starting with the number, symbols and colours; the number 8 interpretations for this card are Regeneration, Extension, Expansion, Disruption, Complexity, Poor judgment, Control, Dispose, Regiment

Wands  for this particular card symbolise; risk, energy, taking action, status and perception. Emotionally this card is determined, defiant, inflamed and stubborn.

Trees act like the human spine and connect the spirit world to the earth with enduring energy and strength. These trees look small and stunted though and we are looking at them from a distance.
The sky is bright blue which symbolises the  spirit realm, moods and emotions. 
Green is symbolic of nature, growth, rebirth and regeneration and life force, Springtime, healing. Next we notice the body of water; which is still and clam. Notice it sits in between two lands. To me this tells me something that I will cover later in the reading. Water is a purifying agent, it represents the mind and consciousness connecting us to greater spirit and universal consciousness, it is fertile and creative also. 
Yellow, this is just a very slight fleck of yellow here and this is in the distance and the colour of the castle on the hill. To me this represents someone in a far off land cooking up or hatching a plan. Two people on my mind here are Vlad the lad and  Biden. 

Now for the reading itself, Something is coming to a conclusion here, this is not the war in Ukraine though, that will intensify. There are multiple things going on in May so stay focused as this also affects the human thought process and our minds. This is something hitting us continuously or multiple things happening at once, now that in itself is something that worries me. Humanity is being bombarded with several things at once is an overload and overwhelming for us. That is not a good thing as it produces stress and anxiety. Keep your cool and just do the best that you can. Do not over extend yourself or put others in that situation as it will be disastrous. 
Looking at the card we see the sky takes up a large area of the card, this blue sky is to do with spirit and some of us will feel a spiritual connection this month. But that doesn’t mean life is going to be easy or hunky dory either. In this card we see a castle on a hill in the distance and rolling green hills and green fields, in the foreground is a body of water and then more green land. That water signifies emotions and the mind or conscious. 
To me as I look at the card the two parts of green land either side of the water looks like two, separate countries. The body of water separates them. Sweden popped into my mind as I looked at the card as did Lithuania. 
As I look further at the card I am drawn to the trees, which are symbolic of growth and expansion, I get a feeling of things getting progressively worse in Ukraine as Russia steps up the war. Looking down at the right hand corner next to the signature of Pamela Coleman Smith, I noticed three little black blobs and then a little row of more black blobs signifying more military vehicles coming into Ukraine. As we know the second phase of the war has begun, I feel further incursions are coming deeper into Ukraine, but there is another nation involved now. I get the feeling of another nation being caught up in the war, this could be accidental as I feel that a stray missile may go over a border into a neighbouring country (Lithuania?) 
I see a mountainous area involved.  This is by no means the end of war, this is it now and we start to see how things are taking shape. 

Putin has no intention of backing down, he can’t even if he wanted to. He risks losing face in his homeland and worldwide, so Russia is committed to this war now and will stay the distance. This does not look good. The EU are unsure of what to do next, there is talk going on but no real answers of what they should do next. Clearly the EU, NATO and the US are floundering. None of them want to really put men on the ground to push back against Russia. 
The US in the meantime are getting fed up and want to see results, as everyone is pushing munitions and, equipment into the war and nothing is happening that they want. Back in the US they have major problems because of Biden and what to do about him, plus a divided nation. The US are stalling for time back home as they push the EU to do something.  

The EU don’t seem to have what it takes to make intelligent decisions so they just pump munitions into the war and hope for the best. This will not work long term and they know that. It is a tactic to buy time before this war spills over into other countries. 
Civilians are getting impatient and distressed by all of this time wasting as innocent people are being killed, tortured and abused. As the EU sit back twiddling their thumbs reluctant to actually do something.
No one wants to take on Vlad the lad, meanwhile business feel the pinch and people are starving.
As we know Ukraine will get flattened by Russia but guess who profits from this? That’s right big businesses, offering to rebuild and the offer bank loans should Ukraine stay out of Russian hands. 
Russia will not let go of Ukraine because it puts the US right on their doorstep.

Many Ukrainian people will be very angry about this situation as they are the meat in the sandwich here with no one to protect them. Also wondering who benefits from this war because it is not them , the ordinary people. They see Ukraine being a puppet of the US and there will be mounting distrust of the US and Russia; expect this suffering to go on for many years which includes the rebuilding of Ukraine.

By summer Biden is becoming  a thorn in the side of the US  as he will be seen more and more as unfit to govern the country. This will now be the start of removing Biden from office, as summer comes the voices get louder to remove him. 

The times are interesting right now as I said there are multiple events or things taking place in May and this is just the start. People are also feeling isolated, poverty, food shortages and price increases that prevent people from affording food. Financial struggles are biting and people struggle because they can’t pay their bills. Increase of interest rates fuel this situation because young families are hurting, they have crippling power bills on top of that. This could start people taking to the streets to protest because they need help due to the severe hardship.

I see a man picking up,a TV and throwing it, symbolising people no longer believe what is on the news every day. They no longer trust the media or the government. 
Society is lost in the turmoil with no one to trust and no real leadership, there are too many talking heads but no leadership, structure to society.
Health remains a critical issue and I see ambulances in disarray, this feels like industrial action. Now this could be in Australia and other places like the US. This is due to poor work conditions and covid on top of that, with very little staffing and resources. The government will only offer a mere token gesture to these hard working stressed medics, who are broken by years of neglect and being kicked to the kerb for so long that they can no longer cope. 

Conflict is happening in many parts of the world right now, everyone is suffering and I don’t see any improvement to this situation. This is brought about by corporate greed and corruption in government worldwide. My advice to the ordinary people is keep your head down and stay under the radar. Many people are volatile right now and it is only going to get worse. Avoid crowds wherever you can and that includes shopping centers and other public places because many people can no longer keep their anger in check and are likely to erupt and that includes taking their anger out on other people’s children in violence.
Please do not put your children at risk from harm, children in tense situations will become difficult to deal with for parents and all it takes is a child to arc up and a stranger suddenly loses control and attack the child. So please be mindful and if your child is stressed or grouchy avoid taking them to the shops. 
If you can get a babysitter that’s great but not everyone has that luxury unfortunately.
You may have to have a little discussion with your children to, teach them to read the warning signs of danger and how to avoid such things. Boy that is not an easy task. Might be easier for some to say here have a lollipop. I’m worried about children with sensory problems being put in danger and there are  many children like this nowadays. Please take care and shield them from angry people. Kids don’t understand and they are left with trauma after such horrible situations.
I wish we had a better world where people were nice to each other but that is not the reality we live in. I do hope that people do benefit from the spiritual energy for the month of May.  I hope it can defuse some of the terrible problems in this world.

Please stay safe, learn to read signs of danger and get away from the situation before anything happens. Practice being careful and vigilant. Live peacefully and mindful towards others including animals. Mindful is the key word for the times that we are living in. 
Love, blessings and warm and fuzzy hugs from Aunty Alex

 Victoria, Hospitals and Ambulances. Hmm if the minister of health is whining about this then maybe he should man up and actually do something to fix it. The buck stops with him and Labor have been in office for a few years in Victoria so what’s the story? You get the idiots you deserve if you keep voting for chairman Dan, that’s what! 

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/04/sweden-ruling-social-democrats-divided-on-decision-to-join-nato. Sweden thinking of joining NATO , well there was already talk about this.

UPDATE: 20 May 2022
 Putin sends Terminator tanks into Ukraine.

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-21/russia-claims-to-have-taken-full-control-of-mariupol/101086940  Russia claims to have taken full of Mariupol . They ain't going to stop any time soon either.

UPDATE:  The something, and multiple things happening in May that I mentioned could be the so called Monkeypox BS. Like I said the mind is involved here. Mind games to keep people fearful. Don’t play the game this is the new normal non stop viruses just like Gates said, he must have the script to follow 🤔😡🤬
UPDATE Lithuanian 31 May,2022. Wow, what a beautiful gesture from Lithuania. 

Update: 6th June 2022 Russia warns Lithuania 

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