01 April, 2022

Peanut butter

 Miss Ruby is still having her antibiotics twice a day. I give them to her in a dollop of peanut butter and she takes it like a boss. I just have to mention peanut butter and up go the ears and she runs to the cupboard. I think there will be issues when she finishes the course of medication because she just loves peanut butter, she will be going cold turkey in a few days when the antibiotics are finished, lol. Tonight at bedtime I forgot to give her her pill and Ruby was under the covers as I mentioned to my husband that I forgot to give her her peanut butter.

 Well quick as lightning she got up and sort of morphed out from under the covers and slid quietly onto the floor in a fluid like movement, then off like a frog in a sock to the kitchen. No way was she going to miss out of her peanut butter. Just as well I wasn’t sneaking through to the kitchen to get chocolate for myself  because Ruby just knows. She has a sixth sense when I am on the prowl for chocolate, it’s like saying Bloody Mary three times and Ruby is next to me. She just knows! 

Major nation’s postal service to stop delivering letters
