15 April, 2022

Wes Penre: Video 297: The Singularity Timeline Part 6 [Why is the Real World Becoming a Nightmare?]


Y’all think it’s a conspiracy theory still? Try and disprove this then. 

Those that seek spiritual enlightenment and spiritual freedom will have spiritual enlightenment and spiritual freedom; because they have set the intention; they will not be sucked into the singularity unless they are weak willed. 

Humanity in this augmented reality are basically just empty vessels with most of their spiritual energy suppressed. They are programmed, including astrologically programmed;  but there are some of us that are different and have somehow got that fight within us to cling to our spiritual energy and will not relinquish this. 

In regards to AI and space, think of the ridicule when Trump announced the new Space Force, now Australia has done likewise and the usual Freemason esoteric symbols on display to boot. The Australian government sold this as a national security system to protect the nation from cyber crimes and yes that is possible as well as having other functions. Still unable to see what’s coming? The current war as it kicks up a gear into an eventual world war will allow for modern warfare technology to be tested to further the agenda. Many inventions have been tested in warfare throughout history and bring changes to the world. 

I have had a firm dislike and mistrust of Elon Musk from the get go. While people I know think he is the best thing since sliced bread; and I have tried to warn them of his real intentions and get dismissed. What would a clairvoyant know after all? Well I can tell the naysayers that time will prove me right and they are responsible for what is coming to them, they  have been warned.

As for raising our frequency by loving intentions and compassion, we have seen acts of love and compassion towards the people of Ukraine including all the animals that people are trying to save but what about all the other people that are not white; in other places in the world, where was this love and support for these individuals and their pets? There is a clear double stand at play in this hypocritical world of duality and stark polarity. If we as a species can’t come together in peace and reality mean it, and all of us ordinary people stand together refusing to fight and kill there would be a higher frequency.

It takes a very strong will or intention to make this happen; but I feel Wes’s wonderful aspirations will never happen because of selfish people with their own agendas, prejudice's and lack of spirituality which disappointing for all life here. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...