08 April, 2022

Wes Penre: Video 296 Q and A 96


In regards to question 3, you can demand the return the energy that was taken from you. You did not give consent to it being taken because you were totally unaware of this energy being harvested. Also get into the habit of gold lighting yourself and your home each day. It is easy to do and the serious intention makes it powerful. You will find how to gold light yourself, others and your home on this blog under the psychic protection index. Down the bottom right hand side of this blog. You need to do this with firm intentions. 

I do this daily because of what I do for a living. Working with spirit I can’t take chances. Please read the Wes Penre papers and the Wes Penre Videos for assistance in your spiritual awakening and journey. Be firm in your intentions and live as honestly as possible. 

May I also recommend when you meditate, use an essential oil such as Idaho spruce, rose 100% which is in a jojoba base or a high frequency essential oil. Idaho spruce is the highest vibration of all essential oils. It can be hard to obtain outside of the US. So Google essential oils that are a high frequency and then Google essential oils that sell online. If you are near a health food shop that sells these oils go in and have a look at what is available that is of a high frequency. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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