27 March, 2022

Robert Sepehr: Ancient Native American History


This is a rather important video, but please read the comments too. Our world history is not what we are told by mainstream historians, it is politicised for a reason and I lay the blame at the feet of the Vatican first.  But gradually some of the truth is coming out into public domain. Up until the 1990’s no one would admit that the Vikings or Celts had traveled to the Americas, yet many Indigenous American words have Irish roots and both races were in the Americas before Columbus. The Vatican knew exactly where the Americas were and Australia too. There are also folk legends in the Indigenous American race that mention the ancient Celts and ancient Vikings  

Here in Australia ancient Egyptians had been here and there is cave art  near Newcastle, NSW to show this fact. An Australian Cockatoo was given to a pope in the 1500’s and the article is on my other blog about that. The NSW government actually closed off the site where Egyptian cave art was discovered saying it is Aboriginal sacred ground so no one must go there. 

Which is true because if tourists flocked there it would be desecrated, this spiritual ground protects the ancient art , but the government really just want to cover this up and have disinformation released to keep people away from the fact that Australian was known about hundreds of years ago by Europeans and ancient Egyptians before that. Let’s not forget that the ancient Egyptians went all around the world and that is an even deeper story; because that only came about thanks to Atlanteans, European and Irish seafarers traveling to Egypt over a long time and sharing knowledge. That history has been heavily suppressed but alternative historians like Connor MacDari and Ignatius Donnelly, Anna Wilkes and many more have already uncovered much of this information. But people refuse to accept that we have been deliberately lied to and the usual suspects are in the Vatican and it blows the lid off of their version of events.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXGsYFblCqQ Part one of Steven Strong's Videos on Ancient Egyptians in Australia. He is not the only one talking about this either, follow his videos for further information.

We are living in a time when some truths are revealed because there is overwhelming evidence to back up the claims. But not everything will be released, this is just the way it is unfortunately.  For example the Atlantis connection was known as far back as the times of Aristotle and Plato. Yet taken as a fairy tale, but remember so was the now known fact that the Vikings went to the Americas. History is written by the victors and always needs to be questioned and forensically examined.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...