15 March, 2022

Former senior RSPCA officers launch campaign to repair ‘broken’ animal welfare system


This is why I lose respect for humans. If you can’t treat animals with respect and compassion then you are not human. It’s always down to money before anything else. Every life matters, every species matters.

There are some seriously screwed up people that work in abattoirs, that should never be allowed to work in such places, sadists and the like. But there is very little punishment if any for  these sickening individuals. All the companies care about is processing meat and making money. They don’t care about the treatment or condition of the poor animals. 

How about looking into who owns the facilities and who is on the board. Maybe that will also shed some light on why nothing ever gets done to stop the horrific situation. I am considering going back to being a vegetarian again after a two year break because I am sickened by all of this. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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