11 March, 2022

JP Sayers: Klaus Schwab


To those that haven’t looked through my blog(S) enough. This comedian has dumbed it down and straight to the point. There are no coincidences and there are no accidents in this world. Our arses are on the line; and as I have already said many times, there is no turning back. I have said on this blog our DNA is programable it can be hacked and has been hacked. What do, you think the covid mRNA shots are? The joke is on us and nothing can stop what is being implemented. Just prove me wrong folks! Call me Cassandra, but this is right in our faces. This is what the Nazis we’re planning as well and America came up with operation paperclip to get the scientists to the US to get their information, and not just space information but medical research. This is no longer a secret either, not for decades.

So you think the Ukrainian leader is honest too, well he is slowly getting exposed as part of this by the media. American deep state installed him. All governments are involved worldwide in the current NWO including Putin, and what it entails, the media are onboard as if we didn’t already know. We the people; are innocent so forget about race, religion etc. Funnily enough the wold leaders want to abolish nationality and sovereignty of nations because they are going with corporate Marxism.

This is about the takedown of humanity and our spirituality and creating a new human hybrid race. I will not get bogged down in this as it is not good for me to invest my energy into. I have enough crap going on in my life and need to distance myself as much as possible from this evil. The real target is young people, because people over 50, are of no use to these psychopaths because we can see through the agenda and will question everything. Young people don’t yet have the life experience of an older person to see what history told us. It’s young people that go to war not old people because older people will not comply, it has always been that way since the beginning of time. It’s young people that embrace new technology and the virtual world is where they are heading, there is no real spiritual anything in in an augmented reality it’s all fake. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...