15 March, 2022

Trapped, stripped of assets, and silenced. And it’s all perfectly legal


Where is the compassion, empathy and humanity here? This is abuse of power and as far as I am concerned it’s a human rights abuse. The prime mover behind this is no doubt lining the government coffers. Why can’t they give people help in the home and other services that disabled people get? 

The law needs to be changed to stop this abuse of power, so why are the general public not demanding the laws be changed and transparent? Forcing accountability of those making decisions and reviewing the situation on a regular basis is a must. This should include relatives or a nominated person; by the person being involved every step of the way; from the very beginning to prevent any abuse of power and human rights violations.

How many people actually need to be released from this power grip? How many people would be better off living with family or a caregiver;  with a support worker checking up on them with a trustworthy relative, caregiver or friend on the side of the disabled person, to be there each time a support worker is present. And for that person to be provided with the necessary documentation to be fully informed of the legal aspects; and human rights of the disabled person in order to prevent the disabled person being put into a situation like this article is exposing. 

There is a lot to be thought through to put in place an accountable and transparent system that will allow scrutiny of the process of the individuals cases. To be able to review when guardianship should end or be extended, transferred to a nominated person that is also held legally accountable and reviewed to prevent any criminal abuse of powers such as spending the patient’s money causing financial abuse, physical abuse and psychological abuse and also that the individuals living conditions are appropriate.

The current situation must be halted and amended immediately as it doesn’t seem to be working properly to actually work in a positive way to enhance the quality of life of the individuals, it does the exact opposite. This can literally happen to anyone at any time and that is a very dangerous situation through no fault of the individuals. 

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-14/siham-benz-public-trustee-mothers-money-to-help-investigate-her/100903488 Yet another case exposing the system. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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