18 March, 2022

Almost a third of disabled children and teenagers face abuse, global study finds


Very disturbing, I get very upset when I see this sort of thing the news. I noticed the article missed out psychological damage. Not enough training is done to detect this in schools, and nothing much is done to protect the innocent and there is no damn reason for the lack of protection within schools or the family home. These children deserve  help, support and respect. Thirty years to come up with this is shocking and what is not generally known by the public is the abusers are sometimes siblings, parents, teachers and peers at school and social settings. In the 30 years that this study has taken, many children and young people have suffered in silence and fallen through the cracks in the system without support and turning to drugs and alcohol to help them cope and some self harm. 

Children can also mask ASD especially girls, so it requires a lot of focus on the children and a proper assessment done at primary school age. That can take a while to complete a profile on any individual child and can be very expensive unless the children are lucky enough to get a special concession through a support agency.

People are not always free to disclose things that they have been subjected to throughout their lives. So much goes unreported and sometimes people do not get the help and support that they need.  Too many are let down by loved ones and the authorities, how can this be acceptable when innocent children are left suffer and get accused of being troublesome? Listen to the children before judging them.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...