14 March, 2022

A lovely drive in the countryside and a panic attack

I went out for a nice drive in the countryside with hubby today as something to do. Because the road out towards Tidbinbilla was closed due to flood water; we drove out towards the Orral valley past Namadgi national park, which was badly burned in the bushfires of 2019/ 2020. All was going well and I marvelled at the stunning vista. The scenery is so iconic Australian outback and makes one feel so small in the big scheme of things. This is also where NASA tracked the Apollo space craft at Honeysuckle Creek in the late 1960's. All that is left there now is a little plack to say this is where it stood. Everything was dismantled and moved. The current tracking station is a couple of minutes past Tidbinbilla Nature reserve. And it is a good place to take the kids on a day trip. You will see pictures on Google; but that's nothing compared to being there.  

Anyway as we wound our way through the countryside quietly enjoying the view, we came across many sheer drops. Not a good experience for me unfortunately. The sheer drop induces a panic attack in me. When will I ever learn to avoid roads that have sheer drops and giving me the feeling that my life is teetering on the edge? 

Much as I love the bush, there are certain places that are out of bounds to me, lol. Any road that is windy and has sheer drops is a no-no to me. I become over whelmed with sheer terror. I don't care how beautiful the vista is. I just can't do roads that make me feel any second could be my last. I would never make an explorer.

A few years ago hubby and I went to see an amazing old country mansion called Burmina Homestead (I have an article on this blog about this beautiful old house) way down in Bombala, NSW. Flaming big mistake, it was panic attack after panic attack as we left Cooma and headed towards Bombala. White knuckled with fear on the skinny little roads that the locals freely scoot around. Well not this little brown duck. By the time we arrived at the house I was a wreck. Today just reminded my of why I don't do narrow country roads. Don't get me wrong, this is a two way road but only one lane each side with the occasional little bridge that one must give way to traffic from either end.

But; yeah, nah! I just can't do that anymore. Hubby has to slow right down so that I am not freaking out. Who knows; it may be its a past life thing. I do not do heights and never have. They induce vertigo and panic attacks. I strictly keep to terra-firma when in the country side.   I love trees and forests and all that but not roads that induce a life review.   

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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