30 March, 2022

WES PENRE: Video 295: Q&A Session #95

https://wespenrevideos.com/2022/03/29/video-295-qa-session-95/ Video


The transcript or written format.

Take onboard what Wes says in his answer to question one. As a clairvoyant medium I do not actively channel these days. What is given to me during readings from spirit, from doing psychic predictions, including tarot card of the month etc, comes to me automatically. Where that comes from though if it is not from my higher self, or a beloved in spirit, then it would come from what appears to be from  the spirits that work with me in spirit such as my soul group. But there are instances that a discarnate being does try to influence me. I do not tolerate that at all and tell them to leave me alone. No one can honestly say with 100% accuracy who they are really in touch with unless it is someone from our family and friends; or in my case as a clairvoyant; a person in spirit that is passing on their messages to my client.

Even if you see the face of a relative or someone that you know in spirit, you must always be wary because some beings can mimic your loved ones. At present I keep seeing a man that I used to work with back in the 1980's. He has come through in my dreams a lot of late and I know that he died in a car accident around the age of 45. A good friend that worked with both of us also had told me recently that he kept popping into her mind recently too. I have no doubt that it is him in spirit because he knew us over many years and was trying to make contact. That is normal when a person dies, they seek out people they knew to pass on a message. Once that is done the person in spirit moves on. 

 On question two, Yes I agree the planet has been wiped several times, but this time is going to be different, because they are moving to AI takeover which suppresses spirit. Preventing a full spiritual awakening. No one can say what will happen this time around because it is still a work in progress. However the other day, I got this weird feeling as I was reading the news about Ukraine and Russia and the possible use of Nukes; I had a weird feeling that some star race that are already here will come forward and try to stop this. I do not feel that it is stopping war as such more like a radiation leek that does not benefit these beings.

I found that rather odd, why did I have that feeling? I have no idea, perhaps it was my subconscious. But any Nukes being used I feel could thwart plans for some agenda.

 That false bliss mentioned in answer to question three, I have observed this in psychic circles and see the faces of these people have a look like the look of there are not fully here; away with the fairies so to speak like the Christian  religious fundamentalists that always have that weird smile whenever they talk to someone. They are so unnatural and I would describe them as having some sort of mania.However press their buttons and they go hog wild. 

Question four; be very careful with this one! Read very carefully; what Wes says about us being deliberately triggered in the spirit world / beyond life area. This is straight out psychological manipulative  abuse and guilt tripping. Which is needed by these beings in order to feed from our emotional energy. This is an artificial spirit world we are talking about (a soul trap); just the same as this is an augmented reality to enslave souls, very few souls can evolve here and that can take thousands if not millions of years; if at all. We do not belong here at all.

One must read the Wes Penre Papers; all five levels of learning ; complete with an extensive bibliography,  which are free on the internet in pdf format and on this blog. There are also his extensive videos on his website and YouTube and other platforms. Other writers do back up this information over many years starting with the Gnostic texts; which the link is on my bog or just google Gnostic texts; and as I mentioned the bibliography that he has provided of course.

Question five: That's a yes and a no from me; I agree with much of this however I am rather cautious in accepting all of this. I do agree with the ancestral link to all health issues;  that one inherits and the abuse that is experienced during an incarnation. But, we have a very, very limited scope in which to react as everything is heavily controlled similar to a computer program, free will is yet another hoax on humanity. The concept of a freewill universe put out by the investors of the New Age movement is not actually free will at all; it is so narrow a tightrope with very little chance to be much more than a puppet. 

We can only be the best that we can be while in the incarnation and not to make things worse for ourselves and others. One thing that comes to mind is; what did any animal do to deserve the mistreatment and sometimes horrific abuse at the hands of humans and others?  To me an animal is an innocent soul and does not deserve mistreatment because they are full of  pure unconditional love.   


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