20 March, 2022

Poor miss Ruby is sick

 Just as I always say no sooner that one problem is over another comes along in my family. This time it’s our dear little Ruby, she has been diagnosed with colitis. Could things possibly get any worse? Most of my fur babies have died one after the other from cancer mostly. But they were all around the same age to be fair. But just like I have said many times my family lurch from one heartache to another. 

Over the past few days and nights of poor sleep; because we are taking it in turn to care for Ruby and mopping up blood and diarrhoea three times a night for the past few days. Plus the trip to the vet for tests, it will be back there on Monday morning for more examinations. Poor little soul, Ruby is a great little girl and will be 10 at the end of June.

She has been unable to eat and only drinking water for the past four days. I just hope that this won’t be a long term illness because it is one of the worst things to suffer from. Thankfully she is doing a lot of sleeping and then gets up for water and the call of nature. We can’t leave her alone because she needs constant monitoring and someone to open the door to let her in and out.

It is so distressing to see an innocent little dog go through this suffering. I pray for a speedy recovery for her. Just hoping that this is a one off bout, though generally speaking that is not usually the case.

Update: Miss Ruby is at the vet for more tests and maybe an ultrasound. She vomited up white mucus twice yesterday afternoon. She is very exhausted now, so the vet tells us she is dehydrated despite her drinking water. Meanwhile I have a lot of pet bedding and our quilt to soak in the washing machine.

At times like this I need two washing machines to cope with the load because it isn’t just washing as normal, things have to soak in stain remover for many hours. That is part of the routine with gastrointestinal health problems even with humans. 

At present we are waiting to hear back from the vet on Ruby’s health status. I am very anxious about the outcome. We love our little girl so much. Her sister Daisy is around me in spirit for comfort, I miss our little Daisy so much too. 

I will post an update as soon as I know anything. The house is so quiet without Ruby Roo. 

Update: Well Ruby is home resting now. She has special food to take mixed with water in a big syringe. If she tolerates this and starts eating that’s good but if not back to the vet for an ultrasound.

She had an X ray today and it didn’t show any blockage or obstruction so that is good news. Everything nasty has been ruled out other than colitis. So far though it looks like she is starting to respond. I won’t know really until the morning. Fingers crossed that she perks up. 

Update: Tuesday 22 March, 

Looks like Ruby is on the mend, by lunchtime she started to eat. But not doggie or cat food, oh no she wanted what we had. Then went and ate her food and a schmacko too. No flies on her lol. Barking at anything out the front door and being her usual self again. She still has a little toilet issues but so much better. It is such a relief to see her recovery. 

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