23 March, 2022

Joe Biden’s ‘new world order’: a throwaway line goes viral with conspiracists… again!


The media are lying yet again. The exact words; "This is the new world order" have been said by various public officials on live tv here in Australia. I have seen them on our national news last year; I don't normally waste my time watching tv news because of the biased sanitised rubbish they spout. One of these public officials was American, one was British and some were Australian. People have recorded these public comments. You will see one on my blog with NSW health minister Brad Hazzard casually saying the same words. Dated September 2021.

Crikey are hardly a reputable website and not one for accurate information. I just saw this come up on NEWS.COM.AU website. I question NEWS.COM.AU for actually posting this if they want to be seen as a trustworthy source of news articles. 

The words in question can be said in a flippant manner; but as anyone with a brain in their head or has a background in metaphysics knows words are like a spell and they carry a vibrational frequency. The intent of the words is right there and cannot be denied. Why are so many public figures suddenly using those exact words or phrase? You don't come out with words like that just by chance. People are not stupid, they are afraid. We know what's coming, anyone that stands in the way is seen as an enemy and quickly ridiculed. There is no free speech, there is no truth, there is no free will, there is no freedom!  

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z5VtVARMag  Biden is a very poor public speaker for a President, but casually drops the words like they have no meaning. This is today's news 23 March 2022 Australian time. The others said the exact same words in  September 2021. Perhaps there are others that have said those words sooner I can't remember though, I thought I first heard this stated publicly in the news back in 2020, I can’t be sure.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVIPy_TAog4  Kerry Chant at 3.21; utters those same words, "New world order" September 18 2021. 

https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/australia-s-covid-19-inquiry-presents-a-roadmap-for-a-new-world-order-20200522-p54vd3.html   This from  May 2020. I thought sure I had head this in 2020 as well.

What are the chances of at least three  public officials uttering the exact same words unless they are scripted? 

https://www.ynetnews.com/health_science/article/s1nvpe5ik  News headline


A screen shot of Bloomberg and the Irish Times using the same words in this search using the particular phrase. Interesting is it not? Hypocrisy and thumbing their nose at the general public as usual. So it is rather interesting that mainstream media use the phrase yet the public cant use it without being harassed and made a laughing stock. Perhaps if more people Googled the phrase they may find many more articles discussing this NWO. Just avoid the conspiracy websites, some are just controlled opposition yanking your chain, because they can.  

I can't imagine how it must feel to be a paid journalist to stoop so low as to do the bidding of evil tyrants. No morals or ethics, willing to mislead and insult the public on demand for a few bits of silver by their overlords in the supposed free western world. I could not think of anything so demeaning or degrading in any profession as to have to treat the public with such distain and callous disregard for voicing their opinions and their right to free speech. You reap what you sow, and so shall yea reap!


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