03 March, 2022

Wes Penre: Video 294 Q and A session 94


#3 This is why I always tell my clients never to put anyone on a pedestal or worship them. Definitely not any psychic or clairvoyant; we are not perfect either. I have met some very bad people that are psychic and people that profess to being spiritual but are anything but. 

Only a fool gives away their personal power and energy, through ignorance of spirituality. Have you any idea how much energy is built up in a church or any religious building? I can feel it when I enter  such a building. It is a very strong electrical energy which feels warm and magnetic. That energy needs to be cleared regularly.

#5 From a mediumship perspective, there are two things that occur, first it is the deceased that contact the living. Not the other way around, the spirit can be newly deceased and still around the earth plain and try’s to contact someone that can hear, feel and see them. Secondly; if they deceased person is past the earth plain then it is their essence that we communicate with. But having said that, when I have someone in spirit that comes to pass on a message the energy connection makes my body buzz or tingle. Sometimes it makes me go hot or cold too. It depends on the individual contacting me. Sometimes the spirit person is a few meters tall. Much taller than when they were in a physical body. 

Sometimes there is no buzzing or tingling, I get a weaker impression but I can describe the spirit person to my clients and provide other information that I have absolutely no way of knowing. There is nothing cut and dry about spiritual communication either. I have had a friend in spirit try to come through for years and he only managed that to confirm his passing about seven years ago. He was 45 when he passed and we had lost touch when I was about 19 or 20. I had found our mutual friends via Facebook and let them know that he came through to speak to me. There was a very powerful energy in the room at the time and I had been seeing signs of him for weeks before he made contact. Another man that I worked with many years ago also comes through often and has been in my dreams a lot lately. 

I have had famous people in spirit contact me for their loved ones. Again it is these individuals that contact me. I can’t contact them because that is just how it is. Forget what you see on tv, that is fake. I have absolutely no time at all for fakes and theatrical nonsense; it is dishonest and not the spiritual way as far as I am concerned. 

The personality of the deceased is exactly the same as it was prior to bodily death. Also for people that regularly read my blog and are familiar with this subject understand we here in the third dimension are the dead. Spirit beings are the ones that are alive. Everything is inverted in this low frequency of ours. If you find that hard to understand, please conduct some deep metaphysical research you will find that it confirms what I am saying.

One further thing a person is born a medium, however they may need to learn how to protect themselves energetically and learn how to tell a negative entity from a beloved spirit (a deceased person). A medium needs to be aware of what an archon is and not to communicate with them. Archons will present to a medium as an angelic being, a master guide, ascended master guide etc, these are egotistical negative energy beings which we call archons or archonic beings. They gain your trust and slowly start to turn your life upside down and will cause mental health issues and can attach to a person given the chance. Under no circumstances should you talk to these beings; they only have negative intentions.

One doesn’t need to go on spiritual training courses to be a medium but many need to attend training classes at a spiritual church to basically understand there are other beings in the non physical worlds  and to be careful and learn psychic self defence, grounding. I never have and never will do any of the recommended training other than the trance mediumship one that I did many years ago and I regretted it. I knew exactly what would happen but I was pressured by a so called friend. and this friend was unsupportive as expected. 

A genuine medium doesn’t need someone to validate them and tell them they are qualified. The individual knows they are mediumistic and can demonstrate their abilities quite well. The individual must not misuse their abilities or exploit others there is a duty of care that must be observed and there can be a price to pay for the abuse of power. 

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