14 June, 2023

Wes Penre: From the dying moment to exiting through the grid


Please take the time to read this, however if you have not read any of Wes’s work then you need to do that or this will be very confusing for you. I have all of the links to Wes’s work on this blog with his name tag on the bottom right hand side of the list of posts.

One thing in regards to dementia sufferers that I can tell you about from my experience is, I saw with my late mother in law suddenly appear in my house at random times for a while before she died. She didn’t say anything to me just standing in front of me but she felt like she was asleep. For almost a year she kept just appearing between my lounge room and kitchen which is a large open plan room. It was as if she was in a portal and just fixed to the spot. 

Not doing anything other than standing perfectly still almost like a hologram. I assumed that she had fallen asleep in her nursing home and was out of body and somehow remembered my house. But it felt very strange. I don’t think she could actually see me or know where she was. There was a blank look on her face. Which is not like her, she was a warm and funny person easy to talk to and always had a smile on her face we got on very well and I was very fond of her. 

People in spirit are often much bigger than they were in physical life, and I have seen a man attending his own funeral as I was passing by with a lady that knew him. I told her his face was taking up the whole sky as he was watching the mourners leave the church to go to the cemetery. The man had a big smile on his face as he watched over the mourners. 

When we exit the grid expect to be much bigger than what you are in the physical world. We can change our appearance by thought, because spirit is thought reactive. You can choose to be invisible too, that is something that people in spirit can do regardless of being in the matrix or outside the matrix. I have seen spirit beings shield themselves many times using a white shimmer or a blue shimmer of light. My mother used to do this when my father was doing healing on people. A relative on my sister in law’s side of the family used a blue light shield to let me know they were standing next to my little nephew years ago. The person felt male and tall but would not show me who they were. Only they were a guide for my nephew.

I feel the more time we train ourselves to get used to exiting the grid we will be more confident and comfortable with the task. Most people reading the Wes Penre books will be young so they have plenty time to have the intentions filter through the astral realms. But I would not worry about it too much, because as long as you are focused and have firm intentions then you can do this in the blink of an eye. Like Wes said don’t second guess, one single thought and hold onto to it. I am exiting the grid now. 

As you don’t recall what the other side of the grid looks like don’t form an image in your mind because that can cause confusion. Once through the grid call on your higher self and ask where do I need to be now. I personally don’t trust the Orion queen. But once through the grid I will see what thoughts and memories come to me. I would shield myself and make myself invisible to others until I feel confident and aware of my surroundings too. I am a very cautious individual and will keep my own counsel until I understand what the situation is. It is a new adventure and my focus is healing myself and creating a nature environment for myself to heal. That is my priority at this stage anyway. Safety and healing making the transition from the physical body to an energy body is a big change which one needs time to adjust to. 

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