14 June, 2023

Thank you new readers

 Wow, my blog is picking up a lot of traffic now, thank you to everyone that stops by to read my blog. I realise that you have full and busy lives, but taking the time to read my blog. So thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️ 

I also want to say, during these hard economic times we are going through, when choosing to have a reading done you may want to think of choosing a 30 minute reading. I understand that an hour long reading may be a bit more difficult to afford. So if you’re still interested in having a reading please think of what questions are most important and 30 minutes should be sufficient. I don’t like people spending a lot of money during difficult times. Uncertainty is scary for most people and I have been there many times myself. So please think wisely about how much money you want to spend on a reading.

The world is full of challenges right now and your families needs are most important. None of us can afford to be frivolous as we adapt to the times and circumstances. I will keep up with my tarot card of the month and psychic predictions to help guide us through the difficult times and hopefully we will gain some insight into what life has in store for us. I will be straight with all of you, I am dreading what is coming in the not too distant future. I have no idea how I will cope, all I can do is pray and hope that better times will return soon. 

We don’t need financial suffering and a looming war. How on earth do we prepare for this? I have no idea. I look at the situation in Ukraine and think this could be the entire planet soon. You would not wish this on anyone but it is happening unfortunately. There is too much suffering in this world and it makes me feel so small and insignificant in the big scheme of things just like 8 billion other people that don’t deserve this and all the innocent animals too that are dependent upon us humans to feed and care for them, heal the when they are sick or injured. 

How can the human race get it so wrong so many times? How can a small percentage of extremely rich people hold the rest of us as collateral in their greedy evil schemes? Surly something must change to rid the world of evil and suffering. We ordinary people are not here to be the collateral for the rich and powerful people of the world to use as cannon fodder, to do the bidding and killing on their behalf. We are the ones that suffer and lose everything that we have not the elites. 

I feel for every family that loses their loved ones to war and the suffering war causes regardless of where in the world people live. We all suffer, we all hurt and we all lose everything and everyone that matters. Spare a thought for ordinary people and their families regardless. Because we never know who and when and how suffering strikes. We just know the terrible pain and suffering, and we don’t wish that on ordinary people or animals. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...