09 August, 2023

Wes Penre: Orion book 1 and 2 Q and A session 5


In the last question when mentioning the Akashic records and energy being stored. I can tell you that on a psychic level energy is stored on items that belong to a person. That is why we psychic people are able to read from personal items belonging to people. That ability is called psychometry and is part of the Clairtangence ability. I have had to clear energy from items that belonged to people who have died because the person was attached to the item including a very dangerous person that had died. If you go into the index of this blog look for the labels psychic experiences and articles by Alex.

You will see a few posts of my experiences of deceased people who are attached to items but also the living people when I read an item belonging to them. Jewellery is a common thing for our energy to be stored on but so are crystals. As I was reading question 6 Atlantis popped into my mind because the people of Atlantis used crystals as part of their technology and in temples. The reason for me knowing about the temples is, when I was a child of 6 or 7 I had a flashback to life in Atlantis. That is mentioned in a blog post about my psychic experiences. It is not something that one forgets because it is a memory and poof of life from a past lifetime. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...