22 August, 2023

Wes Penre: Q and A session 2 August 2023


I actually expected this to come on Thursday night but it’s early, thanks Wes! I think the question should be, who are the architects of the universe because there are several involved in the creation process. Of course it is a mathematical and electrical universe. Spirit is electrical so it needs an electric universe to function, it’s also intelligent by design not by chance and we spirited humans are needed as a primary food source of loosh for the survival of some of the beings that need our emotional energy as food. We are also to be used eventually as avatars which are needed to enter Orion or the true spiritual multiverse for the next phase of the spiritual war against the Orion multiverse.

 In regards to the reincarnation process if you don’t have children, we are from large soul groups so technically the person can be the offspring of anyone in the soul group. As for AA Michael, I still don’t trust him or anyone mentioned in the WPP etc. I would be very reserved in thinking any of these characters are benevolent towards humanity. What is in it for them and what is in it for humanity?  Caution is the wisest option here. Trust nothing and wait until you leave the matrix before you can form any kind of understanding. 

As far as the forgiveness thing goes, I disagree here because it is entrapment of the gullible and spirituality naive individuals. What Wes has left out or has forgotten here is the forgiveness issue lets others off the hook for deeds they have done and the flow on effect of that, because it is not just human beings deeds involved here. It’s also the dark ET’s and those in the beyond life area that are involved in this. There are definitely individuals that point blank refuse to acknowledge and accept their actions and in turn others are guilt tripped into accepting the karma of these individuals that refuse to accept the consequences of their actions. The said person that accepts this may in fact not have done anything wrong in the first place, but may be led to believe that they did. This can also be something from another life time that the person has no way of knowing if they did anything wrong or was  it someone else’s deeds. 

I myself was put on the spot by a very evil woman many years ago when sitting in a psychic circle in my own home. This evil woman told me, her guides asked me why I did something to some people over two hundred years ago that resulted in their deaths. I was horrified at her audacity and put her straight immediately. This bitch was trying to entrap me to take on a karmic debt. Knowing full well that karma is fake, she herself doesn’t believe in it and scoffs at the notion. 

I looked her right in the face and said, how can I answer something like that? I have no idea if I was around at that point in time and have absolutely no way of knowing what the truth of the matter is and that there is no damn way that I would admit to something that I have no possible way of knowing if I did or didn’t commit a crime or act of criminal activity. Why on earth would I be so stupid as to believe this? She was rather quiet after that. Not just that this is the evil bitch that told me my son was going to be killed in a car crash after having an argument with me. What sort of person says something like that and in your own home? As usual this evil creature would have a sickening smile on her face when ever she imparted such things to me. So when it comes to karma please know this important fact, it is an artificial construct designed to entrap and enslave people into the never ending cycle of reincarnation. Reincarnation by the way serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever, to believe otherwise is a grave mistake that will perpetuate suffering and spiritual injustice and ignorance. 

Wes actually mentioned in the WPP,  the beyond life beings that control this reality and the abuse that they have committed against humanity and others star races. There are beings that refuse to admit their wrongdoings some of which amount to crimes against humanity, spirit and  other beings. This has gone on for millions of years too. Wes also mentioned in the WPP that humans were set up to fail and take the karma ( remember karma is in fact an artificial construct designed to enslave and keep the cycle perpetual). 

The higher self, I like to think of that as like a spiritual hard drive. The main primary spirit that we are outside of the physical body and physical world, it is incorruptible and pure Wes summed it up perfectly with his analogy of a VR computer game, except the game has serious consequences for humans. We in the third dimension are corruptible in thought and behaviour unless we are conscious of our spiritual nature and endeavour to live a spiritual life as best we can under such difficult circumstances in this reality. 

I always maintain that I am spirit first and foremost and then human second. To me my life is about serving true spirit, humanity and the beautiful animals in our world. 

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