05 August, 2023

Too young: why are Australians under 50 increasingly being diagnosed with cancer?


Bowel cancer can happen at any age so don’t kid yourself, and insist on a colonoscopy if you are passing blood frequently. There are others diseases too like Chrons disease, ulcerative colitis and Chrons -Colitis. With ulcerative colitis you definitely pass vast amounts of blood and left untreated it can kill. There are a few doctors that are not well versed in these diseases striking young people because they may not see this disease very often but they should send you for a colonoscopy if you are bleeding. There is a big difference between haemorrhoids bleeding and passing blood from bowel movements.  

 Don’t be fobbed off by a doctor that treats your concerns as over reacting. As I have pointed out in several posts about my husband at the age of 21 being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and he was unfortunately in the worst category with his  illness and his body did not respond to treatment so he had to endure several surgeries and blood transfusions. He also had a DVT at the same time, talk about seriously unlucky. 

Don’t ignore the symptoms of passing blood in your stools regularly it is serious. Fear often delays people going to the doctor too. But if you catch the symptoms early enough you can be in with a good chance of survival so don’t delay out of fear. Your diet definitely affects your health in multiple ways,  and processed foods are the main culprit especially eating processed meats like ham and sandwich meats. Tinned processed foods are also in the unhealthy category due to preservatives and sugars. Corn syrup is a major contributor to health issues. 

Your intestinal health must always be monitored because this is where most symptoms for serious illness occur. The intestinal walls are very thin and it doesn’t take much to have a leaky gut which then is the catalyst for many diseases or other health issues including depression and anxiety. Leaky gut syndrome is extremely common and is part of the reason why people are getting sick. The stomach is also the second brain when it comes to serotonin although it works differently in the stomach, and this was know by scholars as far back as Hippocrates time they believed if the stomach was unhealthy it could cause depression. 

One thing that I learned in my early 20’s by going to naturopaths was the importance of taking probiotics and good quality ones prescribed by my naturopath or purchased at a health food store that are refrigerated.When taking antibiotics you should simultaneously take the probiotics to assist in fighting the infection. Lactobacillus acidophilus combined with other good bacteria should be taken for three month to restore the gut bacteria to a healthy state. If your lactose intolerant acidophilus may cause bloating and diarrhoea. Acidophilus can cause weight gain too so be careful. There are other good bacteria alternatives that are available so talk to a natural therapist or enquire at your health food store about what the best probiotics are for your body. There is a specific probiotic for people that suffer from IBS too. 

Also fermented food like sauerkraut and pickled vegetables are very good for your body just read the ingredients of the product before buying it in case it has sugars that are not good for your health especially corn syrup which is a known neurological toxin. Apple cider vinegar made from the whole apple or mother apple is also a good health choice. I have always had this in my kitchen since I got married because I am well aware of its health benefits due to my father taking it for his ulcerative colitis when I was three years old. 

Remember to always inform your doctor on what alternative health products you are consuming because they may interfere with your medication and perhaps there is a better alternative for you. 


Below is information on how gut health affects the whole body.


https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/improve-gut-bacteria  how to improve your gut health 


Pease read this link above. Do not take probiotics if you have these health conditions.


You will find this philosophy article quite informative also, notice how everything comes full circle eventually. Nothing on earth is new, everything goes in cycles including the way we think. 

Humans are creatures of habit though and often get fed up with food and then go looking for chocolate and other goodies that they crave. So it’s a bit of a vicious circle with our eating habits not to mention long working hours and coming home tired and not wanting to slave over a stove to make dinner for the family.

Modern society is on a treadmill without sufficient balance between working and relaxing at home in order to stay healthy. Working in retail and hospitality especially can mean long work hours or not enough work hours to be able to afford good quality food for optimal health. Add the cost of living into the equation and you can see the dilemma. Then factor in having or not having sound knowledge of nutrition, while struggling with food affordability, keeping a roof over your head while juggling your finances. Healthy choices are not easy on a limited budget and so the cycle of health can be a constant struggle for many people. 

It’s best to just try to avoid takeaway foods and fried foods and soft drinks to start with, make some healthy choices such as switching to apple cider vinegar instead of other vinegars. Apple cider vinegar can be used with olive oil to make a salad dressing too. Not to mention apple cider vinegar has multiple benefits and uses. Did you know that apple cider vinegar helps balance the acid in your body? 

Switch to healthy foods as soon as you can to obtain the best quality life before you hit old age, by the time you reach 60 your health could already be compromised. Compare your body to an old rust bucket of a car to a Lamborghini. Shit box or a cool looking car, hmm tough decision! 

One final thing though, check out the ingredients of everything you buy, because there are preservatives, food colouring chemicals and other things which are just a number on the packaging. You need to learn what they are and what they do to your health. These are all factors which may affect our gut health and our entire bodily health and wellbeing. 

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