30 August, 2023

Chiron in the 12th House of Astrology: Healing Your Subconscious


I came across this amazing website by googling Chiron in the 12th House, because I have Chiron in my 12th house. I found this a very interesting article and sure enough I am a natural born spiritual healer as is my father. And as you can see from my blog posts I am an empath. I do set strong boundaries nowadays but in the past I have been taken advantage of way too many times. These days I’m am not prepared to tolerate this behaviour and will set the boundaries pretty high. 

It is foolish to have weak or non existent boundaries because you set yourself up for suffering and loss of what you hold dear and of value. That is a big neon sign for predators to come along and take advantage of you and possibly your family too if you are weak. The predator mindset people don’t care about you and your family, they are just out to consume and control whatever they choose. 

As for the spiritual wound, I don’t believe in god, due to research over many years, I only believe in pure spiritual energy and a primary source way beyond the human concept of spiritual consciousness and our tiny part in the infinite multiverse. Astrology is only limited to this earth and not the multiverse so it is restrictive, but still a very interesting subject. 

Ok, here I have to call out the concept of being accountable for things. We are literally preprogrammed before we incarnate and we all carry the so called ancestral health and negative effects of the soul group because this in needed to keep humans in the debt cycle to keep us reincarnating. I have already commented on reincarnation is not in humanity benefit and is a manipulative unhelpful tool which is purposely used for spiritual enslavement of traumatised souls and spirits. I recommend that people do some reading on the topic and not just from the Wes Penre Papers, there are multiple articles and sources that state this. 

Caution and healthy skepticism is good because it can help you sift through fake spirituality and bullshit. I’m speaking from experience here over many years. It is foolish to go with blind faith and accept of anything and especially anything of a spiritual or metaphysical nature. There are many blind alleys and wrong turns in the quest of truth and spirituality which often lead people to turn their backs and spirituality. Astrology is a tool to facilitate our way through life it doesn’t have all the answers. Only you have the answers for you at different points in your life. Our opinions and beliefs will always change so being flexible is important no matter what happens in your life. Play with the hand you are dealt and use it to your best advantage, especially spiritually. Keeping it honest and simple, you can’t go wrong in your quest for a better life and an understanding of what your life means. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...