19 January, 2025

Regrets are a waste of time

Regrets are a waste of time, they trap you in the past like a broken record that just keeps repeating. We must learn to disengage from the past. Focus on the current moment and keep looking forward, the mind has a habit of overthinking past events. It’s like a person that habitually keeps going to the cupboard looking for junk food and keeps craving what is not healthy. Regret is toxic energy that pulls you vibrational frequencies down and damages the aura with blockages. 

Break the unhealthy cycle whenever the thoughts come back into your mind. Use a mantra or phrase to snap out of the thoughts. It’s by no means easy, one must practice this every day until it becomes a routine.

You may like to visualise a specific symbol in your mind to help you break the cycle of regret "thinking". Whether it be visualising a stop sign or the word NO you visualise, whatever symbol that you find effective and works for you, keep going with it. Forward thinking is what you are looking for and not being stuck in the past. The past is gone and never coming back again. You are free from that time, you must give yourself permission to move on in freedom. Uplift your energy by taking control and disengaging from this negative pattern, unhappy or negative events from the past must never define you as a person. Many of these situations are not your fault and you should not feel guilty about things that you had no control over such as abuse, an overbearing parent, a bully or any other situation. 

Sometimes we only have limited ways to respond to situations and that is not our fault, especially if one was a child at the time. These experiences don’t define us, they can make us stronger once we understand better. Regardless of what happened regrets are a waste of time because we can’t change the past, it's over and done with. 

We can shape our present and future and there is room to grow as we move forward. Going over a situation in our minds over and over changes nothing, it holds you back in the past. It justs weighs down the soul and keeps ones frequency low, leading to health problems.  Let it go and move on.

Repeat the words, “let it go” and "move on" in your mind every time an intrusive thought keeps pulling you back into the unhappy person. As soon as you start to think of it situation. Think the words, let it go, and move on, visualise the symbol that resonates with you and do your mantra. This can unblock your chakras and heal you from your pain. This uplifts your bodies frequencies and restores equilibrium. 

Keep up the good work and watch the results come. Know that you are special, loving and valued as a human being. Your thoughts, feelings and emotions are valid just like everyone else’s. But do not keep staying stuck in the past, what was is not the now. If you want to grow and transcend from the past then you must move on. 

Heal and set yourself free, love the you and grow in your freedom.

Warm and fuzzy hugs


Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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