Today I discovered my website was parked. I only found out thanks to a lady reaching out via Instagram.
I had multiple emails from my website host asking me to renew my website since November, but I had already paid it on the 16th November. What a shock suddenly find out that this had happened this morning.
I got hubby to look into this for me, just as well, we discovered that there were two plans that I was on unknowingly and the fees paid the one we didn't know existed. BUMMER.
Thankfully the website hosts realised what had happened and did a transfer of funds and shut the duplicate. But the problem is now all my ranking has gone and this is a new website that only opened in November 2023. It was still climbing up the google list which takes time.
Talk about a major disappointment. This causes me a loss of people finding my website, thus no work. Only people that already have had readings know I am here.
2023 was bad for lack of clients thanks to my previous hosts. I lost a lot of customers and gave them the flick. So here I am back to square one again and I will have to struggle up the ranking from the very start for the second time. It makes me feel all my efforts are a complete waste of time. Without actually typing in my name no one can find me. Gutted is an understatement. So, it looks like a loss of income for some time thanks to all of this misfortune.