26 February, 2021

Smart Jack Russell



Now this is a smart and very cute little Jack Russell. I am not into dogs doing tricks, but he is very cute and clever, bless him.

Roibeard McElroy books


It is a great pleasure to introduce the Irish Bard himself. Mr Roibeard McElroy. I was introduced to him by a mutual friend, and am, I must say most pleased to be acquainted with this great Bard. I bought his book entitled, The Prism of Rennes, and what a great read it is.

I have never been into poetry much, but I do read the odd bit. This man combines poetry with narration and pictures. I have really enjoyed his book and feel that I am walking with him on his journey. I look forward to his next work and will let my readers know as soon as he has it published. in the meantime, for all you lovers of all things Celtic, poetic, historical and mystical please do buy his book.

The Prism of Rennes through Amazon books. It also comes in Kindle format too.

As you know I am a deep lover of all things Celtic. So, do yourselves a favour and get into Roibeard's books. You can follow him on Facebook too.

Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Friday, 22 March 2013

Roibeard McElroy books

Americans who received swine flu vaccines are at risk for paralysis disorders




If at least one person reading this avoids this shot, then this post has been well worth it.


Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Americans who received swine flu vaccines are at risk for paralysis disorders


If at least one person reading this avoids this shot, then this post has been well worth it.

Increasing number of parents refusing HPV vaccine for daughters







Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Increasing number of parents refusing HPV vaccine for daughters

Increasing number of parents refusing HPV vaccine for daughters

Cold mornings return to Canberra



It is a pleasure to say, cold mornings have returned to Canberra this week.
What a wonderful breath of fresh air. I am getting out early to walk Ruby & just can't wait for the real cold weather to start.

The Equinox is on Thursday 21st of March, and this is the start of true Autumn. The leaves are now turning yellow and starting to fall from the trees. having a few European deciduous trees in my garden, I can enjoy the colour show. Even my Chinese Pistachio has started to change colour.

I always find this time of year so exciting and can't wait to get on my winter woollies. I have the wool socks out already, due to having a circulation disorder. I need to keep my toes warm or the pain starts to drive me nuts.
I just love bright pink, red, purple and fancy socks. So, three cheers for the cool season, hip hip hooray!




Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Cold mornings return to Canberra

It is a pleasure to say, cold mornings have returned to Canberra this week.

Psychic attack on me



At present there are strange forces about in the astral. In the small hour this morning I had a very personal reminder of this. I had woken up around 3.30am, I have been doing this a lot of late like so many others are doing. I suddenly became aware of bad energy in the room. Our puppy Ruby also woke up and started acting strange. Within seconds I felt a punch on the right side of my face. It was quite a sharp pain.
Then it happened again. I was lying on my left side at this time facing the bedroom door.
This came as a hell of a shock, as one just does not experience things like this from an invisible force,
whilst lying in bed or at any other time I might add.

I could feel this entity and it/he was very strong. I called for Archangel Michael to help me, and I started to Gold light myself. That took some doing as I was so tired and not up to it. This being was trying to stop me
from protecting myself. It seems to be perhaps five or ten minutes until I got rid of whatever this thing was.

I eventually got back off to sleep, but I shall make sure tonight that I use psychic protection. I must point out to all psychic people reading this post, it is very important to white or gold light yourself every day, at present as there are very bad energies around. If you can also do this again at bed time and white light or gold light your house too.

Instructions on how to do this are in the October 2010 archives in this blog.


Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Psychic Attack On Me

At present there are strange forces about in the astral. In the small hour this morning I had a very personal reminder of this. I had woken up around 3.30am, I have been doing this a lot of late like so many others are doing. I suddenly became aware of bad energy in the room

Sudden Vision of Pope Francis I

 While sitting in my car at the traffic lights this afternoon. I was listening to the news on the Radio, when suddenly I had a vision of the new Pope Francis I, and then I saw a high powered rifle with a scope.

The angle of the rifle was aiming from the left hand side of the pontiff. He was wearing the white outfit just like the previous Pope, and standing on the balcony in the Vatican with his officials.

I looked at the time on the clock, roughly around 5.30pm. Just to make a mental note of this.
For the past month I have been saying the new Pope will not be in office for very long. I have no idea why I got this feeling. I feel that he might only be there weeks or months.

Now after having this vision, I turned to my husband and told him what I saw. I said, I feel the powers  that be within the Vatican will be behind this killing. He is a liability to their plans. What ever those plans are , I have no idea what is going on obviously. I just see visions or hear things from spirit.

Copyright protected 16 March 2012

Sudden vision that I had


Last Thursday morning I was driving to the shops, when suddenly I had a vision. In a split second I saw a coffin draped with the Australian flag. It was gone in the blink of an eye. I shuddered and wondered what all that was about, as you do. Then to my shock a few days later I went to read my e-mails and read Google news.  I saw the news item of 2 Australian Pilots killed in Darwin at 10am on Monday at the RAAF base.
You can see this item on ABC news.com.au.

I don't get visions too often but when I do I make a note of the date and the time. I like to keep record of these things.


Thursday, 25 March 2010

Sudden Vision that I had

Last Thursday morning I was driving to the shops, when suddenly I had a vision. In 

Mysterious new disease striking young women



From my old blog dated 2 March 2013

Psychic abilities must not be exploited for entertainment of the masses


There is a lot of media interest in the Psychic phenomenon. Many psychic people are asked if they will take part in public displays of their gifts. Let me make one thing perfectly clear to everyone. These gifts that Spirit has bestowed up on many of us, are NOT for entertainment.

This is nothing but vulgar egotism and a slap in the face to spirit. I myself will NEVER, ever take part in this vulgar display. I am disgusted, but not shocked by the amount of people with this special gift that are more than willing to indulge in this profane form of entertainment. I will not stoop to this level, ever. It sends out the wrong message to the world. It tells society what level of spiritual development these souls are at. Please don't misunderstand me though. Many of these people, are lovely people and are very gifted. They do care about their fellow human beings and nature. That is for sure, so don't ever doubt that.

Sure there is nothing wrong by earning a "reasonable" income from doing readings for people. They are paying for the psychic's time and skill. Many ignorant people in this world think, if you do readings for free then you must not be any good. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ever heard of service to humanity, or service to others folks?  The problem with the human race is, they have no respect for each other or for Spirit. Everything must have a monetary value with them. Please also bear in mind the concept of an energy exchange here. We all have to support ourselves too.

The reading is a form of energy, as in spiritual energy/psychic energy, and the human being using these abilities has to use a lot of energy to do these readings. It can be very exhausting especially if the Reader is doing several readings in one day. The client must then respond in kind with their exchange of energy, be that in the form of paying with money or in kind to a similar value. If not, then the balance of energy is out of kilter. All energy must be kept in balance. Think of the laws of quantum physics, or the laws of karma. it is purely energy, as humans are a form of energy just like all living things.

Now getting back to the use and abuse of this gift. I am not telling anyone that they shouldn't go on TV or do Mediumship shows. All that I am saying is there is a moral side to this, and I personally will not take part in public displays of my abilities or prove them to others.  Why does one feel the need, to be on display to show off and crave attention and adoration from others? This is the act of the ego and does not come from a place of love, humility and service to others. It should not be an invitation to worship and stroke the ego of some other human being. We all have our own faults and lessons to learn in life too.

Psychic people are no better, nor no worse than anyone else on this earth. The level of spiritual awareness and spiritual values vary greatly from person to person. I am in no way trying to play holier than though. I am far from that mind set. I must confess to being politically incorrect. I laugh at some things that might offend others. Sure, I drop the odd clanger, I am after all only human and no different to anyone else.

Just because a psychic person goes on TV or Radio, does not mean that they are the best. It means, they accepted an invitation to do so. I have no desire to be on TV and perform like a monkey. The hosts of these shows are weak willed and egotistical to say the very least. They can be downright patronising and condescending, that I have no time for and absolutely no respect for.  They have no spiritual back ground or spiritual morals, therefor, they should not be hosting these kinds of shows. I have observed the behaviour and do not feel the need to join them. The fact that many psychic clamour to get recognition and get on TV or Radio, tells one something about the individuals themselves. They are paid very poorly if at all. Publicity is what it is all about.

What ever happened to being humble and in the service to others and service to humanity, the animals and Spirit? The ancients never sought fame and fortune. This is the ego and the influence of Satanic cults’ grip on modern society. That is a very hard thing for most of us to resist. The pull is a strong one. But I, like my readers must also understand, that this is where these souls are in their understanding and spiritual development. Nothing more and nothing less.

How about a show that is open and willing to do a proper and intelligent interview, that is of service to humanity.
To inform and uplift humanity. To educate them and guide the people on to the right path. To help explain and educate people on spiritual and psychic matters. Now that is much better than having a bunch of people showing off their abilities, to see which psychic is the best, most accurate, most spiritual, most spiritually advanced etc. This sets people up for failure, ridicule and humiliation. Why on earth would you want to do this to other people? Now TV shows, that pit one psychic against another are just downright nasty. There is nothing to be gained from that, other than hurting others. So WHY??

Let me explain something here. Spirit beings are electrical magnetic energy just like us. TV and Radio stations have a lot of electrical energy too. When a spirit tries to make a connection, it is very difficult to do this in a studio with all that electrical power in the tv stations. Special care is taken in the spirit world. Many spirit beings are needed to give the spirit enough energy to overcome the physical world restrictions around them. There is only a small window of opportunity to do this, due to the fact that the earth plane is a low, heavy dense atmosphere to spirit beings. It depletes much of their energy to come through to us.

The medium to has a lot of hard work to get in the right mind frame to work. They must not be put under any stress or pressure to contact other realms. Otherwise, it won’t work. This is a fact and the living do not contact the dead, it is the other way around. One cannot just say I am going to contact so and so, it does not work that way ever!

Now, there is also a chain of command that must be followed too. Most importantly the person on this side of life needs to establish if the spirit is who they say they are, at this point too. They do not have the time to do this in the studio. Sometimes they have to ad lib. Who can blame them?  I have seen it done. It is so unfair on the people involved. All to fluff up the show for entertainment. Some shows are also edited for hits and misses, so what you see on TV is heavily edited to cut out the misses.

If you want to contact a medium, then go to them. Do not do it via TV or Radio. the energy may not be as pure or as good as a private face to face interaction. If spirit wants to contact you, you will know that, because you will have the urge to go and see someone that can communicate with other realms. Remember though, it is the spirit that chooses to make contact with the living not the other way around.

Please also remember the people on the other side, must not be kept hanging
around the earth plane. It is not good for them, and they are being held back needlessly from going on further in the spirit world. They feel obligated to hang around loved ones to make sure that they are ok. They should be instead moving on to other duties. So, we do them a terrible disservice by keeping them close to us, by not understanding the nature of spirit.

Just think about someone chit chatting to you all day, when you have things that you have to do. Important things. The other person doesn't stop to think that they are using up your very valuable time. They do not mean to, but they are.

We must learn to let go of our loved ones and let them get on with their duties too. Rest assured that our loved ones in spirit do not suffer. It is the earth plane that the suffering is on. And that is illusion, because of the limited way we sometimes think.

Don't waste your time on buying books by famous psychics. They are all much of a much. I have read a few and then chucked them out. They are all very repetitive. They are contracted to write a few books and of a particular word count. So, if they don't have much to say the psychic will have to pad it out in order to sell the book. I have been disappointed by reading these books myself. I no longer buy any of them.

You will find free information on the Internet that is better value. Also learn to meditate and connect with your higher self. Do not get caught up in the illusion of ascended masters and angels (both are archons). These beings are fake, they are not good for you and will lead you astray. This is nothing more than an evil trick played by some beings on innocent humans. There are no Ascended Masters.

You must research this for yourselves. You will find out the real truth and yes it will shock you. However, is it not better to know the truth?
We are here to learn our own spiritual truths, not other peoples. No two people are here to learn the same lesson in the same manner. You will find useful links on my blog.

I would not recommend anything, that I do not believe in myself. If I do later on make a discovery that is not accurate, then I shall inform my readers of my findings and remove any incorrect information, as I have no intention of misleading anyone. I am only here to facilitate your further knowledge. What you do with that information is up to you.

The latest website I offer is that of Mr Wes Penre. www.wespenre.com, check him out on YouTube and Facebook too.
Please read his introduction and follow his instructions accordingly. One thing I do say is keep an open mind and do not accept this as 100% truth. You will never find truth on this earth or perhaps even in this matrix-controlled universe.

John Lamb Lash is another important researcher of a high standing with many books to his credit, his book “ Not in his image” is a good introduction to spiritual matters for those that really seek the truth.

SUNDAY 24 February 2013

Gun Control for Dummies

Says it all, LOL


Jesus! Yer Mum's Here With Yer Lunch



An old nun living in a convent next to a building site noticed the coarse language of the workers and decided to spend some time with them to correct their ways.

She decided she would take her lunch and sit with them.

She put her sandwich in a bag and walked over to the spot where the men were eating.

Wearing a big smile, she walked up to the group and asked, "Do you men know Jesus Christ?"

They all looked at each other confused and shook their heads.

The foreman then looked up into the scaffolding and yelled out, "Anybody up there know Jesus Christ?"

A shout came back, "Why?"

'Cos he's Mum's here with his lunch!'


Simon Gipps-Kent - Guest Book

Simon Gipps-Kent - Guest Book

Fans of Simon Gipps-Kent now have a website to look at, all thanks to some wonderful people that had a burning desire to honour his life, his work and his memory. Blessings Love and Light to them for doing a wonderful loving tribute to him. I just pray to God/The Great Spirit that justice will be done to those that caused his suffering and his death.




God bless and keep you safe Simon.


I have been in touch with a very close friend of Simon and united them. It has been many years since they were last in touch. Not through want of trying. Simon is a rather amazing person, I feel he would have made a good psychic, had he chosen to do so. He was the one that made contact with me, and then got his friend to see my blog, and email me. I was able to pass on information to his friend to give both of these people closure. The details of which are to remain private out of respect for Simon, his family and his dear friend. All are now happy and relieved. I do get Simon popping in to talk to me from time to time. He is always happy and cheerful. What an amazing person he is.   He left me with a special message too. One that I will always treasure for ever.

Thank you, Simon, you are much loved and will never be forgotten mate.


Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Simon Gipps-Kent - Guest Book



According to a news report, a certain private Catholic school in Brisbane was recently faced with a unique problem. A number of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the bathroom. That was fine provided it was of a natural or neutral skin tone, but after they put on their lipstick, they would press Their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints.
Every night the maintenance man would remove them and the next day the girls would put them back.
Finally the principal, Sister Paschal, decided that something had to be done. She called all the girls to the bathroom and met them there with the maintenance man. She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night (you can just imagine the yawns from the little princesses).
To demonstrate how difficult it had been to clean the mirrors, Sister Paschal asked the maintenance man to show the girls how much effort was required.
He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet, and cleaned the mirror with it. Since then, there have been no lip prints on the mirror.
There are teachers.... and then there are educators...

Put Some love in to the Earth


Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Monday, 11 February 2013

Put Some Love into The Earth

Russians Discover the Living Internet Within Our DNA



I already knew much of this. I felt that it was important, that I share this information with my readers, to aid them on their quest for knowledge and personal power. Please share this with your friends too.


Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Russians Discover the Living Internet Within Our DNA


I already knew much of this. I felt that it was important, that I share this information with my readers, to aid them on their quest for knowledge and personal power. Pleas share this with your friends too.

Posted by Alex Fulford at 19:48  

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Wes Penre website




Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Wes Penre website


I was given this web address by a friend of Wes. It looks like the sort of stuff that my readers will enjoy. I  like to share things of interest with the public, that I come across one way or the other, and feel that knowledge should be shared.  So I hope you folks enjoy this too.

Posted by Alex Fulford at 22:35  

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Attention Dewey Readmorebooks Fans



I read the book about Dewey. I just found the website just now. I had no idea that there was one for this wonderful fury angel. So, for all you cat lovers, now you can keep up to date on all news about Dewey and company.

Health Benefits of Coconut Water


I just love chilled coconut water; I knew it was very healthy so I had a look
on good old Google to see what I could find to share with my readers. So here it is. Of course, do read up on other websites to as you may find more information. Much better health choice than soft drinks.

Did you know that coconut water was used for blood transfusions during WW2 in New Guinea in lieu of blood?



Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Health Benefits of Coconut Water

You want to take me out of my body?? No way, get lost


Interesting headlines don't you think? We let me explain what has been happening to me over the past 24 hours.

Yesterday morning, I took some boxes down to our local recycling depot.
It is on a road that I would call dangerous. Visibility is very poor to say the least in this street. It is right in the middle of Tuggeranong. There are plenty stores and the bus depot in this street, but it is dangerous exiting the shops onto the road. Long story short, I was leaving the depot and driving up the street on my way home. Right in front of me was a car crash that must have only happened in the 5 minutes that I was in the recycling depot.

As I drove past this car and a 4 x 4, I shuddered and suddenly thought," I was supposed to be in that crash".  Why did I have that sudden thought?
Thankfully it was not a serious crash, mostly damage to the sedan. But the funny thing was both vehicles were the same colour, maroon. What are the chances of that?  I felt so sorry for all of the people involved in the crash. It was a very hot day too.

Now, this is where weird kicks in. I went to bed as normal that night, as one does, LOL. Now I go to sleep and next thing I recall is a dream with my mum and dad, and some female relatives from my father's side of the family. There were two young men there too. I don't know who they were. I don't recall much of what we were talking about either. I woke up and lay there for a bit and then it started. The warm buzzing energy around me.... spirit is present.

I heard a voice saying, "we need to take you out of your body for a few minutes" I said, "No way"" you don't have the right to do this to me. I am a sovereign being and you don't have the right to do this".   But suddenly it happened. The pain in my right hip was gone too. I could hardly feel my physical body. I could feel intense tingling energy and a feeling of being in limbo. I asked them to identify themselves also.

The answer I got back was "I am your fairy godmother". I had heard that before. I have also had them reply, "I am your mother superior".

Well that just got my back up didn't it? You do not talk to spirit if they refuse to identify themselves honestly. Do not give over your power to any spirit or entity. Not all in the unseen world are actually spirit beings.

I told them I am sick of them jerking me around with giving me stupid names. I told them on recent occasions, not to speak to me if they are not "In the light" and if they won't tell me who they are and what they want.

It is a person’s right after all to have these things established and crystal clear. Don't ever allow yourself to be fooled and or manipulated by any spirit being. Not all of them are "in the light".

Next thing was the sensation stopped and I could feel my body again. I could feel the pain in my right hip and all my sore joints. I just lay there wondering what just happened, I was a bit cranky about this. Who wouldn't be for heaven’s sake.

Well, when I got up out of bed this morning, I went over to my laptop to check my mail. This is where the shock hit me. I had an email from one of my uncles to inform me that one of my Aunts in Canada had been seriously injured in a car crash yesterday. A hit and run driver, who almost killed her.
I felt so sick in the stomach at what I read. Then I recalled just a short time before, being told, "we need to lift you out of your body quickly".

Talk about an energy exchange or perhaps a life exchange. My aunt is fighting for her life with horrendous injuries. I can't stop thinking about her all day and have informed family overseas of what is happening to her.
I am praying for her wellbeing. It is in God’s hands just now.

I am in no doubt at all that these events are all connected. I need to find out who the beings are also. I feel that there is an inter dimensional connection here. That does not necessarily mean bad guys, just inter dimensional beings that need your help. There are many different sorts out there.

My higher self obviously knows who they are, but my conscious self needs to be informed. So, it looks like I must make time to meditate and talk to these beings.  A friend has pointed out to me that it looks like a medical emergency of a spiritual kind where my soul is needed to help my aunt and that she may give her life out of love so that I may stay here and do the work that I am here to do. If that is the case, I am most humbled and for ever grateful. I have always loved this aunt, she is more like a big cousin to me than an aunt.  We have so much in common too. Well except that she can knit and sew. I just don't want her to be taken away from her family. She has a new grandchild from one son and his wife and a new daughter in law of only a few weeks. I want them all to have her for many more years to come.

Before my youngest nephew came into the world my mum had to leave. I am now upset that it might be the same here. When my sister-in-law was expecting her son, I lost my baby (I was 12 weeks pregnant, I knew it was a girl and I see her in spirit often). I told her that I would gladly give up the baby if it meant that she could have a baby. I already had two sons.  He is now a lovely 13-year-old, just starting high school in a couple of weeks. He has the face of an angel, and he is such a lovely well-mannered young man too. I know that he is destined to do great things in this world as I have seen visions of him as an adult.

Copyright protected Alex Fulford 26 January 2013

UPDATE: I do not endorse the light these days because I have become better informed. This false light is controlled by the dark ET's that control our matrix, spiritual and religious institutions also.

Weasel or a Stoat?


Q: What's the difference between a weasel and a stoat?
A: A weasel is weasally recognised and a stoat is stoatally different.

50 Sheds of grey


The novel "Fifty Shades Of Grey" has seduced women - and baffled blokes Now "Fifty Sheds Of Grey", offers a treat for the men. The book has
author Colin Grey recounting his love encounters at the bottom of the
garden. Here are some extracts...

Fifty Sheds Of Grey

We tried various positions - round the back, on the side, up against a wall. But in the end we came to the conclusion the bottom of the garden was the only place for a good shed.
She knelt before me on the shed floor and tugged gently at first, then harder until finally it came. I  moaned with pleasure. Now for the other boot.
Ever since she read THAT book, I've had to buy all kinds of ropes, chains and shackles.
She still manages to get  into the shed, though.
"Put on this rubber suit and mask," I instructed, calmly.
Mmmm, kinky!" she purred.
 "Yes," I said, "You can't be too careful with all that asbestos in the shed roof."
 "I'm a very naughty girl," she said, biting her lip. "I need to be punished."
So I invited my mum to stay for the weekend
"Harder!" she cried, gripping the workbench tightly. "Harder.
'Okay," I said. "What's the gross national product of Nicaragua ?"

I lay back exhausted, gazing happily out of the shed window. Despite my concerns about my inexperience, my rhubarb had come up a treat.

Are you sure you" can take the pain?" she demanded, brandishing stilettos.
"I think so," I gulped. "Here we go, then," she said, and showed me the receipt.
"Hurt me!" she begged, raising her skirt as she bent over my workbench.
"Very well," I replied. "You've got fat ankles and no dress sense."
"Are you sure you want this?" I asked ?" When I'm done, you won't be able to sit down for weeks." She nodded. "Okay, "In said putting the three piece suite on eBay.
Punish me!" she cried. "Make me suffer like only a real man can!."
"Very well," I replied, leaving the toilet seat up.
"Pleasure and pain can be experienced simultaneously," she said, gently massaging my back as we listened to her Coldplay CD.

Isis Cults



I have never been comfortable with the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Last night out of the blue I started to think about Isis, and wondered if Isis was Satanic. So I googled to see what I could find. So far, I have come up with this. I must say that the persons views on Nuclear power is flawed. It is not safe and must never be used at all.

But getting back to the subject at hand, and knowing about the solar death cults and the Atenist/Atonist cult it seemed to me that it is all nasty stuff.

Look at the new age shops pushing this crap. The new age movement is not what people think it is either. It is Satanic through and through. Many well-intentioned people follow this movement without knowing what it really is. The same can be said for all the world’s religions too. Who do you think is at the top of the dung heap, of the whole lot of this now?

Yes, the solar cults are everywhere, but do your homework on how to recognise them. The truth is hidden in plain sight. I know many people that follow new age/pagan type lifestyles. They are lovely people but try to tell them who is behind this and they refuse to see it. There are many kinds of pagans, most of whom are very good people who love animals and nature. How does one work out which pagan belief system to follow though and is it safe. That is a very difficult question to answer. But do watch out for those that worship gods of Egypt. Stay right away from that stuff. In reality one should not worship anything or anyone. There is such a thing as energy harvesting and it is linked to all faiths.

Keep your spiritual values and beliefs simple please, and do not mess with what you don't understand, for your own safety. There must be no god/goddess between you and your higher self or pure spirit.  Keep your prayers simple and humble. We do not ask for riches or money. We may ask for help if we are in a bad financial position. God knows I have been there more times than I can shake a stick at. When I have asked for help, I am never disappointed with the outcome.

It is how we ask as well as what we ask for too. It must come from the heart, for our highest good and be the truth. Most of the time my prayers are for other people and family members, including the furry ones.

You must not look to these so-called gods/goddesses to help you. These entities (archons) could be quite harmful, you do not know what the outcome can be.
Stick to asking your s higher self or a loved one that is in spirit.

I often have people come to me and say, " I have so and so, as my spirit guide". How do they know that is the case, most would not?  You must always ask for proof. You must ask this being to show you who they really are and what they really look like. There are numerous beings that are tricksters and are quite harmful. Never talk to anything other than your higher self as that is the only thing that you can trust. All else is external and does not have your best intentions at heart.

Some names that are given and are supposedly form ancient times are not real people. They are fictional, such as Jesus (did you know there were more than one person in history with that name?). I have had my thoughts manipulated in meditations like this in the past by a spirit pretending to be Jesus and other beings. In this instance he said " You don't believe in me." I answered, "No, I don't, there are so many lies in this world, put out by the churches, how am I supposed to know what is true and what is a lie?

The answer that I got back was, "I am not who people think I am". Gee say it ain't so!  I stood my ground, but there was that element of doubt too about the authenticity of this being. You can never be too careful.

Now the manipulation of this particular meditation was done by a so-called friend's guide. She laughed about it, until I called her out. I no longer have anything to do with her. She called herself spiritual too! She was actually controlled by dark ET's.

Be very careful please when getting into this area, personally I do not recommend it at all. However, should you still want to do this then always keep an open mind, if there is any doubt, in your mind it is not for you.  Read as much as you can on the subject and ask questions always.

You do not need a spirit guide just your higher self. Most of the time you think you have a spirit guide it is an archon or some other nasty entity presenting themselves as a master guide, ascended master guide, or other fancy titles.

They can also come through as a humble being, but do not be fooled. Do not communicate with them at all or you will be taken for a ride, ending up in serious harm. They need to gain your trust in order to control you and they will manipulate your freewill, and this is when it starts to affect your life.

The pull of the unseen world is very strong so be warned. It is not what people think it is, never trust what you cannot see. Just because something seems to be a "spirit" does not mean you can trust it.

Update to this post: Please check out the Wes Penre website and Facebook. I feel in order to help people understand the above post I recommend going on to Wes's site.  But please, use your own judgment, not mine. Be wary of those that he mentions in his writings many are not to be trusted as he has later found out.


Also, John Lamb Lash is a good source of information either by following him on his website or reading his books. They are a real eye opener.

Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Isis Cults




As a child I remember a primary school teacher in Scotland telling the class about the Ancient Atlantean’s, being able to control the weather using the power of crystals. I must have been 9 or 10 at the time, it stuck in my mind for the rest of my life. It made me think of a time when I was 7 years old.
I was playing in my bedroom alone. I can't remember what I was playing at. I do remember I was dressing up and pretending that I was somewhere long, long ago. In my mind I saw a vision.

In the vision I could see a massive crowd of people in a place, that I would today describe as some sort of temple. The people wore very colourful clothes, women with veils. This looked like a very important event. There was marble everywhere, and this place was very brightly lit. The crowd were watching a ceremony take place.

In the seconds that I saw this vision I could see a fair bit, and then it was gone. I remember wanting to see it again. I was very curious, and did not understand what I saw, but at 7 years old, I knew that it was, different. I didn't tell anyone what I saw.   My parents would have just put it down to a fertile imagination. After all I was just playing dress ups in my room. It may have been a flash back to Atlantis, or it may not. I shall never know the answer until I go back home to spirit. I have always been fascinated with Atlantis, like millions of others. So I read whatever I can on this amazing place.



There are many bizarre stories on the Internet that sound absolute garbage. Plato would be a good start to read up on Atlantis. I don't think we will find much truth in any one source though. Even what the bible says about the flood, is about Atlantis. It has just been altered to make a bigger story, but still there is not much truth due to the spin doctors of the Vatican Inc.
The posts that I have put on here also I would take with a pinch of salt.
One thing is for sure, ancient maps do exist to back up the truth. Plato had heard stories word of mouth from survivors when he was a youth too. If you are interested have a good look around the Internet and see what you can come up with. Most of all, keep an open mind. BTW, giants did live on this earth. many skeletons have been found to prove this. Just think about your Basket Ball players and their DNA. The basketball players are usually over 7 foot tall, so research needs to be done on their DNA, to find their common ancestors. Now they come from all over the planet remember, all skin colours.

Don't for get to check out Wes Penre on Atlantis and You tube videos.


Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Wednesday, 26 December 2012



Canberra Times story on Alex Fulford, 19th December 2012



My article in the Canberra times.

I wish to say a very warm thank you to Jenna Clarke, of the Canberra Times, for taking the time to contact me and write this article. I am most grateful to you. May 2013 be a most prosperous year for you, in all directions of your life.  

I wish everyone a peaceful, happy, healthy and prosperous 2013.

Peace and love to all


Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Canberra Times story on Alex Fulford, 19th December 2012


Ancient Origins: Rock Art Discoveries in Eastern Sudan Tell a Tale of the Once ‘Green Sahara’

  https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/sudan-rock-art-0020716 The entire universe goes in cycles, so this is not unusual...