26 February, 2021



As a child I remember a primary school teacher in Scotland telling the class about the Ancient Atlantean’s, being able to control the weather using the power of crystals. I must have been 9 or 10 at the time, it stuck in my mind for the rest of my life. It made me think of a time when I was 7 years old.
I was playing in my bedroom alone. I can't remember what I was playing at. I do remember I was dressing up and pretending that I was somewhere long, long ago. In my mind I saw a vision.

In the vision I could see a massive crowd of people in a place, that I would today describe as some sort of temple. The people wore very colourful clothes, women with veils. This looked like a very important event. There was marble everywhere, and this place was very brightly lit. The crowd were watching a ceremony take place.

In the seconds that I saw this vision I could see a fair bit, and then it was gone. I remember wanting to see it again. I was very curious, and did not understand what I saw, but at 7 years old, I knew that it was, different. I didn't tell anyone what I saw.   My parents would have just put it down to a fertile imagination. After all I was just playing dress ups in my room. It may have been a flash back to Atlantis, or it may not. I shall never know the answer until I go back home to spirit. I have always been fascinated with Atlantis, like millions of others. So I read whatever I can on this amazing place.



There are many bizarre stories on the Internet that sound absolute garbage. Plato would be a good start to read up on Atlantis. I don't think we will find much truth in any one source though. Even what the bible says about the flood, is about Atlantis. It has just been altered to make a bigger story, but still there is not much truth due to the spin doctors of the Vatican Inc.
The posts that I have put on here also I would take with a pinch of salt.
One thing is for sure, ancient maps do exist to back up the truth. Plato had heard stories word of mouth from survivors when he was a youth too. If you are interested have a good look around the Internet and see what you can come up with. Most of all, keep an open mind. BTW, giants did live on this earth. many skeletons have been found to prove this. Just think about your Basket Ball players and their DNA. The basketball players are usually over 7 foot tall, so research needs to be done on their DNA, to find their common ancestors. Now they come from all over the planet remember, all skin colours.

Don't for get to check out Wes Penre on Atlantis and You tube videos.


Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Wednesday, 26 December 2012



Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...