Showing posts with label PARANORMAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PARANORMAL. Show all posts

01 March, 2021

Spirit possession and other issues

This is a rather interesting article. I don't fully agree with it. But in essence it is good.
The things that I would like to point out are.
There are about five types of entities that attach to a person

 1.) Beloveds: a deceased human

2.) Shape-shifting demonic entities: tricky evolved demonic force which are earth bound so they do not come from a heaven or hell. Basically, they are a pool of negative conscious energy that take on a life form of their own. So, there is no soul. Think of everyone's negative thoughts, hate, anger, jealously, revenge etc.

3.)  Dark ET's: These are the ones that work with the military, governments, religious institutions and individuals. Think Pine Gap and area 51, the grey ET type etc. The small greys are hybrid hive mind beings. There are literately hundreds of different ones that the US government know of and work with in the TTP.

4.) Fallen angels or Nephilim: (Nephilim are associated with the Sumerian Annunaki)

5.) Inter-dimensional entities, including dark ET types, demons, and fallen angels. The term "fallen”, to me is a rather iffy one. I don't buy into that whole angelic thing.

Yes, some entities exist without a soul, and they come from the dark side. There are some humans that are soulless (Soulless organic portals). They don't have compassion or even understand compassion and empathy. They can commit a crime and not bat an eye lid. Think of someone that is a psychopath or a sociopath. Also, there are Tulpas’ they are deliberately created in a thought for by individuals to carry out the wishes of whom ever created them. Such as the likes of Dion Fortune created and it got out of control. The being can take on a life of its own and become dangerous.

Reincarnation is a trap as is Karma. To keep humanity trapped in a never-ending cycle of life, suffering, death and rebirth. This was created purely to keep humans in the third dimension by beings that harvest our spiritual energy/ emotions for their consumption.
Soul contracts and agreements can be cancelled at any time by the individual too. I have done this myself.

There is a hell of a lot of information out on the internet to read these days, to educate ourselves with. Knowledge is power and the key to setting ourselves free. That is why I write my little blog posts, keeping them as simple as I can. So that anyone that is interested can find useful information and quality researchers of note, that I mention to assist the individuals.

I believe in keeping things simple, as life is not meant to be difficult nor is your spirituality. Neither must be compromised or disrespected either.

I do not recommend invoking "gods" of any sort, as they are an artificial construct, created long ago by egotistical individuals for personal gain. We are talking energy harvesting and taking your free will for granted. No respect given to us humans what so ever.

Much of the information about the soul trap was not available to many people, until the internet came along and thanks to some generous researchers sharing what they discovered, it makes things a lot easier for the masses to access on line. We would not be this lucky otherwise to assist us in our spiritual education.

As for the spiritual " light" that is referred to, that my friends, is not the true spiritual light. This is what is sometimes called Lucifer's light. Better known to researchers as the soul trap. An artificial spirit world and not the true spirit world which uses electromagnetic energy to pull the soul in. We are basically electromagnetic energy. So, it works like a magnet.
This link above may be of interest to anyone that is searching for answers on the soul trap. But do go through my blog for other links and posts on the subject. as for entity attachments, you will find a post on my blog about me watching an entity removal being done. Please research these things with an open mind. Nothing is 100% in this world.

Just before I post this, I again wish to remind people reading this post, we humans are divine spiritual beings. We are unique because we have the one true spiritual fire/light/flame within us from the divine feminine.
I urge you to read up on this for your own welfare and not for any other reason other than to know truth and stand in your rightful spiritual power. No other star race in the universe has this within them. It is encoded in our DNA and only our real creators know how to access it.


Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Spirit possessions and other issues

This is a rather interesting article. I don't fully agree with it. But in essence it is good.
The things that I would like to point out are.


27 February, 2021

Alex's Visit to Lanyon Homestead

 Yesterday I went out to Lanyon homestead to see the house, I was aware there was a lady in spirit there. However I was surprised to be greeted by James Wright (one of the men that built the house) in spirit. I informed the staff and they showed me a photo of him; which confirmed to me that it was him as I described the man to the staff; and what he was wearing. He accompanied my husband and myself around the house and property the whole time we were there. How amazing is that?

Right from the moment My husband and I went up to the front of the house I started to see spirit people around the house. The energy was very strong. On entering the house I was greeted by James Wright. He was very pleased to show the house off to us. I expressed how I really loved the house and that I am very much an old world person, preferring things of the early 20th century to modern life. 

When I saw James in spirit he looked much younger than this photo.  His hair was brown , he still had the bushy beard which was grey. He was wearing a white shirt with braces instead of a belt on his trousers, beige  trousers and riding boots. I thanked him for accompanying us around the property.

There were a few spirit beings there at the homestead. Not just the famous lady that is seen my many.
She was in a yellow dress full skirt of the Victorian era. I saw her and felt her presence in the hallway of the house 

At this point I started to inform the two ladies that were working in the house taking admission fees. They were rather delighted to hear about James being seen there as it is only just the lady that many people see. The ladies then went and pulled out a photo of James and an old book to help identify the person that I was seeing.
After having a look through the dining room I suddenly went cold and was surprised to see people sitting at the table enjoying a meal and lively conversation. I thanked them for allowing me to see them and expressed my love for the house again.

From there we went out into the back courtyard and again more spirit activity. I turned to my husband and told him there were a few horses here' I think three or four of them. Some chestnut or dark brown, and people grooming them and getting them ready to be ridden. When I walked in to one of the out buildings where the old saddles and reigns are kept, I heard a young man yell out BLAST. He cut his finger on something. He was not aware that we were there. I just laughed and told my husband what I heard and saw.

Next we went into the servants quarters which were in a separate small building. The bedroom was so sparse a basic bed and a wardrobe, a hand made bedside table  of very poor quality. just planks of rough wood knocked together into a table. Sitting on the bed was a young teenage girl with dark long hair and a night cap on. She looked a happy soul. I did say sorry for the intrusion on her privacy and I did tell her the date. I dare say all of these people in spirit are well used to the intrusions in to their daily lives in spirit. Still I like to be respectful and not treat them as anything less than who they are. Just because they are in spirit does not give others the right to think of them as part of the entertainment.

There are several reasons as to why a spirit being will be seen at different age groups
One is they revert back to looking how they did in their 20s to 30s when being back in spirit. Also it is down to how the individual wishes to be identified by those that see them. If the person was known to you personally they will show you how they looked when you knew them.

Having said that sometimes I have a spirit come through when conducting a reading and they first come through as the looked just prior to death and then show me how they looked at different ages. It is really up to the individual spirit being. The personality, ego, etc stays the same until they reincarnate, only then will that change. Eyes do not seem to change from life time to life time. I have no idea why that is though.

Ghost Nun In The Window

Staging her last act of defiance. Just as well she didn't do a Mrs Doubtfire and give them the finger.

Spirit Caught In Photograph Taken At Garrion Tower: Wishaw, Scotland


This is a photo that was posted on Facebook and it shows a lady in spirit; that lived in the house that the picture was taken in. You will also notice some form of energy above the light fitting as well as just slightly to the right of the light fitting. The lady can clearly be seen smiling. Spirits were the originals at photo bombing, lol.  It is amazing what can happen when taking a photo in old houses.
I find these things really interesting, and often tune in to the person in spirit.

I would like to thank the owner of this amazing photograph for allowing me to share her photo with everyone who reads my blog. The house in which the photo was taken is Garrion Tower in  Wishaw, Lanarkshire, Scotland. I lived in Wishaw when I was about 3 years old back in 1966.

I didn't know about this house in all the time that I lived in Scotland. I would love to see this house. I actually went to Garrion academy back in the mid 70's and I don't recall anyone talking about the house. But  I heard many ghost stories of the suburb of Gowkthrapple where the school is situated. Lanarkshire is a very historical and haunted region steeped in intrigue. I intend ordering some local history books shortly on Motherwell and Wishaw; as it is part of my family history and I really love the history of where I come from.

The Trend In Ghost Tours And The Paranormal

 There is quite a trend for Ghost tours and the Paranormal at present, and while I work with the people on the other side of life constantly, I can understand the keen interest, I do find it a little repugnant also, depending on how the activity is done

While most tour operators or individual tour guides are sensible and respectful, how many are using any form of spiritual or psychic protection and asking the clients to do likewise? This is what makes me  sit up and take notice. As I do believe in the duty of care and respect for all involved, including those on the other side of life. I have been offered to go on these tours many a time, but politely refuse  out of respect for those on the other side of life. I don't want to  make entertainment out of others suffering or situation.

It is quite normal for us to be curious about the spirit world and ghosts, it is after all, part of life.
People in spirit are also just like us and are curious too. Most of them I would say, are as keen as mustard to communicate with the living or should I say physical world beings (us). They are still alive and well, but in a non physical body, that is the only difference. Personality and ego are still intact from the last incarnation.

I have lived in a house with a ghost or earth bound spirit when I was a young mum with 2 small children, which were little more than babies. It was not a pleasant experience living in that house. We could not get out of there fast enough as the woman's negative energy was disruptive. I knew when I went to view the house, and the agent said that the old lady had died in hospital that he was lying, I could see her and feel her. But we were in need of a house as our house sold very quickly and this was near our family and work. We left after two years.

I didn't know at that stage how to move a spirit on, or anything about the spirit world. There was no one we could turn to for help. People didn't like visiting our house because they felt something there. You should have felt it from our side, it was no walk in the park and we had no end of relationship problems up to the day we moved out.

Fast forward to more current times, and I have learned so much and seen, experienced, and had to deal with much in the spirit department. One thing I always make sure I do is respect them.  Well, I must admit to being  blunt with nasty spirit beings. Some will try to intimidate the living, but these are far and few between. But when it comes to ghost tours etc. Please  try not to upset the spirt people.

Many of the locations are in old prisons, hospitals, and mental institutions or orphanages. Now do you think it is the place to find peaceful spirits. Chances are more likely that you will find a spirit that is agitated, distressed and may be even vengeful. Don't poke the bear in this situation. It can go south pretty quickly and you will not know how to handle the situation. I would like to think the person running the event knows what to do, but don't bank on it.

A vulnerable person can end up with a spirit attachment and not even know. But people around them will notice. Changes in personality for a start, mental health issues. Now that's a biggie,  there are some people with mental health issues among the community that are unaware they have entities' attached to them. I am not saying that this is the case in all people with mental health issues, no , just a small number. And I have learned that it isn't just one entity that will attach it is several. Please  do not try and talk to spirit beings that are earth bound, some will definitely try to jump on board. An open crown chakra or a weak aura/ energy field is an open door to them.

So if you really want to participate in haunted tours please, Gold light yourself before going into the  venue. This is for your own protection. Gold light is the highest of spiritual protection, and it is the power of intention that makes it work. You must mean it when you do it, or it wont work. Be firm in your intentions. If you are fearful, then this is not the  sort of activity that you should participate in.

An added optional bonus after Gold lighting is to smudge your body front and back with a smudge stick. Negative entities will not come near you after that. It is a common practice with psychics when attending psychic fairs and other events to keep negative energy away. I also use smudge sticks on a regular basis due to my home being my work place also. It is imperative that I have the energy clear at all times.

Now when using the smudge stick, the correct procedure is, get someone to smudge you, and then you smudge them. You need an Eagle feather to fan the smoke, staring at the feet, work your way up the body all the way up to the top of the head. Fanning the smoke from the smudge stick gently and constantly. You must do the front and back of the person, or you will leave gaps in the energy field /aura. You can buy smudge sticks in a health food shop or a new age shop, eBay or online stores. You will need a lighter or matches to keep the stick lit too.

By the way there are plenty out door places where spirit beings can be found too, grave yards, spiritual grounds such as aboriginal sacred sites, the site of an old building that has been demolished, even places where wars and military battles have been fought.
We leave our energy everywhere without knowing it. An energetic imprint will remain in cases of a sudden death such as murder or an accident, no matter where it is.

Stay safe and take care while doing these tours, no two will ever be the same.
I am not the fearful type, but I, in all honesty don't think I would participate in a haunted tour, but
who knows. They say never say never.

Alex Fulford Clairvoyant-Medium 31 December 2016

Black eyed Children


I had to cut and paste this, hence the purple line.

I had accidentally hit delete; ops!

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Black Eyed Children

This is quite an  interesting phenomenon, very frightening, like shadow people.
it is my belief  that these black eyed kids are intent on taking the life force out of a person. Like the shadow people do, energy being a food source  to them. I do agree they need permission, which is also part of the alien abduction scenarios. This goes into the beyond life area with the alien abductions, where the abductee agrees to experience the " abduction" and what ever else that entails. However I  don't know if that is the case with the black eyed children. 

To me they seem inter dimensional, but there is some other  connection here, it could be alien or it could be low vibrational demonic beings using a human disguise. The whole thing is very creepy  and we  (humans) are still learning about the phenomenon so like they say  there is not much to go on yet. I don't  think it is an entirely modern issue, there have been cases of strange beings through out history. 

One other thing  to ponder is many metaphysical researchers discuss is dimensions /time lines merging.  That is quite plausible when people are experiencing all sorts of bizarre things  such as the feeling of time standing still. Seeing into the future in sudden day dream like moment. 

Zengardner On The Soul Trap

Yet an other article to talk about the soul trap.

This is tricked by the light's version, but to be honest, you will get better information from Wes Penre, he really gets deep into what he researches.

Need help with shutting down an energy portal in your house? Me too!

 It never ceases to astound me the selfishness and disappointment from the psychic community when one of their own is in need of help. I have asked for help to shut down a couple of energy portals in my house, from others in the industry and was met by cold silence. Professional psychics I must say, I  posted a call for help on our private page that only professional psychics use on face book. I got a few likes but no help or comments.

Bear in mind the post that I  put on my blog about the so called spiritual people in the psychic community being selfish gossip mongers and liars in the, I HAVE HAD A GUT FULL post a couple of months ago. I am just blown away by the lack of compassion and help. I cannot understand why these people have to be like this.

I have helped so many people over the years and expect nothing in return. I have removed spirits from homes for free, given free readings to those  that have just lost a spouse or a child because it is morally repugnant to accept payment from someone suffering such a terrible loss. (Don't take me for a fool though I know the difference between a liar and a genuine person suffering loss, so don't even think of trying to scam a reading from me. Yes I have had vile, evil people try that). Does the word Clairvoyant, not warn people that I know truth from  a lie, hmm?

Any how  I have had to research for myself and help myself, to help my family member that had the misfortune of having two energy portals that were not natural ones in the bed room and one natural one so that is three all up that  I knew of. Which disrupted sleep, health and emotional well being. I had a professional "ghostbuster" come to my house to assist a couple of months ago. She informed me there were two  portals ( I knew for a fact that there were three), but for the life of me I can't understand why she did not say she would close them down. The problems still persisted after she left.

Never in my life would I do this to anyone. Please bear in mind, never to attempt this sort of work unless you are trained and know what you are doing. It can be very dangerous. I was asking help from people that know what they are doing on both occasions, only to be ignored. Charming  people and today has just reinforced my disappointment with the psychic industry. Confirming to me the self-serving egotistical individuals that this line of work attracts. Sure there are good honest psychics, but from all of the time that I have been involved in the industry I can honestly put my hand on my heart and say that I have not met one yet.

My husband wants me to retire from  the industry, but something tells me the time is not yet.   There are things that I still need to do before I leave the industry for good, and one of those things is to write a book. An informative book to benefit people in need of spiritual assistance, psychic rescue and such, as the things that I  have experienced, and will teach them how to keep themselves safe, their families and homes. I feel that this is a moral obligation without all the hog wash New Age rubbish. Simple and to the point, practical assistance without the theatrics.

I don't think I will ever get over my disgust in the way a person can be treated or mistreated by the psychic industry. It is all about the ego and money and nothing more. The need for fame and adulation is astounding. The first rule of a spiritual life is help others, not seek fame and fortune first and foremost. Currently this quest for fame and adulation is rampant and I find it repugnant I want no part of this. I have often stated over the years we psychics/clairvoyants must not be put on a pedestal and looked up to like movie stars. That is profane and always will be. We are in service to spirit and humanity/the animals and that is all.


14 February 2016

26 February, 2021

Spooks and Surgery

 Today while I was at a photo shoot, I was telling the photographer what sort of experiences I have had with my work. I started to tell her about the time my youngest son went to hospital for a tonsillectomy. It was the day after his eighth birthday.  The poor little soul had non stop tonsillitis for weeks, and finally the day came to have them removed. We were getting him settled into his room when I  became aware of cigarette smoke.

 It was quite strong and I said to my husband, I can smell cigarette smoke and he said, you can't  smoke in a hospital. I replied , I know that, some one is smoking though. I went to investigate but no one was around. The smell had gone too. So I didn't think any more if it. Next in came a nurse to tell us it was time for surgery.  I walked down to the OR with my son who was being wheeled there in his bed.

 My heart in my mouth  worried about my baby. I stayed with him until it was time for the surgery to start. I went back to his room to wait with my husband for what felt like ages. Again  I could smell cigarette smoke and told my husband. He  couldn't smell anything. Again I had a look around. But then suddenly I started to be aware of my late aunt  being present. She passed away at the age of 40, many years ago. My aunt was born deaf and mute. She had been through several ear, nose and throat operations in her youth, and she was a smoker. Bingo! I had a light bulb moment, lol.

My aunt had come to watch over  my son  during the surgery. He is named after her . I had always intended to name  one of my children after her.    So I have no doubt what so ever that she was keeping an eye on him and for that I am most grateful.

Many years later I had to take both of my sons to a periodontist for oral surgery. The doctor was quite open minded and was a believer in the paranormal. When we walked in to his room the first thing he asked was, are we alone or do we have company.

So, I was able to tell him my relatives were watching  over the surgery. I was able to tell him step by step what I could see and here. You cant keep a secret from them in spirit, lol. They like to be in on the act, just as long as they don't stick their 2 cents worth in, and tell him how to do his job. Funnily enough my grandmother was able to tell me when the surgery was coming to a close. I would love to know how she knew that, but that is a secret she ain't telling me. I just have to put it down to secret spooks business.

I have many experiences with relatives in spirit, turning up for visits to the doctor, trips to hospital and assisting in healing. Then there is good old Dr Gillespie, a well respected Canberra doctor, who passed away  back in the early 2000's. He is one of my main healing guides. Two years ago Dr Gillespie came to assist a psychic friend of mine. Whilst being very ill in hospital, I visited him a few times and gave him spiritual healing with the assistance of Dr Gillespie. I could see inside my friend's leg to locate a blood clot and let him know where it was. The whole leg looked like a fluro green as I looked in side via my third eye. It was like looking with night vision.

Now at the same time my friend was in hospital, I had been reconnected with a friend from my youth, who passes away back in 2005. My friend Terry, came to comfort me. He sat in the car next to me each time I went into the hospital to visit my sick friend, and put his hand on my shoulder support me emotionally.

Terry was very ill for years, before he passed on around the age of 45. I had lost touch with him and other friends many years ago, and had been reunited with my old friends, only to find out that, Terry was very ill and my other friends had not seen him for a few years. During this time I kept having visions of him, and I would see yellow cars on the road similar to the one that he had years before. This was his way of letting me know that he was around.

Terry had such strong energy when he came through, it felt like he was still alive. A psychic friend of mine even felt that Terry was alive because his energy was so strong. That is not unusual though, it is just a very powerful connection. The person does not have to be dead for a psychic to tune into them and even see them. Amazing stuff, when you experience these psychic phenomenon.

At present I have an old work colleague and friend appearing in my dreams and I keep seeing him through my third eye. I feel that he has passed on young too. I have asked people that we both used to work with years ago and no one seems to know where he is. That is strange given the Internet is great for finding people. I have reconnected with family and old friends via the net, so I am of the opinion that this man has also passed on at a young age.

I feel very sad about that, people leaving this earth without having a chance to live upsets me very much, it is something that I care deeply about, and on a personal level, losing loved ones at a young age is most distressing.

Copyright, Alex Fulford Clairvoyant -Medium 14 August 215 

Article published here

Shadow People: my experience

 Last October I had an encounter with shadow people. It was about 10pm on a Monday night, and I was reading in bed with my dog Ruby next to me. The house was peaceful and quiet. My husband had just gone out to pick up our son from the local club. Suddenly Ruby started growling and going frantic at the window. I suddenly felt a sickening feeling in my gut  followed instantly by a wave of terror. Now the outside awnings were down and the Holland blinds were down, but I could clairvoyantly see what was frightening us. It was two huge shadow people with glowing red eyes.

They were pacing back and forth at the window. Then walked the full length of the front of my house. Telepathically I shouted to them get away from me, and I put gold light around myself and the house. Gold light is the highest spiritual protection to keep away negative entities. One can also burn white sage too, to assist, but at 10pm I wasn't going to bother with that.

By holding my firm intention and Gold lighting I was ok. These entities come from the dark side and do not have a soul. Their purpose is to frighten, terrorise and drain your energy and life force from you. Predator beings of which there are many different types. Personally I prefer not to have any dealings with these beings. Interestingly enough my next door neighbour had a similar experience around the same time, but during the day.

She had been at a friends house for a barbecue and came home to drop off a plate. When she went into the house there was a horrible frightening feeling in the house and from the side of here eye she saw two shadow people in the room. She panicked and fled from the house. Her husband would not believe her when she told him. What are the chances of that happening in two houses around the same time? Her house is a very negative house. In the 20 years that I have been in my house, there have been several couples in that house and all have split up or divorced. When I told her that, she confided in me that her marriage is in trouble too. That is so sad to hear. I taught her how to clear the energy in the house and I hope that she can live there happily from now on. This neighbour also saw the spirit of a woman in her house around the same time that she saw the shadow people.

I don't know what the woman was doing there and as far as I know nothing bad has ever happened in the house, apart from domestic issues and two break ins. I would like to advise my readers on the importance of energy clearing houses and work places. Humans do leave energy where ever we go, in the form of our feelings and thoughts. So please be mindful when moving into a new home or work space. You can use a white sage smudge stick and or Gold light the house/work place to life the energy. I would suggest that cleansing be done every few weeks or months just to keep the vibes clean. Because of my work I Gold light myself and the house every day.

When using a smudge stick do remember to smudge the windows and doors of the house or building. They are the eyes and ears of the building after all. You may want to use the pentagram sign or the cross of light or what ever symbol resonates with you. Just remember that it is the intention behind the actions that makes it powerful.

Copyright Alex Fulford Clairvoyant-Medium July 2015

Paranormal activity in homes after the death of a loved one

 Paranormal happenings in houses after a death in the family is not un common. Many people I have spoken to and many people that I know, have told me over the years of events happening in their homes after a loved one dies. Some times people feel the presence of the loved one just after the person passes to spirit. I myself have had such experiences over the years and so has my mother.

I can remember when my mum's father died, the clock stopped working in the lounge room. This is quite a common thing as it turns out, but no one knows why. At the time of a person passing to spirit many people are visited by the deceased person. My mum was visited by her father in spirit as she lay in bed that night. He was like a mist at the bottom of the bed. Mum knew right away what had happened. Shortly after that my uncle came to inform my mum that their father had died.

My mum always felt or heard the person at the point of death. It used to amaze me as a child. I started to pick up on this by the age of 16. These days I either see my loved one in dream form or they come direct to me. I see and hear them. A friend of mine from years ago passed away just before Christmas, I was so blessed to have her come to me to say good bye.

Around the same time as this, a dear friend of mine lost her mother. Paranormal activity started to happen from the get go. But it wasn't her mother doing it, it was her father. She had a lovely big mirror in her bed room, come off the wall and break. Now this is a very big heavy mirror, which had 3 hooks to hold it up. Then a sister of hers had a lamp in her bedroom fall over and smash. No one was in the bed room when the lamp was smashed. My friends sister heard the noise and went into the room to see what happened. Lights have been going off and on and other strange things in both of their houses.

This activity was done in anger by my friend's late father. I have no idea why though. I did speak to him and tell him it is wrong to do this. Interfering with the living is against cosmic/spiritual law.
I told him he has been in spirit long enough to know this. I could see my friend's mother standing beside him. She was telling him to listen to what I am saying. Which I am grateful for. So far nothing else has happened.

Some people when they pass to the other side can be heard walking in loved ones houses. Footsteps in hall ways etc. Coughing  and the sound of a person coming home from work are other things that people report having experienced. I know a lady who's father died at the end of last year and she can smell him cooking in her kitchen. That started pretty much as soon as he passed to spirit.
Some people find these things distressing while others take comfort in the events. Depending on the relationship on has had with  the deceased and the individual spirit being expressing them selves.

I have an uncle that passed away 20 years ago, he was a very funny man. I thought the world of him.
He passed suddenly of a heart attack. He popped over here to say goodbye to me. The day was an average day for me and my two small children. I had just had a shower and was in my bedroom getting dressed. I was standing near my mirror, when suddenly I heard a male voice quite loud saying , "oh you look beautiful love".  In a joking voice. I turned around with a start to see who was there. Then I looked out the window, god knows what I expected to see, lol. The street was empty and quiet. So I just started to get dressed, when  I felt a smack on the bum. That did it. I turned round again rather annoyed. Then it dawned on me what happened. Just a tad slow on the uptake lol.
Well five minutes later the phone rang. It was my brother to tell me my Uncle had just died. I said yes I know he's here. I told him what had happened, I don't remember what my brother said after that though. But these days I can freak him out...hey it is a talent I have :P

I should point out that my late uncle served in the Royal Navy during WW2, he was over here in Australia for a spell, at Woolloomooloo naval base and Warwick Farm NSW. I lived in  a military area when my uncle came to visit me in spirit. I also used to live in Warwick farm as a teenager, how funny is that. He told me about his time in Australia many years ago when I was over in Scotland I must have been 19 at the time. Life is often stranger than fiction as they say.

Many years from now I intend to write a book to share my experiences in and hopefully some good advice for psychic people that may read the book. We will have to wait and see what will comes. I am sure that my wonderful loved ones in spirit will be there to guide me in the project and also share in the experience too. After all we are a working team, it isn't just me. There are many in spirit working through me and they must be acknowledged for their efforts and loving help too. No psychic should ever claim that it is all their work, it is always a team effort with spirit and the physical world being.

Copyright Alex Fulford January2015

Scotland’s People: Forenames,for%20Alexand...