Showing posts with label ROBERT SEPEHR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ROBERT SEPEHR. Show all posts

13 February, 2022

Robert Sepehr: Hollywood magic and social engineering

 I think most of this is common knowledge nowadays. Nothing that people don’t really know if they are surfing the net. Yes the evil came from the East, however it did not originate their either; only flourished and spread. One must look further back in time to Atlantis as the seat of evil and then fanned out over centuries. But what I noticed in this video within myself, was the Druidism. I don’t have a religion, I no longer believe in god, more of a spiritual atheist. But my spiritually is vital and taken very seriously.

Anyway, when forests and trees are mentioned, this made me  listen. I am a forest  person not a beech person. Sure it’s nice to go to the beach and be near water; I like rivers and lakes, but the sea is nice too. From infancy my strong connection is to trees and forests, I need the smell of the earth. I played in forests as a child in Scotland, it was my go to place to connect with something. I have always loved oak trees, poplars, weeping willows, rowan trees (Mountain Ash), and holly bushes, I actually grow holly bushes in my garden along with elders. These are some of the typical trees growing in Scotland and Ireland, and I have a strange connection to ancient Ireland from birth.  The Druid connection is there too, but like all religion; I shun Druidism  too. I don’t feel they were good people either, this to me is about rival priesthood clans going way back to Atlantis and the race to collect and enslave souls. Keep in mind our world is geared to polarities for a reason. Did you know the Queen is an initiated Druid from the mid 1950’s? Winston Churchill was also a initiated Druid. 

I feel Druids were just as bad as traditional religion is today, it is all about control of the people, but more to do with their souls and spiritual fire within humanity; hence the desire to patent human DNA currently, to own as in control it. We  have important information in our DNA and our DNA is programmable. These individuals in secret societies religion and Hollywood seek to control or take ownership of the spirit within us; and  keep in mind that this is the third dimension, a low and heavily controlled negative vibrational frequency. 

Humanity has never been free and never will be free in this reality due to spiritual amnesia, and the lack of will to be spiritually aware. Do not confuse religion with spiritually they are not the same, spirit was not created by man, religion was created by man.  We were born as spirit, we are having a physical world experience not having a spiritual experience. This world is not real; it is not natural, it is augmented and moving up to a newer version of  artificial reality at present, Hollywood are leading the push in the human experience via entertainment. They are pushing unhealthy thinking and presenting it as normal and something to aspire to. Currently pushing an unhealthy interest in the dark arts to young impressionable minds, yet no one objects. Teaching the belief in manipulating freewill of others for personal gain. Perversion towards females and no one bats an eyelid, this is the defiling of the sacred and divine feminine. 

Morality is out the window in modern entertainment including things aimed at youngsters. Few people stop to question this and are completely oblivious to what is right in front of their eyes because they are under the spell of Hollywood. If you disagree with this, people will troll you for not thinking the right way, down to the point of people think twice before commenting on social media. This is not freedom it is soft Marxism to make you comply with the program; not freedom of spirit or freedom of speech that Americans always fight about. Hollywood and freedom of speech are polar opposite’s. But the founding fathers and Hollywood have much more in common through the occult than Americans or anyone else realise. Both have an esoteric background and this is a very powerful background that no one can break. 

Personally I am more let people be, just a don’t bother me type of person in this life. I need nature and small animals around me, I can’t be apart from nature, I am aware that as a spiritual being I do not belong here. I am very well aware of this earth being profane (it is not just Hollywood that is profane and dark, many individuals are that way inclined without the influence of the perversion from Hollywood because they are that sort of  person; Hollywood just encourages people to be vulgar and profane). 

I just want to be left in peace with spirit and nature.  None of what is said in the video is a surprise to me. But, it is possible that Robert could possibly be controlled opposition. I do not mean any disrespect here and I may be wrong, it is just me wondering. Robert Maxwell on the other hand is different and gives off a much different vibe, notice in some of his videos he says certain things three times, that is a ritual and he does this in this video clip too( third time’s the charm). I am uncomfortable with Robert Maxwell, again no disrespect is intended. 

I appreciate the information but leave it as that, information. My own personal reality is of peace and spiritually. That is my spiritually not another person’s spiritually. Spiritually is is personal and should be a personal and private thing. 

07 February, 2022

Robert Sepehr: Legendary floods of the ancient world

I was not a fan of Robert Sepehr when I first came across him, but I do like his videos, they are almost like an abridged version of the Wes Penre Papers in some ways. The Book; Atlantis;The Antediluvian world,  by Ignatius Donnelly is a must read. I have read it several times as I have a pdf version. I would love to have it in book format though, I tend to hoard books that are about human origins and mysticism as they have so much valuable information. 

One thing that always intrigues me is where these amazing writers get hold of the information to write their books. They must have special permission in some universities or other places where the real important information is stored, information that ordinary people are just not permitted to have. 

Basically it’s elitism to keep the masses ignorant, but that is part of the reality of this world. Knowledge is power and must not be given to the masses. 

Robert Sepehr: The lost children of Hercules

Yet another interesting video from Robert Sepehr. There are also a few interesting comments in the comments section that may be of great interest to those that are into numerology, mythology and general esoteric information. Sadly I don’t post these to my Facebook page as very few people are actually interested, that is such a shame because it’s all so fascinating. I may post them on WeMe as I have a new page there; simply titled Alex Clairvoyant Medium. 

02 February, 2022

Robert Sepehr: Mystery Religion of Atlantis

I am a firm believer that Ireland was part of Atlantis and that the Celtic people are the ancestors of the survivors from Atlantis. The O negative blood as well as the red hair with blue or green eyes are part of the ancient race, and we know there were survivors as there is reference to the survivors in ancient texts. This race were more advanced than we are today and supposedly had the ability to control the weather. There is historical and mythological reference to the use of some sort of crystals being used in weather manipulation by the Atlanteans I am also of the opinion that this race of people didn’t originate on this planet.

One thing that is not understood though is this world is an artificial construction designed to be a reality of polarity and we are in an extremely low dimension below this dimension is the demonic realm. Not just is this a low and negative frequency, it is a locked frequency. Our bodies are also a low frequency 62 to 67 MHz, but the frequency can be raised by meditation and the use of certain essential oil’s, including Rose and Blue Idaho Spruce which is the highest frequency in essential oils. I use some essential oils to assist in lifting my energy before I start working.

So the actual story is much deeper than is mentioned here in the video. When one digs deeper into the metaphysical one discovers much more than this. Nothing in this earth is real or true and that is why I call it a planet of lies. Think of the movie Avatar, that is loosely based on the history of the earth as is Stargate SG 1. Only when one is aware of these things from a metaphysical standpoint does the light bulb moment happen. There is also ancient history and texts left by Plato and other great men, the Gnostic texts, and many ancient races around the world that all say very similar things. 

In regards to the giants, did you know the human being in spirit is absolutely massive? I have witnessed many people in spirit that were several meters high. One occasion was at a funeral and I could not believe what I was seeing. The man’s face took up a large part of the sky as he looked down at everyone outside the church, I felt like Jack from Jack and the beanstalk. But I was well aware of how spirit beings look out of the physical body long before, this and that spirit beings take on what ever size they choose by thought, basically; what you think is, to quote a spiritual expression. 

Humanity have never broken the encryption (the god spell/gospel  ) to their  programming, especially on a spiritual or metaphysical level. Thousands and thousands of years and lifetimes have lapsed and very few have made it out of the reincarnation trap. Most people will not perceive the reality of their existence or the truth of why we are here (harvesting loosh, our spiritual energy as a food source). So it is impossible for them to even know about the encryption that traps them in this reality. Also our chakras are used to anchor us into this reality and are programmed at the etheric level they cannot be removed but there is garbage on the internet telling people they can remove them. That is absurd and disinformation yet people are charging people insisting that they can remove them. I am a spiritual healer and I know for a fact that it is impossible to remove them, perhaps only after bodily death will they be removed however given the fact that we survive physical death and exist within the spirit realms I would say that our chakras are still there until we exit the matrix. After that we have no idea what happens, it is all guessing after that. 

We have been going through the end of times cycle for decades and yet most people are unaware of this. I don’t know when the human race will hit the proverbial wall, but the reset is long underway. I don’t even think that anything really big will happen in my lifetime other than war. Because it’s a gradual build up over centuries and then centuries coming out the other side into a new civilisation. This is a 26.5 thousand years cycle that resets humanity. This may cause a clearing of the earth like an extinction event or just social collapse and rebirth; I really don’t know.  It is all programmed into our reality and can be followed by astrology quite easily. 

In this timeline though we are looking at transhumanism, in a nutshell that is our conscious uploaded onto a cloud and synthetic super-intelligence being added to the human experience. This is already being worked on currently. This is the death knell of humanity as we are. The future human will have artificial intelligence embedded within them. This is already in the pipeline and some individuals are ok with this. Do you really think the average person will get a say in this? I doubt it very much, but it will put an end to spiritually awakening and that’s part of the agenda. You won’t even have independent thoughts not if you are living in a hive mind complex. 

27 January, 2022

Robert Sepeher: Interdimensional beings and unseen realities

You will see my article on these beings and my experiences, under the heading of articles by Alex my blog. This is not to be taken lightly!

25 January, 2022

Robert Sepehr: Unmasking money magic

You will find me commenting in much older posts exactly what the man is saying about usery or Simony and that it is based in London. Also this is how politicians are controlled. 

10 December, 2021

Robert Sepehr: ESP Extra Sensory Perception

This is a great video for educational purposes into the psychic phenomenon. By the way psychometry is part of a psychic ability known as Clairtangence; which includes reading from a crystal ball (scrying),  reading random objects (psychometry) belonging to someone and also skills like reading from wax drawings which is another form of scrying. Wax drawings are melted coloured wax crayons or sealing wax melted onto paper, and preferably photography paper; with a hot iron and then they can be read by someone like myself. 

Psychometry is often the stepping stone to mediumship if a person is willing to learn either, great steps can be made in increasing ones psychic abilities along with regular meditation.

The CIA also have contacted psychic people in Australia. My father many years ago knew an old lady that was a remote viewer, she lived in a country town near my father and she told him that back in the 1970’s she was approached by people from the CIA to work for them. Well the men were shocked when she told the two men; that one of the men was having an affair with the other guy’s wife. Which shocked them both and the guilty man admitted to it. Never lie to a psychic person! Like them man in this video said nothing stays hidden, even when a person in spirit is passing on information they too will often tell you something that has been hidden and the more a person denies something the more information the spirit will provide.

 I had a grandmother of someone come through during a public demonstration and the person in question kept telling they didn’t know the person or details provided. The person was lying, for what reason I have no idea. But the grandmother kept providing me with more information. Later a person in the audience who is also a medium confirmed what I had said. I knew I was correct anyway but the thing that disgusted me most was the person that kept denying everything had invited me to do this public demonstration. After that incident I washed my hands of the organisation as I will not be dishonest nor be disrespected by anyone that has negative intentions towards me or spirit. 

I often get information and the client will say, “how did you know that?” Anything from a teddy bear on your bed, the colour of your bedroom walls, what was in the fridge that morning when a loved one in spirit was standing behind you. It is all energy, like a radio station frequency, that is what humans are electronic energy in a biomechanical suit/body. The electronic frequency lives on after physical death. We do not need a physical body to exist. We are eternal beings, but temporarily anchored into a physical world.

30 August, 2021

Robert Sepehr: Massive network of underground European tunnels

This is common knowledge to people that are into ancient history, it’s quite interesting reading. But it must have been very arduous traveling through the tunnel systems. My guess would be the traveler  would go so far in one tunnel and then emerge and find the next tunnel and so on. 

Ancient Origins: Rock Art Discoveries in Eastern Sudan Tell a Tale of the Once ‘Green Sahara’ The entire universe goes in cycles, so this is not unusual...