02 February, 2022

Robert Sepehr: Mystery Religion of Atlantis


I am a firm believer that Ireland was part of Atlantis and that the Celtic people are the ancestors of the survivors from Atlantis. The O negative blood as well as the red hair with blue or green eyes are part of the ancient race, and we know there were survivors as there is reference to the survivors in ancient texts. This race were more advanced than we are today and supposedly had the ability to control the weather. There is historical and mythological reference to the use of some sort of crystals being used in weather manipulation by the Atlanteans I am also of the opinion that this race of people didn’t originate on this planet.

One thing that is not understood though is this world is an artificial construction designed to be a reality of polarity and we are in an extremely low dimension below this dimension is the demonic realm. Not just is this a low and negative frequency, it is a locked frequency. Our bodies are also a low frequency 62 to 67 MHz, but the frequency can be raised by meditation and the use of certain essential oil’s, including Rose and Blue Idaho Spruce which is the highest frequency in essential oils. I use some essential oils to assist in lifting my energy before I start working.

So the actual story is much deeper than is mentioned here in the video. When one digs deeper into the metaphysical one discovers much more than this. Nothing in this earth is real or true and that is why I call it a planet of lies. Think of the movie Avatar, that is loosely based on the history of the earth as is Stargate SG 1. Only when one is aware of these things from a metaphysical standpoint does the light bulb moment happen. There is also ancient history and texts left by Plato and other great men, the Gnostic texts, and many ancient races around the world that all say very similar things. 

In regards to the giants, did you know the human being in spirit are absolutely massive? I have witnessed many people in spirit that were several meters high. One occasion was at a funeral and I could not believe what I was seeing. The man’s face took up a large part of the sky as he looked down at everyone outside the church, I felt like Jack from Jack and the beanstalk. But I was well aware of how spirit beings look out of the physical body long before, this and that spirit beings take on what ever size they choose by thought, basically; what you think is, to quote a spiritual expression. 

Humanity have never broken the encryption (the god spell/gospel  ) to their  programming, especially on a spiritual or metaphysical level. Thousands and thousands of years and lifetimes have lapsed and very few have made it out of the reincarnation trap. Most people will not perceive the reality of their existence or the truth of why we are here (harvesting loosh, our spiritual energy as a food source). So it is impossible for them to even know about the encryption that traps them in this reality. Also our chakras are used to anchor us into this reality and are programmed at the etheric level they cannot be removed but there is garbage on the internet telling people they can remove them. That is absurd and disinformation yet people are charging people insisting that they can remove them. I am a spiritual healer and I know for a fact that it is impossible to remove them, perhaps only after bodily death will they be removed however given the fact that we survive physical death and exist within the spirit realms I would say that our chakras are still there until we exit the matrix. After that we have no idea what happens, it is all guessing after that. 

We have been going through the end of times cycle for decades and yet most people are unaware of this. I don’t know when the human race will hit the proverbial wall, but the reset is long underway. I don’t even think that anything really big will happen in my lifetime other than war. Because it’s a gradual build up over centuries and then centuries coming out the other side into a new civilisation. This is a 26.5 thousand years cycle that resets humanity. This may cause a clearing of the earth like an extinction event or just social collapse and rebirth; I really don’t know.  It is all programmed into our reality and can be followed by astrology quite easily. 

In this timeline though we are looking at transhumanism, in a nutshell that is our conscious uploaded onto a cloud and synthetic super-intelligence being added to the human experience. This is already being worked on currently. This is the death knell of humanity as we are. The future human will have artificial intelligence embedded within them. This is already in the pipeline and some individuals are ok with this. Do you really think the average person will get a say in this? I doubt it very much, but it will put an end to spiritually awakening and that’s part of the agenda. You won’t even have independent thoughts not if you are living in a hive mind complex. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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