26 February, 2022

The Dodo: Pets in Ukraine


This really tugs at the heart strings, I can’t bear to see animals suffering. How on earth will they manage to feed, medicate and comfort all the animals? People can help themselves to an extent but animals are helpless and totally dependent on humans. 

I know that I could never abandon my fur children, I would go without to food to care for my own fur babies. Animals have been victims of human wickedness since the beginning of time. This world will never change unfortunately because it is a low vibrational frequency. No matter how much unicorns and rainbows rubbish is spouted in social media. To think otherwise is naïve and shows a lack of understanding on how this dimension is set up for humanity to fail and engage in violence. 

I wish it was possible to lift the entire world vibrational frequency much higher and permanently, so that evil would perish. A realistic understanding of metaphysics; and our reality needs to be understood by the masses and then there would be changes. There would be no need for this reality or dimension to exist if that were the case.

Major nation’s postal service to stop delivering letters
