24 February, 2022

ABCNEWS: Blood Cobolt


 Very  disturbing article; human beings lives are worth more than this. Yet greenies don’t tell you about this human suffering that is involved producing  ethical and green products. You have to ask yourself why they don’t but also put that question to the greenies themselves. I have yet to see anything good that greens endorse without a negative impact somewhere. Just like the compact fluorescent bulbs and the green shopping bags. Many people have no idea that their electrical goods are produced via this and other horrific processes. 

People need to be aware of these horrific working conditions used in the production of  the goods people are demanding. Is it really worth the deaths and suffering of the poor and unfortunate of the world who live literally hand to mouth every day of their lives?  We don’t need all this technology we don’t need the latest and greatest phone, iPad or high definition tv. There is a price to pay for everything on this earth and sometimes the price is too high and not worth all the suffering is causes.

What is the spiritual debt to be paid for all of this; whether one is aware of this facts or not? This earth has spiritual debts going back thousands of years, and unless you know how to circumvent this then you will be held accountable on a spiritual level. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...