13 February, 2022

Robert Sepehr: Hollywood magic and social engineering


 I think most of this is common knowledge nowadays. Nothing that people don’t really know if they are surfing the net. Yes the evil came from the East, however it did not originate their either; only flourished and spread. One must look further back in time to Atlantis as the seat of evil and then fanned out over centuries. But what I noticed in this video within myself, was the Druidism. I don’t have a religion, I no longer believe in god, more of a spiritual atheist. But my spiritually is vital and taken very seriously.

Anyway, when forests and trees are mentioned, this made me  listen. I am a forest  person not a beech person. Sure it’s nice to go to the beach and be near water; I like rivers and lakes, but the sea is nice too. From infancy my strong connection is to trees and forests, I need the smell of the earth. I played in forests as a child in Scotland, it was my go to place to connect with something. I have always loved oak trees, poplars, weeping willows, rowan trees (Mountain Ash), and holly bushes, I actually grow holly bushes in my garden along with elders. These are some of the typical trees growing in Scotland and Ireland, and I have a strange connection to ancient Ireland from birth.  The Druid connection is there too, but like all religion; I shun Druidism  too. I don’t feel they were good people either, this to me is about rival priesthood clans going way back to Atlantis and the race to collect and enslave souls. Keep in mind our world is geared to polarities for a reason. Did you know the Queen is an initiated Druid from the mid 1950’s? Winston Churchill was also a initiated Druid. 

I feel Druids were just as bad as traditional religion is today, it is all about control of the people, but more to do with their souls and spiritual fire within humanity; hence the desire to patent human DNA currently, to own as in control it. We  have important information in our DNA and our DNA is programmable. These individuals in secret societies religion and Hollywood seek to control or take ownership of the spirit within us; and  keep in mind that this is the third dimension, a low and heavily controlled negative vibrational frequency. 

Humanity has never been free and never will be free in this reality due to spiritual amnesia, and the lack of will to be spiritually aware. Do not confuse religion with spiritually they are not the same, spirit was not created by man, religion was created by man.  We were born as spirit, we are having a physical world experience not having a spiritual experience. This world is not real; it is not natural, it is augmented and moving up to a newer version of  artificial reality at present, Hollywood are leading the push in the human experience via entertainment. They are pushing unhealthy thinking and presenting it as normal and something to aspire to. Currently pushing an unhealthy interest in the dark arts to young impressionable minds, yet no one objects. Teaching the belief in manipulating freewill of others for personal gain. Perversion towards females and no one bats an eyelid, this is the defiling of the sacred and divine feminine. 

Morality is out the window in modern entertainment including things aimed at youngsters. Few people stop to question this and are completely oblivious to what is right in front of their eyes because they are under the spell of Hollywood. If you disagree with this, people will troll you for not thinking the right way, down to the point of people think twice before commenting on social media. This is not freedom it is soft Marxism to make you comply with the program; not freedom of spirit or freedom of speech that Americans always fight about. Hollywood and freedom of speech are polar opposite’s. But the founding fathers and Hollywood have much more in common through the occult than Americans or anyone else realise. Both have an esoteric background and this is a very powerful background that no one can break. 

Personally I am more let people be, just a don’t bother me type of person in this life. I need nature and small animals around me, I can’t be apart from nature, I am aware that as a spiritual being I do not belong here. I am very well aware of this earth being profane (it is not just Hollywood that is profane and dark, many individuals are that way inclined without the influence of the perversion from Hollywood because they are that sort of  person; Hollywood just encourages people to be vulgar and profane). 

I just want to be left in peace with spirit and nature.  None of what is said in the video is a surprise to me. But, it is possible that Robert could possibly be controlled opposition. I do not mean any disrespect here and I may be wrong, it is just me wondering. Robert Maxwell on the other hand is different and gives off a much different vibe, notice in some of his videos he says certain things three times, that is a ritual and he does this in this video clip too( third time’s the charm). I am uncomfortable with Robert Maxwell, again no disrespect is intended. 

I appreciate the information but leave it as that, information. My own personal reality is of peace and spiritually. That is my spiritually not another person’s spiritually. Spiritually is is personal and should be a personal and private thing. 

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