20 February, 2022

Tarot Card of the month: March 2022, 3 of Pentacles


Element: Earth                         Season spring (northern hemisphere)

Cardinal point:  East                 Zodiac signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn  

Ruling number: 3                      Energy: Female

Realm: Home                          

There's work to be done! ( This is what I hear as I pull the card)

The three of Pentacles is an interesting card, and for March it tells me the silly season is long over and the serious part of the year is in full swing. I personally  always feel the year doesn't really kick in until March.

Key words for this card and the month of March are:

Health, finance and physical action.

I will keep the symbolism to a minimum for this card and just focus on the important things that I feel in the cards. There are just too many symbols and hidden meanings in each individual card that it is absolutely mind boggling and I don't want to bore people. 

So, without further a doo, I shall introduce the card. The important messages here are the individuals covered by this card are skilled people, well informed individuals, individuals with skill and talents to use. Let them do their job and don't hinder them; including apprentices and students that are in the process of learning their vocation.

The number three (Trinity) in this card is about teamwork and some of the numerical meanings  are, forming partnerships, integration, sorrow. Education I feel falls into this category for March. The negative vibration of the number three includes,  uncooperative, overindulging, recovery, healing.   

Emotionally three is fulfilling.  

Notice the people are inside a church, meaning they all hold the same beliefs and have a common interest in what is happening. One person is wearing a cloak alluding to among other things; secrecy, silence and withdrawal. There are secret dealings going on. The cloak is orange meaning; vital energy, active mind and pride. The other person is a clergyman  representing the priest class in spirituality. 

The young man in the card is called the apprentice, He is a skilled young man and knows exactly what he is doing; and is under the influence or guidance of his patrons depicted in the card, and follows their instructions to the T.  Notice he is wearing a yellow apron. As in perhaps a secret society in which an apron is worn during ceremonies. The yellow alludes to the intellect  and confidence of the young man. In his hand is a masonry tool called a bolster, yet again implying a secret society,  he is actively working or chiselling away at his task. As I have mentioned in other TCOM posts Freemasonry symbols are inserted into the Rider Waite Smith deck. So there are little humorous hints in many of the cards to be noticed by those in the know.

The black in the archways signify mystery, knowledge, transformation, and silence. Negatively  it can mean evil, despair, ignorance. There are two arches implying duality; meaning you have to make an active decision as to which path you will take. Arches are also portals to move from one reality to another, hence transformative. 

The pillar implies stability, support and strength, upholding beliefs such as religious or spiritual beliefs  

Bricks can be to build lasting foundations and joining together; to create something big or they can be made to block your path or your view of something that must remain secret. 

There is a white rose in the middle of the arches alludes to the house of York and Mary Magdalen and the ancient Egyptian mystery schools including the royal houses of upper and lower Egypt; their royal colours were white and red respectively. 

The pentacles signify spirit, humanity with the circle of spirit surrounding man. The pentacle also means money. Notice the apprentice is standing on a bench and also he is wearing boots. This signifies elevated position and intellect; but also protecting him from dirt and the unclean of the earth. Clothes don't just imply social status, rank and  honour. They show the outward symbols of the person, what others see, but they protect and conceal that which is within us; spirit. Not all is as it seems, hence the saying; never judge a book by its cover.

As for the full message for March 2022, It is a month for putting skills in to action, showing others you have what it takes to get something done. This card signifies people that have a job to do and let them get on with it. These people can back up their words with action and skill. 

They may be frustrated because they are being prevented  or held back by others from doing their job. For example nurses and aged care workers are eager to get their work done but are being hampered by restrictions around them. These people also have to work hard and fast to make up for lost time through no fault of their own. This also includes students and apprentices of all types.

People don't like their lives disrupted or on hold, they want to go back to normal, but there is a new normal not the old normal. There are still going to be disruptions and delays to cope with.

Plans wasted and skills wasted; poor advice given without any accountability. Is there going to be a skills shortage? Yes, in certain areas of employment; especially in aged care, healthcare, communication and haulage. 

Money is the other important message, people want a decent income for their jobs. Especially in aged care, child care and health care. Employers also will try to avoid paying up especially in small businesses because they may not survive especially just after lockdown. This will cause more upset because small businesses are suffering without relief and the cost of living is rising rapidly.

Some people will lose their jobs and may have to learn a new skill. This takes time and effort and may not be very easy for older people. Some older  people may just give up hope of ever working again.

This will take its toll globally causing more problems. People are getting frustrated with all the disruption to their lives  and not having any money. Noting that the healthcare system is failing them too. I feel there will be more loss of lives due to this especially the elderly due to a poor quality healthcare system world wide. I see delays in health care and apathy. The world governments owe the elderly for all their suffering. These good people gave their best and paid their taxes and they are let down badly by the authorities around the world. 

Meanwhile people that want to work are being prevented from returning to work in healthcare. Some are burned out from the past two years in particular and are in need of help themselves. Guess what; a shortage in mental health workers.  So, as we can see the healthcare system is on its knees with very little done to fix this. 

There is no quick fix to any of this because governments are in turmoil and no one seems to be actually doing anything proactive or of real consequence to get the ball rolling. Add elections in various countries holding up necessary help where it is needed. Health, education, money, production of goods and food are what are governed by the 3 of pentacles for March. 

Blessings and warm and fuzzy hugs 



  Note: There will be a video version on YouTube shortly. I will post the link here asap.

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