22 February, 2022

Nexus Magazine: Elon Musk’s brain phone, will humans be rendered unrecognisable?


Pffft, only idiots would succumb to this stupidity. We are no longer human at this point, we become cyborgs; end of story. Do you honestly want to be part of a hive mind complex? That’s what we become if we go down this path. Goodbye humans, hello freaks. Our spiritual energy is no longer there for us to use and experience, because it will be suppressed by technology. Our spiritual energy is very important and vital and especially at the end of our lives to move us out of this reality and into the next. Our spirit and our souls need to be respected; not to be crushed and suppressed, it is part of us and it is powerful but it is also bio-electric energy too so it can be subject to manipulation as is our DNA.

What about people with intellectual disabilities or mental health issues? How will they understand this and cope with this; being vulnerable people they need protected from this destructive violation of their rights and humanity. Who will be there to protect their rights? They cannot give informed consent in some cases. 

There is a hell of a high price to pay if we accept this abomination. Intelligent people know the clear and present danger and will refuse this evil. To be frank I am surprised people tolerate this guy and others like him. These individuals do not have any respect for humanity, they see us as commodities to be used, bought and sold. These individuals are void of compassion, respect for others and any form of true spiritually and they want to kill our spiritually because they see it as a threat. Why is that you ask?  Well if you have to ask that, you lack any understanding of spiritually and how important the human beings are. We are very unique and irreplaceable from a spiritual perspective, there is nothing else like us in this universe. 

Just as something to ponder, how long can you go without using your phone, social media or a computer?  These things are very addictive but just wait until the VR technology is in your hands and see how well you can resist that. This is the next thing that is currently being rolled out to keep people addicted to technology and will be used in everyday lives for many things including banking. 

Get used to the end of cold hard cash, because it’s going to be obsolete  in the next handful of years. Too many idiots are allowing this to happen, including people in banking, government and big business. They don’t care what we ordinary people think; and most people will just accept this. Our existence is then under the control of the bank when we switch to a cashless society. If there is a power outage the cash cards don’t work, we can’t buy food, petrol or anything. How do you feed your family without money?  Australians experienced this during the 2019 bushfires, they couldn’t use their cards to buy anything and had to depend on the emergency services helping them. That was a real eye opener for the people that it happened to, along with many losing their homes. 

Take a look at this news article below about Neuralink. I found this rather distressing, as I am very against animals being used like this. 


The past two years were a dry run for the brave new world. The pan demic was a perfect opportunity to trial a few social experiments. They were a huge success, however many people are well aware of this.

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 4 January 2025

  https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Q-and-A-Session-4%5EJ-2025.pdf Please read these comments carefully and you may need...