26 February, 2021

Praying to Celtic Gods or Egyptian, er same horse just different jockey!


No matter what faith and in any land; we are all praying to the same negative entities.
If you read through the Wes Penre papers from the very start it is obvious, the best we can do is take ancient myths and some of our human history as a tale and nothing more; albeit an often dangerous one. But do enjoy the learning process here.

Update Wes Penre Level 5 Paper 7


This is one of the most important and quick reference parts in level 5 to me. Make sure you read this and keep it handy to quote from too.



Wes Penre update 5 level paper 6


click and download please. More to come.

Paranormal activity in homes after the death of a loved one

 Paranormal happenings in houses after a death in the family is not un common. Many people I have spoken to and many people that I know, have told me over the years of events happening in their homes after a loved one dies. Some times people feel the presence of the loved one just after the person passes to spirit. I myself have had such experiences over the years and so has my mother.

I can remember when my mum's father died, the clock stopped working in the lounge room. This is quite a common thing as it turns out, but no one knows why. At the time of a person passing to spirit many people are visited by the deceased person. My mum was visited by her father in spirit as she lay in bed that night. He was like a mist at the bottom of the bed. Mum knew right away what had happened. Shortly after that my uncle came to inform my mum that their father had died.

My mum always felt or heard the person at the point of death. It used to amaze me as a child. I started to pick up on this by the age of 16. These days I either see my loved one in dream form or they come direct to me. I see and hear them. A friend of mine from years ago passed away just before Christmas, I was so blessed to have her come to me to say good bye.

Around the same time as this, a dear friend of mine lost her mother. Paranormal activity started to happen from the get go. But it wasn't her mother doing it, it was her father. She had a lovely big mirror in her bed room, come off the wall and break. Now this is a very big heavy mirror, which had 3 hooks to hold it up. Then a sister of hers had a lamp in her bedroom fall over and smash. No one was in the bed room when the lamp was smashed. My friends sister heard the noise and went into the room to see what happened. Lights have been going off and on and other strange things in both of their houses.

This activity was done in anger by my friend's late father. I have no idea why though. I did speak to him and tell him it is wrong to do this. Interfering with the living is against cosmic/spiritual law.
I told him he has been in spirit long enough to know this. I could see my friend's mother standing beside him. She was telling him to listen to what I am saying. Which I am grateful for. So far nothing else has happened.

Some people when they pass to the other side can be heard walking in loved ones houses. Footsteps in hall ways etc. Coughing  and the sound of a person coming home from work are other things that people report having experienced. I know a lady who's father died at the end of last year and she can smell him cooking in her kitchen. That started pretty much as soon as he passed to spirit.
Some people find these things distressing while others take comfort in the events. Depending on the relationship on has had with  the deceased and the individual spirit being expressing them selves.

I have an uncle that passed away 20 years ago, he was a very funny man. I thought the world of him.
He passed suddenly of a heart attack. He popped over here to say goodbye to me. The day was an average day for me and my two small children. I had just had a shower and was in my bedroom getting dressed. I was standing near my mirror, when suddenly I heard a male voice quite loud saying , "oh you look beautiful love".  In a joking voice. I turned around with a start to see who was there. Then I looked out the window, god knows what I expected to see, lol. The street was empty and quiet. So I just started to get dressed, when  I felt a smack on the bum. That did it. I turned round again rather annoyed. Then it dawned on me what happened. Just a tad slow on the uptake lol.
Well five minutes later the phone rang. It was my brother to tell me my Uncle had just died. I said yes I know he's here. I told him what had happened, I don't remember what my brother said after that though. But these days I can freak him out...hey it is a talent I have :P

I should point out that my late uncle served in the Royal Navy during WW2, he was over here in Australia for a spell, at Woolloomooloo naval base and Warwick Farm NSW. I lived in  a military area when my uncle came to visit me in spirit. I also used to live in Warwick farm as a teenager, how funny is that. He told me about his time in Australia many years ago when I was over in Scotland I must have been 19 at the time. Life is often stranger than fiction as they say.

Many years from now I intend to write a book to share my experiences in and hopefully some good advice for psychic people that may read the book. We will have to wait and see what will comes. I am sure that my wonderful loved ones in spirit will be there to guide me in the project and also share in the experience too. After all we are a working team, it isn't just me. There are many in spirit working through me and they must be acknowledged for their efforts and loving help too. No psychic should ever claim that it is all their work, it is always a team effort with spirit and the physical world being.

Copyright Alex Fulford January2015

JOKE: school field trip

 Two female teachers took a group of students from  grades 1, 2 and 3 for a field trip to Flemington Racecourse.  When it was time to take the children to the 'bathroom', it was decided that the girls would go with one teacher and the boys would go with the other.

The teacher assigned to the boys was waiting outside the men's toilet when one of the boys came out and told her that none of them could reach the urinal. Having no choice, she went inside, helped the little boys with their pants, and began hoisting them up one by one, holding on to their 'wee-wees' to direct the flow away from their clothes and shake them dry.
As she lifted one boy up, she couldn't help but notice that he was unusually well endowed. Trying not to show that she was staring at his equipment the teacher said, 'You must be in Grade 3?
'No ma'am', he replied. 'I'm riding Black Caviar in the next race, but I really appreciate your help.'

Your Value...


Wes Penre update Level 5 part 5


Click on the link and then on to the PDF file.


When is it ok to abuse or insult psychic? Bottom line...it isn't !!

 OK, folks I will say this once and once only. There is something that we Psychics and Clairvoyants find rude and offensive.

A phone call from a random person wanting to know if you are any good. The person will usually ask for a demonstration of our skills and abilities over the phone.  Now this is the height of ignorance, what gives anyone the right to say this sort of thing??

Do you phone a doctor or a solicitor and ask them these questions? No of course not. Why not?
Because it is down right rude and ignorant, that's why not. It is also a fundamental lack of respect. They would more than likely tell you  not to come to them, and perhaps also tell you, they are not the professional person for you. I totally agree with that.

Just two days at the most, after my 2013 Psychic of the year award was given to me, a woman rang me around 8pm and started laying into me. She wanted me to tell her, how long I was reading for. Fair enough I told her, and told her my family are all psychic. That was not good enough for her. She had a "good friend that was a well known psychic".  Quite clearly this lady was just out to cause trouble, her negativity was so over whelming. She said it cuts no ice that you won that award.

What a charmer I thought. My husband could hear her shouting down the phone at me. He said just hang up on her. I gave him that look, Yes, I will dear. Still this dark haired woman went on at me. ( yes, being a Clairvoyant of course I know what you look like and as most people are  actually given a physical description by me as soon as I answer the phone., I automatically describe them NUFF SAID!)

I  could tell a hell of a lot about her on he phone in the couple of minutes,(including the fact that she was calling from Sydney), that she felt it was her right to insult me. Someone that she had never met and knows nothing about. When I tried to talk to her; I was abused and she slammed the phone down.

This is the sort of thing that we tend to cop from time to time by unbalanced people. We also get people that ring in the small hours of the morning wanting to make an appointment. Would you do this to other professionals?  Why don't people ring them at odd hours and most importantly out of working hours?

Why do some individuals think that it is ok to use a psychic like this?  There seems to be a lack of respect here. A very big lack of respect. I personally have a busy life with my family and I do have to act as a carer for a relative as well as a friend with health problems. I have a lot of animals to care for also. I too need to rest and re charge my batteries.

In this field of work we can shut down due to exhaustion as I have stated in an other post (take care not to drain a psychic). Some times we are needed to perform spiritual emergencies, that is a haunting or a spirit attachment. Some times it is a place that a person lives or it can be an individual that has an entity attachment.  I do not accept payment for this either. To make money from a situation like this , in my eyes is very immoral and I refuse to accept payment. I prefer not to do these cases if I can avoid it. Most people have no idea how much goes in to doing these things or how exhausting some cases are. Some times we have had such a busy day that we just can not give any more because we have been drained.

This can lead to ill health, I have seen this with my own father years ago. He did a healing on a very sick person, but asked spirit to take a bit of his energy. Even though he knew he shouldn't do this. But my Dad being the wonderful kind hearted person that he is, did just that. The man made an amazing recovery. But my poor Dad was ill for a week after that. He was totally exhausted near collapse.

I have never put myself in that situation and hope to God that I never do. But getting back to the point at hand. We psychics give of ourselves unconditionally. But, we are not put on this earth to be used, abused and taken advantage of. That is a wicked thing to do to anyone, especially someone that people want help from. Where is the respect for the humble human being, that is only here to be of help and service to God, humanity and the animals?

We are not rich people, we are just your average human being. We have our own issues to deal with, yet some people want us to be their personal councillor. We are not here to be  a councillor to others, but we end up having to perform as such at times, even though we have to keep reminding the client that we are not councillors.

I know many wonderful people in this industry that care for the homeless, the poor, the shelter and wild animals, they help troubled youth and are foster parents. We have to just take it all in our stride, (but we should not have to deal with psychological bullying from random idiots). And still keep a smile on our faces. I personally donate to animal welfare often, I give to human charities when I can too, in the form of clothes, household items, food etc, over a period of 30years. I am by no means rich, but I do my best to share what little I have. It is just who I am. I give what I give anonymously, I am not out for an ego trip. I am just the average person in your street. I like it that way.

Then back to the phone, ring ring. Hi, I would like a reading please. How good are you? How accurate are you? My friend went to so and so and they were really good!   My friend reads for famous people. What am I thinking right now? What colour hair do I have? Is this attitude insulting to the psychic or what? 

BTW, when I answer my phone I DO get a mental image of the person, and other things too. Sometimes I know if the person is not the one for me too. refer them to some one else, but only people that I would allow to read for me personally. The duty of care thing!!

Don't get me wrong, 99% of the clients are wonderful, for all of us psychics and we care deeply about our clients. I have been to a Clients wedding and have stayed friends with her for many years. I have become close friends with some clients. Despite the fact that it is best to keep to a professional level. We are only human and some times we are meant to connect deeper with some people for a reason.

Hmmm, do you think you could take this lifestyle? I do not like it when some people that are just looking to cause upset ring me or my colleagues. That is not very nice and no way do I want a person with that negativity in my home. Would you allow a negative person in your home, your private personal space?

We leave energy where ever we go, some times we leave good happy and loving energy. But some times a person can leave bad energy. They are usually not aware of it happening, why would they?
But there are some out there that know exactly what they are doing and also indulge in the dark arts.
I had one come into my house, I had to do a clearing as soon as she left. I am very careful about who I choose to read for. After all it is my gift and my home.
I have had people, mostly women I must add making the sign of Satan to me ad I have conducted their reading. I continue with the reading but that client will never set foot in my house again.

I work for the Pure spirit world, nothing else. If it is not pure and unconditional love then it is not good. 
I humbly thank you for your time, and taking the opportunity to read this.

Blessings to all

UPDATE: As from January 2020 I no longer do face to face readings, can you guess why?



This is an interesting case here. I do not like to get involved in this sort of stuff, however this was a family friend that was being terrified in her home.

I was informed of a possible haunting in a friends house. The information that I was given was rather
disturbing, but in the ball park area of a regular paranormal event. This friend was terrified to sleep at night or be alone in her flat.  Doors were opening, objects falling, or being broken and a very frightening feeling  of being watched. Then there was a feeling of hands around her throat and a heavy feeling of some one pressing down on her chest, which was the final thing that prompted my friend to ask for help. This paranormal activity was going on for a few weeks prior to her asking me for help.

This is where things started to get interesting. Suddenly sitting in my office I could see this person in spirit that was causing the disturbance. He was a dark haired man, solid build and rather aggressive.
He knew that I was going to move him on. I started to communicate with him and laid down the law to him. I do not tolerate any bullies or nasty people at all, never have and never will. I told him straight. I am not afraid of you, you have no power over me nor anyone else. I reminded him that he is in spirit and he should not be harassing the living. I told him he has been in spirit long enough to know the rules. Also that I don't "take any prisoners".

He got a bit shirty at that, but I stood firm. He knew I meant business. This was quite a powerful connection that I had. He was able to move between my friends house and my house. Just as well that I put spiritual protection around my house every single day and around my self and my family. To do otherwise would be down right stupid and irresponsible.

I was able to inform my friend that not only was this man a very bad person , but he had done a double murder and then killed himself.  I said this spirit was brought into her house, he didn't just lob up there and decide to move in. I was not told the full story of this from my friend until after the entity was removed. it would have been much better if I had all the cold hard facts first, but hey that is just the way things sometimes happen.

I went over to her flat with both of my sons who are also psychic. The moment I got in the car Mr Bad-guy was there. He didn't say much, but he knew that I was there to move him on. When I went into the flat, things were a little quiet. Which I expected to be the case, Then I started to do the house clearing, things started to warm up. Suddenly my friend was frightened her glass of water dropped from her hand and smashed on the floor.

I kept going with  the house clearing. I gave my friend and my sons strict instructions on what not to do, and most importantly show no fear. I was given a  crystal pendant. That was how the spirit got in there in the first place. It turns out a friend gave this object to my friend. I believe t came from a second hand shop. The spirit being and the two people he shot were all attached to this tem. No one realised this until I explained afterwards.

Now what I found out was the dark haired man was the husband or partner of the woman that was murdered along with the man that she had an affair with. This woman's husband or partner caught them and shot both of them and then himself. He did not want to go to prison for the murders. Real nice of him....not! Now my friend had nothing to do with any of this and knew nothing until things started happening in her flat.

I asked her to give me the pendant and would clear  it and then dispose of  it . At this point she told me that she tried to get rid of it before. She dug a hole in the yard and put it in it. The next day the pendant was found in her kitchen. This frightened her, as no one else knew about this.

So after hearing this I was in no doubt how determined this dark haired man was.  But then so am I, I would not be doing what I do if I wasn't a strong person. So I did a clearing of this object and then took it outside. The three spirit beings were watching and listening to me the whole time. I did notice the two murder victims stood a little back from their killer. I went out the door of the flat and went out in to the street, followed by my sons. I found a drain and threw the pendant in the drain.

Suddenly I heard a voice say , "You shouldn't have done that" he was quite angry with me. Telepathically I snapped back "shut up and don't speak to me". "I don't like you and I don't want to talk to you".
My oldest son suddenly said , "Mum did you hear what he just said?"  This was my first inkling that my oldest son could hear spirit. I said ," yes, I did but I am in charge not him".
My son said "Mum this isn't over yet" and he was right. I could feel that.

We were walking back into the flat and I could feel the very heavy presence at the door way. I just walked in and ignored it. Both my sons and my friend were rather freaked out which is understandable.

We stood talking about what happened, then my friend showed me a silver ring that she was given with the pendant. I told her that she should have told me at the start, no wonder things were not going well. This gave him the ability to entre the flat still.

So back through the cleansing again and then I took that ring outside and threw it down the drain in the driveway. I told my friend not to think about all of this as she could bring them all back again.
So far so good. So I thought as I drove home I had a sinking feeling something was wrong. Even my sons could feel this. They both expressed their concerns. I agreed with them, but also asked them to be strong and show no fear. We had a rough drive home as this entity was trying to prevent us getting home safe. Much to his lousy disgust we made it home safe.

Now  a few weeks later all seemed normal and hunky dory. Then one lunchtime, I got a few unexpected  visitors from spirit. Yup, the three of them decided they did not want to go to the light, I strongly suspect the other two would have liked to, but were stuck to Mr Bad-guy.

 A karmic connection that bound them to each other. I spent nearly all afternoon communicating with them. I explained to them, they must let go of any fears and worries, including religious beliefs as it will hold them back. However I did make it clear to them to heal and forgive each other and work as a team. So that they could all go in peace. Well this was not an easy thing to do. I kept calm and didn't get angry. This was spiritual counselling to 3 spirit beings, so I had to get this right and assist all 3 of them and not to be personally attached to this. One thing that I did do was give them the option of going to the light (soul trap) explaining what that was or going through the grid and into freedom where we are supposed to go. Not all people who pass go through the grid because they have been programmed to go to the light (Lucifer's light or soul trap).

Eventually they all accepted what I said and left of their own free will. There has been no more visits or paranormal activity from them after that.

My friend eventually did move out of the flat but not because of the events that took place. She just needed a bigger flat. And I am happy to say she is a happy camper enjoying her life.

Note: One can not move a spirit being on unless that spirit or spirits agree to move on. That is where free will comes in. What we can do is change the energy around the place that the spirit is inhabiting so that the spirit no longer feels attracted to that place and will move on.

It is all about energy and harmony and keeping everything in the Universe/Multiverse in balance. Spirits need to be aware of their options too. Some are held back form going to their rightful place due to emotional issues, personal beliefs and or misunderstandings and of course religious beliefs.

Of all of these things Religious beliefs do the most harm. for any spirit progressing from one world to the next. I strongly advise that people in our time learn as much as they can and be more spiritually empowered and aware. So that one day when they leave this world they know what to do.

One also must get to know their higher self or oversoul. I can not stress this enough.

Blessings to all.

Copyright Alex Fulford January 21 2015

A new article published in The Supernatural Magazine: My spirit communication with the late actor Simon Gipps Kent


I have done this on my blog 2 years ago. But I decide to share it with the magazine, It is a wee bit more in depth in a couple of spots.

I intend to write more stuff for the magazine, and they are giving me the wonderful opportunity to write in their magazine. For which I am most humbled and grateful.

Wes Penre Level 5.3


 Here you go, enjoy. For those that don't want to wait for me to post the link, please go straight to his web page each day to down load his updates and join his face book page for discussions.

Note: As I am loading this to a new blog, I must point out it is vital that you start reading the WPP from level 1 or you will find it confusing as new information comes to hand.

Wes Penre Level 5 paper I and 2 PDF


Part one is the bottom link


Extra-terrestrials races the good the bad and the ugly


Being a follower of Wes Penre, I have to say this is quite informative. From what I have experienced on a very personal level, I have to agree with what he says. It is up to each individual to search for their truth and set their soul free.

I do not endorse what the In5d website says. Please to not make the mistake of thinking I follow this.
I do my own thing and try to keep life simple. Like I say, I am a wife and mum and I just happen to be clairvoyant, nothing more nothing less. I try to keep an open mind like most people. That is hard enough in the times that we live in. I do not intend to make my life any harder than it is, LOL.

New update on Wes Penre's website, Level 5 is here



Please enjoy this free ebook that Wes has given the world for free. If you have not read his work , then please start at the introduction to his work. What an amazing person doing all this research and sharing his work for free.

I can't wait to start on this, so exciting. I have been waiting for months. I will add this to my kindle and read it in bed each night now. Says me with a pile of lovey  new books on my bedside table.
I bought 3 gardening books yesterday too, nothing like the love of nature to sooth the soul. Any hoo,
I hope many people share the link to the website and enjoy Wes's articles as much as I do.

Much love to all XXX


 I am only just starting to talk about this subject openly, for I was not sure what the reaction would be from people that know me. For several years I have been getting UFO dreams, most of which seem harmless. But over the past 5 years they are building up. It is not something that I want to encourage either. It is getting to the stage of being very disturbing.

I do not recall when I started to get these dreams. But I do know when it started, not long after I started living here in Canberra, Australia. I moved down here from Sydney, NSW in 1995 with my young family. I just remember dreaming of a strange yellow pod shaped UFO flying quite low, over the roof tops, when I am looking out of my kitchen window. It didn’t bother me seeing this space ship. I knew what it was and was not worried about it. There was a very familiar feeling each time it appeared in my dreams.

I even tell other people in the dreams not to worry about the yellow space ship. Sometimes I am in the street shopping in a nearby town, in these dreams. I look up and there it is, following me. People notice the spaceship and look alarmed, I tell them not to worry they are on “our side”.  I have no idea if the ET’s are good guys or bad guys in reality.

Now I start getting a dream in which my husband and I are on a space craft and have been fitted with a microchip in our hands. I seem to have two chips in my left hand. I have one in the tip of my left middle finger and one in the middle of the left palm. I get quite upset with this. I know that because I am a spiritual healer in my awake state this is very bad. I use my left hand (which is the receiving hand) in healing people. Now just after my husband are implanted with these chips in one particular dream, there suddenly comes a rescue team to remove these microchips. Suddenly we find ourselves in a split second on board a different space ship and they remove the microchips.

Now all of the ET’s look human but, I never get a good look at them. They wear dark clothes, they seem to be Caucasian like us. (This I find interesting when I waken up).   I don’t notice if they are telepathic or not. In one particular dream, I ask the person removing the microchip from my finger if he is from the Annunaki race. He says no, I notice a blond haired woman standing next to him. She does not speak, she just seems to be his assistant. Now when I asked him was Annunaki, he said, “I can bring them next time if you like”. I was horrified and said. “Don’t even think about that. I don’t like them”.

At that stage a group of other ET’s were attacking, what seemed to be friendly ET’s. There must have been about five of them armed with modern looking guns, trying to defend the group that my husband and I were with. Again I noticed they all wore black clothes like paramilitary clothes.

My husband and I suddenly found ourselves placed in a car, and we had warm blankets around us, pale blue blankets and they were warm. Just like when you have been through surgery to prevent you going into shock. Shock, is the understatement here let me tell you. We were left momentarily in a car on a remote road in a coastal area. Go figure, Canberra is inland and at least 3 hours from the coast.  
The next thing I knew we had to drive as fast as we could to get away from the not so nice ET’s. The road seemed to look like somewhere along the south coast of New South Wales.  We had to pull off the road at one point and hide in a ditch, until the road was clear. Then do a U turn and find the turn off to a property. The residents had to flee for their lives when we arrived. This part was rather frightening and I could feel my heart thumping. My husband did not seem to be the target, it was me they were after. He just got caught up in this with me.  Thankfully we got away, and I  get to waken up in my own bed.  Now things have increased since I had this dream. In my dreams I keep seeing new space craft around the skies of Canberra, people just don’t seem to notice them or see something is very wrong.  I see space crafts that defy gravity hauling big trucks up in to the sky. All sorts of weird things with air crafts in my dreams.

I have also in dreams seen, the whole of Canberra under martial law, this part feels like a premonition, and people are lined up in the multi-story car park at a local shopping centre in Woden ; being give aid and shelter myself and family included. The police and the military taking on the role of caregivers. Everything looked well-co-ordinated in this recurring dream. In this recurring dream, I am walking down a major highway (Hindmarsh Drive) from the direction of the local hospital with my husband. There are tanks in droves coming down the road past us. The feeling is most bewildering to say the least.

In conjunction with these dreams, one morning last year both my son and I woke up with a pain in our left arms. We both felt like we have just been given an injection. When I got out of bed that morning, I had just gone into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. I was rubbing my arm due to the pain. Next thing, my son came through rubbing his arm and told me that he has a terrible pain in his arm as if he had just been given and injection. I told him so did I, it woke me up because it hurt so much. To which he said, “me too!”

Add to this shadow people, I have seen them around my house and at night time one night during the winter I could see them in my front yard. Now this is the frightening bit. My blinds were down and I could see them Clairvoyantly and  perceiving blue glowing eyes. My dog was doing her nut as this was happening. I did not tell any one about this for a few months. Then one day one of my  sons started talking about shadow people. So I told him about this incident. It is very unnerving to go through this sort of stuff, but to find out that my son is seeing this stuff too!!  
No doubt about it there is some freaky stuff going on. Top this off with a client that came to see me this winter. I told her about one of these dreams, and half way through this she told me the rest of it. She said, “I keep getting that dream too”.

Fast forward to June 2014, I attended a course for Mediums up in Leura NSW for 3 days. This was not my idea, I went with a colleague and close friend. The course was for trance mediumship. I don’t normally like that sort of stuff and felt uncomfortable about this feeling something would happen. However I said I would go with her and not be a party pooper. More fool me, my husband was going to come with me, but got the flu so he stayed home. I now see that as a warning sign. The event itself was OK, but when it came to the part where I had to allow a spirit being to communicate through me, the wheels fell off quick smart.

I was sitting there in the chair taking in the energy. The being that came through was an interdimensional entity, I could feel his massive bulky frame squeezing in to my little body, (I’m 5’1”). I could feel myself arching and stretching, this being was with in me. He was huge and angry.

He raised his head and looked around the room. There were twenty mediums in the room from various parts of Australia and the instructor, who came out from England to teach us. I was gagging as I was trying to have this entity speak through me. He must have found it difficult so he started speaking telepathically to me, so I could hear him clairvoyantly. He was trying to tell the human race to change their ways before it is too late, he warned us about war and violence and we are heading down the path of no return. This guy knew what he was up to and I knew exactly who or what he was, and no friend of humanity. To keep in with cosmic law the bad guys must tell us what their intentions are, the rules are and we must be peaceful. He omits to the rest of the story. Just as well I am familiar with the Annunaki and their friends on other planets, dimensions and on earth, I just don’t want part of it.

It is not my life style thanks all the same, leave me out of it guys. Anyhow a female entity that I will describe as a tall Nordic came through next, she just pushed Mr Cranky pants out and then she started on about love. She was crying and I was crying. I won’t say what she said as it was very personal and directed at me. The instructor had to bring me out of the trance and it took a few minutes to do this. I was pretty shaken up, Mr Cranky pants made his impact on me.

The instructor back peddled quick smart and did not want to go there. No wonder, I didn’t want to either thanks. Later in the class one lady said to me, they had to let him through to let you see what is going on. They do not want you researching what you are researching at present.

This is blatant ET/ interdimensional involvement, that I will not tolerate I told her. This is not in humanities best interest, just the ET’s.  The lady didn’t seem to know a lot about this stuff, but one of the men there sure did. He asked me if I wanted to talk to a UFO researcher friend of his. I didn’t want to at that stage, I am still not sure that I want to yet. I just don’t need this in my life thank you.

Late that night just as I was going to sleep this hideous ET guy turned up in my hotel room. He had the most disgusting stench about him too. I got one hell of a shock, but I stood my ground. At that moment I was angry that my husband was not there. I was by myself, whilst my travelling companions all shared a room. I mentally spoke to this entity, and told him to leave, he had no right coming near me. I put spiritual protection around the room and he left. I did not get a good night’s sleep that night. I ended up sleeping with the light on. My friend the next day after I told her what happened kept her distance from me. She knew something was going to happen. 

I have also of late being getting 3 grey Et’s front up in my bedroom. Skinny ones that are about my height. They appear just out of phase, so that I can see them and not my husband. The dog responds though as she sleeps on the bed with us. I won’t speak to them, I just tell them where to go. Then say we leave you in peace and mean you no harm. Now that is not correct, for a start they only come to data harvest, if you read up on UFO’s etc, you will know this.

The icing on the cake was just last Monday night. I decided to go to bed and teach myself how to draw flowers. I cannot draw at all just stick figures that is as much as I can do. I had been given some sketch pads, pencils etc from my husband a few months ago, so I thought why not practice drawing flowers. It all started normally as drawing flowers does. Yeh, I made a pathetic bunch od shapes, so I thought, ok let’s play with a fern design. Just using the edge of the pencil and doing a shading sort of shape, to make a fern. Suddenly I felt a spirit present, as I can do automatic writing I just assumed it is a guide helping me to draw. Well the art class was not what the student intended. I swapped from right hand to left hand and started doing very fast sketches.

Not the usual arty stuff, this was Et’s there was 3D feeling to some images as I drew them. I knew that something was wrong here. I was having a story told to me about these beings coming to earth a long time ago. Oh yes there version of events though not ours. There is a vast difference if you have done research you will know what I mean. The Et’s manner took a menacing dark turn and he started writing stuff about humanity and a particular researcher, whom I cannot name as he has not seen the sketches or the message. I do not wish to offend him as I am a huge fan of his. The message want taunting. I thought he can communicate with him himself, it is nothing to do with me.

Now this has left me rattled, I just read up on the UFO stuff, I am not an official researcher and have no interest in being one. I am a Clairvoyant that is what I do. I am very much into nature and animals, both are a huge part of my life. I just seem to be getting dragged along with this stuff and I do not want it. We all have the right as human beings to have an interest in what is going on, on our planet and to all life on our planet. That is our right. No off planet entities have the right to interfere with us or manipulate us. We must declare our own sovereignty and chase these entities away.

I am now left wondering what comes next. I am aware that many people are having similar experiences world-wide and much worse than what I have had. Clearly something is going on and it is increasing as we speak. I keep a journal of all my psychic experiences, everything is dated so I can look back and trace events as needed. I think it is important for anyone going through psychic experiences to do this and especially UFO dreams and events. In the past 10 years I have come to believe that the ET’s will come forward and declare themselves publicly, rather that the world leaders revealing them to us. They have supposedly been told many times in the past 100 years, so now I feel the ET’s will do that themselves. I do not have positive feelings about this either. I feel these beings do not have our best intentions at heart. My advice to humanity is listen with your heart and lift your vibrations higher and the future may have a brighter outlook. I intend to have a loving and peaceful future with beautiful animals and an abundance of nature, how about you?

The bottom one is a bit of fun making at humanities expanse. Did we really come from the Apes or was there ET intervention, is what this entity is saying. The tree at the top representing the tree of life of the double helix.

Article and Images copyright by Alex Fulford January 2015

UPDATE; I had a dream just after writing this post, in which my mother appeared. She removed an RFID chip from my head, where it was situated at the very top of my head and slightly to the left hand side. When she removed the chip I noticed that it had a grey mucousy coating on it, not to mention the sharp pain that I had, which woke me up because it hurt so much. The pain lasted all day, and I still feel that spot is rather tender.

I have spoken to a neighbour just recently and have been informed by this neighbour that there has been similar stuff happening to them. Seeing shadow people around the house in side and outside the house. This is very distressing to experience and for two house holds to have this experience is a bit of a worry, don't you think? Like I say I don't need this crap nor want it in my life, end of story!



Greetings Possums, Happy New Year, to one and all. Let us hope that this year will be a lovely one with joy in our hears and a spring in our step. The times have been tough and trying, but we must keep on going. We must lift our hearts and our vibrational frequencies as high as possible.

Yes we may feel like Grumpy Cat, we may well want to high five someone in the face with a  chair Grumpy style. But that would be more of  "da same"  stuff from before. So how's about we all lift up
our expectations and do something good and worth while. There is so much to gain and we will feel good doing something good. Pay it forward all year help others, encourage others and be there for others. This is about freeing the world from darkness. The more good we do the less darkness there is
so what we all waiting for? Lets get started Possums.

Love and blessings to all

Alex XXX

Artificial Intelligence (A I) dream with mobile phones transplanted in the ears

 Last Monday night I had one of those weird ass dreams, again. No cheese involved either. I was looking at 3 people with very swollen looking right ears. They were all stitched up and looking painful.

I wondered what had been done to them, I was told by an invincible being these 3 people just had a mobile phone implanted in their ears and is voice activated.
Talk about things that make you say, hmmmmm!

The night before that though was real interesting. Now I can not draw to save myself. A stick figure is about as much as I can do. I do have artists in my fathers side of the family and many musicians. I missed out on that talent though.

Well as I said 2 nights ago was real interesting. I was given art paper and pencils including the water colour pencils by my husband about 2 months ago. I had said to him I really would love to draw botanical pictures, just for my own pleasure. I love gardening, and I have plenty flowers and plants to use as my working models. So I decided to sit up in bed late on Sunday night, with a big sketch pad and pencils. Not much good at the start just odd shaped things that I tried to pass of as flowers or leaves. Next thing I know there is a strange feeling came over me, I just said, ok spirit, lets draw then.

Bad move....I started drawing weird pictures of strange beings.  The style of the drawings was kind of shadowy, for want of a better term. There was also a picture with a space ship that I have seen many times in dreams, flying over my house in day light. There are 4 skinny little figures near the space ship, each is slightly taller than the other. The sky is dark, as in night time and then sparks in the sky falling to earth. There are a few other things in the picture, and I am being told a story of what is taking place.

There is much more info but I won't share it here, as I need to still work on this and what it all means.
At the end of this "art lesson" there was a sinister twist. This being was just messing with me just because he could. There was a dark menacing look in a couple of the pictures and what he wrote too.

I have sent copies off to a UFO researcher that I know to have them studied.  Now this feels like the follow on from what took place at the trance Mediumship classes that I went to in June this year.
I intend to walk away from all of the ET stuff, it is not good stuff let me tell you. I do feel that there are dark days ahead for humanity with our off planet neighbours. Time will bear me out on this. From what I see, feel and have read up on. This little brown duck just does not want to go there thank you very much.

Take my advice folks, if any of you are interested in the UFO/Paranormal stuff, please don't mess with it. Leave it to those that know what they are doing. It is a deep subject and I feel it is not in our best interests. I do also state do not show fear to these beings, they feed from it. Give all that stuff a miss please.

Like I say I can't draw, but I was not in control of this. Enlarge the image and you can see more. The foot of the page is sand with plants that grow on the coast where ever this is supposed to be. I felt it was the middle east a very long time ago.

Article and image copyright by Alex Fulford January 2015

Pope Francis Declares Lucifer As God

 Pope Francis Declares Lucifer As God

AMEN?? As in Amen Ra the heretic Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, yup, afraid so folks.

I keep saying nothing is what it is. Religion is one of the biggest illusions on this earth. Now you are starting to see the mask being lifted off. The Vatican know that their time is up. All the BS called religion; that people have killed for; is now falling apart at the seams. The time has come to an end for illusion, reality is taking a new shape in our lifetimes. This is the end of times; is it not? Lucifer the light bearer, that is the false light, do your research peeps.

What that means is, a new era will commence. It is a gradual shift not a big door shutting with a bang. A gradual awakening to all that was hidden to usher in the “spiritual age “ for the next 2000 years or so.

Don't follow the New Age stuff that is a blind alley. Pure spirit comes from your heart and soul, it is an inward journey, external will lead you nowhere.
You do not need a leader to guide you. You are your own guide. Your higher-self is whom you need to talk to whether in prayer or just chatting in your mind to your higher self. It is not hard and is perfectly natural. The Church Incorp, just wanted to be the middle man to make money, have control over humanity and keep humanity from knowing their spiritual truth. Game over now Vatican!

Folks open your hearts to love and truth. Free your souls and life will improve without any war or violence. There is no need for violence, it keeps humanity in a state of fear and keeps us locked in this augmented reality

 https://biblia.com/bible/nkjv/2-corinthians/4/4 I will leave this here for the non believers! 

Friday, 19 December 2014

Pope Francis Declares Lucifer As God

AMEN?? As in Amen Ra the heretic Pharaoh 

The Supernatural Magazine (UK) : My Psychic World With Animals


This is me officially published in an English magazine. I wish to say thank you to the staff at The Supernatural Magazine (UK) for publishing my article. I really appreciate this with all my heart, Thank you.

Blessings, Love 


To go to the Light or not go to the Light, that is the question


The time has come my friends to speak of many things. Some of these things will perhaps rock your world as you know it. Others are more aware of the spirit world, OR so they think.

There is nothing cut and dry about the spirit world and, there is so much more to it than mere humans can understand. Especially whilst on the earth plane/3D existence.

Many things are coming to light, pardon the pun. Much of which will confuse, anger or be downright baffling to many people. Myself-included here. Just when one thinks they have a handle on all things spiritual, up pops something else to think about. To me this is the single most important thing that we all need to know and understand before our time on earth/ 3D existence is up. Like it or lump it. We have no choice but to look at this fact. I am talking about the soul trap.

I started to mention this on an update tonight on the article Sending a soul to the light. This article was written before I had this new information. Based on what I had been trained to do at the courses that I was trained in.

Now I am faced, like many others with a new situation to face. It is one that affects all of us. It is a moral and ethical dilemma par excellence. What to do with an earth-bound soul. Where should I send them. Where will they be safe and free. Where will there free will not be violated?
What about other people that are assisting souls cross over? Can of worms is an understatement. This, I assure you is going to be one of the biggest battles with people that genuinely want to help these poor souls. What if the person helping the soul does not believe in the soul trap theory?

I myself can only be a simple humble human being trying my hardest to help others, and in no way would I ever mislead or lie to any one especially a soul in such a terrible situation. I could not live with this. It is very important to me, that I act in a loving and compassionate way, and to the best of my abilities and understanding to assist those that need my help. I would never, ever intentionally cause harm, distress or any suffering to any being on either side of life.
So it is important to me to be as well read as I can be on the subject of soul or spirit traps.

After reading through the Wes Penre papers and googling as much as I can. I do have the opinion that such a thing does exist. I first read about the soul trap in a magazine, either New Dawn or Nexus. I think around 18 months to two years ago. I dismissed it at the time. But it started to nag at me.
Like a dog with a bone, I cannot rest when something bothers me like this. So, I am reading up on everything that I can about this subject. In order to share with the public. It is vital that we all have the truth. As a child of 9, I knew that this was my last time on this earth. Something within me just knew that. Also just know that we are not meant to reincarnate. That is a lie that has been forced on to us for thousands of years, by the forces of darkness. That is because they need our energy to exist.

Now let me point out. No psychic, clairvoyant or anyone has the knowledge about how many times you will have to come back to this earth. That is utter BS. Do not accept that rubbish, that is their ego talking. It is very important that you understand that. It would imply otherwise, that you don't have free will. BS, is what I say to that. I am as honest as they come and have nothing to gain either way. I don't give a flying fig, for fame and fortune either. Just doing the right thing by all who live on this earth, not just humans is good enough for me.

So I say again do not listen to the spiel. Only you will make that decision. You can still change your mind too. Now as for the soul/Spirit trap, hmmm where to begin?

It is a big and deep subject, even David Icke has touched on this, so that says something. The Gnostics warned of this thousands of years ago. The problem here is that, so much factual information has been hidden by the Vatican and heaven knows who else.
So it looks like we are back to the old drawing board again with this. Or at least so it seems. There are clues in mystic texts to help us along. For the first website I recommend looking at, and I say keep an open mind. Do not form any opinion yet. Here is the link to Tricked by the light


I have read quite a few of these books and ended up dumping them in the garbage, in disgust. This was years ago before; I knew much about this stuff too. My instincts just told me to get rid of it. Now this is a big cash cow for these people and they are under pressure from the publishers to come up with more goodies. You can see the dilemma these people face.



Even the Gnostics smack of elitism. Some of the stuff that I have read still implies they still have egos, and are no better and no worse than the rest of us. There is so much of, " my invincible friend is better than yours", in their beliefs too. I still find the Wes Penre papers much easier to get my head around than a lot of the other things that I have read. The rule of the thumb is be your own judge people. You must read up on this stuff and free yourself from the world of illusions that we live in.
From what we see around us at present, things will get much worse from here on in. Unless we have a mass awakening and worldwide. Time is short for this folk. Do your best to be better informed. Those that reincarnate on earth are in for a terrible time. The powers that be are ratcheting up the tensions worldwide to keep us in a state of fear and uncertainty. This is to stop us from having time to think and rationalise what is going on. Now why would they be doing that huh?

Simple it is a smoke screen to stop us from a global awakening. This is a point in human existence where the cosmic rays activate our DNA to a higher spiritual level. So, in order to prevent this happening, they need to create tension and fear. That traps us into a lower spiritual vibrational frequency. To keep us in the 3D mindset.

Know that tension and fear feeds the evil or negative spirits around us. They are very real and depend on us for their very existence. Do not feed them your energy. Ever wondered why after a good night’s sleep, you waken up even more tired and have no energy left? Well, there is your answer. It also happens to me. You need to use spiritual protection around yourself and around your home. on this blog you can find examples on how to Gold Light yourself and your home. The more you do this the stronger it becomes and the better for you. Also be careful of the thought that you hold. They can cause harm too. It is the intention in the thoughts and words that you say that make the protection powerful. You can find many different ways to do this. Stick to what works best for you.

It is my intention that when I leave this earth at the point of death, that I do not go towards the light.
In fact I intend going as far away from that trap as I possibly can. A soul gets caught in the energy and is pulled towards this Light. They find it hard to resist. But I advise you to learn as much as you can in how to avoid this and travel the universe to find a truly spiritual world that is safe from war and negativity. They do exist, and also are on a higher vibrational frequency, where those beings that control the soul trap cannot even go. Good spirits will also endorse the Divine feminine. That is a very important question that you must ask any spirit that you encounter out in the spirit world/Universe. Please be aware that there is more than one universe too. It is in fact a multiverse.
I have read that the ideal thing is to try and leave this Universe and move into a peaceful one. I shall be doing more reading on that and shall post links or info that I come across for everyone to read.
Knowledge should be free to everyone. I do not believe that this information should have a price attached to it. To me, that is abhorrent. But such is the mind set of many on this earth.

Peace and  Love

Copyright Alex Fulford, December 2014


UPDATE 2021: My advice on exiting is ask your higher self to take you to either.

Where you should be to be spiritually free and safe or back to the Monad, pure spirit.

My Psychic world with Animals


I have always loved animals, a real deep love for them. Ever since I was a small child, I just related to them. Dogs, I just worshiped them. I would look right into their eyes with love and excitement.


I had a very strong bond with my grandmother’s dog. She got him when I was 7, just after my grandfather died. Well from the first moment I set eyes on him, that was me hooked. We had a very strong bond. Pooch, as she called him would always wait at the front door when he knew that I was coming to the house. We sort of hung out if you like.


One morning when I was about 15, I woke up from a dream in which my gran’s dog was present. In the dream, I was just leaving my gran’s house, on a regular visit with my parents. As I was going out the door, I told Pooch to get up on his chair at the window, to see me off. As he did, I noticed he was limping. He held up his front right paw. I told my gran; Pooch was holding his paw up. He must have hurt it. She said, “Oh, he must have hurt it in a fight”.


Well, the following Saturday afternoon, just as I was leaving my grans house, this actually happened.


I told my parents about it. They didn’t seem to be that interested though.  This was the first of many dreams that were to come over the years. A few years late, when living in Sydney Australia, I had a neighbour’s dog that used to visit. He was a little Silky terrier. I have no idea how old he was. He first appeared on New Year’s morning about 1983. We didn’t know his name, so we called him Angus. This dog became a regular visitor to our house. I do not recall how long he visited us for. A few months, I think. Then one morning I woke up after seeing him in a dream. In the dream he was standing at the front door as usual. But in the dream, there was a white mist around him. He told me that he has to go away. I felt so sad at him leaving. When I woke up, I was upset about Angus leaving. I informed my parents of the dream. This time they listened to me. My mum just knew that this was indeed Angus leaving us. We all missed him for a long time after that.


In recent years, I have had many animals come to me in dreams, for one reason or another. I also see Animals in spirit often. I see them more solid than I do humans for some reason. I just put that down to pure love for animals. With my own fur babies, I have a strong psychic bond. They tell me when I should be home from shopping or visiting friends. When they are outside and want back indoors, they send me a mental image. As soon as I go to the door, sure enough there is one of them waiting to get in. I had a Jack Russell called Sparky, he passed a few years ago. When he was ill, I called in the Shaman spirits, to help him cross over. My other little dog, Gromit and all my cats were present through the healing session for Sparky. They could all see what was happening around Sparky. The next evening, I took Sparky to the vet to have him put to sleep. My husband came with me to say goodbye to Sparky too.

In the Vet’s surgery, I called the Shamans yet again. The room was charged with spiritual energy as the Shamans and some of my loved ones in spirit were present, including my Mum and grandparents. I had never seen so many spirits present in the room. At the precise moment of death, I saw Sparky leave his

body. The dog’s soul looked nothing like an animal. More like a purple and black sparkling and pulsating eye, type of shape. In an instant he was gone. All the lights in the room went dim, and then the whole room had a feeling of calm and neutral energy. I asked the others present if they felt anything. Both the Vet nurse and my husband said, yes, and both said they also saw the lights all flicker. I told them that was Sparky leaving the earth. All the spirit beings left at the same time. Sparky did leave us all with a lovely gift when he departed too. I saw him from a tiny puppy up to his final moment. I could see it through my third eye like watching a DVD. Sadly, our vet was too preoccupied to witness this. He has had his own paranormal events after that though. Now when my husband and I got home, I asked my sons if the felt or heard anything in regards to Sparky. They both confirmed they had felt his presence and like myself and my husband. They too were left with little visions of him. 


I knew that Gromit would go 12 months or so later, which he did. It is not nice to know these things though. This is where the gift can become a curse. Gromit had different health issues, so we had to make a judgment call on when to let him go. Not a pleasant thing to do for anyone. When I took him to the vet, my oldest son came with me, as Gromit was his dog. After leaving the vet’s surgery we drove home in silence. But lo and behold, as soon as we drove up the driveway, I saw Gromit rush out of the car and run up to our front door. When I got out of the car, I turned to my son and asked him if he noticed anything strange. To which he replied, you mean like Gromit just running up to the door just now? I laughed and said, oh, you saw that too.


Over the past few years, I have seen both Sparky and Gromit in the house and heard them barking. I see my mother’s dog too, when he pops in for a visit. I have tripped over Sammy, my mother’s dog on several occasions. One that springs to mind was, on a late-night emergency to the hospital, with a friend that was staying with us. As soon as I opened the front door, I saw a dog run out. I yelled to my husband, “Help, Gromit has just got out”. He called back; Gromit was sleeping next to him. Sammy was the dog that ran out the door. Sammy died back in March 1999. Sammy and Gromit looked similar in colour and size.


Quite often when I am asleep and out of body, my cats or my current little dog, Ruby are with me. I really enjoy their company. I cannot bear to be without my fur babies. They are a huge part of my life. It is also quite common for me to see client’s pets that have passed on, and pass on loving messages to them from their beloved fury family members. I also tune into lost pets for clients. Mostly with happy results and being reunited fur babies and fur parents. I too have been in the situation many years ago, when one of my cats went missing for 3 weeks. It was heart wrenching for all the family. Lucky for me, I just knew that I would get Tolstoy, my cat back again. I could connect to him in dreams, but had no idea where he was though. I just knew that I would get him back. When I did, I was over joyed. He was locked under a house that had just been vacated. He was thin and very hungry. His voice was so feint when I called out to him from over the fence of the house. I could see his tag on his collar shine in the sun light, at the wooden gate, under the house. So, I rushed in to the garden and rescued him. I will never forget that day ever.  Thankfully now we have a big cat run and none of our cats are in any danger of being lost or worse. The pain of losing a pet is unbearable for me.

Copyright Alex Fulford November 2014

Life's Awkward Moments At A Funeral


My first psychic experience at a funeral was somewhat of surprise to me. I was 28 and attending a close friend's funeral. Everything was very sombre as one expects, well until near the end. The priest asked us to think of a happy moment on the man's life and what he meant to us.

This deceased friend had a wicked sense of humour and knew what my sense of humour is like. So, lo and behold my dear friend tried to make me laugh. Yup, that's the sort of guy, LOL. I do miss him very much.
He proceeded to remind me of the awkward moment that he had with his Dad a few years before.
My friend came from a devout Catholic family, and there are certain things that one does not say or do.

Well my friend just had to remind me of one of his embarrassing moments with his father and a condom, that his father happened to find on the driveway. His father was disgusted to find this "thing" on his driveway, my friend always one to think fast on his feet managed to get out of a firm lecture, and mocked disgust at such a thing. I will never forget this story as long as I live, but from the events at his funeral. Not him relaying the story at the time to me.

 I had to sit there for 10 minutes trying not to laugh out loud in the church.
As soon as my husband and I got outside the church, I turned to him and said, "Bloody so and so tried to make me laugh in there, I could kill him."

At that stage my husband had not accepted my psychic abilities. He did not know what to say or how to react at that moment. We laugh at it now all these years later. Even in death things are not what they seem. I am well used to putting my foot in it, it is a natural talent that I have. I don't need any help from them on the other side either.

I have only been to a couple of funerals in the past 20 years, and I do see it from a new perspective.
Most of which is amazing to witness and relay to others. When you are out of the physical body, your spirit or light body is quite big. It amazed me the first time that I saw a person do this. The man was superimposed over the whole gathering outside the church, as they all left to go to the burial. At least nothing went on there that was going to make me laugh out loud.  I am grateful for that.

Copyright Alex Fulford 4/12/2014



I would like to wish everyone a wonderful and happy safe New Year for  2014.
The past year has been difficult for many people on this earth. Let us pray that 2014  will be a much better and more loving year for everyone.

Blessings to everyone and may Peace Love Joy and Happiness be in abundance for everyone for the coming year. Please put some love into the earth and don't forget the animals too. XXX

Love to all

Alex and all the fur babies 

An Engineer's Guide to Cats 2.0 - The Sequel




"Twas the night before Christmas by Anonymouse


A Cat's Guide To Taking Care Of Your Human


You guessed it, I am a crazy cat woman 😂😂😂 Is there any other way to be?



What is an Archon?



This is quite an important item for everyone to read. It will sound rather out there at first to new comers on the subject. But please bear with it and it will come clear to you. I ask you to Google the subject and go onto you tube too, as there is a whole lot more on this subject. This also has the potential to throw mental health into turmoil, once it is fully understood.

This is a massive learning area, and it will be big in a couple of years’ time.
thanks to the net, and the changing world that we live in now.
I shall post some links shortly.



Tuesday, 27 August 2013

What is an Archon?


Why I am no longer a light worker by Cameron Day



This is food for thought folks, I ask you to read through this, even if it doesn't sit right with you at first. This world of ours is under a spiritual war at present. I have a little firsthand experience in this warfare, and not through personal choice either.

It is still new to me also. We need all the help that we can get to rid this world of evil. Take no chances or risks. If you do not know what to do, then leave well alone and let those that know what to do, do their work. Just keep up the prayers for peace. That is the least a person can do.

My heart goes out to the millions of innocent souls that are caught up in this hell on earth and those that are stuck in limbo, make no mistake there are souls that are in Limbo, and they also need help to go off to the right place too.

I have mentioned in the past Wes Penre, in relation to evil spirits and the archons. So please do read his work also. There are many websites out there to research, but be very careful as to who you choose to believe is helpful and who is a diversion from truth.



Monday, 26 August 2013

Why I am no longer a light worker by Cameron Day


Lucifer the occult Power Kabbalah



From the first time I heard about the Kabbalah, I felt that it was not for me, and that was in the 1980's.
I felt that it was evil. Keep it simple folks and stick with your higher self, the power of prayer and unconditional love. It is all you need. You don't need a middle man.

Always do your own researching, from multiple sources and also listen to your heart. If it doesn't feel right then it isn't right, or it just isn't for you.




Thursday, 22 August 2013

Lucifer the occult Power Kabbalah


Desperate Call Centre


This has got to be one of my favourites. Having a Scottish accent, I appreciate the humour 

Please take care not to drain a Psychic or Clairvoyant



Over the course of many years, I meet truly wonderful people. It is a wonderful pleasure to be able to give my clients readings. We both enjoy the wonderful energy that comes through from spirit.

However, on the very rare occasion some clients might have a very difficult, or even a few very difficult issues going on in their lives. This is most distressing for them. As they are not sure how to deal with the issues. Unfortunately, we are not issued with an instruction book when we incarnate on this earth, so we have to wing it so to speak.

When the said clients come to a psychic or clairvoyant, they bring with them all this energy that is very distressing to them. This distressing energy does affect the psychic or clairvoyant. It is very draining for us. Some of us more so than others. It is important that people understand this. Any emotional distress will also affect the quality of the reading too. And what the reader wishes is, to give you the very best quality of reading that they can, in the space of time allotted for each reading.

We are all responsible for our own lives, and the situations that we find ourselves in. It is not for others to sort out someone else's problems. We have all come into this world to learn lessons. We have agreed in spirit to the contract that we have for the life that we are given. How can one learn and grow spiritually with someone else doing the lesson for us? It is impossible to do so.

Getting back to the energy situation though, a distressed person unknowingly dumps their negativity on the psychic or clairvoyant. We are not councillors or psychologists. That is never our function, we are only here to read your cards that you yourself have drawn.

We are not responsible for what happens in a client’s life. We simply read what is in the cards, a reader must in no way, what so ever get involved in the life of the client, as that is unprofessional. We are not to be used as a 24-hour advice service or anything else. That is selfish and inconsiderate to treat anyone in such a manner.

We psychics and clairvoyants have our own lives too. We have families and duties just the same as everyone else. We have our personal problems too.

When we have problems, we have to resolve the problems by ourselves. There is no one there to help us in our time of need.  When we are overloaded with issues, we can go into shut-down and are unable to conduct readings for a minimum of 24 hours.

 We can be shut down by spirit. Due to being over loaded by stress that other people have dumped on us. Some of us readers are not able to tell a client that they, are over stepping the boundaries. So, this is where spirit steps in and shuts the reader down for a bit. In order to rest and re-balance their bodies energies. If not, the reader could become very ill.

 We must not have our vulnerability compromised by others We must have regular breaks and rest. We owe this to our families also. Most of us are parents after all, and have our children to care for.
So we must all set boundaries and wish for them to be respected.

Peace and love



Thursday, 25 July 2013

Please take care not to drain a Psychic or Clairvoyant

PDF: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite

https://www.labirintoermetico.com/02Tarocchi/Waite_Pictorial_Key_to_the_Tarot.pdf#page7   You can still buy this in paperback or hardback if...