Showing posts with label NEIL OLIVER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NEIL OLIVER. Show all posts

01 December, 2021

Neil Oliver: Are you hardwired for conspiracy?

 Well said Neil!

Neil tells it how it is. Straight to the point and a straight talking Scott. People are sick of the condescending attitude from public officials and mainstream media talking heads. We are living the reality of a soft Marxist state in the Western world, and think back to early 2020 when various public officials openly stated on our tv “ this is a new world order”. Why would each individual make that comment? 

Words don’t just convey a verbal message they carry a vibrational frequency (energy). Words in a certain order can be a ritual too and that is a well known fact in esoteric circles especially in Freemasonry which dates it’s roots way back to ancient Egypt and ancient Iraq or Mesopotamia. These guys do not mess around, they mean what they say and every action they carry out. 

01 November, 2021

Neil Oliver: Will owning nothing make you happy?

Food for thought but it is totally absurd in reality; no rich and powerful person will do this, but they want us to do this.  But why should people accept this and also not be able to travel? Freedom of movement is a basic human right. 

There is more than enough land on this planet for everyone to have a decent size of land to live on and there is enough water too. We are being constantly lied to and manipulated by the rich and powerful of this world. Resources are being tightly controlled to make people think there are shortages. 

I am fully aware of the UN agenda (20)21 and (20)30, however I don’t think that they will get to implement this rubbish. Intelligent people will not accept this garbage and nor should they. It would take a terrible and draconian act or an act of sheer treachery to make this happen; and it is just far fetched nonsense. Also take a look at the rich and powerful people that work for the UN, do you think they will give up their fortunes or not travel overseas to exclusive holiday destinations? Do you think the British royal family will give up their mass wealth? I don’t think so! While this pandemic has been going on, Hollywood stars have been globe trotting constantly. You just need to Google the news articles to see that.

There are rules for some and others for the masses, it always will be in a dualistic reality. The rich and powerful will never relinquish what they have. Or should I say what they took from the peasants for centuries. Yet the sycophants grovel to them constantly. Nothing will change for the betterment of the masses on this earth because  this world was set up to harvest from the masses not just in material goods but spiritually and energetically too. There has never been a fair energy exchange in this world and never will be. You need to understand metaphysics to get the full grasp of what is entailed in this reality. There  must always be opposites for our reality to work. 

To give up our homes and all our worldly goods that we have worked hard for to give to our children when they die, is wrong. It makes our lives a pointless exercise. Why on earth would any sane person work for most of their life to give it all away? Why would you not want to provide for your loved ones and make their lives better by bequeathing you estate to them when you die? That is our right to leave our goods and assets to our families.  Who has the right to prevent this? 

No one in their right mind will just throw away what they have, and why should they? It’s  absurd to do so. Let fools be fools; but don’t follow them down the rabbit hole, put a lid on that hole and cement it shut.

05 May, 2021

Neil Oliver: A big Thanks


  Neil is well loved and respected, and clearly has a good  heart. Isn’t it amazing that the postie managed to deliver those letters without an address. That’s the power of love 😻

22 April, 2021

Neil Oliver on Trigger Nometry

My sentiments exactly Neil. Notice at 23.11,  he said what I was waiting to hear someone say. The bloody Normans! That right there; is part of the problem with the UK and Ireland. The takeover by Norman bloodlines of all the nobility. Add to that  secret societies, the Vatican and royal scum bags of the world, via interbreeding. 

These are the original ones that have blood on their hands, and never the ordinary people of the land. If it was not for them coming into Britain centuries ago even prior to Edward I, then ramping up the overthrow of the original nobility and taking over all our entire British nobility; then we would not have the problems that we have had for centuries. Come to think of it,  the Magdalene bloodline was already present among the nobility before  Edward I, and Mary Magdalene lived in France after the crucifixion. Now remember her royal bloodline is more significant that that of Jesus; as the female bloodline is vital in royal bloodlines, not the male.

The family of Jesus was also known to have visited Scotland and England. If you go back even further you will see evidence of the ancient Egyptian nobility in Ireland and Britain too. With so much history hidden or destroyed  ordinary people can’t get an accurate picture of who’s who in the zoo to be able to trace these old bloodlines of  Magdalene and where the bloodlines actually were seeded within the Middle East, Europe and Britain, well not that the public are allowed to know about. But the queen can clearly trace her bloodline right back to Jesus and King David.

As I always say, it’s all about the bloodlines and always will be about bloodlines, power and money. There is no escaping that; not to forget the dark  esoteric infestation in these bloodlines. 
Ireland too has been trashed by the Norman bloodlines. But those bloodlines are not just Norman, if you actually take the time to read ancient history of Ireland and the royal bloodlines of the world, you can see the ancient Egyptian bloodline of Akhenaten present in Ireland. Not to mention the graves of these ancestors are easily found. 

As for present day Scotland, it has been trashed beyond recovery; to force a new world order or Marxist police state:into existence. There is no way the people can stop this train wreck;  especially if the hate law goes through to the final stage of royal assent, as Neil points out. Because many of them have been brainwashed by Marxist leftist ideology into accepting this and these people have no actual concept of what will happen if this becomes law. Younger voters especially have absolutely no idea what dangers lie ahead in their future. 

The damage is already done, and a dumbed down undereducated new generation of young people in which many are full of hatred for their individual family backgrounds and lacking an understanding of actual real the history of Scotland and world history. They are not taught proper history in schools these days, they are instead indoctrinated by a  pro Marxist system.  

Same deal all through the western world when it comes to politically indoctrinating the children. Now the price is to be paid by the masses who did nothing to stop this. People are now suddenly starting to notice little things due to the lockdown, they clearly have not been paying attention for decades. Look what has happened all over the western world and only now some people are asking what is happening.

Neil has repeatedly hit the nail on the head over the past few months of interviews that I have heard on YouTube and I am left wondering why the masses have conveniently ignored all the alarm bells for decades that even I have seen. I lived between Scotland and Australia from the early 1970’s and 1980’s those warnings were present back then. They were present in the 1990’s and  they were present  in the 2000’s onwards.

No one can deny the clear and present danger we all face any longer, but the still blissfully  unaware among us are now calling intelligent and aware people, conspiracy theorist nutters, for speaking out about the multi layered political agenda. Which actually means you have dangerous pro Marxists hiding within the political  establishment and media controlling people’s beliefs and sewing the seeds of dissent. 

Life will never be what it was prior to 2020. Your new world order is here now. Your opinion is to be suppressed. You will self sensor what you say to your friends. It is all around us now. Scotland is only a small test for what is being implemented world wide right now. 

Much as I love my homeland, I am utterly disgusted by what I see happening. This situation was created by those that are intent on taking away freedom from all of humanity. The division was so carefully designed and executed that most people didn’t see it, they are  no different to Hitler’s fanatical followers. Willing lambs to the slaughter, the nationalist propaganda machine is a very dangerous tool as history has so often shown and yet humans keep repeating the same patterns. 


01 April, 2021

Neil Oliver : A man of common sense in a time of real crisis

Listen to what Neil Oliver says here about shifting the goal posts from covid lockdown to the green carbon emissions BS. I have a lot of respect for this man, he is down to earth and the school of common sense.

If there are any Scottish people reading this blog; that like myself live outside of Scotland please listen to this man. The SNP do not speak for all Scottish people, I myself find them a dangerous political party that has through sheer bloody mindedness lead Scotland into a free fall of disaster. The damage done  will take many years to undo.

My heart is divided between my love of my homeland Scotland; Britain in general and my other home Australia and I am loyal to both. I hurts to see either countries go through such political upheaval. I pray that sanity and common sense prevails. 

05 March, 2021

Neil Oliver interview

Listen to this, this is heart-breaking and what the world is turning into. 

Originally posted 4 February 2021

03 March, 2021

Neil Oliver: There is a pervasive atmosphere in Scotland over people being frightened into silence

I have a lot of respect for this guy, I have been an avid reader of his books and watch all of his historical tv shows. He is a common sense man and calls it as he sees it, very much like myself. I have to agree with what he says here.

It has become very clear to many people, we are heading headlong into a dystopian society world wide if this isn’t held in check. It’s not just what is taking place in Scotland, dangerous changes are taking place world wide.  Have you noticed how much self censoring people are doing over the past few years? 

 This year it is way over the top, and it is not going to slow down or even stop. People are afraid to speak their mind publicly these days. How did that happen in the western world?  Yes, we must have a middle ground of rational and we need it now.  

 People are afraid, to admit who they vote for just as Neil is saying. A classic example is what is happening in the US at present. Even in Australia Liberal voters  keep their heads down. I would hardly call this democratic. Common sense must prevail surely.

When  it comes to a person’s political opinion, we have the right to cherry pick what we want, as Neil says. Who the hell has the right to tell us what we should believe or accept politically, culturally spiritually or in our medical beliefs ? That is not democracy is it? 

Politicians are here to work for us remember? They must be held accountable to the voters, not treat us with distain as they often do. Voting is not compulsory in Scotland, it never has been. So many people avoiding the voting process, does give us a false view of the national mind set, but add to that people being unable to speak their mind. 

As a Scott, I am well aware of our culture, and even though we are a race of live and let live, under the surface there are still religious bigotry  issues.   Unlike some countries, names in Scotland or Ireland tell people what religion you are. Both the given or Christian name as well as the surname. That still has an affect when trying to get along with each other, even down to getting a job, your religion plays a part, I as a young woman  of 19 had experienced that first hand from a religious bigoted man at a job interview. That is something I can’t accept. 

I would be mistaken for a Protestant in Scotland today, however I do not have a religion at all. I was never christened or baptised. I do not want to be tarnished by the toxic energy of religion.

Scottish People can be very opinionated when they are talking to each other, no different to many other countries I am sure. We are a strong and passionate race.  So now this shift is taking place people are afraid to speak out. These are dark days indeed, but only if they are permitted. It looks almost like going back to the days of the reformation and that was horrendous. I would not wish such horror on anyone.

However this is not just about freedom of speech, there is so much more going on and it is world wide, C   O V    I D. is just a convenient vehicle to push the changes. Have you noticed the split in society yet? Pay attention to this, we are emerging into two different worlds right now. 

As I have said in older blog posts, these things are a multi pronged attacks on humanity and our rights, sovereignty within our own nations. That word SOVEREIGNTY, is being used as a weapon by those that seek to take away our freedom. If you can’t see that then you have a problem. The media are branding it communist, leftist, and at the same time it is mentioned in government documents with regards to a nations and its people. So it can be very confusing for some people trying to understand what sovereignty actually means and to whom. 

 The use of the wording “sovereign citizens “ is not as in the meaning of the people protected by the law of the country. No, this sovereign citizens as in the way used by protestors is actually communist or leftist. It has no legal bearing at all and if you google the origins of this sovereignty issue you will see that. This is very wrong and very dangerous, playing into the hands of people that are a threat to our way of life. It’s just not on!  (scroll down to the bottom and click on the other things such as straw man etc, just don’t get involved in this BS, just read it for an understanding only)

Neil is so right on the money when he mentioned religion and politics as being swept under the carpet in Scotland. Scotland has always been a political country, just read our history. It is passionate and bloody. This is just within Christianity too. The royals and the church  set the ball rolling hundreds of years ago, fighting amongst themselves over Catholicism and Protestantism. These were often extremely violent situations and still within our living history and memories. But this issue is not just about Scotland. No this is just the litmus test to spread worldwide.

Australia has a similar hate crime laws, which are under review at present. I think it is still going through parliament. These laws could open up a can of worms if not done sensibly. I somehow doubt sensibility comes into the equation though.

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