01 November, 2021

Neil Oliver: Will owning nothing make you happy?




Food for thought but it is totally absurd in reality; no rich and powerful person will do this, but they want us to do this.  But why should people accept this and also not be able to travel? Freedom of movement is a basic human right. 

There is more than enough land on this planet for everyone to have a decent size of land to live on and there is enough water too. We are being constantly lied to and manipulated by the rich and powerful of this world. Resources are being tightly controlled to make people think there are shortages. 

I am fully aware of the UN agenda (20)21 and (20)30, however I don’t think that they will get to implement this rubbish. Intelligent people will not accept this garbage and nor should they. It would take a terrible and draconian act or an act of sheer treachery to make this happen; and it is just far fetched nonsense. Also take a look at the rich and powerful people that work for the UN, do you think they will give up their fortunes or not travel overseas to exclusive holiday destinations? Do you think the British royal family will give up their mass wealth? I don’t think so! While this pandemic has been going on, Hollywood stars have been globe trotting constantly. You just need to Google the news articles to see that.

There are rules for some and others for the masses, it always will be in a dualistic reality. The rich and powerful will never relinquish what they have. Or should I say what they took from the peasants for centuries. Yet the sycophants grovel to them constantly. Nothing will change for the betterment of the masses on this earth because  this world was set up to harvest from the masses not just in material goods but spiritually and energetically too. There has never been a fair energy exchange in this world and never will be. You need to understand metaphysics to get the full grasp of what is entailed in this reality. There  must always be opposites for our reality to work. 

To give up our homes and all our worldly goods that we have worked hard for to give to our children when they die, is wrong. It makes our lives a pointless exercise. Why on earth would any sane person work for most of their life to give it all away? Why would you not want to provide for your loved ones and make their lives better by bequeathing you estate to them when you die? That is our right to leave our goods and assets to our families.  Who has the right to prevent this? 

No one in their right mind will just throw away what they have, and why should they? It’s  absurd to do so. Let fools be fools; but don’t follow them down the rabbit hole, put a lid on that hole and cement it shut.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...