27 November, 2021

Wes Penre: Video 282 The Singularity timeline part 2 pdf


Here is the second instalment of the singularity information. To anyone that is just discovering my new blog, this information is on my old blog Alex  Fulford clairvoyant-medium. As well as on this blog, just use the search box and you will find more information including my dream about humanity becoming cyborgs, it’s titled; the nightmare macabre. That dream scared the heck out of me, I knew what it was alluding to as soon as I woke up. 

No matter how much warning is given about this serious issue very few people will believe this is actually happening. They are trained by the media to see this as disinformation, so be it but at the end of the day, the media people are staring down the barrel of the singularity too. A person that is determined not to stay in the new world will still be able to leave, but only up to a certain point and then it will not be possible. 

Set firm intentions not to be part of the singularity and learn how to free yourself from this. The power of the human soul is incredible if we want something badly, we will succeed. Believe in yourself and your spiritual power and stay focused on your intentions. 

Please read the comments in the article for more information, the comments are always very informative.

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