29 November, 2021

Tarot card of the month: December 2021, The Devil


Mr Hairy trousers or Chicken drumsticks

The Devil (Live backwards)  Bondage, Materialism, ignorance Hopelessness

Major Arcana, number 15 (in numerology it adds up to 6 which is a feminine number)

Zodiac sign: Capricorn    Planet: Saturn ( Limitation and Structure)

This year ends with a bang; so to speak. It is not a happy celebration like we would like unfortunately.

Still we can do our own thing and be happy, if we wish to. Be aware of emotions this month and try to keep them under control for your own good. Money is tight for many people; and there is obviously a lot of tension and emotional upheaval going on.

Things are clearly not back to "normal" and never will be. The goal post keeps being moved; as often commented on in social media. Now the Trickster wants to keep humanity addicted to this negative cycle over and over again. Do not play the game; his gain is our loss.

We see the social divide with people and antagonism; keep right out of this or it may just turn around and bite you on your rear end. Be warned, this energy is real.

Even though the card number adds up to 6 which is female energy and male energy is 9. This card is showing male energy which is aggressive and possibly violent energy.  Please be very mindful of your thoughts and actions this month. When thought becomes physical that's when the potential for violence  occurs. 

Do not play into politics; this is a test to see how humanity reacts in stressful times and situations.

Should you engage in this negative energy; you may lose. Please heed the warning from the universal energy. This card is quite  self explanatory, warning us about our addictive patterns, emotions, temptations etc. Remember temptation is not anyone's friend, it is entrapment into the tricksters hands; game set and match. 

Please have a safe Christmas and New Year, look after loved ones including animals (fur babies).

If you can donate to charities for humans and animal charities please do so. Every little bit helps somewhere and someone. Above all the best gift to give is love and compassion, live from the heart and live gently. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs


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