01 March, 2021

And you thought it was hot now? How a 24-DAY heatwave on Australia's east coast in January 1896 saw temperatures climb to 49 degrees and killed 437 people



I have history books and biography books mentioning the heat in Australia back in the1880s and 1890s that back this up, never mind the historical records that are being suppressed. I am sure many Australians have books stating how the weather back then was exactly as it is now. If there is one thing I will not tolerate it is lies. Tell the truth and shame the Devil, and that is the way it is. I have not time for lies and will expose them as I see them.

This universe works in cycles, some last thousands of years. So stop listening to the bullshit and educate yourselves. Most psychics and astrologers can tell you this, especially an astrologer, they work using cycles. No different to any other science and both have statistics to back them up. Astrologers use  books called an Ephemeris and the Almanac which logs the positions of the stars and planets for as long back as early man up into the future.



As I have stated in other blog posts over the years, nothing on this earth is new or unknown. The planet as well as the entire universe works on cycles, like wheels within wheels. Do not look to the ignorant journalists with scaremongering tactics. They base nothing on scientific fact. Most scientists DO NOT agree with the bullshit of climate change either despite what the mainstream media tell you.

 But I can tell you there most certainly is a gag on scientists in Australia, if not the world from speaking out. They are hounded into staying silent. A classic example was the wonderful Dr David Bellamy. I am utterly disgusted that such a well respected man was treated the way he was.

Never take what mainstream media tells you as truth, time and time again they are found out as liars, as the energy of the age of Aquarius affects truth. The truth will not stay silent forever, and people will pay the price of the lies.

UPDATE: 16/ 12/ 2019
https://www.miltonblack.com.au/thismonth.htm Read what Milton Black also says about climate change and the Black Thursday fires of 6 February 1851.

RIP Dr David Bellamy


Psychic notes


When I was learning my skills as Medium the general rule was, with physical mediumship involving ectoplasm care must be taken to keep the physical medium safe. Such as removing all jewellery and the medium must not be disturbed or touched as they can be very seriously injured or burned and it was said that to disturb the physical medium will result in the death of the medium instantly.
There have allegedly been cases of such things happening such as with the Scottish medium Helen Duncan being supposedly accidentally killed in 1956. It has been said she was actually performing physical mediumship demonstration when the police came in to the house and interrupted her. However the Wikipedia article says otherwise.

Helen Duncan  25/11/1896 to 6/12/1956

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Duncan this article paints a different story. Many spiritualists though just parrot what they have been told without actually witnessing the real facts. So care must be taken when sorting fact from fiction and fact from deception as the Psychic industry does have a few individuals that are not what they claim to be. That can be said about many occupations though.
I have sat in on spiritualist events when this warning was given and Helen Duncan’s case touted as actual fact. No one in the room had ever met her or anyone that actually knew her. Most were not even born when this supposedly took place.

It has been said  rapidly retracting ectoplasm smells as it retracts back into the body.  It supposedly  smells horrible and similar to burned meat or flesh or rotting compost. I cannot verify this as factual though. Perhaps this is Victorian hearsay, or made up to frighten people. So I honestly cannot say if it is actually true or not, but I can tell you I was taught this many years ago by the spiritual church teachers. Again it is all hearsay.
Concrete evidence and recorded images need to be provided along with verifiable written accounts of such events taking place to have any credibility. Indeed it would be amazing to actually witness such a thing if it is genuine.
I have heard it said that ectoplasm will be destroyed by Ultraviolet light but not infrared light, However I do not know anyone that has witnessed this or know anyone that has witnessed this phenomenon. How is it possible?

As far as I am aware there are no physical mediums around these days. I have heard lectures where it has been stated it is no longer necessary to do physical mediumship in modern times because people are more aware and accepting of mediumship. Hmm, I find this odd to be honest, because mediumship has always existed and physical mediumship is not even necessary as proof of survival after bodily death. I personally am a non-believer in the phenomenon of physical mediumship.

However with mediumship, things must be proven by all reasonable doubt and the medium must allow people to question what the medium says. Information must be verifiable, by the sitter/ client (the person that is seeking the assistance of a medium).

A physical description of what they can see and hear word for word. In the case of a foreign language been given by the spirit being, the medium may need to advise the client, that they cannot understand what is being said. It is usually an odd word or two. The rest of the information will come via the medium’s native language. We have no idea how that works, it just happens. My self-included. I will often say to the sitter, I hear a word in your language it starts with such and such. The client will then tell me the word. Sometimes it turns out to be a person’s name or the name of a place.

Aporting and Asporting: Aport means objects disappearing in the physical world from the spirit world.
Asporting is physical things reappearing into the physical world or being moved by an unseen agent or phenomenon. I have witnessed an item moving only twice in my life. A glass that was foolishly used in a Ouija board experiment with my cousins and I back in the late 1970s. I have never taken part in Since and will never take part in such a foolish venture ever again because it is highly dangerous and irresponsible behaviour.

The second time that I saw an item move, was about a year ago, in a public place, an ashtray moved by my late father in law on a table in front of my husband and myself, I could clearly see my father in law sitting on the chair opposite me when it happened.

I have had rings disappear from where I have left them and they have never been returned. In fact it is almost impossible to have items returned. I only know of one person that it has happened to. The object was icy cold on its return.

An other experience that my husband and I had was during a car accident back in 2015 where we were almost killed. I saw my late father in law’s hands come over my husband’s hands on the steering wheel as the event was happening. Both my husband and I heard him say, “don’t worry I’ve got this” And our car came to rest on the other side of the road badly smashed and inches away from a water catchment, which would have killed us. I had no warning of this from spirit until my father in law stepped in to help us.  Now this I find odd, because in the spiritual community it is taken for granted that free will must not be violated. Hmm, then why are we told we can pray to our spirit guide, god etc? Sometimes I feel the rules are very contradictory just like the bible is.

Forms of mediumship can allegedly include intentional materialisation, either partial or full manifestation. This requires a witness to the event but preferably several witnesses.
Ectoplasmic mediumship such as producing a white substance from the mediums body and is verifiable that it is not cheesecloth or such substance. I personally have not ever seen such a thing and I am very sceptical of the actual phenomenon actually being possible.

Intracentral trance control, this is basically mediumship done via a clairvoyant in trance. This can supposedly involve a pulling sensation in the solar plexus and supposedly ectoplasm. I am a trained but natural trance medium. I am firmly against such things and learned this reluctantly. I have not and will not use it since the workshop I attended. I was horrified by the experience, but I had warned a colleague against such things prior to her insisting that I go with her.  I told her something bad will happen and sure enough it did, to me and not her , she was rather indifferent about what happened to me and laughed it off.
I am what is termed a clairvoyant medium, so I see, hear and feel, smell, taste and experience things on a psychic level.

I have done automatic writing though I am no longer willing to do so, for the reason the clairvoyant or psychic person has no real control of who comes through and what they may say or do. The clairvoyant medium can also end up with an entity or energy attachment. Some of which can be so subtle that they will not even be aware of it happening. However other people will notice a sudden change in the person’s behaviour. The first reaction from the person with the attachment will of course be denial. That would be a normal reaction of course, however if the person is aware of it happening there is absolutely no doubt what so ever.  I strongly advise people to leave this alone it can be and is a dangerous pastime which engages the ego and takes over. Usually with a rather malevolent spirit.

I have experienced an energy attachment only twice in my life time and thankfully was trained in how to clear this. I am not sure if this is actually taught in all spiritual churches, as I learned what I needed and discontinued attending spiritualist events. So I cannon honestly say if it is a mandatory teaching or not. I do know that not many people will willingly take on this role, and I totally understand why. It is a magnet for trouble trust me. Anyone that says they can do this needs to prove that they are trained and competent in the process also.

Classic signs of an entity or energy attachment are usually a sudden feeling of dizziness, feeling off balance suddenly for no reason and a sudden confusion of thoughts and a sudden feeling of anger that just happens for no apparent reason out of the blue. These things happen at once and not separately.  Occasionally there will be a change in the person’s facial expression that is noticeable and sometimes the eyes are different, such as a second pair of eyes being seen or a manic look in the eyes.

This can be cleared easily by a trained professional. However one must not make the mistake of mental illness and energy attachments. Yes it is possible for both to happen to a person, but first and foremost a person must seek medical assistance. Here I must caution readers, because the medical profession do not acknowledge the psychic phenomenon, but seeking professional medical help is a must. It is not negotiable, seek that help and then seek a trained professional in entity removals. Time is vital in both instances because self-harm is most certainly on the cards.

Both Sigmund Freud and Karl Jung were indeed into the psychic phenomenon. That says something right there! Also an American psychiatrist has publicly stated there is a link with mental illness with entity attachments in some cases. Again I insist on seeking proper medical help first and foremost.

I do not think using psychic abilities for “entertainment purposes” is the ethical or moral thing to do for me personally. I do not have the right to say others should not do this though, it is up to the individual and those that wish to participate in these events.

I take what I do seriously, I mean no disrespect to others in my line of work. I am obliged by law, to state that readings and mediumship is for entertainment only, some of my colleagues find it offensive. I must admit that I used to at one time also, now however I totally get where the law is coming from. Gladly my work speaks for itself. I do feel sad though when people do have a bad experience with a psychic, as it casts a dim light on the rest of us honest hard working psychics.

The rule of the thumb is always check the credentials prior to booking an appointment and please be open and relaxed when the reading or mediumship is being conducted or you will block the energy which results in a poor quality reading or it can prevent the loved on in spirit making contact with the medium.  Mediumship requires the medium not be put under any stress to perform or it won’t work. This is about finely tuned energy which you cannot turn on like the flick of a switch.
The medium has to relax and prepare for the mediumship or even a psychic reading. The psychic must not be used to psychically spy on others because that is wrong and unethical. Most psychics will refuse to do this anyway.

A good psychic will not tell you about someone dying, because that is also unethical and irresponsible. There is no need to ever frighten anyone. That is a horrible thing to do and Yes, I have had it done to me and it had a very bad effect on my family. Members of Psychic associations generally will never do such a thing, it is usually the psychics that are not professionals that will do this.

This also can pre programme a person for something that is avoidable, because as they dwell on the issue they can manifest it by thought intention unwittingly.  It is important for people to have a strong sense of self and be self-empowered, because when you submit to another person’s opinion that is when things can happen. Like the hypnotic power of suggestion or NLP Neurolinguistic (invented  by the CIA ) programming, which is downright evil.

As I say a strong sense of the self, and that has nothing to do with having a big ego. It means setting your boundaries and knowing within yourself who you are. A good strong aura and sense of self stops the negativity of others in their tracks.

Stay safe and stay informed!

Copyright Alex Fulford, December 2019

Secret Santa


Early Scot passing through British customs

 I am sure it would be 100% wool and not a blend, lol

Husky ‘left in car’ on 35C day as owners ‘stroll’ Yallingup beach



Get this through your thick heads DO NOT LEAVE DOGS OR CHILDREN in hot cars.
It is a criminal act and is abuse.

What is the problem with people today that they think it is ok to leave a child or an animal in the hot car while they go off to shop or go to the pub etc? People are definitely dumbed down so much that they put lives in danger. They get bent out of shape when confronted about the crime too.

No, leaving a window down a little does not help. Here is an idea, why don't you use your brain and leave your dogs at home where they are safe with water to stay hydrated and out of the hot sun. Take your child with you or get a babysitter. If you are this thick then you are not fit to breed or own pets.

Even in a 25C heat it is much hotter inside the car. people know this, but still leave children or pets in the car.

RIP Ed Tamplin


ed tamplin in memoriam

I went to go on to Ed's page last night and came across this, I am deeply saddened by this news, Ed was a well respected astrologer for many years; I always checked out his astrology predictions with great respect for him. I offer my condolences to his family.

4 December 2019

How China owns Australia; buying infrastructure, land, water


Like I have said in other posts, the Chinese have been doing this for years. They do no respect Australia, our laws or our freedom. They see Australians as weak and lazy. They do not see us as a threat, only a minion. Our farmers are being ruined by our government and China, which is now buying up our water. Australia as I predicted months ago will take decades to recover from this fiasco.

China has even invaded our territory in the Antarctic and Let’s not forget about them spying on us constantly. They are pushing Australian businesses out of the way and have no respect whatsoever when it comes to the law of any nation but China. This has to stop or in 10 years time we will be taken over. No ifs or buts. There is only one way out of this and it will be war.

Our politicians and big business leaders including the banks put Australia in this situation and must be held accountable. They must answer to the Australian people, let the punishment fit the crime too.
Nothing less is acceptable.

Chinese bases in Antarctica

https://kangaroocourtofaustralia.com/ Have a look through this website and keep a regular check on it too. Independent journalist based in Canberra.

The Climate Issue




I am not going to say much other than the whole thing is a scam to get money from the hard working people of this earth.  This is a premeditated evil attack on humanity by those that just cannot get enough money, power and control and they use the working class of the world like beasts of burden.

It is not just this planet that has temperature fluctuations, it is the whole universe. Do some googling and you will find out.

Much as I do not go for  Mike Adams, take a look at this post of his and read the comments. People are not as dumb as it seems, well some of them.
I have been aware of the plan to dim the sun. All life as we know it will be affected if this actually came to pass.  These days anything is possible especially if the masses do nothing.


8 December 2019

Baby Thrushes At Alex's House

 We have had the wonderful pleasure of having a mummy Thrush and her 4 little chicks on our back veranda. I only noticed a nest up on one of the rafters a few weeks ago; and I kept an eye on it.

Along came mummy Thrush and she would sit there for ages and then disappear (off shopping, lol)
About a week ago I noticed little beaks  poking out from the nest and I was so overjoyed at seeing them, so I got out my tablet to take a photo every now and then.

On Christmas eve morning I went out the back with Ruby our Jack Russell and noticed the nest was empty. Mixed with joy and sadness I knew they had gotten their pilots licence and flew off.

Well at least there are two goof things about that, 1) Ruby will stop her manic barking at them. and 2) the are away before this weeks heatwave starts. I was worried that the hot sun wold kill them.  So it is wonderful that they are off to explore the world around them I just hope the stay safe. It was a pleasure to have them as little guests.

This photo was taken on December 23rd , 2018  There were 4 little ones in the nest.  By the way in Scotland the Thrush is also known as a Mavis.

Click on the picture and you can see the chicks close up.

Above is the link to my Instagram account and you can see more photos of the babies on there.

Sam Vaknin: the TRUE toxicity of social media revealed


This is quite an interesting interview, I get what he is saying, as I have been reading up on all of what he is saying for many years, but this man is not what you think either.  From women and body image, the fashion industry, Hollywood ( the name derived from the magic wand used by Druids is made from the Holly tree for casting spells/illusion) right through to how humanity is devolving due to their lack of true spirituality. Humans have made free will choices here every inch of the way, they have free will to a degree and wasted it due to arrogance and ignorance.

What people don't realize is the energy harvesting that goes on here on a spiritual and emotional level; it is very real and destructive. We all must be more vigilant when it comes to social media and definitely limit our time and use of this addictive tool. Too many trolls  are out there waiting to insult you and bring you down, just because they can. It is the playground of Narcissists and psychopaths so why let them into your life? If you don't know people on the social media platform then do not talk to them.

Have very little about yourself on the platform too, by having personal information there for others to see, you are giving valuable information for cyber bullies to attack you. Is it any wonder so many young people self harm or suicide these days in this toxic world and no one to help them or protect them?

One thing that I never do is selfies, to me it screams out I have no brain cells and insecure. People need to develop a strong sense of self, being grounded in reality and not become a walking ego with no authentic soul energy. Invest in a healthy mind and soul, reach out to loved ones and connect or it will be gone before  you know it.

This all ties in to AI take over and transhumanism/ singularity, I do not see the human race getting their act together to avoid this nightmare. I am of the opinion that the human race is only programmed to go so far in say hypothetically a few thousand years and then it loses the plot and then we hit the reset button, however this is a real game changer unlike other times as far as we know.

Just take a look at the world at present and all the anti social behaviour, it had to start somewhere and was not held in check. No it was allowed to get out of hand by the authorities for a reason. They are watching the reactions and learning how to control humanity right now. A social experiment at its most dangerous and no one will accept responsibility for their actions (free will universe).

Let us keep a watchful eye on where this goes over the next 10 years as it will show clearly where humanity is going. I do agree and often say there is a divide in humanity and it has already started.
Now we are also being told this is so by the media often, is it possible that this is a prearranged event?

Yes, I do think that is the case as it is still part of a social conditioning exercise, and I do feel the New Age movement plays a part in this too. They also are a agenda with monkey see monkey do behaviour. They like to spout love and light (Luciferian light not true light) but are really anything but what they think or believe they are.


2019 Psychic Predictions For The World


NOTE: Originally published on my original blog in October 2019 and carried over to this new blog 

Well this is the start of a roller-coaster ride and it is going to get worse. I am sorry to say. I wish that it wasn't so. But most people are aware that the world is in a bad way anyway. This is a long cycle yet again and we are only just at the start.

I hear the word Insanity. That pretty much sums it all up. Starting in the UK Prince Charles has only just started his turmoil. He is reluctant to step aside and let William take the throne, however I do feel that there are going to be major headaches with Charles over the coming year.

I see a new currency for a Scandinavian country; Sweden, perhaps it is just upgrading the bank notes.

President Trump puts his 2 cents worth in to the train wreck called Brexit.

Britain is in for more upheavals with Prime Minister May leaving office, I do feel there will be a lot of civil unrest and protests over Brexit, immigration and poverty.

I feel many countries will have civil unrest in 2019 with leadership issues. Some of this is due to weak ineffective leadership and minorities trying to destabilise these nations. Gradually the public are pushing back and the government will bring in the military. This I feel will flow through Europe and it is only the start of what is to come. People have had enough and want stability in their homelands.

In Britain the Queen must be very careful with public announcements due to the British people being angry at the mess the nation is in.

France is in the spot light, I see a pact being signed with other nations  and it feels military in nature. I do not get a good feeling about this. France's leaders are out of touch with the people as are many world leaders at present.

Russia will flex its muscles again in neighbouring regions. Putin is only toying with them so far.

2019 is just the start of tensions simmering to boiling point with conflicts of various types. This as we know is a build up that has been coming for a long time and the masses  have had enough of the powerful and the corrupt.

Telecommunications is a big one in the news this year, this could be about the 5 G technology that has many people worried over the health impact.

Flooding in Wales and Southern England in winter months with a storm blowing in from the Atlantic.

I hear the words 'eye in the sky" , this could be about the use of drones for times of disaster to assist in rescue work, which is a wonderful idea. I feel this is also in the UK.

Back in the US, can President Trump stop all the destabilisation of his leadership? I don't think so. This was always going to be a constant nagging until he is ousted. He has enemies on 3 sides making it very difficult for him to survive. He clearly cannot trust his staff either.

Copyright Alex Fulford 26 October 2018

Update: This is early lol, but Drones in rescue work.


https://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/act/how-firefighters-newest-eye-in-the-sky-is-keeping-canberra-safe-20190205-p50vqa.html This is in Canberra, eye in the sky.


This is only the start. Australians have been going through hard financial times for a few years unlike many European nations.

 Scroll to the bottom of the article, Latvia are now protesting.


This is not good, do not expect the west to help here, they have their own problems not to mention some powerful Western leaders and bankers/ business men have a financial vested interest in war, Ka Ching!

https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/feb/20/russia-may-be-forced-to-aim-weapons-at-washington-suggests-putin  I do not think they have the money or the power to really do anything.  Not at present anyway unless they team up with China. But which one gets to be top dog?

UPDATE: CIVIL UNREST IN EUROPE. Sadly this is it already starting spreading out from France, but bear in mind with these protests, all is not as it seems. I would not be participating in anything violent if I was them.


Rome, Italy.



UPDATE: dec 2019  UN protest in Spain


UPDATE: Prince Charles


Hypocrisy at its best, I remember how he treated Diana and his cavorting with  Camila. Moral values and ethics, right!


2022 and more is happening. If you look up prince Charles in the news from the date this prediction was posted there are clearly things giving him worries. But hey an honest man and a good man doesn't have skeletons in his closet. Just saying. 

2023 and the saga still continues https://honey.nine.com.au/royals/prince-harry-memoir-spare-king-charles-heartbreaking-plea-to-royal-brothers/b4ba628e-9d68-41d2-993f-c0a11c64fb19



EUROPE: Protests



UPDATE: Brexit


New Passports, very optimistic I say 😆😲All the delay tactics are a dog and pony show.

UPDATE December 2020, let the circus act continue 🤣🤣 72 hour deadline. This ain’t going to work, read the comments below the article. 

UPDATE: Queen Elizabeth on Brexit

The Queen should butt out of this, she is part of the ruin of the UK, due to the 1973 document she signed. She does not care about the people of the UK, she is part of the evil elite that enslave us.

This is west coast Scotland (where I come from), not sure if Wales and England will cop some of this.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7638403/Warnings-flying-debris-dangerous-flooding-70mph-winds-set-batter-Britain-tomorrow.html?ito=facebook_share_article-top  November 2019

UPDATE: UK Theresa May
https://thewest.com.au/news/world/its-all-over-theresa-may-leadership-coup-underway-ng-6b3a94a7e178bf431883561672a71b7e  Don't think for one minute things will get better.



https://amp.news.com.au/world/europe/uk-prime-minister-theresa-may-set-to-announce-resignation-after-brexit-failure/news-story/373caf7f7b3475c712364e554fa65cbe  THERESA MAY RESIGNS


https://www.worldhealth.net/news/brussels-first-major-city-halt-5g-due-health-effects/ Brussels have banned 5G already. Please read this but follow up on this on YouTube and Internet searches on the dangers of  5G. This is a dearth knell on all living things mark my words. Take a good look at all the trees being cut down in the place you live, destroying nature for technology that is incompatible with life. Trees are the lungs of the planet, the give us oxygen, they hold the soil together or else we have landslides like Indonesia had many years ago when they cut all their trees down. 



I am sorry I have not been keeping an eye on this one, but there have been several staff leave and many problems for Trump's administration as can be seen by a Google search anyway.

UPDATE: The Queen must watch what she says in public.

Did the Queen just weigh in on Brexit?

UPDATE: Flooding in England


UPDATE: Civil unrest, Paris December 2019

Psychic Predictions For Australia In 2019



NOTE: Originally published on my old blog in October 2019 and carried over to this new blog 

The coming year for Australia seems to be dominated with health and money issues.
First up I see legal issues for the government as they struggle with the balance of power.
Talk about shutting the gate when the horse has bolted.

There is an air of naivety in both the politicians minds and the public's minds. Avoidance of critical  issues and clearly the government is not up to the job.

I hear Scott Morrison's name  but I do not see him being Prime Minister for much longer. I still feel his days are numbered. He has hung on by default. I hear the words, the robes do not fit the man. He could quite easily give way to Josh Frydenberg.

Scott Morrison does not have what it takes to be PM either in reality as we already know he lacks bite.

Bill Shorten s only a gate keeper, and that is what most leaders are these days anyway.

Politics as we knew it is dead now, and it is now more obvious that it is a blend of corporate politics that we have; and it is here to stay. It will be openly stated that corporations control politics, and the reason being is that those in control don't really care now who knows it. This is very bad for Australians as the power slips through their fingers. The warning signs were there more than ten years ago and no one wanted to stop this.

I see two new political parties emerging, however they will not last nor will they be effective. As usual they will give their votes to the main parties, so much for having effect. Yet another smoke screen. With this though; I think many in the public will waken up to this  and voice their displeasure.

Kerryn Phelps will start her transition to federal politics in Canberra as an independent. Yes she will go for the Liberal party in the long run. She will stay an independent for a while until the time is right for her to move into Liberal ranks in reality she is a Liberal through and through.

Before you vote for Phelps take a look at this filth she comes out with in this video below. A leopard does not change its spots. I would not tolerate anyone in politics with views like this.  I am not anti gay as I have loved ones  and very good friends that are gay. This has nothing to do with being gay.


Retail is in the spot light this year with Coles supermarkets new management strategies. Wanting to be top dog. Coles will give Woolworths a major headache.

Consumerism will be a powerful political tool this year reaching out to the voters. They do not really care what the consumer want, they are telling you what you want. Remember it is control the food; and you control the people. I do feel a public backlash will happen due to the ousting of many household brands and the lack of real choice. The rumblings have already started.

I do feel this will worry the major Supermarkets and so it should. They have had total control for way too long. Remember this is about helping the Australian economy too. More Australian products are in demand.

Money scandals in the news again involving the ATO and the ACCC and large corporations.

Skills shortages in the news all year. This feels like something is being done to address the shortage.

Health wise our national health system is failing in basic standards yet again. This is an avoidable situation that was allowed to happen. Arrogance and incompetence in high places are part of the cause.

I do not see  a proper solution to this situation as there is not enough money being injected in to fix the problem. It is just going to be the usual band aid job.

Health funds  will put their prices up again this year. Meaning this service will be out of reach for more people.

China continues to be a thorn in the side of  the Australian government again. This situation cannot be avoided and our leaders clearly are incapable of understanding the strategies employed by the Chinese government.

Security and cyber security need to be tightened up because there is more potential for embarrassment for the federal government. The heads of government are not listening to advice so we end up in an embarrassing situation yet again.

My advice is not to have private contractors handling our sensitive government information. In reality they do it because it is cheap. It was made this way for situations to happen really. No intelligent leaders of note are so careless unless there is an ulterior motive. Think loose lips sink ships! We have already seen results of this and it is about to happen yet again this year.

I see tears in 2019 as a prominent male person suddenly passes away form a long illness. This man is connected in some way to finance.

John Howard will have a minor health scare, he will recover. John has a long life as longevity runs in his family.

Privacy issues will be back in the spotlight again.

Travelling overseas, please make sure all of your paperwork is in order or you will have a few upsets.
These are those little things such as forgetting to declare something, or not having a current up to date visa etc. Please also make sure you take out travel insurance, it is a must do, if you can afford to go overseas then you can afford to take out insurance, or it could be put you in a dire situation should you become ill or injured.

I do see the economy slowing a little, but I feel this is only temporary. It will be brought under control. It is vital the government slow down the money leaving our shores to keep us in the black.

They must start to invest in Australia again or we will become a backwater. Investing in our nation and the people will keep us strong.

Now the elections, boy this is a difficult one for me. I do feel the date will be called in the cool (autumn) weather. I see the numbers 6 and 1 as I look at the 8 of pentacles connected to the elections.

In the ALP  (Australian Labor Party) camp things are getting brutal and the knives are out. There are two people trying to topple Bill Shorten. One is a female and the other a male. They only team up to oust Bill Shorten but other than that they have no allegiance to each other. This is just business.

As I look at the cards I notice the three of pentacles, at the top of the card the brick work feels unstable. There are three big pentacles and a small pentacle, a rising star perhaps. Below that is a single pentacle. Indicating one will be pushed out. That I feel is Bill Shorten. We know from last years predictions he is on thin ice. I did say Malcolm Turnbull would fall and then Bill Shorten. This is it!

It is possible that Bill is ousted prior to the elections. Bill is fully aware of the score anyway, its just the way things are in politics.   Bill is also a toothless tiger the same as the NLP leader. This is  mere sign of the times.

Now with the new leader, there will be a baptism of fire to test their metal. He will be a pushy person, but his people behind him will put him in a nasty situation to see how he copes. How  he comes out of this will tell us what sort of person he is. Can he think on his feet?

The leader of the ALP will be male and the deputy/ vice  will be female. Now should the ALP win I do feel it will harm the economy. I do not do politics and have no interest in politics. I am only going by what I see in the cards.

The winner of the elections will be a dark haired man going bald. Boy that looks like Josh Frydenberg, Peter Dutton or whom ever is replacing Bill Shorten.

This dark haired man is comfortable on the world stage and will travel most of his life. He can be a smooth talker when he wants to be or be very blunt. He is very pro Australia. I feel this man already knows he will be prime minister. The reason that I say that is it is all stage managed.

The job is no walk in the park and I am sure he is walking into what he thinks is his hearts desire, but in reality it is anything but. He is in for a rude shock.

I do feel this election needs to be investigated due to corruption and the media interfering. I feel the government must get very tough on the media for interfering in politics because they are doing so much damage deliberately. This is criminal activity that must not be tolerated in Australia.

Australia is not going to be sitting in a good situation for the next ten to twenty years and it means a long recovery.


Here I have said the Australian Labor Party would win.


It is  a bit early to say, but if things get worse it will happen in the new governments watch.

Copyright Alex Fulford 22 October 2018

List of other psychic predictions http://alexfulfordclairvoyantmedium.blogspot.com/2020/09/list-of-alexs-predictions.html


https://www.theage.com.au/politics/western-australia/sleepers-wake-it-s-time-for-our-political-leaders-to-heed-china-warning-bells-20181106-p50eeq.html China a Thorn in Australia's side/



 Watch China freak over this.  You can bet your arse the Australian Labor Party will roll over for China when they win the elections. This is treason, but hey remember the change in law this year in regards to sedition, espionage etc.


I will just leave that for people to think about. You are either for Australia or you are a traitor no in between folks.


How many more individuals are doing this that we don't know of? There are literally thousands of hackers and cyber criminals operating out of China that we know of. A bit of research and you will find out for yourself. This is the reality of the modern world.

 They must think we are stupid, they know full well who is behind this.
https://theconversation.com/19-years-of-personal-data-was-stolen-from-anu-it-could-show-up-on-the-dark-web-118265 The ANU hacked, got to question their intelligence in not seeing this coming. Stupid is as stupid does! You don't see banks or government departments like the Tax office or the welfare system being attacked. Spend the bloody money and fix the shit. Most places get hacked because they do not spend the money, listen to advice and employ idiots. And if you pay crap wages you get crap employees.

https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/china-behind-huge-anu-hack-amid-fears-government-employees-could-be-compromised-20190605-p51uro.html  Above is the follow up to the previous issue.



This is preventable, and looks like the usual suspects. IT staff need to lift their game. This is why out sourcing happens, Muppets that are crap at their jobs.

UPDATE: China the thorn in Australia's side



28 Jan 19



It is what it is, no ifs or buts!

Not one of Australia's politicians can be trusted , Julie Bishop in deep with China selling us out. Think about that consorting with a communist country which is hostile to our nation, and espionage is rife, where is the public anger?  Most people are too busy watching sport or have their head in a beer glass they couldn't care less. Which just goes to show the under educated masses are  incapable of total comprehension of the big picture.

The politicians are fully aware of this fact and know they can get away with it.
This is what happens when one has no self respect or respect for our nation. Anything but patriotic, more like idiotic.


 China Interrogated Australian residents  April,7 2019.


Even though this article is directed at the US , it also applies to people living in Australia should they travel to China. Stop and think about what this could mean to you and your family. You have been warned! You know the risks!

https://amp.9news.com.au/article/f34c909d-8c1e-45d2-99a1-f4677879a4ba Egypt

https://amp.abc.net.au/article/10774824  Vietnam



 PASSPORTS, check how much time you have left is it under 6 months?   Something we can easily forget, including our children's passports.


November,  2019. This is not a suitable place for young women to go to, common sense seems to have gone out the window  these days.  There is so much crime happening with tourists and anyone with common sense avoids this place.

It may have been  a good idea to contact DEFAT  for help also, bit late now.





Federal Parliament security breach.



 New party registered Feb 2019, The Women's Party , 20 Feb 2019
 The Small Business Party 22 Feb 2019



A passport is a legal document, you do not treat it disrespectfully.  All legal documents must be kept in pristine condition. There is no excuse for this. Her parents should have explained this to her. This is a respect thing, no if's or but's, it is a legal requirement to keep you passport and all legal documents clean, safe and legible.

https://amp.abc.net.au/article/10774238 Man detained in China, sadly this did not have to happen.

Google warning about travel safety.


This is a horrible situation, she overstayed her visa in to the bargain. The Australian government let her down very badly too.

UPDATE: Prominent man dies connected to finance




Health fund increase



https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/may/28/crowdfunding-for-surgery-is-a-distressing-trend-medical-groups-say  This is understandable as Dr Teo says, there are people to be paid and it all adds up.


UPDATE: Health and cyber security, November 2019. You employ muppets then expect this !

UPDATE: Skills shortage



: Elections: The numbers 1 and 6 that turns out to be march 16th  in the NSW elections early voting.

Elections Bill Shorten resigns.
  Well I am surprised but not surprised with the NLP winning the elections. I got some of the stuff right though, lol. Billy boy is gone :P  So it could be Anthony Albanese as the new leader and Tania Plibersek as deputy.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Albanese Check out the hair colour dark originally but gone grey and going bald/ receding.



The Australian Taxation Office  will not ask you to use gift cards and they will contact customers by mail. Taxation is a Federal government service and is not a state or territory issue.  If the police have to be involved in a taxation fraud then it is a Federal police matter and they will act along with the ATO.

 Sometimes it is best not to poke the bear.





Shame they don't return to the great Coles cafeterias of old. They closed in the early 1980's.

UPDATE: Baptism of fire

He is going to need a miracle to stop this train wreck. Pee on it and walk away, I would quit the party if I were him and not be associated with them.


Wait I need to put on some pretty red lipstick. I like to look pretty when I am being screwed 😛
The average worker is just getting less and less and corporations rip us off all the time. But hey  lets pick on the small fish and look the other way with the rich and powerful.



This is one that I dread, after growing up in the 70s/80s recession in Scotland and Australia.


Did I not say the elections need to be investigated. I am disgusted at the type of people we have  in politics these days.  Vile self serving and corrupt to the very core, I have no time for  liars and crooks. How many  politicians are selling Australia out to China? There are several and they should be sacked including the forfeiting of their pensions.

This must not be tolerated in our great nation. We are now an embarrassment in the eyes of the world.

UPDATE: Banking ANZ BANK and Westpac



UPDATE:  24 August 2020

John Howard in hospital. I must point out predictions as well as things that come up in a tarot reading can be 12  months out of sync. Things can happen that can alter anything in life and time is not a fixed thing. 

Psychic Predictions For 2019 Australian Federal Elections


NOTE: Originally published in September 2018 and carried over to this new blog.

Looking at the messy situation of Australian politics, the NLP are in disarray still and this is going to cost them dearly come election time. divisions within the NLP is a disgrace but will be around for a while. Do not expect loyalty nor solutions. Make no mistake this wedge was deliberately inserted by powerful business men as a control system. Breaking the party and pick over the bones to get what they want.

This has no place in politics but is a reality of life. Media backing and stoking the fires to install who they want. Julie Bishop still plays her cards close to her chest, and at this stage has only set herself finite timeline to stay. For some reason I pick up real estate connected to her as I write this. I don't know what that is about. I will leave it there though.

Scot Morrison is just a gate keeper and will do as he is told. He is a stubborn and proud man and prone to angry outbursts. I do not see him staying as Prime Minister. perhaps 18 months or so. Nothing is set in stone and certainly not in the world of politics. As I have said in other political readings this change of leadership is the standard of the day now like in the UK. Let this be a reminder to the voter that your vote is but a mere illusion, it does not count.
It is by passed by leadership coups. Democracy is a non existent illusion is the game.

I do feel Scot Morrison will get out of his depth, his views as we can already see he is not welcomed by most people and is prone to rub the public up the wrong way. After being placed in this Prime Ministership the game is now to manipulate and ridicule him in the media. That is not a nice thing to do and it shows you our media are bought and paid for by very nasty people. No respect for any one.

Mr Morrison will be seen as the Australian Donald Trump, I feel he will step aside after the elections. Should he miraculously win then he will not be the PM for long.

As we know the NLP is a sinking ship and it will stay this way for a while. The loss of respect from the voters will take a long time to fix. I doubt Josh Frydenberg can do anything to fix this either, I do not feel he is the right man to be the leader of the NLP.

I see a younger man (could be Josh Frydenberg) taking the baton and running with it within the ranks of the NLP, the others do not stand a chance against him. His backing to too powerful. That worries me as this is an agenda which is very bad for Australia. This young man taking over the leader ship is the " what's in it for me" type of guy.  Careless mistakes will be made by this younger man.

Do keep your eye on Zed Seselja again, Zed like I said last year will become the Prime Minister one day, that could be within the next two elections, not the 2019 one though. But he needs to  be very careful whom he trusts. There is a small group of men around Zed are wanting him to do their bidding. They are not politicians and the harm will stick to Zed's name but not theirs, so please be very careful whom you trust Zed.

Too much money is being sent overseas and the public disapprove of this, as much is needed back home. I here the words "agreements written in blood", referring to the public monies being drained and much sent off shore. The ALP will not stop this either.

In fact they will over spend the public monies.  Watch out for Penny Wong in the ALP , she is not at this stage likely to be leader of the ALP or Prime Minister. I feel she is going to have a major run in with a male party member and it will get ugly. I do feel Penny is also more inclined to do the roles other than PM or Vice PM as it gives her some leeway and less likely to draw flack.

She is a very ambitious lady also. No, is not in her vocabulary.

Now down to the elections it is team Red versus team Blue. Both are trying to win over the voters but there is a lazy  apathetic feeling from the politicians. They do not seem to care much. Not like the old days. The public are not stupid and are better informed than ever before. I honestly do not like the way things are heading politically for Australia as a whole. Dark times are on the horizon because the politicians have gotten away with way too much. The Genie is out of the lamp and will not go back in.

This feels like an Empire on its way down, That is our little Aussie Empire of being true blue. I am very sad to see this. Sadly voters think they have the power, but they don't, they have an illusion that is now turning dark.

So much energy has been wasted and lack of foresight by both the politicians and the public. There is a strong air of deception leading the voters up the garden path with fake promises, the voters will be very angry.

 I do not feel the ALP can save Australia, they are out to play a game of hearts and minds. Remember one thing here though. Many of the new comers to Australia are not stupid and will not fall for this. They have seen it all before. This will be yet an other dilemma.

Do not be surprised if there is a new female leader of the ALP, however she is not the real power. It is a male person with brown hair behind her that is the power. She is a mere puppet.

So much of the male energy in politics is either too weak or angry and vengeful. All parties need a good shake up but no one seems capable of doing this. No one has any real power as their hands are tied by business men and the media.

Some of these politicians would like to speak out but are too afraid, especially in the NLP right now.
The media have too much power and we are seeing what was done by Rupert Murdoch in the UK happening in Australia. This must be addressed as these individuals do not speak for the Australian voters. The public must demand this stops.

I am hearing the words " false victory"  and "closed off".  That sums up the way things are at present.

Bill Shorten ( sadly I feel a male passing to spirit around him, an older man) This election could be the end of his leadership.  May be that is not a bad thing, I do not feel he has the steel to be  Prime Minister.

There is a lot of animosity around Bill Shorten at present, he needs to move fast to thwart a leadership challenge, just like I saw in last prediction on him. It will become apparent the party want to replace him. This is a female gunning for him and she wont stop. I feel this is Penny Wong gunning for him to topple him. But I could be wrong I do not think she will be a leader. Many voters will not tolerate her harshness.

Her knives are out, but I feel it is just to assist in the coup. So watch out for this little shark in the tank. Politics will always be a male club it is the nature of the beast and male dominated energy on an astrological level that lasts thousands of years.

Now whom ever the new Prime Minister is I can tell you he is greedy for power. He will not listen to others, it is all about him. I feel the new Prime Minister will have light coloured hair (may be its gray, lol) He is not a strong man, just stubborn and this can bring him unstuck. I do not think he will last long. Now this could still be Scot Morrison. How ever if that is the case, then he could still be taken over by Josh Frydenberg and Leader of the NLP.

You can bet your boots Zed Seselja will not like this and will up the stakes.  In 5 to 10 years Zed will step in to the role of Prime Minister.

If the ALP play their cards right they could scoop up the elections, however they will drop the ball economically speaking and put us in deep debt. The ALP are aligned with China, so that is something people must think about too.

This will be yet an other nail biting down to the wire election. Young people will swing to Labor and the Greens yet again due to propaganda agents, and their youth does not afford them all wisdom. We all have to go through this it is only natural remember.

I do see snap changes at the poling booths. I see the ALP win hands down.

But will they stand up to China? I doubt it. This is also the dawning of very dark times for Australia. I see turmoil and open aggression within Australia and from overseas aimed at Australia.

Australia really must assert itself in the world or they will become history. After Christmas big changes are foot within Australia there are dangerous times ahead for all of us. We have our leaders to thank for this. Australia will not be the same again after this. This does not have to happen, but it will be made to happen. Make no mistake this is a very dark agenda. We will have a struggle to keep Australia in our own hands. Thanks to the politicians and business men that sold us out.

This is treachery and I am very very sad at this. Even though I was not born in Australia. This great nation has a massive piece of my heart and always will have.

I have lived here since 1973 off and on until 1983 due to my parents choices, but from 1983 on wards I had my own say and took out citizenship and this is where I will stay. As a loyal Australian citizen.

Copyright Alex Fulford 20 September 2018

UPDATE 7 November 2018


 posted in news com.au on  7/11/18     Election could be in May.

Well I was right about Scott Morrison being treated like the Aussie Trump. But he won, because Bill Shorten screwed up an easy election, and now he is out. I did say he would be out. So not everything is wrong in the "prediction". They are not easy to get right and this was not an easy prediction like previous years.

So given Labor screwed up it will be interesting to see what happens next and there are still many changes to come through the year. Nothing is set in stone either as is often shown in recent times.
We can just wait and watch now.

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 3 September 2024

  https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/QA-Session-3-September-2024.pdf   I am not into the flat earth beliefs, but when Wes...