01 March, 2021

The Serial Provoker


More correctly called an overt narcissist. The solution is shut them down as soon as the open their mouth to start anything. Do not engage them in conversation, do not have anything to do with them.
These are parasitic people and they know full well what they are doing. They are deliberately attacking you to feed form you because they see you as weak. Also don’t expect anyone to assist you when this attack happens, no they will not take your side or they will become a target too. Those witnessing the attack generally remain silent they refuse to get involved due to self preservation.

All you can ever be to a serial provoker like this is a food source and slave. Do not be foolish enough to think they will change. They will not and cannot change. How can a serial predator  be sorry or compassionate? That just does not compute, their survival depends on being a predator no different to a psychopath or a sociopath.

Think of trolls on the internet and there are more and more of both types on earth than ever before. Most people can not even perceive the drop in the vibrational frequencies on earth right now. 
To have so many dysfunctional beings on the planet, the planet's vibrational frequency has to be dropped deliberately.

 I see this often and know exactly what is going on. I have had things happen on a personal level over the past few weeks myself. I have also been assisting others in similar circumstances also.

At the end of the day though the individual must step up and keep right away from parasitic bullies. No one can make the target of abuse stand up for themselves.They, the targeted person has to man up and help themselves. It is not other peoples position or responsibility to get you, the target out of the abusive situation, especially when there is a high likelihood of the victim going straight back to the abuser. 

The target themselves are dragging others into this train wreck wanting the rescuers to stop the abuser. The targeted person plays the vulnerable victim and then they step back letting the rescuer cop the abuse. The targeted person must own the issue and resolve it themselves. To expect others to solve the problem for the target is very selfish and in itself is an abuser creating a chain reaction. 

I am speaking from experience and have walked away from two women that dragged me in to their toxic narcissistic relationships. They just expected me to solve their crap for them, without them lifting a finger. That in itself is abuse and I let them know it. I no longer speak to the individuals. And YES, they are still dealing with the problem . Not my circus and not my monkeys. 

Heed the warning and take the responsible action needed, do not drag other people into your issues if you are not prepared to take action yourself, you are being selfish and that is a form of abuse in itself. I can tell you from trying to help these women, neither of them expressed any thanks, no,  they felt they were entitled to my help because of who I am, and being a fool that helps others in need, I obliged until I had had enough of them.  They didn’t care about their  issues interfering with my family and causing disruption, no they only cared about what they want. But the kicker is when things are happening in my life the silence is deafening, no one ever asks can they help, I just have to man up.

If you allow abuse, then the abusers and takers have no respect for you. They feel self entitled to take from you as if they own you. There are no free rides in this world unless you are foolish and allow it to happen. Good people can be the targets for abuse of this nature, the person that is a target of the abuse then transfers it to the good person they rope in to help them ( read to do the dirty work because they refuse to). My advice is walk away  from this or the whole lot will come down on you.

Do not ever take ownership of that which does not belong to you.

Historic Burnima Homestead



Last Saturday hubby and I went down to Burnima homestead in Bombala NSW. It is about 2 hours south of Canberra and the road down their is a bit hairy I must admit.
 The house is of great historical significance and I would recommend the visit to anyone if they love historical things. It is an old Victorian mansion set on acreage.

I did expect some paranormal activity when I got there and I was not disappointed. The house has some sad history attached to it, but I will leave that for the current owner of the house to impart as part of his guided tour and instead tell you what I saw and felt.

Outside the house itself there are many old sheds, tractors and and other things to see as befitting a house of such standing out in the bush. as I looked around the sheds, I became aware of a little girl in a maroon dress. She looked as if she was from the early 20th century.

I heard her shout to a lady in formal dress, of what appeared to be Edwardian times. She shouted, "What's she doing here?" meaning me. The lady with her told her to be quiet and seemed to understand what was going on. I got the impression that she was telling the girl we can't see them, well except for me.  Young madam was not impressed as this was her garden and property.

We then went indoors to begin the tour. I told Steve Rickets, the owner of the house and our tour guide what I saw. He was most interested as no one had see the child before. I gave here age as around 10 to 12 years old, long light brown hair and blue eyes. Wearing a maroon dress that went down to her mid calf. I didn't pay much attention to her feet, I can only assume she was wearing boots of the time.
The lady was either her mother or a relative, dressed in a light coloured dress which I took to be cream lace. She was a slender lady with light coloured hair. I would put her age as in her early 30's.

I did not have the time or opportunity to further investigate as the tour only lasts an hour in duration.
When we went in to the house I did feel energy hot spots in many rooms, however being in a tour group I could not investigate this further. But that's fine, I was there to view the lovely old house.

The architecture was lovely and very befitting of its time. I had the distinct feeling of time standing still in Edwardian times. Even though it had some modern upgrades in the 1960's including the paintwork. The history lesson was great and I learned a few interesting tips of the era.

We went  all through the servants quarters and work stations and were given a rundown on how life was for them. We were then taken to the men's rooms including billiard room and sitting room, where they all sat to discuss business and talk politics etc. We then went in to the ladies lounge room and observed how they entertained themselves including the art of courtship.

When we went upstairs we looked at the old type bathrooms and bed rooms and the guest bed rooms.
In the main guest bedroom I was astonished to see a woman in labour on the bed. In spirit of course not in the physical world. She was a young dark haired woman, I noticed 3 other women with her and one seemed to be a maid that was assisting. I feel the lady was visiting the house and had gone into labour early. I felt she was married and this was just a thing that can happen to a married woman traveling a long distance in those days without the comfort of modern transport. Perhaps the journey brought on labour, who knows.

This is an example of looking through time lines, where people are going about their lives unaware of other beings occupying the same space as them, but in a different time and dimension. In reality this is just life and we are all separated by the illusion of time and space. I have had many experiences of seeing between time and space and it never ceases to amaze me. Not just from a psychic perspective, but historical  also and seeing people just doing what they are doing in their every day lives.

As a cat lover I had the pleasure of meeting Smudge the cat, who is as it would happen is a Norwegian Forrest cat, and identical to my late Tolstoy. My husband and I were so taken with Smudge and his strong likeness to our Tolly. It was hard to say goodbye to Mr Smudge.

He is definitely a daddies boy, and his dad is very lucky to have him. Weegies as they are fondly known are the most adorable felines that you can meet. Not that I am biased or anything, lol.
I so miss my baby, he is gone 5 years now and I still feel the loss.

 Mr Smudge


I highly recommend a trip to Bombala it makes a great day out and a history lesson too.
Bombala  almost became the capital of Australia, but for some dirty pool as they say.

It would most definitely have been a much cooler climate in summer which I can appreciate.
How ever money talks and all that, and hey presto it is Canberra that became the capital city. Don't get me started on that one, there is plenty that I can say but won't lol.

 Wikipedia post gives the blurb on this little town.

UPDATE March 1, 2021 Sadly the house is up for sale, I am not sure if it was because of the pandemic or what it was, but so sad for this man to sell the house that he dearly loves.  

The Kalergi Plan Is But A Satanic Plan



Spawn of Satan are the words that come to mind with this "thing."
He is partly responsible for what is sweeping Europe and the Western world right now.
This is a Satanic/Freemason /Cabal agenda make no mistake about that, snow flakes have embraced this plan with glee.

Did you know the term" Snow Flake" was used as a derogatory word in the UK back in the 60s and 70s? It was a put down of white people. Did you ever watch the sit com" Love they neighbour"? I did, I actually love the show, it was very well done and the actors I have much respect for.

The destruction of the Western world and its allies has been planned  way back in the 18th century. Now after two world wars and world depressions, and the loss of industry from the Western world, the reality is hitting home to any one with a brain. The only people that are monitoring the train wreck and are paying attention to this and see the end is at hand.
One would have to be living under a rock and in denial to not see what is happening.

This is a planned genocide that is taking place and the weak minded, gutless and under educated refuse to see this monstrosity. But they will have to live with it and the AI take over. Karma is a desert best served cold and they will have that desert.

People that have followed my blog since the beginning will notice many documents removed over a few year around this subject. Why? Because it is a hot potato that's why.

Under educated people jump to the wrong conclusions, because they have been brain washed or indoctrinated by the Marxist Satanic 1% that shape your reality to respond that way. The 1% do so because the under educated and the wilfully ignorant allow this.

These under educated people then intimidate those that are aware of the reality and try to discredit them. This is a classic problem, reaction solution mind game, as old as the hills to make you fall in to line, think of communist nations and the tactics employed by their rulers and carried out by the masses on each other. This is the exact same formula. It reminds me of that movie Idiocracy, that is our actual world today and Hollywood is laughing at us because they can.

Hollywood, as in a magicians wand (made from the holy tree) weave their Satanic spell over the masses to assist this New World Order. Pretty clever really isn't it. A multi pronged multi level sustained attack on the masses. But it only works when a little sweeter is added to it to keep the masses entranced.

This is a carefully stage managed situation that the masses have walked right into. A multi leveled well coordinated attack on our intelligence, our moral, ethical and spiritual values.. We have been conned into feeling ashamed of our race, our cultural identity and all that was once held dear. This is down right embarrassing to an intelligent normal functioning human being. No self respecting and intelligent individual would tolerate such abuse, but there you go. Television and the electronic media are much needed tools for this to work along with the education system, or what passes for education these days.

Did you know about history (HIS STORY) being redacted at present, similar to the dark ages? Just look at the historical statues in the USA being pulled down because someone is offended. That is part of erasing history, but the masses accept it like the snow flakes they are.

I make no apologizes for being blunt about this. People have had decades to see the elephant in the room. Why should intelligent people remain silent? At present people are defending themselves from each other. verbally but pretty soon it will be working class intelligent people against working class under educated people fighting in the streets. The battle lines are already drawn by the 1% but the thick-head snowflakes still do not see it. Sure go right on listening to mainstream   propaganda. Look at your country and ask why is is in a state of ruin. Simple you let it happen, you the ignorant under educated masses.

This is part of construct called free will and cosmic law in action.  Everything is being told to you as per the rules of cosmic law. The controllers (the 1%), have already told you of their intentions many times. Your silence is taken as consent by 1% by the way. The masses however are wilfully ignorant and are refusing  to pay attention. I have said many times though that there is nothing against cosmic law being obscured. It is up to us to think and work it out for ourselves. The funny thing is, is when it is pointed out the under educated attack those that are trying to warn them.

Have you noticed the police are not on your side on the attacks on Westerners by the African and Middle eastern men roaming in gangs? No because the hidden powers that be have put the word out to the police that it is hands off these guys. Have you ever wondered why? Go on to YouTube or do a Google search on what is going on in Germany, France, Denmark and major European nations, and now in Australia, mainly Melbourne. Very few nations have put in place measures to stop this. You wont see it on MSM but it is all over the internet.

Most European people are totally aware of this fact but many English speaking nations like Australia are clueless about what is really going on. But they like it that way, ignorance is bliss, never mind what is happening over in Europe, bring us your African and middle eastern men in droves, we will submit to their authority over us snowflakes.

10 years down the track it will be, oh gee, how did this civil war happen on my doorstep? I wonder what I did wrong.  Help police!  Er, too late game over, and you snowflakes lost before you even got started, move on nothing to see here.



https://www.wspa.com/news/child-dies-in-foster-care-removed-because-of-falsified-drug-test/896790821  This is an other scam removing kids from families under false pretences.

26 August 2018

Julie Bishop Quits As Foreign Minister



Here is part two on the Julie Bishop prediction.


Scroll down to see my hits after reading the predictions. I do not think she will quit to be honest, she is a career politician.


She is still here for a while, She is not one for snap decisions like I said.

https://theconversation.com/view-from-the-hill-julie-bishop-will-be-open-to-post-politics-offers-102279 Open to job offers, well well.


She is still in the game at present.

Originally poster 26 August 2018, prediction made October 2017

Psychic Vision Of A Screw In My Car Tire

 A few days ago I was walking on my driveway towards the car and I had a mental image in my mind of a big silver nail in my car tire. I shrugged it off thinking yeah that's all I need.

As I was driving to the shops I noticed a noise that sounded like a flat tire but could not see anything, when I stopped to check my tires. They all seemed ok.

The next day I had to go in to the city for something, and on the way home I heard the noise again. This time I thought, right that must be a nail in the tire. I got home safely and told hubby, he was saying, no, that can't be the case or the tire would be flat. Again the image was in my head. I told him so and I was adamant about it. So we took it to the garage and sure enough it was a big silver screw stuck in the tire.

I must be psycho or something, lol. 😏😂

Creation And Then What?


Originally poster in 15th August, 2018 on my old blog.

Creation of the universe, is a thing that scientists debate. The big bang theory, did it actually happen? When I tune in to the creation of the universe, I get a funny image in my mind with a low vibrating hum. The vision is deep blue it is not dark like the night sky or how we imagine outer space.

I see in the middle of this deep blue colour a wispy cloud like thing and there is a strange feeling that I am looking through some one else's eyes. It is really hard to describe what I feel and see, I feel that this hum is a vibrating energy like a machine being turned on.
The feeling is unnatural as if intelligent design is behind this universe, not god or a goddess.

Some researchers believe the universe was artificially created, I tend to agree with this theory, but the complete how's and whys we do not have all the answers to, or the truth of the matter. There are ancient texts that allude to this in simple ways, and there are also channelled messages that say similar. However one must not take channelled information as truth due to it being subjective and nothing truthful to back it up.

 (This is the closest image on the net that I could find. But there weren't any stars, planets or anything in the vision that I have.)

Spiritual people have always been aware of a multiverse, but only now is science starting to research  the multiverse theory.  Our Universe and the multiverse are made up of dimensions also, of which go  on into infinitude according to researchers.   
So it is not just humans beings and animals are multidimensional beings,  the Universe and the multiverse need to be likewise in order for the human experience to expand.  Now it also gets into an interesting theory that as each human soul becomes an advanced soul, we become god like and can co create and even have our own universe. I don't buy into that theory, now I may be wrong but to me that sounds like an ego trip from my humble understanding. I have heard this actually discussed in spiritual circles over the years and they have nothing to back it up other than, it is channelled information. Yeah, rigggghhhtt! 

Personally I do not want to be god like and create a universe and fill it with beings. Why create       
beings and allow them to suffer?  Creating other beings is not something that I would want to do. To me that feels like an ego trip. I do not want to create anything and control it.                                     

Channelled information should not be taken as truth as you cannot be 100% sure of the source and it could also be something that is out the distract and mislead the soul deliberately. I can tell you that I have had my meditations interfered with, hacked if you want to call it that. By a woman that was supposedly a friend and spiritual teacher. 
The channelled information that was given was not what I would call trust worthy and in the years that have passed since that event. I have learned a hell of a lot more. So when it comes to trusting the unseen beings,  I will wait until I am on the other side of life before I make any conclusion  with clear and rational thinking. 

I can honestly say that I have see the negative effects of trusting the unseen world and the destruction it has caused many people.

 As I have commented in other posts, we live in the third dimension, which is an artificial negative and locked frequency. Our ability to think and see clearly is hampered by the third dimension world. Humanity has been lied to for thousands of years via indoctrination and taught never to question what we are told or think outside the box.  

Ever wondered why we are told what to think by religion and our government? Simple their control over us would come to a halt and in order to prevent that, they will punish free thinkers or even start a war to keep us in this state of fear and control. One thing these powerful people don't let you know is, they are also under control too, after all they are living in this reality too. They must follow the rules of this universe too, which is dictated to them by the very beings that created this universe or face punishment themselves. 

Our creation is nothing more than a computer generated matrix in which our souls are inserted into. Which was well documented by ancient wise men around the globe, not just in Sumeria and Egypt,  thousands of years ago. It is only now that this information is now being brought in to public consciousness thanks to the masses having access to education  and the internet.

The reasons are now becoming clearer to those that pay attention to what is going on in the world. Humanity whether you like it or not, is taking a big leap forward, but not in the way that many think it is. No, it is going into a mind boggling new paradigm or if you like a new computer generated program of consciousness for some.  This new program will affect humanity in ways that have not been imagined. It is in line with the creation of the universe but not in a positive or benevolent way for most humans.  

Humans are being slowly programmed to accept the fact that there are other star races. This has to be introduced very slowly and carefully to prevent mass panic.  The Vatican sits at the top of the dung heap on this and has done since its inception. In our life time we will see other races come forward and they will say they created us. That is a big lie, they did not create us, we had already existed and were an advanced spiritual race, but were  hijacked (our consciousness)  including this planet and all life here. Yes it is still a hologram reality and we all exist in this until point of death. Then if we are truly conscious souls at the point of death, we need to exit the program and not following our ancestors into the light/soul trap.                                                                                                                            
The big step forward, to space and beyond. But for who's purpose and why? We are living in a violent world and surrounded in poverty. We can't go wasting money on space projects that benefit the one percent. 

It is not being done in the interests of the likes of you and I, but we will get dragged kicking and              screaming into this. And who knows what else. The one percent are fighting over control of the planet and space. Rival factions or the one percent having a turf war, it has nothing to do with us really. This opens up a new level of consciousness to humanity though. 
Trump and his friends are hell bent on keeping control as are his foes, We are now seeing this game changer for control taken into space. It may look as if this is between earth nations, however that is only a small aspect of the game plan. The minute we start to show a bigger presence in space we are back on the radar and will have to interact with other star races. The ones that the government already know about and work with. They want us on side to do their fighting for them  as cannon  fodder.

A host of Freemason symbology to interpreted for those of you that understand the language presented in the images.


This is interesting, however we cannot protect our planet from anything off planet as we do not have the technology and the only ones to give us this technology are already known to our governments and the Vatican, because they control both. They give us technology as part of the Technology Transfer Project, which has been going on for decades. 

How much truth there is in this I do not know. Wes Penre is the go to guy for much of this stuff.

Above is the link to Wes Penre's YouTube Chanel. I advise people to read the comments below each video for further information. Some of which is excellent information. I do say though do not form an opinion one way or the other. Only to be aware of what is presented to you. Some information Wes Presents may be way over the heads of some people, but it is very informative and well researched.

Exopolitics is a very need to know subject along with this. However there are many disinformation agents involved such as Stephen Greer. I tend to read much of the information in this arena with a pinch of salt. The reason being, this planet is nothing but a petri dish ( us being a bio genetic experiment)  which other beings tend to feed off of and mine the planet for resources. That is the only reason for their contact. 

One thing that must be kept in mind is the massive advancement in IT and artificial intelligence. This is linked permanently with humanity and our very existence from here on in. A human with technology implants is so easy to control, end of your free will or what little we have of that.
Speaking of free will, we have the right to use it but it comes at a price as many are finding out in truth seeker circles. Speak out at your own risk and you suddenly find out it is a two pronged action.

You may speak the truth but it can get you put in prison, or you lose everything that you have. We are seeing this in the US, the UK, Ireland and Australia at present. It makes some people wonder why life is being made so unbearable especially if good people are suffering. Again it is because we are in a low dimension which is artificially created and controlled.

By learning how this world and the spirit world is created and how to navigate both is a must, in order to survive. One needs to learn how to control one's destiny and how to survive in the universe/multiverse after physical death. This is the most important thing that a person can ever learn while on this earth. Please be very careful where your learn any information about exiting the matrix because there is so much disinformation on the internet deliberately to confuse you.

I am not telling you this for my own benefit, this is something for humanity and the animal kingdom. I am merely sharing information and trying to sort through the chaff that will distract people from the truth. I can tell you that the industry that I work in does not want to share this information freely. Sure some individuals will, but they may not be aware of the vital information that needs to be imparted.

I am not an expert in anything, nor do I claim to be. I am only sharing the information that I come across and my own personal experiences.                       


Happy Animal And Plant Dreaming





Over the past couple of nights I have had some symbolic dreams involving a Koala, a Tortoise and an Ivy plant. Looks like some long awaited  happiness  is on its way at last.

I have posted the links to some interpretations of these symbols here and looking at the positive aspects of the dreams it shows this week is a new beginning and  opens new possibilities for me and my family.

This morning I woke up after dreaming not just about the Ivy plant, which was actually one that I own in a pot. There were other plants in pots and a feeling of fertility with the plants I was tending.
In the dream I was in a house that I lived in many years ago, but it had a slight difference as dreams often do. I went around closing the blinds of the house signifying privacy.

I seemed to focus on the plants and needing to care for them and create some oasis of tranquillity around me. Just what the doctor ordered so to speak. A time for reflection , peace and tranquillity.
There is nothing nicer and comforting. I sure could do with this too.

I had a busy but productive day yesterday but today, my arms are agony with fibromyalgia. So a bit of rest is needed to restore my energy.

The New Taxi Driver: Joke


Did You Know Pancho?

 A young man was in a bar sipping his tequila when he notices a picture of Pancho Villa on the wall behind the bar. Jokingly, the young man asks the old bartender, “Did you know Pancho Villa?”

“Did I know Pancho Villa?” Says the old bartender,  “Let me tell you a story my friend.  I was a young man tending to a herd of cattle when I saw far in the distance a great red cloud of sand and dust coming toward me from the desert.
As the cloud of dust got closer, I was very nervous it was bandits. I heard the sound of hoof beats and at last I saw a great white horse, and it was the great man himself, Pancho Villa riding straight at me!
He got close to me and I saw he had a large silver pistol with an ivory handle.  He drew the pistol and pointed it right at my head. I was very scared.  He laughed out loud said ‘Drop your pants.’
What could I do?  He had his pistol pointed right at me – so I dropped my pants.  Then he said ‘Squat.’  What could I do?  He had his pistol pointed right at me – so I squat down like he says.  Then he said –
I did not have to poop, but what could I do?  He had his pistol pointed right at me. I was very scared, so I pooped.  Pancho Villa pointed his gun at me and with a deep laugh and sinister grin, said ‘Now eat that poop.’
‘Crap,’ I thought. It was disgusting, but what could I do?  He had his pistol pointed right at me, so I ate the poop.  Pancho Villa laughed for a very long time and laughed so hard he fell off his horse, and his silver pistol landed right next to me – so I picked it up and pointed it at Pancho Villa.
He stopped laughing very quickly and I said, ‘drop your pants.’  Oh, Pancho Villa was very scared – what could he do? I had his pistol pointed right at him!  So he dropped his pants.
I said ‘Squat’ and so Pancho Villa squatted, what could he do? I had his pistol pointed right at him! Then I said ‘Poop’, and he dropped a big one!
I had a great bid shit eating grin and I said ‘Now, eat that poop.’  He was not happy, but what could he do? I had his pistol pointed right at him! So Pancho Villa ate that poop!
And you asked me if I know Pancho Villa??

Yes my friend, I knew Pancho Villa, we had lunch together!”

Something Cute

 I think we need something cute to look at after the heavy stuff posted. 😊I like to put funny or cute things on the blog to break up the serious content. As I do not want to create an energy imbalance or dis harmony.

This is our 15 year old Persian cross Garfield in a laundry basket sleeping. He is such a sweetheart he really is a big kid at heart like mummy.

Ruby wrapped up like a spring roll in a mohair blanket. She knows she is cute.

Tolstoy looking so sweet, this is just shortly before he passed away.


Just reminding everyone that is reading this blog; that it is a data transfer from my original blog, Alex Fulford International Clairvoyant-Medium.

I stuffed up my old blog so therefore I had to create a new one. I am posting articles from 2018 at present and that can be verified by looking at the old blog. 

Holographic Universe, Flat Earth or Round Earth?

 People are wasting their time over the issue of is the Earth flat, round or is it a holograph.

Your biggest question should be how to exit the matrix.

A  flat Earth, hologram or a spherical Earth, you still live in a  prison planet or prison planet mind set. It  makes no difference in the log run if you are not spiritually open to how to avoid reincarnation and how to exit the matrix safely.

                                                      Flat Earth

                                                          Holographic Earth

                                                        Is this our Earth? Works for me until further notice.

So much wasted time and energy is spent on this divide and conquer chess game. If your soul is still asleep and you have no idea of how the metaphysical world works and how it affects all of us then you are doomed to keep repeating the game.

Except the rules of the game are changing fast and most cannot keep up with the rules. Ditch the unimportant spin that is in the media and internet and use your inner-net.  We are at the end of a grand cycle right now as most people are aware. You have heard talk of  "the great harvest", but you
are unsure of what it really is, or is it a good thing or a bad thing.

In short it is a bad thing. It is again new age spin that will keep many souls trapped by following the BS of going into the "light" again. I do not profess to have the answers. All I am trying to do is say, look out people, we are in danger.

People that  do not understand the serious implications ( those new to the spiritual side of things and those that are closed off and spiritually asleep) of this will dismiss this as rubbish to their own detriment. We at this point in time must learn as much as we can on this subject, it affects all of us. Those that are children at present will have to face the AI, artificial intelligence taking over our society.

 How far they allow it to affect them determines whether they are able to spiritually awaken and or, allow this technology to be put in their bodies. The temple of your soul, which was never intended to be anything other than flesh and blood.

By accepting AI implants into the body that are connected to a mainframe or data base, is the end of being human and being a Cybernetic organism.  Aging body parts being replaced and upgraded, to the detriment of your soul and spirituality. Imagine your soul locked for ever in a vessel and cannot communicate with you or your higher-self.

No independent thought, no escape from virtual slavery and no returning to your spiritual home, ever.
That is the ultimate misery and soul destroying. Living within a hive mind complex for ever, no alternative, in heaven knows what sort of world as we move to an inter stellar society.

I think I would prefer the spiritual awakening and connecting with my higher-self, on death, looking for the exits around the weakened magnetic field and moving through the gaps and into the real spiritual world and not trapped by an electronic Faraday cage. To be inserted into an other illusion yet again.  Like most awakened souls, I will not risk going through that again. Something within me as a child knew this was the time to awaken, illusion shattered that has held me here so long. The programming of the soul no longer works.

As many researchers have pointed out in the last 15 years, time is running out for the masses to waken from the god spell. I count my self lucky, but never to be foolish or complacent, the mission has not even begun yet. Only at the point of physical death does one need to stop and think what is the next step. This is where it is vital not to get it wrong. You do not get an other chance if you get pulled into the light.

One must be prepared to say goodbye to the soul group, but leave an energy signature for those that wish to follow us. In order to be reunited if this is possible. It calls for us to be brave. As for the talk of being able to create our own universe, personally I think that is a trick to pull the ego in to an other trap, but I could be wrong.

It has been said in some circles our loved ones, or beings that pretend to be our loved ones lure us into the soul trap on point of death. This is a very powerful emotional pull, and perhaps a cruel trap.
If that is the case, we do not communicate with these beings, our loved ones must surely be aware of our intentions if we are awakened souls and would not wish us to fall for the trap.

I will be honest with you and say that I have never had any loved one in spirit tell me about the soul trap, perhaps they are not aware or perhaps they are forbidden from mentioning it. I can't honestly say. But should I get any information form loved ones then I will most definitely post something here about it.

It has been suggested by some in the scientific community that the "spirit" beings may be artificially produced to induce a false sense of security by using our memories of loved ones to make us go to the artificial light. At present there are scientists working on how to download  our memories onto a hard drive. That is a frightening thought, no pun intended. But if our scientists can do this what is to say other far more advanced beings are not already doing this.  We are but a primitive star race in this universe.

I do not want to mislead anyone by giving out disinformation, no. You need to do your own research but keep an open mind. There is way too much disinformation to confuse us, of course it is deliberate. You cannot keep people enslaved with truth.   



The Sodomite Gateway

 Let me start by saying this has nothing to do with being gay, I have many gay friends and they are very spiritual and good people. Far from it; this is a heterosexual Satanic thing. We are talking Satanic ritual abuse as old as time. It is the gateway to "spiritual Gnosis". This has been practised for thousands of years by the initiates of the black arts/ left hand path, the priest class, Freemasons, world wide royalty, the Vatican etc It was brought on to this planet also.

All our media, businesses, banking and government logos world wide are based on secret symbology, and some of it alludes to sodomy. The entertainment industry just love it. Think of the in your face music videos, with out naming and names. Twerking, the trollops way of saying she is easy and you are left in no doubt about what she likes. Our world is full of filth and depravity to keep us away from our real spiritual roots. Remembering of course that it is a dualistic world and on a low vibrational frequency.

With the Sodomite gateway it is a quick access to the kundalini energy, and taking the spiritual light and innocence of a child, the gender of the child doesn't usually matter. As you may know, the kundalini energy sits in the base chakra at the base of the spine. As we raise our vibrational frequency the kundalini rises up the spine and through the chakras, usually via meditation.

That is the usual way  it works, but the energy can be triggered in other ways such as trauma or ritual sexual abuse. One of the reason why we have international paedophile rings is, they want to abuse the children but also take the spiritual energy. It goes much deeper than that though, especially if it is a blood ritual. The blood of a traumatised victim is full of adrenaline and when ingested the abuser/Satanist gets an energy boost for working with the black arts.


Check  out the above link, it is easily tied in with children disappearing all over the world and adults  too. A thing that I have noticed with the media is the children tend to be wearing either red or blue in the photos, that in itself is a coded message as to why the children are missing.

People have no real idea how much of this goes on, in many cases they just don't want to know. This is one reason why abuse victims are usually pushed to the side of society. People don't believe them because they are uncomfortable with the truth. I have met many survivors of abuse over the years and know how hard their lives are, they have no real voice nor real help to cope with life after the abuse. But for the abusers, well its just business as usual and life is sweet.

Have you seen the evil and anger on the faces of the abusers that are caught and are on the news at night? The in your face arrogance of these monsters, they don't care one bit about the victims, they are angry because they think they are better than everyone else, and should be allowed to do what they do.

They are owed and controlled by the dark side, make no mistake about that. They are also quite happy to work for the dark side or left hand path.

Those on the left hand path give of a very subtle energy, which a sensitive person will intuitively feel. This is a very uncomfortable feeling and something that the person sensing can't quite put their finger on,. They just know that the vibe feels very wrong. I have felt it from many over the years myself and even speaking on the phone in one case, and this is why I always stay on guard and use spiritual protection.


http://www.whale.to/c/sodomy_symbolism.html Whale.to is generally a good website to find things on.

There are many more symbols other than what are mentioned in the open scroll,  I do not accept all of the explanations on that blog nor do like the vibe from the person running the blog,  I have read other interpretations over the years to the meanings of arches and squares. To me it feels the owner of the blog has a fixation with this subject. I could be wrong though; but I am not in agreeance with all that he claims are related to the sodomite gateway.

Lets not forget the mind control victims who are traumatised by RSA  (Ritual Satanic Abuse) this is an ongoing program and inter-generational.

Dr John Dee's Monas heiroglyphica that he made for Elizabeth I
She was a black magic practitioner too as was her son Sir Francis Bacon (Shakespeare)

Did you know John Dee and his partner in evil John Kelly were necromancers too? They would dig up a corpse and do back magic spells to get an evil spirit in to the corpse to re-animate the corpse in order to communicate with it.

I will leave readers to do a google search of symbols on how to recognise the sodomite gateway messages that are all around us constantly. Like all other dark symbols, you will start to notice colours ( such as purple, red, blue, orange, yellow and green) and shapes for what they really mean. Life is never the same when your eyes are opened to the reality of living in the low vibrational frequency of the third dimension.

NOTE: There is a huge ugly metal sculpture of an orange Monarch//Wanderer Butterfly in Tuggeranong, Canberra. Most people think it is ugly. If only they knew the deeper meaning.
The Monarch butterfly is infamous with Project monarch mind control and MK Ultra. It symbolises transformation.

The child being placed in the butterfly position to be abused. Canberra is infested with  satanic symbolism. You cannot go anywhere in the city without seeing some form of symbology.

Just love the Freemason symbolism on the website too...NOT!


Monarch/Wanderer Butterfly on Drakeford Drive Tuggeranong, just next to this a big ugly orange bridge. Again it is symbolism. 

Bridges are also seen as the link from one world to an other, hence the bridge with the butterfly representing  a transformation taking place, the colour of the bridge too is important. Any bridges that I have seen are normally gray or a bog standard colour that fits in with the environment. This is symbolic and only those that are aware can look at this and understand what the message being conveyed is.  

I do not think this can be possibly be mistaken, if you are able to read the symbology of the colour and shapes. When see it cannot be unseen.

No need for me to add any more to this, I am sure the readers that want to know more will do their own research. I will say one thing though, in order to progress up the high levels of society this is a right of passage, no pun intended. 

NOTE: One thing I find of late is the amount of disinformation websites and partial truths in any websites that truth seekers use. Most of the websites are run by paid shills. 

Nominated for a Nobel peace prize, yeah right. Still in keeping with the Satanic agenda then I see.
That reminds me of the joke doing the rounds in the UK about what's the difference between the Sex offenders register and the Queens New Year honour's list. Both are full of sex offenders it seems.

UPDATE  I just want to add this here for a bit of extra reading.

Freaky Thursday


Alex Fulford International Clairvoyant Medium
Published by Alex Fulford3 hrs
I had a freaky other worldly experience on Thursday night. Hubby and I went to a local club for the first time in months. We sat in the out door area for 5 mins, due to hubby wanting a quick smoke. Hubby placed an ash tray on the table. All was normal for a moment and then suddenly the ash tray glided silently across the table, well it was just floating a few millimetres above the table. We both just sat there staring at it in disbelief.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see my father in law, sitting in the empty chair between hubby and me. He passed away 5 years ago. I could see him smiling and laughing.
I picked up the ash tray to see what made it move. it was dry, no condensation and the table surface was both dry and a rough surface. I slid the ash tray along the table and could feel the resistance of the two surfaces. Basically it made a noise and there was a very slight resistance.
I did this just proved to my husband and myself that it was impossible for the ash tray to glide without a sound, let alone float slightly above the table surface. This was my father in law just letting us know he is there and watching over us.
How is that for freaky shit on the weird shit o meter, lol.
Go to the club they said, it will be  fun they said!😆This is a cut and paste from my Facebook page.

Following on from this, lol. We had a tube of Clearasil go missing in the bathroom. I had just came home from the shops and had a heap of toiletries to put away. I scooped them up and walked from the kitchen bench to the bathroom. I put the items down and my son started putting his stuff in his cupboard. The Clearasil tube as on my bathroom cabinet next to the sink. When we looked back it was gone.

I searched the bathroom, the kitchen and the laundry and it is no where to be seen. I ended up going out to buy a new one the next morning. Go figure, lol.

Saga America by Barry Fell pdf


Above is the expansion of the original book.


As I am busy at present I have not had the time to read this yet either, however I want people to be able to help themselves to the stuff that I come across and share with my readers.
I will get my head in to it myself as time permits 😀

 UPDATE  August 2020

Well I finally read this and what a waste of time. The article was written in 1980 and has now become defunct. Arrogance from so called educated experts, pffft ! There is ample proof now that even the ancient Celts from Ireland were in America long before Columbus  and the Vikings and the ancient Egyptians. The Vatican knew this but suppressed the knowledge. 

We know now of the large scale cover ups by the Smithsonian, the Vatican and other institutions. Much more physical proof has come to light since 1980 and some of it was suppressed. The Vatican and others have had a vested interest in keeping a lid on much of human history because it shows the truth. 

What about the bones found of the Tall Nordic humanoids in the US and various parts of the world, including New Zealand?  Then the red haired Celts that are found from Egypt, to China, to the US that are thousands of years old? Oh right they don't exist. Makes me wonder where all the  news reports come from with the photographs, lol. 

If people want to know more then research and read books on the hidden history. Anna Wilkes; back in the late 19th Century even mentioned the similar language between ancient Irish and the American Indian tribes and shows a comparison of their language in her book Ur of the Chaldea's (Irish). Not just that some tribes taught this language as the first language to their children.

Australia is also victim to this cover up, we do have archaeological evidence of ancient Egyptians  in the East coast of Australia up near Newcastle. The site is now off limits to the public, due to it being sacred aboriginal ground with cave art which depicts the ancient Egyptians.   

 Our dream time history also mentions Gods that came to the aboriginal people to educate them. This was well before the time of Jesus.

Geoffrey Keating free PDF and Wikipedia link



A free pdf to read on the history of Ireland.

More interesting reading to save to your reading list :D

The British Edda pdf




I have been rummaging again, lol. I have not had time to read this yet myself, but just putting it up here for people to help themselves.

Atlantis from a geographic perspective by Ulf Erlingson


An interesting read for those that are interested in Ireland and Atlantis.
Ulf is not the first person to come to this conclusion,  lets not forget an other interesting book, Urr of the Chaldees by Anna Wilkes in the 19th century. Again pointing to the Irish people being the Chaldeans. There is so much of our history that has been deliberately hidden from us, but has been discovered by individuals that were put on this earth to uncover the truth, sadly some of them had their good names trashed by the powers that be.

That just tells you that something is being deliberately hidden from us. Now we live in a time where secrets are being exposed and held up to the light of day due to mounting evidence.

And like I said in other posts, as a child I had a deep knowing that Ireland was a sacred land and so to the British Isles. Now this from a very young primary school child, that was never exposed to books on the subject until I was much older. It was intuitive and felt very deep within me. I just accepted what my intuition told me and had no reason to doubt it. Only as an adult and doing a lot of reading on the subject did I have my intuition confirmed.

Now this below is an other example of hidden information. Of course the Vatican knew of Australia's existence centuries before 1788 and even before this bird was given as a gift. The ancient Egyptians were in  Newcastle region New South Wales (NSW) at least 2000 years ago, of which cave paintings depicting the ancient Egyptians with the Aboriginal elders are still clearly visible in rock art.

Which are now closed to the public by the government. This is on sacred spiritual grounds of our Aboriginal elders. The Vikings and Ancient Celts and Egyptians all were in the US at various times, and there were indigenous Americans that spoke Irish Gaelic hundreds of years ago. You will find much information in books as well as on the internet to back up what I am saying.


https://www.crystalinks.com/egyptaustralia.html (The amazing Ellie Crystal has good information on her blog backing up the involvement of ancient Egyptians in Australia with some good photos.)

We are living in enlightened times where information is there should one want to look. Sadly the average person is not privy to much information, due to us not having the right contacts in the establishment to have access to the real serious information. We have to rely on those writers with a gold back stage pass so to speak. But there is still plenty to read up on.

PDF The Celestial Ship Of The North by Emma Valentia Straiton


Just thought about sharing this with everyone,  this book was published in 1927.
It is a popular book in the spiritual community. I have put off reading it until the past week, lol.

I have read so many books that it does my head in. I  like to keep a little book handy when I read books to make note of the comments and page number, so that if I am talking to someone , I can give them my point of reference. That must be the Virgo side of me, nit picky and like to know the ins and outs of things.

Anyway, I hope you find the book interesting and useful. You will find this authors other books on Amazon and some as PDF's.

Originally posted 15 June 2018

Alvin Boyd Khun Books


First here is a blurb on who he is. When learning about metaphysics, spirituality etc, you do have to do a lot of reading, learning and unlearning. For me it has also been trusting and then distrusting as I have gone along my path of learning.


The first thing that I tell people is do not just blindly accept what you are told, because most people learn this stuff parrot fashion, very lazy and can be very dangerous, leading you down blind alleys.
In short you are going no where. You are not really awakening, you are being manipulated into a different paradigm that's all.

Knowing the difference takes time, you must make the effort to take the time and be discerning.
My main rule of thumb is tell the truth and shame the devil. I take nothing at face value after going down some blind alleys over the years under tuition from various places only to leave very much disappointed.

I am trying to bring information to peoples attention and saying , have a look at this, but do not form a firm or fixed opinion. You need to remain impartial and free to keep your mind sharp ready for the day you leave this world. Your real mission here on earth in the third dimension is to awaken, be empowered and escape the matrix.

Now Alvin Boyd Khun has been a must read author of spiritual material. I ask you to read as much as you can on his works and not hold a firm opinion. Just use the information  presented. Then compare Wes Penre's notes, Gerald Massey, other esoteric authors, and again keep an open and free mind.

There are free PDF books by Alvin Boyd Khun in the internet that you can download for free.
Michael Tsarion also has a list of books by this author that are highly recommended reading.
I expect many of my readers are aware of them already.

Now with any of these authors and their books, you need to read each one several times to take it all on board. Even I have moments where I forget things that I have learned and have to go back to the start gain, lol the joys of getting older.

NOTE: These are taken from Wikipedia, but as I said Google his books there are more that what is mentioned on Wikipedia.  Happy reading peeps.





Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 3 September 2024

  https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/QA-Session-3-September-2024.pdf   I am not into the flat earth beliefs, but when Wes...