01 March, 2021

Creation And Then What?


Originally poster in 15th August, 2018 on my old blog.

Creation of the universe, is a thing that scientists debate. The big bang theory, did it actually happen? When I tune in to the creation of the universe, I get a funny image in my mind with a low vibrating hum. The vision is deep blue it is not dark like the night sky or how we imagine outer space.

I see in the middle of this deep blue colour a wispy cloud like thing and there is a strange feeling that I am looking through some one else's eyes. It is really hard to describe what I feel and see, I feel that this hum is a vibrating energy like a machine being turned on.
The feeling is unnatural as if intelligent design is behind this universe, not god or a goddess.

Some researchers believe the universe was artificially created, I tend to agree with this theory, but the complete how's and whys we do not have all the answers to, or the truth of the matter. There are ancient texts that allude to this in simple ways, and there are also channelled messages that say similar. However one must not take channelled information as truth due to it being subjective and nothing truthful to back it up.

 (This is the closest image on the net that I could find. But there weren't any stars, planets or anything in the vision that I have.)

Spiritual people have always been aware of a multiverse, but only now is science starting to research  the multiverse theory.  Our Universe and the multiverse are made up of dimensions also, of which go  on into infinitude according to researchers.   
So it is not just humans beings and animals are multidimensional beings,  the Universe and the multiverse need to be likewise in order for the human experience to expand.  Now it also gets into an interesting theory that as each human soul becomes an advanced soul, we become god like and can co create and even have our own universe. I don't buy into that theory, now I may be wrong but to me that sounds like an ego trip from my humble understanding. I have heard this actually discussed in spiritual circles over the years and they have nothing to back it up other than, it is channelled information. Yeah, rigggghhhtt! 

Personally I do not want to be god like and create a universe and fill it with beings. Why create       
beings and allow them to suffer?  Creating other beings is not something that I would want to do. To me that feels like an ego trip. I do not want to create anything and control it.                                     

Channelled information should not be taken as truth as you cannot be 100% sure of the source and it could also be something that is out the distract and mislead the soul deliberately. I can tell you that I have had my meditations interfered with, hacked if you want to call it that. By a woman that was supposedly a friend and spiritual teacher. 
The channelled information that was given was not what I would call trust worthy and in the years that have passed since that event. I have learned a hell of a lot more. So when it comes to trusting the unseen beings,  I will wait until I am on the other side of life before I make any conclusion  with clear and rational thinking. 

I can honestly say that I have see the negative effects of trusting the unseen world and the destruction it has caused many people.

 As I have commented in other posts, we live in the third dimension, which is an artificial negative and locked frequency. Our ability to think and see clearly is hampered by the third dimension world. Humanity has been lied to for thousands of years via indoctrination and taught never to question what we are told or think outside the box.  

Ever wondered why we are told what to think by religion and our government? Simple their control over us would come to a halt and in order to prevent that, they will punish free thinkers or even start a war to keep us in this state of fear and control. One thing these powerful people don't let you know is, they are also under control too, after all they are living in this reality too. They must follow the rules of this universe too, which is dictated to them by the very beings that created this universe or face punishment themselves. 

Our creation is nothing more than a computer generated matrix in which our souls are inserted into. Which was well documented by ancient wise men around the globe, not just in Sumeria and Egypt,  thousands of years ago. It is only now that this information is now being brought in to public consciousness thanks to the masses having access to education  and the internet.

The reasons are now becoming clearer to those that pay attention to what is going on in the world. Humanity whether you like it or not, is taking a big leap forward, but not in the way that many think it is. No, it is going into a mind boggling new paradigm or if you like a new computer generated program of consciousness for some.  This new program will affect humanity in ways that have not been imagined. It is in line with the creation of the universe but not in a positive or benevolent way for most humans.  

Humans are being slowly programmed to accept the fact that there are other star races. This has to be introduced very slowly and carefully to prevent mass panic.  The Vatican sits at the top of the dung heap on this and has done since its inception. In our life time we will see other races come forward and they will say they created us. That is a big lie, they did not create us, we had already existed and were an advanced spiritual race, but were  hijacked (our consciousness)  including this planet and all life here. Yes it is still a hologram reality and we all exist in this until point of death. Then if we are truly conscious souls at the point of death, we need to exit the program and not following our ancestors into the light/soul trap.                                                                                                                            
The big step forward, to space and beyond. But for who's purpose and why? We are living in a violent world and surrounded in poverty. We can't go wasting money on space projects that benefit the one percent. 

It is not being done in the interests of the likes of you and I, but we will get dragged kicking and              screaming into this. And who knows what else. The one percent are fighting over control of the planet and space. Rival factions or the one percent having a turf war, it has nothing to do with us really. This opens up a new level of consciousness to humanity though. 
Trump and his friends are hell bent on keeping control as are his foes, We are now seeing this game changer for control taken into space. It may look as if this is between earth nations, however that is only a small aspect of the game plan. The minute we start to show a bigger presence in space we are back on the radar and will have to interact with other star races. The ones that the government already know about and work with. They want us on side to do their fighting for them  as cannon  fodder.

A host of Freemason symbology to interpreted for those of you that understand the language presented in the images.


This is interesting, however we cannot protect our planet from anything off planet as we do not have the technology and the only ones to give us this technology are already known to our governments and the Vatican, because they control both. They give us technology as part of the Technology Transfer Project, which has been going on for decades. 

How much truth there is in this I do not know. Wes Penre is the go to guy for much of this stuff.

Above is the link to Wes Penre's YouTube Chanel. I advise people to read the comments below each video for further information. Some of which is excellent information. I do say though do not form an opinion one way or the other. Only to be aware of what is presented to you. Some information Wes Presents may be way over the heads of some people, but it is very informative and well researched.

Exopolitics is a very need to know subject along with this. However there are many disinformation agents involved such as Stephen Greer. I tend to read much of the information in this arena with a pinch of salt. The reason being, this planet is nothing but a petri dish ( us being a bio genetic experiment)  which other beings tend to feed off of and mine the planet for resources. That is the only reason for their contact. 

One thing that must be kept in mind is the massive advancement in IT and artificial intelligence. This is linked permanently with humanity and our very existence from here on in. A human with technology implants is so easy to control, end of your free will or what little we have of that.
Speaking of free will, we have the right to use it but it comes at a price as many are finding out in truth seeker circles. Speak out at your own risk and you suddenly find out it is a two pronged action.

You may speak the truth but it can get you put in prison, or you lose everything that you have. We are seeing this in the US, the UK, Ireland and Australia at present. It makes some people wonder why life is being made so unbearable especially if good people are suffering. Again it is because we are in a low dimension which is artificially created and controlled.

By learning how this world and the spirit world is created and how to navigate both is a must, in order to survive. One needs to learn how to control one's destiny and how to survive in the universe/multiverse after physical death. This is the most important thing that a person can ever learn while on this earth. Please be very careful where your learn any information about exiting the matrix because there is so much disinformation on the internet deliberately to confuse you.

I am not telling you this for my own benefit, this is something for humanity and the animal kingdom. I am merely sharing information and trying to sort through the chaff that will distract people from the truth. I can tell you that the industry that I work in does not want to share this information freely. Sure some individuals will, but they may not be aware of the vital information that needs to be imparted.

I am not an expert in anything, nor do I claim to be. I am only sharing the information that I come across and my own personal experiences.                       


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