03 March, 2021



I have not had a chance to read this yet myself but just wanted to share it anyway.
Happy reading.

As I start to read this today 3/7/20 this little part makes me think.

In order to explain the emergence of imperfection from perfection, darkness from light, matter from spirit, etc., the Gnostic myth of origins recounts a complex narrative about a process of decline that started somewhere in the environment of the Supreme God and ended up in the demonically ruled sublunary world. (This means the pleroma).

 Now I look at that little bit and think to myself, how is this possible? Is this actually saying the pleroma is not perfect? Is it saying the demiurge is a clone, AI or what?  It also sounds to me that ego still exists within the pleroma.

It makes me sceptical of anything written by humans or worse channelled by humans. We will never know the real truth in this world anyway. It pays to be very cautious of anything in the unseen world as I have said before in other posts.

Much as I believe in pure spirit, and only pure spirit, I am extremely cautious as I have seen a lot in my life and also read and been exposed to many untruths spiritually, so I trust nothing completely. I guess I am a jaded product of the Spiritual school of hard knocks, lol.  To take everything as truth is foolish!

Australia ditches iconic kangaroo national logo


NO! Just no, what was  the possible valid reason for changing a perfectly good and well recognised logo world wide and at great cost, in a bloody recession? Wasting $10 million of public money and we the public had no say in this. This came into being last night our time, 30 June, which is the last day of the financial year.

Funny that it was not announced on 1st September as that is national Wattle day. The ninth month is important in numerology because the Wattle is connected to the number 9 and the planet Mars which can represent war, male energy,  aggression, soul enslavement to name a few.

It sure does look like the COVID-19 symbol. Symbols have multi layered meanings depending on who is conveying a message and to whom. 

A symbol to you and I may mean one thing, but to others in the know ( those that created this particular logo) it is entirely different. That is the way symbology has worked for thousands of years.

Gold is a spiritual colour and can be either positive or negative (as do all numbers, colours, planets, star signs etc), generally it is seen as a positive thing and aligning to higher levels of spiritual awareness and enlightenment. 

The wattle stands for unity and the spirit of the Australian people. The Australian Federal Government is conveying a message here to both Australians and the world. Here we go with the “we are all one / we are all in this together crap. No we are not, neither aligned with these individuals spiritually, morally or ethically. I sure as hell am not and never will be. 

The yellow Wattle (acacia) is symbolising the following message 
Rebirth, regeneration, the sun (think solar cults to be precise solar death cults.. yes they are real think of the murky Egyptian / Babylonian death cults, which are still around today in various forms)
Transcendence, spirit, eternal lifeforce.

When I mention life force or spirit there are two vastly different forms of spiritual transcendence humanity is dealing with when we pass on. One is the false light of Lucifer as can be seen on things that I share on my blog and the other is the higher purer spirituality of Gnosis to take spirited humans home to the pleroma.  So we need to learn the symbols and what they tell us and work out what they really mean and whom do they really serve. 

Yellow as a colour represents joy, happiness, spirituality, life force,  the mind, consciousness, transcendence and as mentioned above rebirth. Think of the Tarot card the Sun. Negatively it can mean cowardice, sickness I would assume this depends on the shade of yellow, the darker a colour the more negative it is. Mental health is also associated with yellow, of course the realm of the mind is also connected to spirit so that makes sense. It is non physical like spirit.

The colour green represents nature of course as well as healing, the heart chakra, growth, renewal, balance, harmony, nature, growth and regrowth, ( very much what the Australian bush does after a bushfire). This year already we have a lot of regrowth that cannot happen unless we have bush fires to sprout new seeds.  
Negatively, jealousy, greed, sickness , finance (money) naievityagain the shade of the colour is important as in negative or positive.  So while there can be negative aspects to the symbology there is good too.

After reading the article in Building Beautiful Souls I myself learned Wattle is used in rituals, spells and funerals. I am well aware that the aboriginal elders use different plants, herbs and trees for different cleansing ceremonies, healing and men's /women's ceremonies.  I have witnessed it both in the physical and in spirit. The spiritual ones blew my mind both at Uluru and here in Canberra. 

I am by no means well read on this subject and I do not have time to delve into all of this, nor do I want to. I tend to not get into anything to do with spells, rituals etc.  People can google this sort of thing for themselves and learn if they are so inclined.  

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acacia  in this article is says Wattle comes from the Teutonic and old English, to weave or interweave, (come together as one if you like as in we are all in it together, we are all one, etc. Think also out side the box it may sound odd, but communism, every one is equal are all one.  But you get the message, lumping humanity in one lump, no individuality. Spirit in new age teaching says we all join up to the godhead. That is Lucifer and not the Pleroma, big difference and not what spirited humanity should be doing at all. 

https://www.buildingbeautifulsouls.com/symbols-meanings/flower-meanings-symbolism/acacia-meaning-symbolism/ This lady has done her homework, I take my hat off to her as her amazing website was one of the first things that popped up when I started looking for meaning of the golden Wattle, which by the way smells lovely but is a highly allergic tree flower. My next-door neighbour has one in his yard and I love the sweet fragrance.

Anyway, regards to the new logo, I still feel this was unnecessary, there was nothing wrong with the original one. The colours are still there and so is the colour meanings. Some things just should not be messed with. I notice Malcolm Turnbull is the main one to initiate this change, I take this as his parting dig at Australians. We won't forget this one mate!  

Notice the pyramid (triangle) shape of this logo, Freemasonry symbology just a little reminder of who is controlling the show.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Made_logo  I recall the introduction of the Kangaroo logo back in 1986 and it is one that is easily recognised world wide.

The Riotact: Petrol taken from buses and local equipment for firefighting trucks: Royal commission


 Sad state of affairs, But will we get anything good out of this investigation? We will never forget the trauma and loss of the worst summer in living history. 

Wes Penre: VIDEO 227: Q&A SESSION #53



Some good Questions here, especially the one about where is the spirit of Jesus residing.

Wes Penre: Gnosis part 20 the apocalypse and the consummation of the age


Wow this is interesting, but I just don’t know if this will happen in our life time. I don’t intend to worry about it. I just want to see life through as best I can. But to stress and worry doesn’t do anyone any good.

Please scroll down and read the comments people leave for more info. Oh btw, Wes has just published level 6 in his papers. I got a surprise this morning opening my emails. So all of us on his mailing list would have a pleasant surprise to see them.  That will take some time for us to get through, lol.

Looks like more heavy reading for everyone. I find it hard to absorb vast amounts of information these days, but I will do my best to take the information on board.
When you go into the above link, look where it says menu and click on it. You should find a link to the  levels of learning or Wes Penre papers level 6.

Tarot card of the month, Death, July 2020


Endings, Elimination, Transition. Inexorable forces 

Well there ya go, the card of the month DEATH. I kind of expected something like this, with the way things are going. The number 13 breaks down to 4 in Numerology. Basically it is about stabilizing power positively or negatively.

Notice all the subtle symbols in the card. First thing that I see is the flag with the house of York white rose on a black backing, duality. The tarot cards use a lot of medieval images when you look closely at the clothes people are wearing and other symbols such as the colours, grey, yellow, white, black and blue. 
The king in the card could be one of the Edwards given the cards are in medieval style, I need to google that and post at the bottom of the post.

Notice the King is lying dead and his crown has fallen off. A loss of power to a higher power. A child looking up to the horse and the knight riding the horse, the knight symbolized as death itself . The child is innocent and naïve and understands nothing. The woman cannot look at death, she turns her head away facing the left hand side (feminine side)  The bishop is pleading for mercy before death, the great leveller.  Can you see the little cross on the back of the bishops hand?  His crozier or shepherds crook ( Kundalini energy or serpent energy) is lying on the ground, even he is defeated by this powerful force. Is this an end to the age of pieces?  The bishops hat is the crown of the fisher king and relates to the age of pieces.  

Then in the background is a golden sunrise between two pillars.  In your face occult message right there, and it signifies the change we are facing right now as a human collective.  The two pillars are a common symbol in Freemasonry ( establish in strength) as is the sun (solar deity).  There is also a little boat in the background too, a messenger perhaps, or a collector of souls. Notice the trees are bent as if a strong wind is blowing them, this is a sudden change.

We are now entering  a new age where we leave the past behind and accept the "new normal"   people do not know what to expect at this point. They will just follow the leader if you will.   Just when things seemed to be easing a sudden curve ball hits us. We need to stay focussed on what is happening worldwide right now because it is very crucial for all of us.  

Things will change from here on in, we know that and have been told to accept this by the government. This is a strong power moving us along. It will be so easy for the masses to be swept up in the changes, because they do not  read the signs along the way. I am just looking at the card again and notice three people are left standing after the king is dead (deposed) Three levels of society left, three levels of consciousness.

Yes, you could say there is a spiritual element to what is happening right now in the world. It has been foretold after all. However if one's eyes are open to the spiritual realities the  message is very different to what the average person reads in the signs and warnings. I don't think this is the start of the proverbial Golden age that is often mentioned. No one can tell us when that actually is or perhaps it could be they are not willing to tell us when it starts. I find that rather odd.

One thing I notice is the Death tarot card related to October 23 to November 21  (Scorpio) so there for ruled by that zodiac sign and planet it is assigned to. I have never looked into the dates on cards that much to be honest but if you go on line you can find websites that tell you which tarot card correlated to what date, time, season etc. I do have all this stuff  printed off, for my own personal use, however I go with feeling when I read the cards for a client. I see an image for the time of year such as cold weather clothes or hot weather clothes on a person, trees with leaves on/ off etc. 
So I don't generally use the dates relating to the individual cards.

I often hear the month or feel it claircognizantly just the same as other things when doing a reading or even just in my everyday life. I get a knowing of feeling of things and make not of it.   

Now back to the card of the month, I do feel the protests and unrest will be put under control soon, but I feel we have some more strife to come. 

After this I feel a crack down will happen. I cannot put an exact time on it but in the warm weather this year, that is Australian time, winter for the top end of the world.
 If you are smart keep right out of it. This is a battle between the lefties and government and the usual thugs.
But those individuals are working for your enslavement make no mistake about it. You are being led into the change whether you realise it or not. I can tell you these idiots have no idea what they are bringing on themselves, they are being used. Ever heard of useful idiots? Well that's them, the joke is on them. But the punishment is on the human collective.

I do feel this year will just keep going down and down from here on in. I keep right out of all of this other that pass comment on my blog. I will have no part in evil. I advise sensible people to keep out of this too and focus on your loved ones including your fur babies. 



Here you go a little reading before his next post.

We have a saying in Scotland which I live by, Tell the truth and shame the devil.  I cannot abide liars, thieves, criminal behaviour or people without a moral compass.  So I do not live by the immoral rules of this world, and take less to do with people because I refuse to live like them.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020 The Great Global Reset - Spiro Skouras (Truth Warrior)

  Let me start by saying today is 3 March 2021. I am just copying posts from my old blog to this new one.

Also I am NOT a truth seeker. I am only sharing food for thought.

Video has been pulled and YT account closed!


The masses don't want to know the truth! So be it, This financial meltdown started before COVID 19. He is full of crap on that one. Yes the virus is man made between deep state in the US and China, and it won't be eradicated! 

This is now the changing of the guard I have said is coming. Done deal because the masses did nothing to stop it. They are too programmed into leftie ideology.

These things are planned longer than what he said. Christ I can recall the rumblings of this as a kid in the late 70's as my father used to talk about it often. Who props up these "experts" on all of this conspiracy stuff? We never get to find out, but I am pretty sure they would be controlled opposition. Same shit different shovel really.  I do not trust anyone, to me all these so called truth seekers are setting themselves up as little gods for the woke. Ya aint spiritually awake though, lol.

Oh and by the way the Chinese leader is a high ranking freemason, watch the handshakes and gestures. They are not real enemies if the world is run by leaders that are freemasons, just think about that.

One face for the public and one for behind closed doors.  Just do a little google searching and see who is a high ranking freemason in world leaders and powerful people world wide. The vast majority are, or they don't get the rewards.

http://alexfulfordclairvoyantmedium.blogspot.com/2019/10/psychic-predictions-for-australia-in_23.html  Now scroll down to my first comments on the UPDATES,  " could this be the plan China is supposed to take over the world?"   Communism is the new normal folks  because the masses sit on their dumb asses and allow this world wide.  

Meh! I give up on humans, they ain't worth the effort. 

New maps reveal Zealandia lost continent beneath New Zealand


More interesting news from the past 😊

Cat Riding Down The Stairs On Cat Made Sledge

 Not very clear video. I had a better one on Facebook but can't get it to share. This kitty is the Evil Knievel of felines, lol.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Cat Riding Down The Stairs On Cat Made Sledge

Not very clear video. I had a better one on Facebook but can't get it to share. This kitty is the Evil Knievel of felines, lol.

Care factor..Oh yeah we don't care


Meh, as if they are they only ones in the world. We can hold our heads high and say we do not stoop to the evils of this nation in many areas. Care factor in this  ZERO! All out of F***s to give.

Prehistoric stone circle 4500-yrs-old found near Stonehenge


Over the past couple of years there have been sites discovered in Ireland too. Perhaps the researchers may not have been able to do this research without a valid reason and that could be why it is only coming to light now.  It is always very exciting to see these great discoveries and learn more of our past. Interesting that there isn't a date of when this was discovered but only released after the 21 June Solstice! Energy in numbers and rituals!

I have a friend that goes on archaeology digs, I would just love to be able to up stakes and do likewise, but my life style does not permit that. I do enjoy seeing the photos she shares  and I am content with that.  I am sure that it is not at all glamorous but so exciting nevertheless. Britain and Ireland have always fascinated me with their ancient history, and I am glad to have lived there. I doubt very much if I will ever get back home for a holiday though. Family issues always seem to prevent me going back home.

Wes Penre: Gnosis part 18 the zodiac and it’s impact on our earthly lives


Please follow up on the comments too, you will find more information as comments are posted.
By the way the 13th star sigh is called Ophiuchus, which sits between Scorpio and  Capricorn. 
So that is 29th November to 18th December, not like the other signs which usually start on the 19th, 20th 21st or 23rd of the month. 

Communism’s internal meltdown, by Michael Tsarion


Bear in mind Michael Tsarion’s father was a communist. As he said he grew up around it. 

Interesting times ahead alright, let’s see the government get the idiots in Seattle back under control.

I feel they let this Seattle situation get out of hand, now look at the state the US is in, what an embarrassment. 

Time the media and all the leftist morons were shut down and put out with the trash. If not this is going to spread outside the US.

People are sick to death with all this crap going on. We want proper leaders without links to cults, crime and filth. There aren’t any men or women of true substance to lead any nation. They are all owned by evil cults and big businesses. They don’t have morals or ethics, so is it any wonder the masses are acting like animals 

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabian_Society For the record I did mention in a post a few years ago that the former Australian  prime minister Julia Gillard is a Fabian. 


Hmm looks like Michael has upset someone, his video has been pulled. Oh, the times we live in lol. 



Please read the comments in this post also, but keep an open mind.

Australia cyber attack: PM Morrison warns of 'sophisticated' state hack


 May be it is a good idea to spend the money on state of the art equipment then huh, instead of the crap they use.  The cheapest is never the best technology to use. Pay peanuts you  get monkeys, nuff said!



Originally posted 19 June 2020
I actually predicted a cyber attack in my psychic predictions back in October 2018 

Wes Penre: VIDEO 126: Q&A SESSION #52


Listen to the short video and read the comments as they come in.

I agree with what he says about the NPC, just take a look at the people around you and you can see this clearly. That is why I like to keep a low profile among humanity, I just do not want that evil and negativity near me.

As for the Pleroma I am still very wary as they still allow evil to continue over millions of years. That to me speaks out loud and clear of their complacency. I can do without the religious BS making excuses, there are no valid excuses as far as I am concerned.   No matter how many times you polish a turd it never changes it is still what it is.

I am not fooled or swayed by the "spiritual" explanations. I will judge that for myself in the afterlife and be very cautious as to what is presented to me. Reason being none of the people that passed on this information have been there to back up what they spout, only taking hearsay or channelled information. That is not worth the paper it is written on. I want actual proof and not hear say thanks.

Why allow so much suffering and let the demiurge and his creatures away with crimes like this for millennia? That to me is a crime, aiding and abetting.

Labor is accused of 'putting paedophiles before Australian kids' as it BLOCKS law that meant all child sex offenders serve long prison sentences


It is not just Labor that are abusing kids, they all do. How else does one control a government? It is world wide and won’t be stopped. Because powerful people control this filth. Do your research on the fact, also google British politicians that have been arrested and take a look at the charges.

Scott Morrison rubs shoulders with the Hillsong pastor who’s father is an accused paedophile also, what does that tell you. Just google that, then the. Queensland MP that’s son is a paedophile but said he can’t go to prison. You can see that one in my blog as I have the link to the news article.

Dutton knows this will never get through parliament, because of the evil corruption right to the core of our government. This disease of the soul is just about impossible to stamp out, and more people are being caught every week, but they are at street level of society not the upper level. No they have too much power to be arrested. 



Read the comments below also. 

Dream of civil unrest in the US from 2014


I was just in the kitchen washing up and this popped into my mind. I remember also warning the audience on A1R psychic radio back in  May 2015 that something bad was coming to America. Sad to say this could be it or at least the beginning. 

I was wrong about Hillary, but just take a look at how America has turned since that election that Trump was not supposed to win. Very sad times indeed.

I feel the  US government will lose control and this will get really ugly. But it does not have to be this way. This is the result of the limited amount of free will that humans have and a lack of true spirituality in this world. There never will be real true spirituality in  the third dimension, that is impossible. This place is geared for evil and always will be, we must lift ourselves, one by one out of this reality and not return. 

Human consciousness can only go so far in the third dimension and then it crashes and burns, and a reset has to happen. All through our history there is evidence of this.  We are in crash and burn mode now.

How that pans out and over however many years does not really matter, it is astrologically pre-programmed in the matrix/ false spirit world, we have to ride it out.  I sure as hell would keep a low profile and avoid large populated areas as much as possible.  Humans are unpredictable and when they lose it, they really lose it.

Please read this article too because it serves as a warning of what is to come. This is taken from my original blog.  The world is a very different place than it was 8 years ago and world war draws closer. 

This is the original post from my old blog posted on 17 July 2015.

UPDATE: July 2024, Things take time to manifest, it is not an overnight scenario this is a gradual build up of tensions and poor leadership long term with both parties. We look now at was has happened in the US since 2015, from Trump being president, to the January 6 event etc, and it is not a good place to live and will descend further in 2025.

Trump survived  an assassination attempt, but this has kicked over the hornets nest showing how the public reaction and mood has changed. 

He that fails to learn the lessons is doomed to repeat the same mistakes. Left wing or right wing makes no difference because both wings belong to the same creature. That creature is not on humanities side.  

Report says progress being made on health culture but bullying must be addressed


The bar was set low a long time ago. I call this a piss poor effort, the system is an ongoing train wreck that no one wants to fix.  This has gone on for years and ticking only six out of twenty in the box is not good enough, it is failure. How the hell can Mr Reid call this great progress? 

When you vote in morons continuously this is what happens. Andrew Barr and his party couldn’t run a bath, never mind the territory, and neither could any of his predecessors in the Labor party. The ACT Labor government has let us down for many, many years. But idiots keep voting them in and then whine when they cannot get proper health care. 

If the voters can’t see what the problem is then they are clearly unfit to hold the right to vote. This is Stockholm syndrome by the voters to allow this to keep happening over and over since 2001. 

However this culture of bullying and harassment is down to the minister and the manager of the hospital to stamp it out. This bullying and harassment is from educated people, that have received training on workplace bullying and harassment. There is no way on earth they were not trained on what is and isn’t bullying or harassment. There is no way they don’t know what they are doing is wrong and illegal.

Every public servant has to be trained on that. No doubt highly educated individuals are the perpetrators and no one is prepared to stop this. Nothing short of legal action will stop this going on. Victims must push for legal action, and some of the victims are people that hold a university degree, how on earth are they so weak that they do not fight this?  If the manager of the Canberra hospital and the health minister cannot put an end to this with in 12 months they need to be removed from their positions and put people that are better suited to replace them. 

Yes, I know what it feels like, I have been through this as a federal public servant, and I was very young and pregnant at the time and the laws were in place then to protect people,  I was also being intimidated by upper management and the union was bloody useless.

But this here case has many staff involved, so why are they not taking out a class action? This culture does flow on to the patients too, because of the staff being stressed. That is unacceptable and should not be tolerated.

We have the ACT territory’s elections later this year, and I know without a doubt the ACT  
Labor will be back in, why? Because we have undereducated morons that are allowed to vote. Nothing ever changes in Canberra, it is a safe communist lovers electorate for all the lefties and undereducated masses. Yet these individuals will bitch and whine about the poor medical care, go figure.

Getting proper medical care in Canberra if you have a serious health problem, needing a specialist or heaven forbid a psychiatrist is almost impossible. I am speaking from experience and serious illness too. People need to go up to Sydney because our town is a primitive backwater, an embarrassment for being the capital of Australia. Things are worse at present due to COVID 19, so more people will become sicker while having to wait for medical treatment. 

If the chief minister could actually do his job and actually put the minister of health on notice along with hospital management etc, we might get a result......well may be in an alternate universe definitely not in this one.

Pet friendly plants and not pet friendly plants list

 I just saw this on line and thought it may be useful for others with fur babies. I have a Holly bush in my garden and geranium, however my dog is not interested in them, nor the bulbs. I do keep my eye on her though.

Wes Penre: Gnosis part 15 the second Atlantis the deluge and the destruction of Tiamaat /Earth




Wow this is a powerful message right here. Wes is right on the money with all the distractions too. TV is one of the worst  form of mind pollution along with being addicted to porn,  gaming  etc.

I am more concerned about protecting my spirituality than anything else in my life. The physical body is not meant to last. In fact it is a prison by intent, we were duped into accepting without knowing the real consequences. 

As for the second coming, I have trouble believing that, I guess I have just become so despondent with the world that we live in and the wickedness of many humans. Hope just seems futile but yet I must persevere right to the end. Maybe there will be a change, somehow I do not feel it is in our lifetime. 

What also troubles me is Wes has warned us of the machine Kingdome (AI take over) being implemented at present. How will a second coming be of any use at all?

Don't forget to scroll through the comments on each of his posts. Extra information is there too, including clearer explanations of something that you may not have picked up on.

I would like to thank Wes and Ariel for working so hard on getting all of this information out there for the public for free. It is  a very generous and loving thing to do and I am truly glad to be able to share his work. Yes, I do have his formal permission to share this information. Wes would like as many people sharing it as possible.



Wes Penre: Gnosis part 12 on star races, our bodies, and our emotions


You may want to go through all of the Gnostic posts and download them on pdf. So that you can re read them when you need to along with the WPP which also need to be reread regularly.

Wes Penre: Gnosis part 11 The second Atlantis the beginning


Please read the comments too as you may find useful information. Not just in this post but all of them.

Australia’s Home Affairs switches on new biometric travel platform


About time this was done. We have so many illegal people here already and it is very difficult to find them. There has been stolen ID going on in Australia for decades. It is not just for dual benefit fraud, it is for all levels of criminal behaviour including terrorist sleeper cells. Not what we need in our country.

Originally posted 5 June 2020

Wes Penre: Gnosis part 10 Where the soul and spirit go after death


Due to an error, I have had to go straight to Wes' video page for this. It has been updated as there was an error on his part.

Wes Penre: Gnosis part 9 order, hierarchy and family relationships in the Kenoma


Make sure as you read all of Wes's posts that you also read the comments below too. There can be very interesting comments. 

Wes Penre: Gnosis part 8 the indestructible one and the first humans


So much to learn here. I am looking forward to the next two posts that Wes mentioned.
Share with your friends please.

31 May 2020

Urgent heads up from Alex

 Due to ill health I have now cut my readings right back. I may only read one or two people a week and this intention is to walk away from readings very soon for two reasons. First is  Ill health and the other reason is I have had enough of very selfish people, that demand and demand of me. They want readings or Mediumship right away, and demonstrate quite loudly their arrogance and lack of respect for me. 

The lack of  people wanting to learn anything of true spiritual value over many years is staggering. They have no interest in saving their spirit/soul.  But Christ on a bike, the amount of them that are into curses and spells is shocking. There is no such thing as good magic for a start and only the lowest of the low stoop to curses and spells. The spiritually unclean of the earth, that are to be shunned by any decent human beings. 

I have had enough of the gimme gimme attitude. They try to get me to tell them what they want to hear. Such as can I have someone's spouse ( ruining a family for your depraved gratification). Wanting me to say it is ok to be a life wrecker. The vile audacity of these women.  

Ringing me at all hours of the night whining  about what they want and disturb my night's sleep, to tell them what they want to hear. Yes, this is from all over the world. They don't give a flying fig what time it is where I am, often it is a 12 to 14 hour time difference. 

I have spent years talking to people face to face, to try to educate them. But hey these women are not interested in education. It is wasted on them. All they want is what they " want"  in their spiritually unevolved and ignorant lives of mass and matter. No better than animals. I have love and respect for animals mind you and choose them over humanity.

Some individuals that I encounter only  want to know will they be rich, will they get the man they want, but never wanting to know anything of moral or spiritual substance.  They act like  psychic groupies on facebook to look cool, look at how many psychics' I follow. 

I offer people a hand out information booklet to read at home with informative websites, spiritual protection etc, and they never read them. How do I know? Well I am a Clairvoyant for a start Duh! Then during later conversations, I ask them something and they say oh, I lost that handout. I don't know what I did with it etc. It costs me money and time to print these off to give to every client that walks in my home over the many years, that I have been reading for clients. All such a waste in the end. One other kicker is when the person is needing the spiritual protection information that is in the handout. Now that's respect....NOT!

There are the witchy poo types that bring entities into my home and psychically attack me. Why?
I haven’t done them any harm, most of them have never met me before, so go figure. The very few that have, do so because I may tell the truth and they don’t like that. Why come to me with evil intentions? Because of this type of women, I stopped doing face to face readings as this affected my family too by the way.

Well this is the end of the road.  This week has been the icing on the cake. I am just over it and will not put my health in jeopardy any longer. What annoys me is, I tell people that I have painful and  chronic health problems as does my husband, but they just dismiss that and say, so when can you read for me? REALLY!!  Then the individuals that only half listen because , it's all about them darling! When I say something and it doesn't ring a bell, 5 minutes later they say something and I say I just told you that.

So yeah, I am bloody over it and it is a shame, because there are people that have gone through absolute tragedies in their lives, that these other selfish individuals would never even stop to think about, because they are so self absorbed. Such Individuals say they need a reading asap but don’t turn up. That appointment could have gone to a genuine person needing help, and it was happening often until I said deposit up front. 

I often have clients that their suffering is just so heart-breaking and trying to find an honest person to read for them or communicate with their loved ones in spirit will now miss out. 

Only this week had I had such a person and my heart ached for her. But now It is the end of the road. I just do not want to put myself out there to be used and abused. Most of these people don't even bother to give me feedback, when I ask if they would be kind enough to leave some feedback. But lo and behold suck up to wanna be psychics gushing their feedback out to them on Facebook. OK, go to them and stay the hell away from me.

I don't care if you can't find someone to replace me. You have used me enough over the years.  Yeah I too have been through a hell of a lot of suffering, loss, have a husband with serious health problems and I just have to deal with it, but hey its all about them. Gimme gimme gimme!

You know you have the real deal when I pick up the phone and describe you and can tell you things that I have no way of knowing and suddenly tell you messages from a deceased loved one.

I make psychic predictions that actually happen as reflected in this blog can the others do that? Nah of course not but they can make a fool of you! And why not, you are fools, and you have no respect for me. You wont leave me a little bit of feed back but chase after all the wanna be's, gushing your admiration of them all over Facebook, that have non of the skills that I am born with. Go to them and stay right away from me, you are selfish. 

29 May 2020




This is absolute gold. I printed this off with every other level of learning and pdf file Wes has published.
I highly recommend that people read this and share it. But hey I don't expect miracles. Looking at my stats people just ain't really bothering with the real wisdom.

Wes and other well informed researchers have put out a wealth of invaluable information to assist those that are awakened spirits seeking answers. Unfortunately the vast majority of people are only wanting the shallow Unicorns and Rainbow garbage. 

Wes Penre: Gnosis part 7 Creation of the Archons and the different heavens



More information that should ring alarm bells for those really awakened souls or spirit to be more precise.  A clearer picture emerges of the reality of our so called spirit world as I have often said, is not what people think it is.

The answer is in your own hands folks. You do not need me or anyone else pointing out the obvious.
You still think what is currently happening here on Earth is just a coincidence, lol? If so then you are wasting your time on this earth and trying to understand anything from a spiritual level.

You still ain't worked out we are actually in a virtual hell!

Wes Penre: Gnosis part 6 Yaldabaoth


Interesting reading but a little out there for me. What if all of this is an incredible software programme? Remember Wes discussed artificial intelligence and advanced races thousands of year’s ahead of us. He said it is possible that this is an artificial universe and he is not alone in this theory, the concept has been around for many years now. This universe is also a locked frequency. So how would we know if they are not controlling this whole situation?

 The Demiurge is a mistake so why let it or him continue and create all the damage and misery. Spirit is already advanced and pure, so why drop us in a low vibration and make us suffer causing much harm to the psyche of billions of souls? The Sophia would not want that would she? So much blood shed over thousands of years on many worlds and for what? Is this Sophia a computer programme as well or is it a real spiritual phenomenon?

I am not one to accept all that is written by the Gnostics, they were human and the information they give us, we need to know who was communicating via a channel or if relayed in  spoken word by beings from off world? Channelling is not trustworthy as there are many unsavoury beings in the non physical worlds that will lead us astray. Even advanced star races that have interacted with our ancestors world wide thousands of years ago had agendas. Leading our ancestors to believe they were gods and taking control of our ancestors' world.

We are living in a planet of lies, half truths and deception, lied to by religion, lied to by government and lied to by those that run the world. Much as I like what Wes writes, I still can’t accept a lot of this information because we will never know the real truth  here on earth only after death can we know but, can we really make it out of the matrix and universe to find out for ourselves? We must be careful and not just accept anything we are told, and even in spirit after physical death we must be even more cautious because there will be twists, turns and who knows what. To end up back in the soul trap, after all our hard work?

As I scroll through the comments in each post that Wes has made I feel people are so desperate to believe and accept everything as truth. Feeling it in their soul or being. Wishful thinking out of a need to believe and that all will be right in the  end. People are desperate to be free of suffering and misery, they have had enough and want out. The human experiment is not a happy experience in the long run.

Like I said the spirit was already perfect and complete before we were sent here to this “experiment”.
To shake things up they sent in unsouled beings to make the situation as difficult as possible. Hence the violence, war and suffering with no other purpose than to supply loosh, to feed the predators enforcing this suffering on pure and innocent souls.

Unsouled beings are not here to learn anything, pure souls are already evolved but in amnesia. Breaking out of the amnesia and reawakening is what we must do. But go where, after physical death that is the real issue we awakened souls must focus.

Even when we open to our higher selves as we leave this reality, we  still need to be careful. We don’t know what we will experience. Will we encounter evil entities and tricksters, will we have freedom?  It is an unknown situation, the Gnostics had no knowledge of aliens, computers, computer generated reality, AI etc. Who knows if we are not still in a simulation or what it could be. We need to take a chance but err on the side of caution and trust nothing other than intuition.

Read Wes’s papers and be self informed, take out what you want, but start from the first level of learning or you will not see the big picture. That is what I do, no, I am not the same person that I was prior to reading his work and communicating with him, but I was already on the path searching, because I was determined. I knew this was my last time on this planet. It is determination that drives me to my goal. But hey, I can wait that 30 years and have my goal plan ready to go.

The worst thing a person can do is stay uninformed and do nothing to awaken spiritually when everything is within us to do so. The choice is always there, no matter what is going on, we are always allowed the choice to exit undeterred as long as we are fully aware of the soul trap (false light).
We do not speak to anything around us as we leave our bodies at point of death. We head straight out and get as far away from this universe, the Khaa and all those other traps. Tune into the higher self and ask it to be guides to where you need to be four your higher good. Keep it simple , do not over complicate things.



Not a fan of the Gnostic stuff, much of which is contradictory.  



I have never liked anything to do with Thoth, ancient Egypt or Alchemy.
It to me all feels evil and wrong, but so many have been attracted to evil over the centuries today being no exception. 

Even queen Elizabeth I and her cohorts, to name a few, John Dee, Sir Francis Bacon, Edward Kelly were steeped in this. Funnily enough I had a horrible nightmare about Elizabeth two nights ago. In the dream she had a few red haired women around her, I think three or four of them. One young woman though she was punishing. I saw her use a chisel to the woman's head and was hammering the chisel in to her head and removing what may have been bits of the woman's skull. 

There was blood everywhere. Elizabeth told the woman and those with her this is what happens to those that betray her. I found this utterly revolting. 

Elizabeth then set about finding an other red haired young woman. She seemed to have burst into a room where the woman was and forced her to lie on a bed with a wooden disc shaped board embedded with nails being forced on  the back of her head as punishment. Again there was blood everywhere.

I am aware that Elizabeth was very deep into the occult, but I have no idea why the women were all red heads and what was the significance of this horrible punishment for disobedience or betrayal. 
I have no idea what the meaning of red haired women is, nor the blood and punishment. 

It is not the sort of thing that one finds in dream interpretations. I will have to do some rummaging on the internet for clues. I sure get some real weird ass dreams I can tell you. In the past week there has been non stop nightmare type dreams and I don't usually have nightmares. This felt occult related though.

History proves Elizabeth did have a mean streak in her not to mention she had porphyria. So I guess when she lost it she could have turned nasty. In those days a monarch could not show weakness but they sure took things to the limit when dishing out punishments.    

NOTE: I just clicked out of this screen and looked at the picture of Mary in Wes's article the woman has red hair, hmmmm.

Tarot card of the month: The Chariot. June 2020


This card represents firm control over current situations,. Whether it's COVID 19 or any other aspects of life for the month of June. I get a feeling that this will be a very busy month  in many respects , especially financially.  It will not be easy for many people dealing with the energy of this month.

People are now pushing the envelope now that lockdown is lifting in some places.  We need to be very careful and not over do things. Pent up frustrations could mean trouble with the authorities in some instances. Be warned and pull your head in. It is not worth getting into trouble.

This is not the time to be proud and mighty. We are still in a precarious situation and as I said finances will be in the spotlight. Do not spend what you don't have and do not go bananas as soon as you get the chance to shop. You could find yourself short of cash.

Many people are wanting to get out and have fun, be that as it may, one needs to be careful. This virus is still out there and more deaths are obviously still going to happen. Do not take risks, be careful of who you are associating with , we are not all fit and healthy and it only takes one person to cause an infection to spread. 

To me it feels like the half way mark, so I am being extra cautious. The man controlling the chariot reminds me of a person that wants to be in charge of the whole situation, I would say that sums up Donald Trump. 

In the northern hemisphere it could well be quite a very warm summer. However in the southern hemisphere, it may be a damp cold winter. Mainly for east coast Australia.  I get the feeling that over winter in Australia the out doors means lets go eat somewhere nice.  Food to nourish the soul.
Can't argue with that  one, lol. 

Stay safe and look after your loved ones and we will come through this, but do not forget the word of warning about finances. Yes we are heading for hard times. Keep that in mind, and don't spend what you don't have.  Most important don't dwell on the negative, just be aware and take precautions.

Joke: A Scottish Priest


Wes Penre: Gnosis part 3 the Pleroma the spirit universe


Hello Possums, here is part three of Wes Penre’s Gnostic information. I hope you enjoy reading this 😀😀

Spirituality is not a marketing tool

 Spirituality is not a marketing tool, but it sure gets treated as one as a means to make money, by those that have no real spirituality. But they manufacture what is deemed by the spirituality unaware as the real deal. This is a huge money maker world wide and it is not coming to an end any time soon.  Many genuine people are attracted to teaching spirituality however real and true spirituality comes from within, it cannot be taught.

Understanding what spirituality is hard unless one tunes in to their higher self, it comes in a clairsentient or claircognisant  form. The clue is in the first part of the word spirit - uality, as in non physical and not of this world. It can for some people be a difficult and often lonely path, as others may struggle to understand what an individual is experiencing. Many humans are not capable of making this journey, it is far easier to be fooled into following trendy unicorns and rainbows into dark empty nonsense of the Luciferin path which controls reality in this world. 

Sadly many are willing to pay their hard earned money to be deceived or sit in a religious building regularly to be misled in the wrong direction, going externally rather than internally connecting to the higher self. They will not accept anything other than deception and half truths of this world. They have absolutely no chance of true spiritual awakening which is really sad thanks to the programming they accept by organised religion and or those that peddle fake spirituality.  If you have to pay someone to tell you what spirituality is and how you should think and feel then you have no chance in this world of really spiritually awakening. All the books in the world will do nothing for you.

How can one person or an organisation have the answers to an individual's spirituality and what that soul and spirit needs without being in that person or souls body? The answer is they can’t. Only you the individual knows what is right for you and what your spirituality is. It is deep and personal experience and only for that individual, it is not of this world and as I said, it cannot be taught, it is felt or experienced  silently within . It sure as hell is not marketable as a product.

Many people are genuinely seeking spirituality at this point in time and it is perfectly understandable, we are living through so pretty difficult events right now, with no way of knowing how things will turn out. People are seeking clarity. They are vulnerable and there is no saviour but our higher selves to guide us.

One must be responsible for one's own spirituality and never allow someone to tell you how to be spiritual or how to do it right. External influences must be avoided, be your own guide and do not permit your personal spirituality to be compromised by others with a vested interest. Learn to just be. Listen to your true spiritual heart and be mindful of what you take on board.

16 May 2020

Wes Penre, Gnosis part 2


I do hope Wes keeps these coming thick and fast. I am always waiting for the next instalment.

Wes Penre, Gnosis Introduction part 1


If you are interested in these posts that I am sharing of Wes’ you may want to sign up for his emails.

With his Wes Penre papers (WPP)  it is wise to read and reread them so that you can take in what he is saying. I still return to reading them when I feel the need. I am glad he has put the links in for people to read the Gnostic texts too. I intend to read them and no doubt will have to revisit them from time to time.

I find I need to do that a lot these days reading mythology for educational purposes, my memory is not what it used to be, lol. The joys of getting old.

Anyhoo, I do hope this is all useful information for people and I am glad to be able to share things with like minded people. 😍😊 Happy reading.

We are all in this together....No, we’re bloody not!

 The continuous  COVID 19 advertising of the  “ We are all in this together “ is really irritating me . It is nothing more than propaganda programming complete with the Luciferin hand gesture of  “as above, so is below”. Two hands, one above the other, one facing down and one facing upwards.

The celebrities get in on the act with this occult spell /ritual sublimely programming the masses of the world with these adverts. I wonder how many celebs are members of the Luciferin ranks. I personally have no time nor respect for the people taking part in this propaganda or any occultism.

The hand gesture of  “as above, so is below” is a very old one, used in secret societies and in the occult/ New Age teachings. It is about polarities  or dualities; the spirit world and the physical world.

You may see this in banking adverts or financial and insurance adverts, some of which you will find on YouTube, including current COVID 19 adverts and infomercials. This is an in your face shot at the masses by those behind this great evil. It is not just China behind this as I have already commented on lightly in an other post. There are Western “interests” involved here from the get go.

I do not want to get involved in this other than to say all is not as it seems. And no we’re are not all in it together. The rich and powerful and celebrities have absolutely nothing in common with the rest of us. They are not doing it tough like us. It is downright naivety to believe this offensive nonsense they spout.

It must be wonderful to be self isolating in a multimillion dollar mansion on acreage, rather than a council flat without a garden. Imagine that if you have a young family and you are in lockdown. How on earth can these rich propagandists be able to sleep at night or look ordinary people in the eye, knowing full well, we have nothing in common with each other and never will.

Most of us are struggling through this world wide event and will suffer more with unemployment and the Depression induced to bring us down. This is no accidental Depression it is pre planned like all the others in human history. To believe otherwise is utterly stupid and naïve.

UPDATE Just to show you how out of touch with the public the rich and entitled really are. Who in their right mind or has any sense of decency and compassion says such a thing?


It is best to keep your stupid mouth shut and let people think you are an idiot, than open it and prove you are an idiot.

15 May 2020

02 March, 2021

Another update

 Well I am making more progress in putting my old stuff on this new blog. I am up to May 2020. 

I hadn’t realised there was so much stuff. I am so over this, lol. I don’t intend everything going on here , but it looks like perhaps 95%. Anyway I will be glad when it’s done. It sure doesn’t help my aches and pains doing this, that’s for sure. 


A day out in the park

 We took our dog Ruby out to the park today, we have not been out in months for a walk due to the heat in summer and the bushfire smoke. Then the Covid 19 struck, so I have basically not been out for any walks at all since December last year. Thankfully I have a decent size garden for Ruby to run around in. But  today we decided it will be safe to take Ruby out for a walk.

We went to Tuggeranong park. To my surprise there were a lot of people there, including a few people dog walking. It was so uplifting to be able to get out and just have a walk. I have only been to the doctors, the supermarket or the chemist since Christmas, or a bit before Christmas. I don't remember to be honest.

I am still not sure about the relaxing of the lockdown. I would have said give it to the end of May just to be sure. Canberra at this stage has no current cases of the virus I am happy to say. I pray we stay that way. There are a few new cases elsewhere so that makes me very cautious. If the government gets this wrong then its possibly back to square one and that will upset many people.

I am still going to be keeping my social distancing for a while and not take risks at all. It is not worth getting sick over. One must keep up with the sun light for vitamin D, (roughly speaking about 20 mins in the sun), and keep building up one's immune system. The longer you are indoors the higher the risk of having a weakened immune system. Add stress into the factor too, because stress will also play a part in weakening the immune system.

I would recommend googling the benefits of Magnesium, Zinc, B vitamin group, vitamin D and C, and how to build up your immune system. Inform your doctor of what you are taking of course, because you need to have the correct guidance when taking vitamin and mineral supplements as it may interact with medications. So better to play it safe and not put your health at risk.

Any how I am looking  forward to a new balance of daily walks with our fur baby and enjoying the Canberra sunshine. We have lovely autumns in Canberra. Blue skies and autumn colours which are a delight for the eyes in our bush capital. We are surrounded with bushland and a view of the Brindabella mountains in this old part of town and I would not swap it for anything. The views are spectacular just walking through the streets or going to Tuggeranong park and surrounding reserves etc.

The smells of winter are in the air and the slight coolness touches ones cheeks in the sunny afternoon. As we walk through the crunchy dried leaves in the park. Heading home after such a lovely outing  and feeling uplifted and invigorated. By 5 o'clock though it starts to get quite chilly and the smell of fire smoke from chimneys is welcoming.

I long for the winter days where we have lovely days in blue skies and wrapped up warm against the cold. Cosy comfort and a hot cup of milo as I watch the afternoon sun fade to a golden sunset, feeling I have the best of both worlds, surrounded by nature, what could be better than that?

Canberra to me is at its best in spring and autumn full of colour and a vibrant energy, kids playing, birds singing and golden sunshine every day. Sunrise and sunsets are spectacular and to me a little mystical. Surrounded by nature and a sense of peace far from the big cities is a luxury to me , one that cannot be replaced by anything. I love my garden and the privacy it gives me to enjoy the simple things in life. I have no need for the high life, give me birds and a garden and I am happy.

The peace and tranquillity of my garden is like a meditation that I must have every day to get me through life. It warms my soul to be in my garden or strolling in the bush appreciating what nature provides.

Within two or three minutes from my front door I have parrots and all sorts of wonderful birds such as the eastern rosella, the crimson rosella, lorikeets, wattle birds and cockatoos that I have the pleasure of seeing when walking Ruby. Simple pleasures that one cannot put a price on right here in my suburb. It makes me very appreciative of what I have.

I don’t ask for much in life, I live a simple life and I am content with what I have and the joy of being surrounded with nature,  that is my paradise. If you have your health and nature around you to enjoy, then you are very fortunate.

UPDATE 4 May 2020  a new case of Covid 19 in Canberra today 😭

I thought it was too good to last. Oh dear is it back to the old drawing board again? I hope not, but it will be what it will be.

May the fourth be with you!


Lol, I am getting this in early for tomorrow



I have never liked anything to do with Thoth, ancient Egypt or Alchemy.
It to me all feels evil and wrong, but so many have been attracted to evil over the centuries today being no exception. 

Even queen Elizabeth I and her cohorts, to name a few, John Dee, Sir Francis Bacon, Edward Kelly were steeped in this. Funnily enough I had a horrible nightmare about Elizabeth two nights ago. In the dream she had a few red haired women around her, I think three or four of them. One young woman though she was punishing. I saw her use a chisel to the woman's head and was hammering the chisel in to her head and removing what may have been bits of the woman's skull. 

There was blood everywhere. Elizabeth told the woman and those with her this is what happens to those that betray her. I found this utterly revolting. 

Elizabeth then set about finding an other red haired young woman. She seemed to have burst into a room where the woman was and forced her to lie on a bed with a wooden disc shaped board embedded with nails being forced on  the back of her head as punishment. Again there was blood everywhere.

I am aware that Elizabeth was very deep into the occult, but I have no idea why the women were all red heads and what was the significance of this horrible punishment for disobedience or betrayal. 
I have no idea what the meaning of red haired women is, nor the blood and punishment. 

It is not the sort of thing that one finds in dream interpretations. I will have to do some rummaging on the internet for clues. I sure get some real weird ass dreams I can tell you. In the past week there has been non stop nightmare type dreams and I don't usually have nightmares. This felt occult related though.

History proves Elizabeth did have a mean streak in her not to mention she had porphyria. So I guess when she lost it she could have turned nasty. In those days a monarch could not show weakness but they sure took things to the limit when dishing out punishments.    

NOTE: I just clicked out of this screen and looked at the picture of Mary in Wes's article the woman has red hair, hmmmm.

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 3 September 2024

  https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/QA-Session-3-September-2024.pdf   I am not into the flat earth beliefs, but when Wes...