03 March, 2021



I have not had a chance to read this yet myself but just wanted to share it anyway.
Happy reading.

As I start to read this today 3/7/20 this little part makes me think.

In order to explain the emergence of imperfection from perfection, darkness from light, matter from spirit, etc., the Gnostic myth of origins recounts a complex narrative about a process of decline that started somewhere in the environment of the Supreme God and ended up in the demonically ruled sublunary world. (This means the pleroma).

 Now I look at that little bit and think to myself, how is this possible? Is this actually saying the pleroma is not perfect? Is it saying the demiurge is a clone, AI or what?  It also sounds to me that ego still exists within the pleroma.

It makes me sceptical of anything written by humans or worse channelled by humans. We will never know the real truth in this world anyway. It pays to be very cautious of anything in the unseen world as I have said before in other posts.

Much as I believe in pure spirit, and only pure spirit, I am extremely cautious as I have seen a lot in my life and also read and been exposed to many untruths spiritually, so I trust nothing completely. I guess I am a jaded product of the Spiritual school of hard knocks, lol.  To take everything as truth is foolish!

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...