02 March, 2021



I have never liked anything to do with Thoth, ancient Egypt or Alchemy.
It to me all feels evil and wrong, but so many have been attracted to evil over the centuries today being no exception. 

Even queen Elizabeth I and her cohorts, to name a few, John Dee, Sir Francis Bacon, Edward Kelly were steeped in this. Funnily enough I had a horrible nightmare about Elizabeth two nights ago. In the dream she had a few red haired women around her, I think three or four of them. One young woman though she was punishing. I saw her use a chisel to the woman's head and was hammering the chisel in to her head and removing what may have been bits of the woman's skull. 

There was blood everywhere. Elizabeth told the woman and those with her this is what happens to those that betray her. I found this utterly revolting. 

Elizabeth then set about finding an other red haired young woman. She seemed to have burst into a room where the woman was and forced her to lie on a bed with a wooden disc shaped board embedded with nails being forced on  the back of her head as punishment. Again there was blood everywhere.

I am aware that Elizabeth was very deep into the occult, but I have no idea why the women were all red heads and what was the significance of this horrible punishment for disobedience or betrayal. 
I have no idea what the meaning of red haired women is, nor the blood and punishment. 

It is not the sort of thing that one finds in dream interpretations. I will have to do some rummaging on the internet for clues. I sure get some real weird ass dreams I can tell you. In the past week there has been non stop nightmare type dreams and I don't usually have nightmares. This felt occult related though.

History proves Elizabeth did have a mean streak in her not to mention she had porphyria. So I guess when she lost it she could have turned nasty. In those days a monarch could not show weakness but they sure took things to the limit when dishing out punishments.    

NOTE: I just clicked out of this screen and looked at the picture of Mary in Wes's article the woman has red hair, hmmmm.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...