Showing posts with label MY FUR BABIES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MY FUR BABIES. Show all posts

03 March, 2021

Daisy comes home


 Our beloved little Daisy came home today, longer than expected but we are just glad to have her home.

Daisy brought so much love and joy into our lives in her 17 years of life. She has such an inner strength with her, So I dubbed her the Empress Mouse Dolly. May you for ever live in our hearts Daisy, we love you so much.

Originally posted on 3/11/2020

Goodbye Miss Daisy: Empress Mouse Dolly

 It has been a sad and long journey for us over the past few months watching poor little Daisy get sicker and sicker. We just had that inkling yesterday that something was going to happen. 

We had been taking it in turn to sleep beside her at night over the weekend and praying that she wouldn’t get any worse. Yesterday though, hubby and I had to duck out to the shop to get more cat milk and liquid protein cat food. But when we got home our son said Daisy was wandering about looking for us. Her breathing was very laboured too. 

We could hear and feel her chest was rattling as she started having respiratory problems,  so we rang the vet and said this is it, we are on our way. They are only five minutes away, literally.

Sure enough the vet said yes it’s time. We were so upset at her going so quickly. Funny how after knowing she doesn’t have long to live, one is just never prepared emotionally.

Daisy is a strong little kitty girl, her heart was strong but her tiny little body was so weak and frail. But Daisy put up a fight to the end. I told the vet , that we have always called her our little Boadicea.  As she has always been a strong girl and a fighter for survival.

When I bought Daisy 17 years ago in a pet shop. I didn’t know she was only four weeks old and some evil human took her away from her mother way too soon, just to make a lousy buck. When we took her to our vet we were informed that she was only four weeks old. Daisy had eaten some big kitty food by accident and it caused an intestinal blockage, so I had to feed her watered down kitten milk to help her. The vet said she may not survive, but she did. Two weeks later I had three kittens give to me to find homes for.

Now at this stage we had two dogs and three cats. Daisy being the new baby. But Lo and behold we ended up keeping the ginger boy, that’s our beautiful Garfield. He was just a few weeks older than Daisy.

Now when Daisy first set eyes on Garfield she walked over to him and belter the crap out of him. Poor little Garfield didn’t know what hit him. He never had that from his two sisters.

That set in motion a life long shit stir from Garfield. Every night for years an orange and grey furry knot rolled up and down the hallway and into the family room. Hissing and yowling, we had to keep out of the way or get our ankles scratched in the crossfire, lol.

I can’t believe that both of them are gone now, within 12 months of each other. All of this was going through my mind at the vet yesterday as we were preparing to put our beautiful little girl to sleep. As she slipped away , I saw a white vortex open up  on her body and could see her sort of being sucked out of her body.

Next there was a purple colour over the vortex that was opened on her body and suddenly she shot off and the vortex just disappeared in the blink of an eye. It was so surreal but sad too, my baby  girl was gone.

I held her little body wrapped in one of her soft blankets for a while and then hubby and I left the vet’s office rather tearful. We love and miss our Empress Daisy so much. There will never be an other quite like her. But of course every animal or fur baby is special and wonderful, so full of love and innocence how can one not love every single one of them.

Oh on a final note, we used to joke that Daisy kept a quarter of a brick in her handbag to slug her brother Garfield with if the mood took her. 🤣🤣 

Originally posted on 20/10/2020

Miss Daisy is very ill

 Our beloved little Russian Blue kitty,Daisy has just been diagnosed with cancer. She has been sneezing blood for a few months. Finally after having her at the vet two weeks ago for rhinoscopy, the results came back yesterday as we had feared. A nasty carcinoma in her nose, which has eaten away at the bone in her nose.

She is refusing to eat for the past few days and being a tiny cat there is not much of her. Somehow I feel she won’t be with us much longer. As she is only having water, kitten milk or a kitty melting soup and only the liquid from the soup. 

So at present it is palliative care every day with pain relief and TLC. Daisy, or the Empress Mouse Dolly as we lovingly call her, is 17 years old and has had a very good life with lots of love.

We just can’t bear to be without her. This time last year we lost her brother Garfield so I guess it is just part of life. But it is still painful knowing that her time with us is very limited.

Her poor sister Ruby, won’t understand what is happening and that one day she will be the only fur baby left. I do not expect Daisy to be with us by Christmas sadly.

The nose bleeds are still happening even though she had the carcinoma removed, she sneezes violently all day with discharge of mucus and blood.  Gosh it is heart breaking watching this happening to our dear little girl.

UPDATE: Daisy took a bad turn and we had to rush her to the vet this afternoon. She has been put to sleep.
RIP our beautiful little Empress Mouse Dolly 19 October 2020.

Poor little Miss Daisy is sick

 It never rains but it pours, poor Miss Daisy our elderly Russian Blue has been sneezing blood.

We have had her at the vet and she has had two weeks worth of antibiotics, and still she keeps sneezing blood. It is not as severe but there is still a very fine mist of pink fresh blood.

I am glad to say there is no tumour or anything like that or it would be a hell of a lot worse. She is now on week three of a new stronger type of antibiotics. Daisy or Empress Mouse-Dolly still has an appetite and even thought she is not a big eater these days she is looking good as she will be 17 years old in September, so she is still sprightly and can hold her own against her little fur sister Miss Ruby and often gives her the rounds of the kitchen when she deserves it.

Daisy can still orbit the house in the small hours of the morning or present herself at my bedroom door early in the morning to insist that mummy gets out of bed and wait on her. We now can stop worrying after this weeks vet check. as Daisy has gained some weight and her blood pressure is back to normal in the past week. Having hyperthyroidism she needs constant checking and her medication has been increased. Sadly she has early stage kidney disease , not that this slows her down at all. She seems to be a robust little girl and bounces back from any ailment. That's not bad considering her advanced age. 

15 July 2020

01 March, 2021

Something Cute

 I think we need something cute to look at after the heavy stuff posted. 😊I like to put funny or cute things on the blog to break up the serious content. As I do not want to create an energy imbalance or dis harmony.

This is our 15 year old Persian cross Garfield in a laundry basket sleeping. He is such a sweetheart he really is a big kid at heart like mummy.

Ruby wrapped up like a spring roll in a mohair blanket. She knows she is cute.

Tolstoy looking so sweet, this is just shortly before he passed away.

Slinky Comes Home


We finally got our precious Mr Slinky home last night. We should have had him back 10 days ago. However there was a mix up with our phone numbers at the emergency vet clinic. The old numbers had not been updated, despite the paperwork supplied on the day of Slinky's  death having all current information.

It has been a long unhappy wait for us, almost 3 weeks come Sunday. I cannot fault the care given to Slinky by the vet, she was very compassionate and loving and the wonderful nurses in attendance.

We finally have closure and our little man is officially home with us. Daisy and Garfield gave Slinky's urn a sniff of approval when they got to check it out. Slinky now takes his place with his other siblings in our china cabinet. Sad to say they were what we lovingly nick named " Le club hairy boy". All of them reunited for ever in love and peace.

Goodbye Slinky Our Beloved Awesome Wee Man


This morning we had to take Slinky to the emergency vet in Fyshwick, to have him put to sleep.
It was heart-breaking for all of us. Slinky started shutting down and was unable to eat or drink so we had to make the call, so to speak. My heart goes out to my son, as this is the end of part of his life with his beautiful cat.  I know it is affecting him deeply, he had a strong bond with Slinky for 17 years. Now that has come to an end.

We have had 17 wonderful years with this awesome wee man. I nick named him "the Slinky Oracle the all wise all knowing" He was just the most loving and gentle cat, a real sweetheart. Everyone loved him and his amazing big round eyes. He was like Tom Kitten from the Beatrix Potter stories.

He will always have a huge chunk of our hearts for all eternity.

Good bye until we met again sweet pea xxx

Slinky Is Very Ill


To say I am devastated is an understatement. My son Christopher's  beloved cat Slinky has just been to the vet for a check up because he is not eating and not his usual self. He has taken to going out into the cat-run all day and all night, refusing to take his hyperthyroidism medication. Today I found out he has cancer in his intestines. He has weeks or months left.

Slinky has had 17 years of love and affection, but it is heart breaking to see him go down hill and in pain. He has been given pain killers and anti inflammatorys today and we have to monitor him day by day to see how he is going. I will keep everyone informed on how he is going.

He has been a huge part of our lives and such a lovely gentle soul. My son got Slinky from the RSPCA when he was  8 years old and Slinky was only 10 months old. Slinky is such a gentle loving soul with the loudest purr and most loving nature.

Originally posted on 2/11/2017

Daisy With Her Kittens


My Daisy with her "kittens Pip and Pop. She is a good mummy cat. Daisy carries the kittens around the house every day, meowing so loud, announcing she is carrying her babies.

Originally posted on  31/7/2017

27 February, 2021

Good Bye Miss Lily

Poor little Miss Lily (our  canary) went to the vet this morning. She was in pain after a falcon attacked her on  When suddenly a falcon swooped in and attacked her. We have never had falcons in our yard before, so this was most unusual.

Before being euthanatized; the vet examined her and discovered the leg was broken above the joint with a lot of force that all the tendons etc were broken. Her little leg was dead and the vet said its best to put her to sleep, which I knew had to be done. She wasn't eating or drinking either.

So Miss Lily went over the rainbow bridge with the spirit shaman and, she let me see her soul leave her body. It was like a soft white cloud of energy. I took her home to bury her. But as soon as I got out of the car I saw my dogs Sparky and Gromit in spirit rushing up to greet me as I got out the car. That was a wonderful experience and right out of the blue.

We love you Lily and thank you for being part of our large family, Bless you xxx

Thank you Snu and Puss xxx

I would like to also say thank you to the loving staff at Parkway Veterinary Clinic( formerly known as Wanniassa Hills Veterinary Clinic) on Drakeford Drive at Kambah. The people there are the most loving and caring people that I have ever met. We have been with this practice over 20 years. The care they give and the love they have is wonderful. True fur baby lovers.

The Difference Between Cats And Dogs

 The difference between cats and dogs is, dogs can smell fear. Cats can smell stupidity.

Note: the model is Slinky, our awesome little man

26 February, 2021

Goodbye Our Beloved Tolstoy: Angel Cat


Tonight we said goodbye to our beautiful Norwegian Forrest Cat, Tolstoy. After a battle with cancer 4 years ago resulting in the loss of a hind leg, I just knew that was not the end of the Cancer. When the vet said I think we got it all. I just knew that was not the case. Tolstoy was given the gift of 4 extra years to be with us. He had lost a lot of weight just recently and I knew what that meant, I just did not want to accept this. Over the past week he has been indoors all day, instead of being on the back patio and enjoying his garden. Yesterday he seemed to be lifeless and just lying on the floor. Sadly my day was so busy with other issues that I didn't think that this was the end. Today we noticed the laboured breathing and listlessness. When I tried to pick him up he was in pain. It is heart-breaking to suddenly know that this is it, I must take him to the vet. So all of the family rushed to the vet with Tolstoy. Tears running down our faces. We love Tolstoy so dearly and this has taken us all so suddenly that we are still reeling from the shock.                                                                     
I am not prepared for this loss, spirit did not tell me this was going to happen either. Talk about     kicking someone when they are down on their knees. My family have been going through pure hell over the past 3 years and just when we think it can't get any worse, we lose our beautiful Angel Cat.
I know it wont be long now until our Slinky leaves us, he is 17 and will be 18 in July. All my cats are very aware of Tolstoy's passing and the look in their eyes says it all. Daisy my little girl cat, was like   Tolstoy's wife. They were a pair and liked each other's company. Tonight she is in her little bed looking so lost. It breaks my heart to see her sad.     
Rest in peace Tolstoy until I come for you my angel XXX                                                                            

Originally posted on 28 February 2015

Daisy’s Thyroid surgery




Yesterday morning was a very anxious morning for me. My precious little Russian Blue kitty girl, Daisy had to go to the vet for thyroid surgery.
Daisy will be 11 years old in September, so my heart was in my mouth all day until I got my little Empress home. The surgery went well, Daisy had two tumours removed from the thyroid. I must thank Dr Chris Anderson of Wanniassa Hills Veterinary Clinic, for the wonderful care that he and his staff gave my Daisy. As always, the love and care given by all of the staff is beyond compare.

Daisy had a good night’s rest in my office where her feline siblings came in to spend a little bit of time with her to say get well soon and give her their love. Ruby the dog also got a look in, but had to be held by mummy, just in case she got a little over excited and accidentally hurt Daisy. Other than that, all has gone well. Daisy is eating and drinking as normal this morning.

Originally posted 6/7/2013



Update on Tolstoy


Sad news from the Vet, Tolly has bone cancer. The vet said he can take the leg off, if we want. The other option is put him to sleep. Our vet is a loving and caring man, he prefers to preserve life as best he can.
But the sad reality is that the cancer is already in the blood stream. There is no saving our beloved Tolly.

We have decided to let him have Christmas with the family, and then when we see he is suffering, put him to sleep. We will not have the poor little soul suffer. It is best for him to pass away in the comfort of his own home with the family. We never expected this to happen. It has all been a sudden shock to all of us. We are taking each day as it comes. What will be, will be. There are spirits around us watching at present including spirit shamans. I am most grateful for their presence and support at this time. These are the spirits that were here to assist when Sparky was passing on.

In the meantime all I can do is give him Spiritual healing and administer the bush flower essences to assist him in passing over to the other side of life.



Australian/International Psychic Association's (APA/IPA) Psychic of the year 2013 (ACT) Awarded 5 Star rating in the USA 2015

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Update on Tolstoy

Sad news from the Vet, Tolly has bone cancer. The vet said he can take the leg off, if we want. The other option is put him to sleep. Our vet is a loving and caring man, he prefers to preserve life as best he can.
But the sad reality is that the cancer is already in the blood stream. There is no saving our beloved Tolly.

We have decided to let him have Christmas with the family, and then when we see he is suffering, put him to sleep. We will not have the poor little soul suffer. It is best for him to pass away in the comfort of his own home with the family. We never expected this to happen. It has all been a sudden shock to all of us. We are taking each day as it comes. What will be, will be. There are spirits around us watching at present including spirit shamans. I am most grateful for their presence and support at this time. These are the spirits that were here to assist when Sparky was passing on.

In the meantime all I can do is give him Spiritual healing and administer the bush flower essences to assist him in passing over to the other side of life.

Posted by Alex Fulford at 16:19  

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Tolstoy is sick


This week has been quite sad at our house. Our beloved cat Tolstoy, is sick. Late on Monday night my son discovered a lump on one of Tolly's hind legs. He woke me up to tell me. So, I came through to the kitchen to have a look. Poor Tolly was in pain hissing and growling. When I looked at the lump, it was quite big. I thought I shall need to get him to the vet first thing in the morning. I was due to drive up to visit my sick Parents in Law. Hubby had to go on his own in the end.

Anyhow, I took Tolly into my bed and he slept on my pillow. The next morning when we woke up, I looked at his leg. The whole leg was swollen up. So, at 8am sharp I was at the vet. Long story short, it turns out to be a tumour in his leg. We are waiting for the biopsy report which will be back in a day or so. From that the vet will know what to do next.

We are devastated at our Angel cat having a tumour. Quite a lot of fluid came out of his leg when they drained his leg. He is now sporting a bright red bandage all the way up his leg. Poor little soul, he has been in so much pain. On Monday night I gave him some spiritual healing, as strong as he could take it. He was hissing and growling at the time. Then he went to sleep, he slept all night on my bed and in the morning, he woke up and was purring. It is still early days yet and we don't know what will happen next. Fingers crossed that it is a benign tumour. We can't bear anything to happen to our beloved Angel cat, or any of our fury children.

Last month It was Slinky my youngest son's cat that had surgery, to remove two Thyroid tumours. Poor little thing, Slinky is an 11-year-old, huge Tabby cat. He is so loving and gentle. We had many friends emailing us and visiting us to see Slinky after his surgery. I expect the same will happen with Tolstoy. It is rather distressing waiting to see what will happen next. It is in the hands of God at present it could go either way. I prefer to think positively on the outcome.

Every day with all my fury children is a blessing, just like with my Human children. My youngest son usually chases Tolly for fun, which annoys me, however he was the one that noticed the lump on Tolly's leg and insisted on being with me to pick Tolly up from the vet. So even though he can upset or frighten poor Tolly, he still loves him. It has been a wakeup call to my son. He is showing more love and affection to Tolly now.

Don't get me wrong, my son loves animals, he just gets a bit silly sometimes. Now he is watching Tolly like a hawk making sure that the cat is ok.
Our dog, Gromit is an old dog, but still quite able to have a set to with the cats, although he is giving Tolly a wide birth. Tolly would give him what for normally. So, for once Gromit is staying away from him. The other cats are also being careful and respectful at present. Garfield and Tolstoy can go toe to toe normally and I have to sort them out. But over the past couple of days Garfield has had the smarts to leave his brother alone.

I will post an update when I have more news. For any of you out there that are healers can you please send some distant healing to him please, Thank you.

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