02 March, 2021

What too soon?


Tarot card of the month: May 2020, Five of Swords


Ass kicking time, looks like this will be a month of action.
Keeping this as a basic no frills card of the month at present. 
Times are changing and the clouds are dissipating, no it is not all over yet, but it is the start of the end 
of the pesky COVID 19. Hang in there a bit longer peeps. This is us starting to flatten the curve so to speak, so yes this is good, but we have a little bit longer yet.

Changes are afoot here and some of this is on a financial level. There is not much we can do though but try our best to ride it out. Which can be rather difficult for some individuals 
depending on the welfare system of their country. As I have said in the 2020 predictions we are heading into bad times. It creeps in slowly as it affects some people but not everyone.
Some much more so than others.

The man depicted in the card holding three swords is standing tall and looking smug and self righteous.  Not a wise thing, he is armed to the teeth to take on his enemies and perhaps COVID 19.
The hair colour reminds me of President Trump as does the self righteous smugness. This is not a good look, not a wise thing to do. He maybe in the right but it depends on how he handles the situation that matters. I do see things going on behind the scenes that we the public are not aware of.
He is gunning to take down two male people. I do not like the look of this. I do feel it will take a couple of months before we see the bigger picture of what is going on.

Meanwhile in Australia for May the weather is cooling down, we are heading into flu season now and we will be hunkering down for that, much as people want to get back to normal, it is best to just chill
a little bit longer. I do see people starting to make homemade soup and becoming quite inventive. Lovely, winter soups are a good healthy and cheap meal for families. 
I feel we will see many young people dabbling in the kitchen and combining  a mix various ethnic flavours and coming up with a winner, with  new twists on traditional home cooking. 
With any luck we may have new budding chefs coming out of this, how lovely.

I hear the words "facts laid bare on the table", as I study the little man on the card holding three swords. Notice his right hand gripping the sword, he is itching for a fight, but the advice would be, hold your horses and 
don't start what you can't finish. I feel this could relate to Mr Trump as well as regular people. Emotions are quite high right now so we need to stay cool and also think of others in these very difficult times.
  Pause and reflect on the issue before reacting, get facts right rather than having egg on your face. Hmmm I think there is a lesson for all of us there boys and girls, lol.

Garden time

 While the lockdown is going on I do not intend to get bogged down in the whole drama. I am simply just doing things at home that need done and actually having a very peaceful time.

I am spending  time in the garden getting it cleaned up for winter. It is wonderful just touching base with nature and enjoying the energy outdoors. The birds are singing and the weather is perfect right now lovely and warm during the day. The last flush of roses is taking place at present.

So many Of my roses didn’t do well in stone pots over the 45  degree heat and so some went to the tip and the rest are being planted in the ground. Hubby has been amazing with what he has done so far, he does the important stuff and I tag along, lol. I lack the muscle power to do the hard work.

One thing I have learned is the downside of growing ivy over the past few years, hmmm it took off and got way out of control. So now it is  bye bye ivy unless you stay in a hanging basket. I do love ivy but it is just so invasive. The honeysuckle is gone too, having a rambling garden when you are young is one thing, but getting older well that’s just asking for trouble lol.

So simple easy care is the go, it has just taken a while to get the time for both of us to tackle the garden.  I dream of just being able to sit in the garden with nothing to do except enjoy it. It still seems just a pipe dream. But getting out doors is still nice, and I can still lose track of time being there even if it’s just a few minutes. It’s the joy and that feeling when outdoors that I love.

It is hard to believe that just months ago we were in the middle of a bushfire with thick smoke around us. My garden was all dried up and almost dead. Now it is lovely and green after we have had rain over the past eight weeks or so.

So I am very much a happy camper 😀

Ellis in transit do Oasis cover


My little cousin Alex Shankland in Canada and  the band she sings with called Ellis in transit (as in Ellis island immigration)
Young Alex has an incredible voice and I know she will  go far I am just so happy and proud to see her perform. There is a YouTube page for Ellis in transit too.


On Facebook

Ellis In Transit

No Karen, I can’t stay home to keep you company


Wes Penre: Video 215 Q and A


The link below is to the videos  

Australia government cracks Chinese firms seeking to buy distressed firms


I beg to differ! However there is too little done too late.




Ever heard of the Lima declaration 1974? This is where the Australian government shat on the Australian people. This was the Australian Labor party in power and from then on they are all involved in destroying Australia. This is treasonous activity. It makes no difference who is in power now because they are all corrupt. Your vote means nothing!


ANZAC Day April 25th 2020


Above is the link to the dawn service at the Canberra Australian War Memorial.

2020 is the first time in Australian history that we have been unable to hold our regular services due to COVID 19. I pray we never have to go through this again. Sadly for me I am unable to even see my father who was a service man. He lives several hours away and his nursing home has been in lockdown for two months. I did phone him today, but I miss being able to drive up to see him.

Before I can even do that, I must have a flu shot or I will not be allowed to see him. He is the last living  of my children's   grandparents and we are afraid of losing him.

I take today to thank both grandfathers for their service along with millions that gave their lives for all of  us world wide including current serving members. Let us also pause to remember all of the animals in war for their courage and service too.

Will I be OK doc?


Uranus, there’s a reason why I call it the asshole planet! 🤣🤣🤣 Mercury Retrograde 🤣🤣

Meme, Day 7 of Home school Biology

 Too good not to share, I am sure many have worked out my warped sense of humour by now 😂😂😏

The Ballad of Dunny Roll | Sammy J S3 (ep6)

 A parody of Australian poet Banjo Paterson. Very clever, it is important to keep a sense of humour in difficult times.

The Ballad of Dunny Roll | Sammy J S3 (ep6)

A parody of Australian poet Banjo Paterson. Very clever, it is important to keep a sense of humour in difficult times. 16 March 2020

Universal income


I have been aware of this for a few years. I am rather sceptical of the real meaning. Because from the information that I have seen it is basically you will never work again and it is to keep us from revolting against the government and the 1% that rule this world.


It smells like a communist plot and seeing the unions and leftie communist nutters here pushing for it really just confirms to me that the scum at the top of the union movement are in bed with the 1% doing their bidding to subjugate the masses into accepting this piecemeal. Knowing they will never have the chance to escape poverty.  One world government or New World Order, it is the goal plan but there is also social credit coming too. Mmm mm, smell that communist take over already.

Sold out by those you put your trust in for $740 a week. Try saving to buy a house, a car or put your kids through school. Yeah right! It is a con job and enslavement of the masses, add the digital currency to this and a bigger picture is forming. I honestly cannot see this being successful either, because this is a lot of money to be paid out to everyone, it would be unsustainable for pay millions of people year after year. At present the government in the UK and Australia are trying to stop paying pensions and benefits to people, by making it very difficult to qualify for a payment so what the hell is going on?

If you have been reading the Wes Penre papers he also pointed this out and the AI push to remove people from the workforce. Do some research on this issue because it is not really for our benefit. When it is offered to us we need to examine what is really going on and think wisely. Not just going with the herd as the government wants, it is not in our real interest but for the 1%.

WES PENRE: Video 210: Two Types of Spirituality


I will be blunt and call it as I see it. I have no time for manufactured spirituality that New Agers crap on about . There is nothing pure in their beliefs it does not come from the heart it is learned by rote and suites the herd mindset.

True spirituality one is born with and is lived openly without seeking approval from peers. In fact I call it unclean to suppress out fears and traumas, which will eventually lead to mental health issues, or even suicide. That is not the way to go, all emotions are real and honest and we should not ignore them. It is a bad thing to suppress trauma. Also why the hell would a person submit to this psychological bullying by supposed spiritual people?

World economy for 2020 and beyond

 I have been looking at the cards in regards to the economy and where it is going.

Things do not look good as most people are fully aware.
The Devil card next to the queen of wands tells me of a struggle along with an air of naivety with the public and some politicians. There is a hidden message that needs to be acknowledged here too.

The struggle between real life and illusion is indicated here, people need to have a reality check because there is open deception going on. With the presence of the queen of pentacles, we have to look at the reality of our situation with regards to employment and the economy.

Balance has gone out the window now and disaster is now imminent. I do not see any way round about this. We have been fooled into a very dark agenda, with regards to finances and the world economy.  It is very important for people to stay grounded and vigilant, this is no time to relax or have fun. The time for fun is over and we must be realistic, watching our spending because we are on the slippery slope to recession.

This cannot be halted, not even the stimulus packages can stop this, because it was already starting long before the Covid 19 struck. That virus let me tell you was a very convenient excuse to bring in draconian laws and the new digital currency.

Hard control to stop the economic disaster will be to no avail, but let me be frank about this. This is no accident, which implies no one is at fault. This is a case of cause and effect, economies are made to crash. At present this is the pretext to a new dictatorship that is being slowly put into place world wide. The warning signs have been there for a long time but many chose to ignore the facts.

Sadly we are now living in a world where intelligence in the working classes is being seen as negative and troublesome, even by other working people. Many prefer ignorance and avoiding responsibility. Classic predictive programming that has been silently installed in the masses over the past two decades.

A pinch of reality will hit the Northern hemisphere in summer and the Southern hemisphere in winter. Just when people think lockdown is over and start to live again the money situation starts to bite hard.

I get the feeling of distancing between the haves and the have nots and withholding of money. By this I mean  people not sharing and being charitable but instead become greedy miserly, where once they might help others in need, but now won't help.  Looking after number one mindset.

As I have often said nothing on this earth is new. We work in cycles, both large and small and cycles within cycles. This is a fact and a good astrologer can back up what I am saying the same as a good historian can. Except the historian may not grasp how the planets affect all life in our world, no matter!

We are now at the start of a long journey and it is going to be a rough journey. Which will gather pace by the end of the year. The Tower card indicates disaster and reality of the situation balanced with the justice (authority) card sitting next to it. World leaders will try to assure you that you must stay calm and everything will be alright because they are in control. This is clearly not the case, they (bankers, politicians and big business) are in control and accountable to all of us.

As I look at the journey ahead I see a hidden man behind the three of wands, this tells me that China has only just begun their world economic takeover attempt, with the wilful co-operation of our world leaders. Yes it is a dog and pony magic trick being played on the world masses.

These evil people are fooling the world while systematically dismantling the western world as we know it, using systematic hard control. Where is the abundance of the west you may ask? Gone.
The west have been caught with their pants down so to speak.  Assets stripped and everything siphoned off by the greedy. Your tax money stolen while you have been partying and not paying attention.

Tough questions will be asked, but no real answers given by our leaders. Why is this? Well it is because many of them (leaders of the world, bankers and big business) are involved in this mass swindle. Not to mention the removal of our rights which is slowly happening and has nothing to do with Covid 19 .

The world we knew is gone forever now, the Emperor card  and the Moon card show deception and dictatorship afoot, we have been lied to and manipulated into giving away our basic human rights. This will not be apparent until the end of the year either, and perhaps only some will start to see this before the alarm bells ring for everyone else.

Fear is used as part of this great conjuring trick, the elderly remember the hard times of yesteryear in their youth. Sadly when they try to warn the current youth, they do not listen, they know best. They are about to pay a high price for arrogance and stupidity.

The push back against authority at present is going to end, just give it a few months and watch the results. Materialism will come to an end and young people will not know how to cope with poverty because their parents did not prepare them for the harsh realities of life. Only a small percentage had those lessons installed due to coming from struggling families.

The takeaway message from the cards is this is a massive assets grabbing, By which I mean robbing nations of their assets and from the masses to give to the already super rich ( this in taxes and other things).  Please be wise and careful with the choices you make for yourselves and your families.

Do not spend what you don't have or you could end up on the street. Cut backs such as luxuries, some may give up health funds, Foxtel etc, it all adds up so think wisely, it is need over want. There is a big difference. Stay within your means and avoid credit card debt at all costs.

Be aware of the implications of the digital currency also, this is vital. You will no longer have paper money when the bankers pull the pin and they know how much you actually have in the bank. You will not be able to put cash under the mattress as was the plan all along.

Don't say you were not warned this has been in the news for several years already  as young people think oh this is great, they do not stop to think of the downside of this. No control over your life, when you can or can't eat. If the bank lines go down what will you buy food with or pay bills? Think about this because it is coming.
Update 21 June 2020

Originally posted 7 March 2020

Coronavirus stockpiling could make you a target if you share on social media


Let me advise you  do not show people what you have at home. The simple reason is even after this "crisis" is over; there are coming difficult times and some people will be putting themselves and their families at risk of home invasion over food or anything you have stockpiled.

This is an exercise in gross stupidity. Keep things private and protect your home and loved ones. By showing all your stockpile you have just made your home a target. It may not happen right away but you could end up on a data base somewhere and then if times get tough your home will be attacked.

Use common sense people and stay under the radar. Do you think that you can protect your home and loved ones from armed thugs, good luck with that, because you just sent them a postcard for an invite.

01 March, 2021

Australia is building ‘smart city’ infrastructure


This article is dated  12 May 2019

 Smart cities the plans for Australia's grim future with the roll out of 5G the masses are keen to ignore the dangerous realities and by the time they work it out it is too late. Sold to evil corporations.

But here is the kicker, transhumanism is part of this agenda make no mistake about it. it is a done deal because the masses are too busy watching sport or their stupid UNreality tv shows and too dumbed down to care or see the danger they face.

Roll on your thoughts stored on a cloud, to an new hive mind that will be heavily controlled and edited. Your are now under the permanent control of a corporate communism. Your government willingly sold you out. Still think cabals are not in charge?

You can't say you didn't know or you weren't warned. As part of the deal with cosmic law the cabal must  tell humanity what they are doing to negate this artificial karma and humanity wears the cost, both physically, morally and spiritually. The end game is now.


Investigation launched after 'koala massacre' uncovered in Victoria


Pure bloody evil, as if the bushfires were not bad enough. Wilful killing of our Koalas all for profit.
I hope those responsible do some prison time but I highly doubt it. A fine is nothing to people like this and will not be enough to stop this happening again, prison time is needed.

I apologize for the distressing photos, but people need to face reality this is not something I take lightly. You should be angry and offended, but this is not a snowflake whine moment to be offended, it is a reality of life moment.

Australian police authorities buying up sound weapons Rachel Carbonell and Jeremy Story Carter


This article is from 2016
. If people are rioting and carrying on like animals with what we see down in Melbourne the fair enough. But This was written four years ago and we have not see this stuff deployed in the streets yet that I know of.

The ABC is very left wing and prone to shit stirring so do not expect them to be truthful when reporting this sort of stuff. Hell if you are rioting then you bloody deserve this.

Take at a look at the protester tooled up in modern riots such as over in France, the USA or the extinction rebellion protesters. Some individuals in the crowds are geared up with weapons so don't be so naïve as to think the protesters are all innocent.

Universities are also notorious for communist indoctrination and the students are bloody rabid in their thinking and actions. I would not ever entertain the thought of these idiots being peaceful protesters, if they don't get what they want they will create hell until they get what they want. and video evidence is all over the Internet to back up what I am saying.

Rent s thug are notoriously employed to cause maximum harm at protests also ( by so called controlled opposition). So the police have to do what they think is best. What about innocent peoples cars and property being burned to the ground and windows smashed by "protesters".  You will find plenty footage on the Internet showing thugs on a destructive rampage and the media never tell the truth, they spin things to whip the masses into a frenzy. Eventually the truth comes out though.

If you act like an animal then expect to be treated like one. Protest should never involve violence or physical harm in any way.

25 January 2020

Charities slammed as bushfire victims await donated funds


This was our hard earned and taxed money that we, the Australian people gave to those that are in dire need after the bushfires. That money was invested. They have no right to sit on it.
I will wash my hands of charities unless it is a local animal charity or the Rural Fire Service.

That way I know the money is getting to the animals in need or people in need. I have never liked either the Red Cross nor the Salvation Army.
I have heard too many negative things about both from staff members and former staff members.

I have given clothes and household items to the Salvation Army for 30 years, but now I take things else where. You would be shocked to know that the staff of volunteers are treated poorly by the people at the top.

For instance I donate clothes and other goods to an other charity and these bastards won’t even get the air conditioner fixed they expect old ladies to work their bums off in appalling heat and of course no pay because they are volunteers. I would love to see the CIO of any shitty charity, work in the same work conditions year after year that the volunteers have to.

These CIO’s are on huge salaries and out of touch with the average person. There is a particular Australian religious charity that I refuse to have anything to do with. A so called Christian charity where these women are rude and stuck up. Christian values I hardly think so.

Be very sceptical about  any charity and think carefully about which ones to support. As I said I prefer local animal charities because I know for a fact the money goes directly to the care of the animals. I will of course help the Rural Fire Service and Military charities, that I know will hand over the money to those that need it.

I do not forgive nor forget those that do wrong by others deliberately. In Australia we have been very badly affected by everything that has happened over the past few months and it is going to take many, many years to recover from this.

Bushfire-destroyed homes should not be rebuilt in riskiest areas, experts say


Well we were expecting this. Like many are saying this is so the high speed rail link can go in the place where some the “bushfires” happened along the East coast. However, it is not wise to build a house in the middle of bushland and then when a bushfire happens, expecting fire fighters to put their lives at risk all because you want to live in the middle of bushland.

I am not shocked but I am disgusted at what people with big money can do. They can destroy any one they see fit. Especially if there is something that they want.

Roll on the smart cities project. Actually it is already underway. All cities are to become smart cities.

Update : January 2022
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-02/anthony-albanese-pledges-sydney-newcastle-fast-rail-funds/100734900. Fast forward January 2 2022,  I am not sure if this is in the same path as the fires. But it makes some interesting reading after the fires. Only time will tell and the vigilance of those that are watching for the shoe to fall. 

Do you recall the media calling people conspiracy theorists; for saying that there was an agenda to the bushfires, because there were plans to build a high speed rail network from Melbourne to Brisbane? 
They should publicly show the all proposed blueprints for this rail network and compare it to the bushfire route to allay people’ s concerns. 

Update: December 2022. Remember the media were saying it was a conspiracy theory?  

How hero dog named Smudge is helping save injured koalas by sniffing them out in the bush after their habitat was devastated by fires


It is nice to read nice things for a change we have had so much terrible news for weeks on end.
So much death and destruction around us.

Just an hour ago I got the news there are out of control fires in the Fairbairn area of Canberra near our airport and RAAF base. I will share a news article about that shortly.

22 January 2020

Joke: A Scotsman at the Dentist


A Scotsman goes to the dentist and asks how much is an extraction.

The dentist replies it’s $200 for an extraction sir.

Och, have ye no’ got onything cheaper? Replies the Scotsman.

But that’s the normal fee for an extraction sir, replies the dentist.

Whit aboot no' using any anaesthetic? enquires the Scotsman.

Well that’s highly unusual, but if that’s what you want I suppose I could do it for $175 replies the dentist.

Hmmmm, Whit aboot if ye used one of your trainees and still wi’ oot ony anaesthetic? Said the hopeful Scotsman.

Well it is possible but, they are only trainees and I cannot guarantee their professionalism, and it will be a lot more painful. But I suppose in that case we can bring the price right down to $100 replies the dentist.

Och, that’s still a bit much, can ye no’ have this as a training lesson with one of yon students doing the extraction and the rest of the students watching him? Asks the Scotsman.

Hmmmm, well ok, it will be good for the students I suppose and it will only cost you $5 replies the dentist.

Oh, good replies the Scotsman, book the wife in for next Tuesday please, replies the Scotsman.


PS: I had been meaning to post this one for ages but kept forgetting. My sense of humour lol. Take me any where twice. Second time to apologize.  😂😁

Greta, Boomers and Witchcraft: The Hidden Agendas of 2019


Ah how to lower the vibration of the planet. First divide the people, every one, every individual.

I am no fan of so called conspiracy theories, only fact. But in between some of the information is usually a snippet of truth. It is up to the individual to research for themselves. However do remember some information is never in the public domain so we cannot check everything.

With this article though, the article pretty well speaks for itself. As I have said in previous posts, there is no good magic, it is all evil and interferes with free will of others. That is bang out of line and a price has to be paid for that. Don't be so naïve as to think you are doing something good when it comes dressed as a romantic spell. It is a manipulation of the others free will. If they are not into you, so be it. Leave them be or you will reap the punishment of breaking universal or karmic law.

Burns Night Supper January 25th 2020


Image result for burns night

That time of year again and I wish I was back in Scotland for the cold weather and the festivities.
It is 34 years since I last saw Scotland and that was for a 5 week holiday when I was young.

Luckily Burns night supper is held around the world. Where Scots and their friends gather to celebrate
the great bard himself. With good food, good company, music, song and of course Burns' poetry.

Related image

Laugh of the day, Indian Ice cream


I was sent this in an email today, and I couldn’t stop laughing omg 😆
I hope you laugh out loud too 😻😻 The ladies little head tilt is just so cute too.

Philippines floods force 66,000 from homes



It is not just Australia that is suffering just now. Please spare a thought for others going through suffering just now. The Australian tragedy is dominating the news but many countries have pain and suffering. Some of which goes unnoticed or is deemed part of daily life in some parts of the world. Bottom line is no human or animal should have a life of suffering and trauma.

Jakarta, Indonesia flood victims.

https://au.news.yahoo.com/young-couple-drown-after-getting-trapped-in-flooded-lift-195710601.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9uZXdzLmdvb2dsZS5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFmxyZeVFb5uqL3b9BwoGsYbVDBiJ0BIf85VN0hHECmmlcCRHOlHDIj2ixd2FN5hM3AmeALKXTYIVJ10CA0YODS6  Horrible way to die. They should have used stairs if there were any. So sad and so young.

I am sorry for so much gloom and doom on the blog but this is important information that must not be ignored, all lives matter.

Tiny koala brings a smile to a truck driver’s face after fires devastate Australian communities


A Koala called Tiny Arse lol, only in Australia of course. He is cute though. Most Australians love the native wildlife as much as their own fur babies. They are our Fury ambassador for tourists.

Uber cute!

The size of Australia shocks America in bushfire map comparisons


Maybe we should say does my ass look big in this LOL

https://www.ga.gov.au/scientific-topics/national-location-information/dimensions/australias-size-compared  I always thought the US was bigger than Australia, I have a link here to Geoscience Australia for more information.

Just wait until you encounter a big Boomer  in the bush, that is a bloody huge Kangaroo. Stay right way from them. If these 7 foot Skippies are angry they will literally unzip a human with one swipe of their massive claws, you may not make it alive to a hospital, because in the bush you could be hours away from help. Not to mention holding your internal organs in place, because like I said one swipe and they will cut you open.

Kangaroos or Roos as we call them will kill farm dogs by either suffocating them, ripping them apart or if near water they are known to drown dogs by holding them under water.

So if you visit Australian when the fires are over, please be careful if you go out bush and follow all the safety instructions. We have people die every year being lost in the bush. That is how big the continent is.

If you are flying from Sydney to Europe, most of the journey you are still in Australia.
And that is usually a flight that goes either Sydney, Melbourne, Perth WA, to where ever, or Sydney, to Perth in Western Australia (WA) that is the end of the Australian leg and takes about 4 hours 10 minutes flying.
It's about 26 hours from Sydney to London. That's a lot of " are we there yet" and whinging, lol 😆


NSW police say arson and lightning are to blame for the fires! Well duh!

Where's your stupid spray bottle now Karen?


Australian Army to help bury the thousands of animals killed in bushfire crisis


Remember the name David Littleproud he is one of the politicians involved in the water scandal.
I would not trust him in a pink fit. I do not feel he should be allowed to be in charge of Emergency Management given his interest financially in water. Depriving our land of much needed water. I would like to see every politician named and shamed that are involved in the water scandal.

I do not advise looking at the pictures or video it is too graphic and highly distressing.

Tami's Birthday was ruined


Doggie Eye Test


Australia has a 'water management problem'


You know what annoys me about this? The poor stats, only 24 people actually bothered to look at this! That tells me something right there about people. If it ain't happening to them then they don't give a fat rats arse. Do you actually understand how important this issue is?

Half a billion animals perish in bushfires


 No one in the media has the guts to call out the leftist idiots that stopped the back burning that needs to be done every year all over Australia. The Australian people will not forget nor forgive this.

1 January 2020

Heroic job’: Mogo Zoo staff protect animals threatened by out-of-control New South Wales fire


This is a place that I know pretty well. It is not far from Canberra, most Canberrans like to go down the south coast for holidays or a weekend to relax. It is heart-breaking to see this happen but we are not over the worst of it yet.

Last night up in Canberra the thick black smoke hit town from the south and the east, we even had it coming indoors. I had a sleepless night then on top of that our power went out. So no air con or fans to cool the room.

Today the air is thick with heavy smoke and a yellow glow in the sky. So far there are no fires in Canberra. But this brings back horrible memories from 2003. Not a good start to a new year and decade. The destruction done by all these fires will affect our economy in some ways  especially for tourism and primary producers. Some will not recover, others will take years to recover.

We will all pull together to help these families and businesses recover from this devastation.  Aussies pull together in times of distress and hardship. No matter what happens we will recover.

First post for 1 January 2020, what was to be the start of an epic part in history for the world

Tarot card of the month: The Hermit, January 2020


The Hermit card meanings are wisdom, prudence, reflection, consideration and inaction as opposed to direct action.
Ruled by the star sign Virgo and the planet Mercury and the element earth.

The Hermit leans on his staff of authority and wisdom which he needs on his spiritual journey. He holds his lantern in front of him to illuminate his path on his journey. Notice the six pointed star within his lantern, this is the seal of Solomon which represents wisdom.
He is standing on solid ground with his eyes facing south as he confidently makes his journey, and leaning on his staff of wisdom. The hermit is a wise man not given to foolish whims, years of wisdom and experience have taught him well.

His lantern stands for illumination and wisdom and the light of reason. His cloak is the mantle of self possession, his staff is for the everlasting forces of nature, life, faith, strength and comfort, to lean on in hard times.

The white under his feel stands for spiritual purity, the squiggly line at his feet is a snake which alludes to spiritual energy of the kundalini energy which resides coiled like a snake in the base chakra and rises up the spine.

The number 9 on the card is the number of initiation, completeness, male energy and aggression, courage, conflict, originality, intuitive action and penetration.
Arthur waite put a lot of phallic symbology into the Tarot deck, (wands suite) via the Cabala and psychology, it is male dominated energy.

The Hermit as his title suggests has shunned the company of man to live a life of seclusion and hardship.  He is on a spiritual journey so he needs to connect with his higher self and seeks solitude and grounding. He is a beacon of light and hope and the still centre in times of uncertainty. He represents the need to withdraw from the harsh world when things get too hectic.

Now for the month of January this is a good card and rather timely too. It is the end of a turbulent   decade and the start of a new one,  and we are still reeling from the chaos of the past few months.

Now we need to go within and examine what has happened, some of us are traumatised from the bushfires here in Australia and the inaction or late actions of the government in times of crisis has many people upset.

January needs to be a time to sort out our priorities in life and our core values on a spiritual level.
Are we truly happy with our lives at present? What can we do to make life better for ourselves and others?

Only by turning inwards and not turning to rage and anger can we find the answers that we seek. We need a calm and rational mind and a good firm grounding to find our answers to our current situations, both on a personal and universal level. Patience grasshopper! 😁

The Hermit does not rush things or he will miss the message, we need to be patient and diligent this month, communication may be slow or misunderstood too.

Happy Hogmanay (New Years eve) 2019


Its that time of the year that we Scots let our hair down. We wave goodbye to 2019 and let's hope that the new decade will be much better than the one we leave behind. The decade seems to have gone by so fast that it is hard to believe this is us entering 2020 already.

Out with the old and in with the new as they say. I hope that everyone will be safe and enjoy the festivities where ever in the world they are. Be safe and be sensible, always have a back up plan for getting home safe too.


Best wishes and love to everyone


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Be ware of yon dreaded wee haggis!

Koalas are found starving and dying of thirst after bushfires destroyed their habitat - as video shows one desperate animal drinking from a hose


The loss of lives and horrific injuries to the animals is gut wrenching. I can’t stand to see this suffering. I saw some of the fire damage yesterday as I drove up to visit my father. I can’t praise the fire fighters enough for the work they do.

Some of whom have lost homes while helping others. That is a common occurrence in the bushfire season. Just so unfair on all that have suffered.

UPDATE MARCH 1, 2021 when this article was first posted , we had no idea how bad this would become. Right through into March 2020 Then straight into lockdown, Australia was shattered by the events of the summer of 2019/2020.

Merry Christmas 2019


Merry Christmas everyone, I want to thank all who take the time to read my little blog it is very much appreciated. I hope you get a few laughs out of the cartoons and the odd joke that I post too.

I want to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year also, hoping 2020 will be  good for all of us. New decade and new energy as we begin the 20's.

Love Alex xxx

25 December 2019

Kangaroo Court of Australia 2019 Christmas and New Year post



Interesting article, not a good situation for whistle blowers. One must think carefully if one is going down this path. if you have a family too. You could put them in danger too. Yes it is brave but the price can sometimes be to high to pay and sometimes the price is death.

This world is not fair and never has been. The masses never really stand by the brave either!  That is that majority of humans. When someone wants to blow the whistle do not expect the sheep to help you, the wolf will devour you while the sheep just watch on saying and doing nothing. Third dimensional thinking, and a form of hive mind.

We do not merge to become one

 There is so much bullshit and false prophets out there on the internet and in cults of all persuasions, disguised as spiritual or religious groups and institutions, including so called experts on all things spiritual.

One thing to be very wary of the the word ONE, that little word is the trap. I have been in this gig for long enough to tell you; false light, merging with one and all the rest of the BS is exactly that.

There are no experts in spiritual matters on this earth, only expert walking bloody egos. You are your own expert, and if you are honest and tuned in to your higher self, you need no one else telling you what to believe, yes even from me.

The light and the godhead and merging with the ONE are traps. I myself will not be merging with anything after this current life. Think outside the box for a minute, The communists, all religions, government as in the New World Order, etc ask for us to become ONE there is a little clue there. One or On (you need to read up on deep esoteric literature to find the meaning of the word on ), point us to the demiurge/ god. That entity is what demands that we merge as one, those of us that take the time to listen to our souls and also research will already know this.

But this is the time of false prophets and the harvesting of souls has begun, there is no second chance to this any more, either it is singularity (AI) or it is merge as one, that is the option for 99% of humanity.

Self Aware and self empowered this is not, you get but one last chance folks and most will not make it out of here to real freedom because of the brainwashing by any or all of the above methods. No one is going to save us, only ourselves and only if we heed our true higher self and not follow the herd.
There is a reason the church call us the flock, because that is what most are...sheep. The Catholic church has so many symbols right in your face such as the crozier. Also known as a shepherds crook, now ain't that word crook funny, think about that. Crooks run the Vatican.

Language is a form of spell casting when in written format especially the English language. Subtle clues are all around us. For an example have a look at the article in the link below, I am not endorsing this in any way, I just ask you to have a look, research and work things out for yourself nothing more.

Speaking of spell casting there is a massive amount of this going on in current times. There is no good or evil magic, it is all wrong. When one dabbles with this you are well and truly in deep. If you think doing spells for love or a job is innocent then you are mistaken, it all belongs to ONE
source, don't go there unless you are prepared to pay the price.

I must point out I have no religion and was thankfully never baptised (ritual spell) so I am not coming from a religious angle. I have a frim distrust for religion and given Lucifer or the demiurge is the god of Earth, I leave it to others to be stuck in the web of deception and lies. I want to keep my soul clean.

I will leave this quote here for  readers to ponder, nothing on this earth will remain hidden to those that seek truth.

Luke 8.17,  “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.”


The Sky Atlas by Edward Brooke Hitching


I was out Christmas shopping a few days ago and saw this book in the local book shop. I just had to have it. It is a must have if you love astronomy, astrology or history.
Full of lovely ancient artwork and celestial diagrams.

This will go nicely with my atlas of the ancient world and other historical books. It also points out the correlation of astrology and astronomy. As they were originally the one subject and only ignorant modern man has separated them.

I highly recommend this book, it is a new release so hopefully you can get a first print edition before they sell out. I would shop on line for a good deal as I paid $45. for my copy. Books are heavily taxed in Australia, but you can get good deals if you shop on line.

The three wise dogs


These is always one that stops to retune the banjo 😆

12 cat days of Christmas menu


Water restrictions for you, an endless supply for them: How a foreign corporate giant is snapping up 89 BILLION litres of Australia's H20 as the country suffers its worst drought ever


Just one thing I want to know, what will it take for Australians to do something about the shit going on in our country? Our country has been stolen from under us, our quality of life and our culture mean nothing to these evil greedy monsters.


16 December 2019

St Andrew's Day 2019

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Today 30th November is St Andrew's day, the patron saint of Scotland (and several other nations too)




Reading the history of St Andrew and his remains being brought to Scotland, I am sceptical of the reasons he was brought to Scotland, to me it smells of occultism, and the true reasons are known by only powerful people in secret societies of Scotland and wherever else they are connected to.
Notice the term fishers of men in the bible, could this be to do with the constellation of Pisces, and also secret teachings in astrology and esoteric teachings?

The cross of St Andrew is the feminine cross representing the divine feminine spiritual energy and also the left hand side of the human body. the cross like a plus sign is male spiritual energy and represents the right side of the human body.

Why would someone with nothing to do with Scotland be made a saint of a place he was not born in nor lived in? We are talking about bloodlines and powerful families of which most people are not  even aware of and their control of humanity.

In Scotland the powerful blood lines named are the Sinclair and St Clair (pronounced as Sinkler in Scotland) and the other powerful name that comes to mind is Stuart/ Stewart. Hamilton is of the Stuart blood line too and  of the Merovingian bloodline.

In reality people just like something to celebrate without knowing the real history. They have no idea of the energy harvesting involved in this ritual either. In fact the ignorant masses would just laugh at that, but it is very real and these Merovingian bloodlines are highly trained in the esoteric arts.

https://drakenberg.weebly.com/dragon-family-tree.html  This is why the royal families of the world work with the female bloodline and always have done.  These are strong Satanic bloodlines and blood rituals is part of their everyday life as is paedophilia. This has gone on for thousands of years and will never be stopped.


Wes Penre has covered this in his research also. The human race are being manipulated by evil individuals to take sides in their family feud, it has nothing to do with us, and the last thing we should be doing is praying to beings that energy harvest us and all their evil bloodlines cause us nothing but misery. The bible is about their control over humanity, these so called saints are anything but saintly or spiritually pure. They are in allegiance to either team red or team blue and that goes for politics too. Why else would the main two political parties of the western world adopt those colours too?
Everything is controlled by the bloodlines and always will be.
Flags sporting the colours red, white and blue or green, white and red are also a hint to those that control us. Read the colours as red hair, blue or green eyes and white skin. We are not talking of normal human beings, we are talking a particular bloodline that is far removed from any of us.

Black Eyed Celebrities

 written on 6 December 2019

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Notice the photo of Susan Sarandon in the link above. It looks fake, as in extra make up on the eye. The photo is also a occult Freemason symbol. Nothing is what you think it is in the media especially from that evil place called Hollywood. A punch to the left eye is a punishment. I have noticed the odd one with the right eye blackened, such as David Bowie but he is already blind in his left eye from a childhood fight.

These people have upset their masters and are being punished. The left eye is attached to the psychic side of the brain  (eye of Horus). Read all you can online or in books about this.  This is no accident, it is a punishment for breaking the rules.

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Image result for freemason symbol, covering the mouthRelated imageImage result for freemason symbol, black eye david bowie

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Get in bed with Lucifer and you pay the price! Do not give these people any sympathy, they would sell you out in a heartbeat.  I still have to find out what a punch to the right eye means, apart from that being the male side of the body. I don’t know how these individuals can go out in public looking like this,  as it would be utterly embarrassing to be seen like this and obviously will attract public attention.

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Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 3 September 2024

  https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/QA-Session-3-September-2024.pdf   I am not into the flat earth beliefs, but when Wes...