01 March, 2021

The Sky Atlas by Edward Brooke Hitching


I was out Christmas shopping a few days ago and saw this book in the local book shop. I just had to have it. It is a must have if you love astronomy, astrology or history.
Full of lovely ancient artwork and celestial diagrams.

This will go nicely with my atlas of the ancient world and other historical books. It also points out the correlation of astrology and astronomy. As they were originally the one subject and only ignorant modern man has separated them.

I highly recommend this book, it is a new release so hopefully you can get a first print edition before they sell out. I would shop on line for a good deal as I paid $45. for my copy. Books are heavily taxed in Australia, but you can get good deals if you shop on line.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...