11 August, 2023

The Washington Post; Neologism contest

 Once again, The Washington Post has published the winning submissions to its yearly contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternative meanings for common words.


The winners are:

1. Coffee (N.), the person upon whom one coughs.

2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.

3. Abdicate (V.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

4. Esplanade (V.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.

5. Willy-nilly (Adj.), impotent.

6. Negligent (Adj.), describes a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your nightgown.

7. Lymph (V.), to walk with a lisp.

8. Gargoyle (N.), olive-flavored mouthwash.

9. Flatulence (N.) emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.

10. Balderdash (N.), a rapidly receding hairline.

11. Testicle (N.), a humorous question on an exam.

12. Rectitude (N.), the formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.

13. Pokemon (N), a Rastafarian proctologist.

14. Oyster (N.), a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishisms.

15. Frisbeetarianism (N.), (back by popular demand): The belief that, when you die, your Soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.

16. Circumvent (N.), an opening in the front of boxer shorts worn by Jewish men.


The Washington Post's Style Invitational also asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.


Here are this year's winners:

1. Bozone (N.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

2. Foreploy (V): Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.

3. Cashtration (N.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period.

4. Giraffiti (N): Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

5. Sarchasm (N): The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

6. Inoculatte (V): To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

7. Hipatitis (N): Terminal coolness.

8. Osteopornosis (N): A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)

9. Karmageddon (N): It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.

10. Decafalon (N.): The gruelling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.

11. Glibido (V): All talk and no action.

12. Dopeler effect (N): The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

13. Arachnoleptic fit (N.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.

14. Beelzebug (N.): Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

15. Caterpallor (N.): The colour you turn after finding half a grub in the fruit you're eating.

And the pick of the literature:

16. Ignoranus (N): A person who's both stupid and an asshole  

Your Reference Ain’t Relevant: NSW Attorney-General commits to referring law reform to DCJ


A good character reference for a horrible crime is appalling and sickening. There are many perpetrators that hide behind the veil of respectability. This needs to be removed from the law asap. It’s undermining the victims and should never have been allowed in the first place. NSW government, make this happen you owe the victims this right! 

The entire country needs to step up and change their laws to give true justice for all the victims of abuse, not avoid responsibility and protect the perpetrators. 

10 August, 2023

Some chuckles and a cringe


                                                  🤣🤣🤣 Oh my! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

09 August, 2023

Mourners in Ireland pay respects to singer Sinéad O'Connor at funeral procession


Much respect. Her funeral reminds me of the sorrow and love expressed by the public when princess Diana died. Sinead had a massive impact on the world. 

Wes Penre: Orion book 1 and 2 Q and A session 5


In the last question when mentioning the Akashic records and energy being stored. I can tell you that on a psychic level energy is stored on items that belong to a person. That is why we psychic people are able to read from personal items belonging to people. That ability is called psychometry and is part of the Clairtangence ability. I have had to clear energy from items that belonged to people who have died because the person was attached to the item including a very dangerous person that had died. If you go into the index of this blog look for the labels psychic experiences and articles by Alex.

You will see a few posts of my experiences of deceased people who are attached to items but also the living people when I read an item belonging to them. Jewellery is a common thing for our energy to be stored on but so are crystals. As I was reading question 6 Atlantis popped into my mind because the people of Atlantis used crystals as part of their technology and in temples. The reason for me knowing about the temples is, when I was a child of 6 or 7 I had a flashback to life in Atlantis. That is mentioned in a blog post about my psychic experiences. It is not something that one forgets because it is a memory and poof of life from a past lifetime. 

08 August, 2023

Benefits, downsides: Everything you need to know about tea


Ahh, There’s nothing like a good cup of tea to kick start your morning. Pure bliss with so many flavours and types to choose from. And the cup or mug that is your favourite to add to the moment of bliss. 

Don’t drink too much tea though because it can have unpleasant side effects that you may not be aware of, moderation is the key.


Recently I discovered that Twining’s have brought out a French Earl Grey tea with vanilla so I had to try it. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will probably use this instead of their regular Earl Grey tea. But nothing tops the French Earl Grey tea by T2 which has been around for years. This is luxurious and highly recommended to anyone living in Australia that loves tea. As far as I know T2 is not available outside of Australia. Please be aware too that there is a thing called Earl Grey intoxication, which is caused by Bergamot in the ingredients. The symptoms are bloating and muscle cramps in your legs that are quite painful, speaking from experience. So the safe limit is three or four cups per day, unless your drink sufficient water or use magnesium cream on the affected muscles. 

https://psychictarotreadingwithalexfulford.blogspot.com/2021/03/the-lancet-earl-grey-tea-intoxication.html The Lancet, Earl Grey intoxication.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_Grey_tea Yay, T2 French Earl Grey tea is mentioned in Wikipedia 😻 Crème brûlée tea from T2 is lovely as is New York breakfast tea, Russian caravan tea is highly popular too. 


Tea is more than a lovely warm beverage it is a lifestyle and a ritual to be enjoyed. The spin off from this is the appreciation of lovely bone China and beautiful teapots to collect. I really love teapots 🫖 I have a favourite teapot which is the Brambly Hedge teapot made in England with matching cream and sugar bowl and the seasonal mugs,  tea cups, sauces and plates. My dream is to find a chintz teapot but it has to be a particular colour. I missed the chance years ago to buy one. But now and again I comb the internet to see if one takes my fancy. Eventually the right one will turn up at a reasonable price.

I had a lovely Arthur Woods and son teapot and four years ago I had it on the gas stove and forgot about it. Sadly when I went to pick it up the bottom fell off and hot tea went everywhere. I was devastated because I loved this teapot and they are no longer available. It was a particularly nice looking teapot. Golden rule is never put a china teapot on the stove top. Even at a low temperature it may crack. A teapot warmer is a safe way to keep the tea warm between drinks. T2 and Adore Tea sell them so don’t do what I did, lol. Yes I do have a glass teapot warmer which I use it was just me having a senior’s moment and put my teapot on the gas stove D’oh! Never mind, just keep calm and drink tea 🫖😃   https://adoretea.com.au/collections/teawares?filter.v.availability=1&page=3. The link for a glass teapot warmer. This is the one that I have, it’s nicer than the black one sold by T2 IMHO ❤️

Warm and fuzzy hugs 


05 August, 2023

Start the weekend with a laugh


Too young: why are Australians under 50 increasingly being diagnosed with cancer?


Bowel cancer can happen at any age so don’t kid yourself, and insist on a colonoscopy if you are passing blood frequently. There are others diseases too like Chrons disease, ulcerative colitis and Chrons -Colitis. With ulcerative colitis you definitely pass vast amounts of blood and left untreated it can kill. There are a few doctors that are not well versed in these diseases striking young people because they may not see this disease very often but they should send you for a colonoscopy if you are bleeding. There is a big difference between haemorrhoids bleeding and passing blood from bowel movements.  

 Don’t be fobbed off by a doctor that treats your concerns as over reacting. As I have pointed out in several posts about my husband at the age of 21 being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and he was unfortunately in the worst category with his  illness and his body did not respond to treatment so he had to endure several surgeries and blood transfusions. He also had a DVT at the same time, talk about seriously unlucky. 

Don’t ignore the symptoms of passing blood in your stools regularly it is serious. Fear often delays people going to the doctor too. But if you catch the symptoms early enough you can be in with a good chance of survival so don’t delay out of fear. Your diet definitely affects your health in multiple ways,  and processed foods are the main culprit especially eating processed meats like ham and sandwich meats. Tinned processed foods are also in the unhealthy category due to preservatives and sugars. Corn syrup is a major contributor to health issues. 

Your intestinal health must always be monitored because this is where most symptoms for serious illness occur. The intestinal walls are very thin and it doesn’t take much to have a leaky gut which then is the catalyst for many diseases or other health issues including depression and anxiety. Leaky gut syndrome is extremely common and is part of the reason why people are getting sick. The stomach is also the second brain when it comes to serotonin although it works differently in the stomach, and this was know by scholars as far back as Hippocrates time they believed if the stomach was unhealthy it could cause depression. 

One thing that I learned in my early 20’s by going to naturopaths was the importance of taking probiotics and good quality ones prescribed by my naturopath or purchased at a health food store that are refrigerated.When taking antibiotics you should simultaneously take the probiotics to assist in fighting the infection. Lactobacillus acidophilus combined with other good bacteria should be taken for three month to restore the gut bacteria to a healthy state. If your lactose intolerant acidophilus may cause bloating and diarrhoea. Acidophilus can cause weight gain too so be careful. There are other good bacteria alternatives that are available so talk to a natural therapist or enquire at your health food store about what the best probiotics are for your body. There is a specific probiotic for people that suffer from IBS too. 

Also fermented food like sauerkraut and pickled vegetables are very good for your body just read the ingredients of the product before buying it in case it has sugars that are not good for your health especially corn syrup which is a known neurological toxin. Apple cider vinegar made from the whole apple or mother apple is also a good health choice. I have always had this in my kitchen since I got married because I am well aware of its health benefits due to my father taking it for his ulcerative colitis when I was three years old. 

Remember to always inform your doctor on what alternative health products you are consuming because they may interfere with your medication and perhaps there is a better alternative for you. 


Below is information on how gut health affects the whole body.


https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/improve-gut-bacteria  how to improve your gut health 


Pease read this link above. Do not take probiotics if you have these health conditions.


You will find this philosophy article quite informative also, notice how everything comes full circle eventually. Nothing on earth is new, everything goes in cycles including the way we think. 

Humans are creatures of habit though and often get fed up with food and then go looking for chocolate and other goodies that they crave. So it’s a bit of a vicious circle with our eating habits not to mention long working hours and coming home tired and not wanting to slave over a stove to make dinner for the family.

Modern society is on a treadmill without sufficient balance between working and relaxing at home in order to stay healthy. Working in retail and hospitality especially can mean long work hours or not enough work hours to be able to afford good quality food for optimal health. Add the cost of living into the equation and you can see the dilemma. Then factor in having or not having sound knowledge of nutrition, while struggling with food affordability, keeping a roof over your head while juggling your finances. Healthy choices are not easy on a limited budget and so the cycle of health can be a constant struggle for many people. 

It’s best to just try to avoid takeaway foods and fried foods and soft drinks to start with, make some healthy choices such as switching to apple cider vinegar instead of other vinegars. Apple cider vinegar can be used with olive oil to make a salad dressing too. Not to mention apple cider vinegar has multiple benefits and uses. Did you know that apple cider vinegar helps balance the acid in your body? 

Switch to healthy foods as soon as you can to obtain the best quality life before you hit old age, by the time you reach 60 your health could already be compromised. Compare your body to an old rust bucket of a car to a Lamborghini. Shit box or a cool looking car, hmm tough decision! 

One final thing though, check out the ingredients of everything you buy, because there are preservatives, food colouring chemicals and other things which are just a number on the packaging. You need to learn what they are and what they do to your health. These are all factors which may affect our gut health and our entire bodily health and wellbeing. 

04 August, 2023

ALMANAC: Flower Meanings: The Language of Flowers


Here is a list of meanings of flowers and the colours. It’s not something that most people would consider in modern times but it’s good for trivia purposes and general interest. 

I grow Amaryllis, Bluebells, Calla lilies, Columbines, Daffodils, Forget me nots, Holly, Ivy,  Lily of the valley, Lilies, Marigolds, Roses, Sweet peas (one of my favourite flowers), I also grow a few of the herbs on the list. 

Enjoy 🤗😊

The hidden disability sunflower is popping up across the globe. Here's what it means and what to do if you see it


Bear in mind some people don’t like others to know they have a disability. It’s private and some people may feel embarrassed and uncomfortable revealing their disability too. Especially if it is a mental health issue or sensory issue such as ASD.

02 August, 2023

Old School Sayings or Expressions:

 Curious about old school expressions? Me too! 

Out on the tiles” was always used when I was younger and I still say it. It turns out the expression originated in the 19th century and obviously refers to going out drinking and having fun. But it was originally about our domestic moggies out at nighttime on top of roof tops. The dirty little stop outs 😄

To paint the town red, or going out drinking and partying has a few sources, one of which relates to the use of fire works used in the US Independence Day celebrations in 1884. The red fireworks lighting up the sky red. One source says it’s from Dante’s Inferno. There are numerous reports as to the origin of this saying but most point to the US being where it originated. 

Out on the Razz or  on the Razz, (Razzle-Dazzle)  is in  common use in Australian culture, we tend to shorten it to, on the Razz though. It appears to have originated in England in the 1890's. Basic meaning is  to be out on the town enjoying onesself,  usually involving  alcohol.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_razzle only one example, there are a few online.

Popular terms for being drunk in Australia are, Maggotted, Rat Arsed, Blotto (that's really old school 70's 80's era)P**ed as a Newt,  the list is endless though, I will leave it at that and pursue other old school sayings. 

Wes Penre: The Orion books 1 and 2 Q and A Session 4 pdf


Most books available on spirituality are not worth reading. I spent a lot of money on them years ago and most went into the garbage bin. I no longer buy any so called spiritual books and a certainly won’t buy the Urantia book. I had a look at a friend’s book many years ago and after the first few pages I shut the book and thought well that’s a waste of my time. You don’t need these books, you need a strong foundation within yourself. It’s in your very core not in a book. Quite often people have to unlearn all the stuff that they took as truth after realising they have been duped by incorrect information. It can leave a person confused and frustrated. Then they walk away from the spiritual journey, sometimes they return with a more discerning attitude or they don’t return at all feeling that they were lied to. 

History is a different matter entirely however that always has a biased view, especially if it has a religious background because it is written with a purpose in mind. Most history in this world is written with an agenda. So what ever you read be discerning and do not take anything as 100% truth. 

I am only just getting around to reading the Orion book 1, as I have read through the Ralph Ellis books on Jesus and Mary Magdalen, his sister-wife. That was valuable information and I reccomend people read Ralph's books for a little historical insight. But again use your discernment with everything you read, learn and unlearn/re learn. It does my head in to relearn or unlearn years of information and I can understand the confusion of many people as they start this journey. It's  bit of an Indiana Jones adventure but take your time don't rush. 

29 July, 2023

28 July, 2023

Surprising Signs of Dementia and New Research On What Causes It


This is a very interesting article and we all need to know the signs, most of us have loved ones going through this nightmare and it is a very big problem these days. We know it is on the increase and there is a rare child version of dementia, sadly people as young as their  20’s have been diagnosed. 

I would say not only are genetics involved but also our diet plays a huge role in this disease. Loneliness too is definitely a factor if people are shut off from the community and they have no interaction whatsoever with others. They just lose the sense of belonging and possibly the will to live. 

27 July, 2023

Baby birds expeced on my veranda again

 Yesterday afternoon I was delighted to see a mother bird, a Silvereye to be precise, making a nest in one of the plants on my back veranda. This is the second time my veranda has been sought after by a mother bird. I absolutley adore little Silvereyes. They are so tiny and chirpy little dears. Yesterday afternoon this little bird was fluttering around preparing her nest with feathers and what looked like dried twigs or dried grass. I have had a sneeky peak in the plant to see what she has brought in to her temporary nest. But I know to keep right away while she is prearing for her babies arrival. 

The problem is trying to water the plants without frightening her away. Especially once the eggs hatch as she might abandon the nest. I also need to keep an eye on miss Ruby just in case she discovers the bird as her barking  may frighten the mother bird away. 

I really enjoyed the last birds on the veranda, however it was quite hot and I was worried about the chicks not surviving the heat due to the lazerlite holding in heat and it was a very hot summer. However they all survived and flew off shortly before Christmas 2018. 


The last photo was on 23 December 2018. For some reason I kept thinking it was Blackbirds, D'oh! they were Thrushes.

I will try to get some photos from afar and zoom in as the mother bird sits on her eggs and then see if I can get a phot of the chicks, being careful not to upset the mummy bird.

 Below is the blurb and photo from Wikipedia. 



UPDATE: The little bird has relocated she must have felt the nest is not in a safe place because of people constantly passing by and checking the plant. Good luck little mother to be ❤️




If you fancy some interesting reading this is the daily weather observations in 16th century Europe. 

Click on the picture and read a brief note on how the weather was predicted. Astro meteorology! It still stands the test of time to this day. Notice the mention of Ephemerides (plural ), just as I have already mentioned in my blog. 


Click on the links to view the dates and temperatures dating back to 1666up to 1999.

RIP: Irish singer-songwriter Sinéad O'Connor, who topped charts in the 90s dies aged 56


I just saw a post without the details on Facebook and quickly checked in the news online. Such a shock and so young. 

26 July, 2023

Spiritual message given in 22 July 2023


Spiritual message given in 22 July 2023

As I started to do the tarot card of the month for August this started to come through.

[Sic] Now getting down to the serious part, we, humanity are in spiritual crisis and needing help with world events. This is a critical time in human history and existence. One step the wrong way and we plunge into the abyss. This is not to the way to go, humanity needs a “correction” in order to function and exist before catastrophe strikes.

Yet few are willing to make the correction. Life is about to change yet again very soon;  if we head in this direction. There are factions of government around the world that are aware of this and are trying hard to avert war and the impending damage to humanity and the planet.

This has nothing to do with the “Green” agenda whatsoever, it is about evolution of the species and averting war at all costs. Money is crumbling as we speak and even though some financial crisis will be averted it is not enough for what we need. Time is drawing clear where the spirit world is watching (drawing closer) afraid of the harshness that will be unleashed soon, yet world leaders cannot agree on anything especially if there is a price tag.

But how do you put a price tag on life, human or other lifeforms? This needs a mother’s touch and a mother’s love. The rays of feminine energy need to reach earth to make a difference, yet the rays of love are too weak to penetrate this world.

Tears in heaven cannot prevent the bloodshed that is to come yet again to this world. Not enough love survives withing humanity due to greed and preoccupation with wealth and preoccupation with the self. Admiration is like a disease that ignores the plight of the soul. This pushes the human spirit to the side where greed, obsession and perversion takes hold.

The US is a classic example of spiritual decline with warfare, fame and focus on the self. Focus should be on helping others, focus should be on forgiveness of debt (spiritual or financial?) and power. Humanity will not survive unless urgent correction of the soul, spirit and mind are made.

This year alone death has taken over as the topic of news in this world. Not the focus of the rich and powerful damaging this world through greed, domination, and strife. This balance is way out of control. I doubt is can ever be corrected. Time is too short as it is yet nobody is interested that has the power to correct anything.

We pay a huge price in blood for the deeds of the few. This is the way of this world, but it was never to be the intention. Only when consciousness fell did this occur. Now the price of salvation is neigh impossible. This is not the message we want to hear or see played out, but it is played out globally for all.

I am sorry the vessel has been chosen to give the message to the world, but it is. This was in the contract when she incarnated, we love her dearly and forgive her sins.

Wow, we never thought this message would need to be given, forgive us all for what you receive. This is not our doing but the lords of time have had enough!

Don’t print this Alex, this is doom. Report carefully we will assist you, Alison (my daughter in spirit).

The card of the month is sweet and lovely, but do not show the world the gloom.Show them this instead. France will kick it up a notch with rioting uncontrolled, Macron has no idea how to deal with this. His time is almost over to serve, elections will be called sooner. He will step down.

The world is in turmoil yes, but it will recover. War is inevitable yet not final, we know survival will come, but you must go through with war and build a new world. This is the rules of this planet, war will come and war will go. What is left begins anew in cycles from the smallest ant to the biggest bridge. But that bridge must have support, you see this all through history. We do survive in spirit and soul and body, but not in hate and anger!

You must strive to protect what life you have because soon there won’t be a choice. So, act now and preserve all that flesh has to offer the soul. Money or gold does not help the soul nor does food, but you need food to survive in a world of greed.

We leave you now to your own devices, this message has been delivered.


NOTE: What am I to make of this? 

UPDATE: 21 October 2023. I found the original paper of this today, and I can't help wondering if this was a trickster spirit or entity. When I get messages while doing predictions, tarot card of the month etc. I sometimes just automatically zone out so to speak and the message comes through, I don't think the words that I write, it just happens. Now I usually assume that it comes via my higher self but there are times like this that I truly wonder what is really controlling psychic people.  I am aware that relatives work with me because I can see them but then things come through and it leaves me wondering who or what else is communicating with me.

I also find this disturbingly hypocritical because humanity doe not really have free will we are programmed prior to incarnating. Reincarnation is not to humanities benefit and never was. To understand this read article by John Lamb Lash, Cameron Day, Anton Parks and Wes Penre. That is just some of the researchers that are writting on what is really controlling human consciousness and this reality. These people provide a bibliography of their research that is verifiable.

Woman films a bear trapped inside a car wreaking havoc on the interior


Never mind does a bear poop in the woods, apparently they poop in your car too 💩💩🐻 I hope she had another (hire)car to drive home in. 

Cue the Australian play school intro…..there’s a bear in there 🎶🎶

A smirk rather than a laugh


25 July, 2023

Wes Penre: The Orion book 1 and 2 Q and A session 3


The last answer leaves us with something to seriously ponder. But this life time is a crucial one in all human history. One cannot afford to get it wrong. 

24 July, 2023

25 Signs Of Highly Toxic People


Social Media is a high risk area for toxic people looking for victims, never put personal information on social media because there are people out there who delight in abusing others and can cause deep emotional distress and psychological harm to vulnerable people. Trolling has become sport to some people which is an obvious toxic trait, and in no way is deliberately hunting down people online and bullying them for pleasure the actions of a normal human being.

22 July, 2023

Tarot card of the month: August 2023, Queen of Cups


Ok to kick this off, the element of water jumps out at me, as does Leo and the Sun.
As we know Leo is the sign for the beginning of August. Which is the ruler of the 5th House in the Zodiac wheel.

Human conscioussness is connected to water, emotions and spirituality all of which are covered by this card too. Joyful times in this months card are short and sweet, it is the last month of summer in the northern hemispheire and the last month of winter in the southern hemispheire.  Mother Nature  starts to put her harvest to bed for the  season in northern hemisphere and people are returning to work and school. This year though may be one of the last to enjoy in Europe before things get out of hand by 2025.

There is a bit of tension in the air in a few places, especially in France. France will kick it up a notch with uncontrolled rioting. Macron has no idea how to deal with this. I do feel sudden changes in law will be brought in, new laws put in place to curb violence and there will be more restrictions. 
I feel Macron will call an early election due to the current violence between the police and the public. I do not see Macron being reelected, I feel he has upset too many people. The public are not  forgiving when it comes to the actions of Macron and company.

Ukraine is still caught up in war and will be for a very long time to come. I feel Ukraine is out on a limb as they fight back against Russia. Russia can no longer rely on Wagenr group to pick up the slack either.   There will be a breakthrough in the fighting;  though the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia needs better protection, because there is a high risk here in reckless behaviour that may cause a leak. Not neccessarily intentional but through carelessness or negligence.Trying to cap this off may bevery difficult and this could mean evacuationg many people from the area.  

Football crowds get a bit overexcited in Europe, possibly in Madrid, Spain. I see crowd control to curb drunken behaviour on the streets will be put down. I see police getting injured by drunken fans, they could be from England. Barcelona is in the news also in connection to this. The weather is hot and over heated emotions fueled by alcohol which is never a good mix. 

Wembley is also in the news in August, there may be a new management contract for English teams with big money involved. New players signed up with phenominal wages. One of these men is a very big name in football. There is also an Australian connection to football in England. I see a man with light brown to fair hair wearing a blue and white football jersey. I hear the word striker. 

More food problems as prices rise again, supermarkets are trying to cap prices ( mind you they still make billions in profit). This does not fix the problem and people become distressed because they are trying hard to feed their families. I see chips (crisps) and lollies (sweets) in the spotlight and this could be parents having to restrict the amount of goodies that children can have and still afford nutritious food. The kids won't be happy unfortunatley. 

A sacked football player in the news, I see socks rolled up and the man thinking, he won't be needing them for a while. However this could possibly be a suspension or ban for a period of time.

New activities are needed for children to keep them amused is in the news. This feels like in Australia, bordem busters and how to entertain kids on a budjet. 

Water and emotions are in the news, Leo rules the start of August which as I pointed out at the start is the 5th house of the Zodiac and it influenced family, sport, children, creativity, amusements, the love that you give, love affairs, speculation and romance. which compliments the queen of cups card.

I feel there are a lot of goodbyes in August, this feels related to the end of summer fun and returning to school for the new term in the UK and northern hemispheire countries.  Young adults returning to college or univercity after the semester break.

There are a few tears in August but there is happiness also. This could be a big month for pregnancies or births. If it is pregancies then hello to Taurus babies. 

Ok peeps, have a wonderful weekend and have some fun in your lives.

Warm and fuzzy hugs

25 July, Mines found at nuclear power plant. 

Tears of sadness, Sir Michael Parkinson dies. Of course there have been many deaths of ordinary people in the world this month such as in Maui, Ukraine and elsewhere. 

Fukushima releases radioactive water into the ocean, I didn’t see this coming but it is connected to water. 

China, aggressive behaviour in South China Sea. (Water and emotions)

Football , this is a month out of sync but this happens sometimes. 

20 July, 2023

You call it OCD.


That’s so me, the Virgo side of me is like a drill sergeant on steroid, if you screw with my order in my house. Regimentation! You mess with it and I mess with you 🤣🤣🤣 You may call it OCD but I call it you being sorry 🤣🤣 

19 July, 2023

Sturgeon full moon and blue moon in August 2023


It sounds exciting. and for some reason I visualise a blue cornflower when I think of a blue moon. I do love those flowers. 


Here are things to watch out for astrology wise, including avoiding surgery on a full moon. 


Read down the comments for each month’s full moon. September, yikes; keep anger under control!

I have a long way to go learning the subject to get to doing any of this skill to put out anything for a full moon or any fancy stuff. But who knows maybe one day I can. It would be nice to be able to do what these amazing astrologers do. But I do my stuff via tarot and to me adding astrology into the skill set gives me deeper insight to communicate to others. 

18 July, 2023

Wes Penre: Orion Book 1-2 Q and A Session


The WingMakers stuff is not to be trusted. I have it all printed off from years ago, I also mentioned in a couple of posts the artwork is sinister and as a clairvoyant, I got very bad feelings from the artwork I looked through it years ago and have never gone back to look at it again because the energy is so bad. It has a dark psychological effect. Even the art shown in this article has a dark feeling to it. 

PDF: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite

https://www.labirintoermetico.com/02Tarocchi/Waite_Pictorial_Key_to_the_Tarot.pdf#page7   You can still buy this in paperback or hardback if...