11 May, 2023

A ticking bomb': This illness is now killing more people than COVID-19 or AIDS


TB has never gone away and is usually due to poor sanitation and poor hygiene. What a horrible thing to suffer from and in war zones it is extremely difficult to obtain adequate supplies of antibiotics and anti inflammatory medications to treat infection. It angers me to see the never ending cycle of suffering in third world countries  of poverty, disease and misery. Obviously it is very difficult and even dangerous in some countries traveling to get medical attention never mind access to clean drinking water and sanitation which as we know are basic human rights. Treatment of  TB is slow usually it’s about 6 to 12 months of continuous treatment. 

 The past three years have demonstrated how easily infection can spread,  but also how quickly people revert back to their usual habits when they think the danger is over. This itself is a concern with preventive disease as people tend to take the attitude of it won’t happen to me. Not just that, many people ignore the possibility of spreading infection to others as we have seen through lockdown, not everyone behaves in a responsible manner to prevent transmission. 

I would not wish this on anyone especially when there are shortages of medicines and a shortage of medical personnel globally. Unfortunately the risk of disease and death is always much greater in times of war and humanitarian crises, we have to just deal with the consequences of life in such circumstances as best we can. I pray that this situation can be resolved soon my heart goes out to all those suffering. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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