18 May, 2023

Tarot Card of the Month: June 2023, 2 of Swords


                                   Stalemate, Closed off, Defensive, Illusion, Blinded, Avoiding reality 

To me this card is telling us a serious warning is in the air. We see a woman sitting on a stone seat, she wears a grey long dress and a blind fold, (blind justice or blind stupidity). The woman has two swords in her hands and they are crossed at her chest defensivley. Nothing gets in and nothing gets out. In front of her is cold grey ground that looks like cement above her is a clear blue sky and the moon in the corner of the sky.

Behind her is a body of water rippling as the current moves. There are two rocks emerging from the water like little islands offering rest and respite before you can reach the shore of the land in the distance. Two stages of advancement, two steps until the final push? Something seems to be happening in increments or stages. Are we ready for this globally? 

As I said the woman is blindfolded, it is self restricting. She is very aprehensive and defensive unwilling to take a risk. She will protect herself no matter what. To me this feels like the US, a nation that will defend itself come hell or high water. But what does that mean for the rest of the world?  There are more questions than answers really. As I look at the woman on the card, I think is she thinking irrationally, she cannot see what is in front of her due to the blindfold and restrictive thinking, can she trust her sense of hearing, can she use her intuition? In reality she must remove the self  imposed restrictions and be realistic other wise she is not in a position to see the reality or gravity of the situation and therefore is unable to respond accordingly. 

What we are looking at is a world situation unfolding presently. I get the feeling of military and specifically the navies of the world involved  in this scenario,  the grey colour in the card gives me a cold feeling and reminds me of steel ships and submarines. Which conveys to me a feeling of gearing up for the next phase of defence strategies and planning. A bit late in the day if you ask me. Too much time has been wasted foolishly by western nations. As I look at the card, the land in the far off distance feels like Japan. A country that has been very reluctant to get involved in any conflict or war since ww2.  They can no longer stay neutral and will have to defend and protect themselves. They will also assist their allies in logistical and aid rolls, they are willing to do their part for humanity as they are still haunted by their past history.

I do feel June will be an emotional month for many people. The elements of water and air combining (letting off steam) Two sides of a situation in conflict.We must think very carefully in June about where we collectively are going. We cannot sit back and do nothing; thoughts, opinions and conflict, action or inaction or reaction.  We must be vigilant not to take risks or force the hands of others. Money feels tied to this situation we are facing and there is absolutely no room for guessing anything. We also need clear and transparent examination of all facts and figures relating to finances and transactions. 

There are restrictions around debt, restrictions around military spending and that includes how much the US and its allies spend on the war in Ukraine. This money will also be needed for defending nations against China, Russia and their allies. Do we have time and money to gear up for defence? I don't think so. 

A reality check is a must, it's vital over the next two months because this will reveal some cold hard truths. This may unnerve many people, as many people are now starting to realise that something will happen and it's only a matter of time.

There are distractions happening that take peoples minds off the hard politics. Deliberate manufactured distractions are taking place to anger the public and in the mean time laws are being passed by sleight of hand in western countries such as in the US, UK, Ireland, France, Australia, Canada that may be disempowering to some people. Not enough people are actually paying attention to these changes, nor are they paying attention to the US and China making deals. Some sleight of hand deals that mainly benefit China and not the west, this is not accidental benefiting. So the US seems to be saying one thing while at the same time doing deals clearly favourable to China. 

I feel Japan will notice this too and there may be offence caused to Japan by the current US administration. Awkward! Honour and ethics are questioned in the media with regards to this embarrassment. Results and reactions cannot be avoided. So great care needs to be taken and a realistic response is needed. 

Finance is a key issue for June, swindles and deception are to be guarded against and this includes ordinary people being wiser. Be more aware and tech savvy to avoid scams. Laziness is part of the problem with cyber security and avoiding scams so people need to take responsibility in preventing being scammed and or hacked. Always use two step verification and internet security on all devices. Google what companies offer the best security products and also check the country of origin as it also plays a part in a product being safe or of it exposes you to unwanted security breaches and identity theft etc. 

I am drawn to the blue sky in the card and the element of air again, this brings me to the mind, and mental health and well being.The sign Cancer covers the second half of June and the ruling planet or luminary is the moon which is present in this card also warns of emotions, mental health issues, intuition, feminine energy which includes nurturing and domestic life.

 The combination of the elements of air and water in this card keeps popping into my mind as I gaze over the card, I cant seem to shake it off. Astrologically speaking the 4th house rules the home, endings, property, a parent, foundation, and the later part of life. Which all tie into this card for June, interesting when we think about all the symbols in the card and add astrology on top of that. As a side note when I look into my astrology books during my studies, the  book points out that water comes in three forms, liquid, ice and gaseous as in steam or vapour. 

So as you see we can add more depth to the card as we study it. Pretty cool huh. As I am particularly drawn to the gas theme, I feel that there will be something gas related in the media which can cover anything related to natural gas, anaesthetics, or even gas used in a military or terrorist act. I don’t think that the later is going to happen though, it’s just an example of what can be divined in a reading. So please don’t think that I am predicting that. 

There is also a closed off feeling from a world leader here. This leader does not want to listen to what others say; nor is he willing to listen to public opinion. This will cause major problems for the country. Political upheaval short term is guaranteed because of this attitude of refusing to listen to others.  The result of this attitude will be this leader being removed form office suddenly.  The people will have had enough of this leader and are fearful of the danger the country faces. This is an asian nation, so it could be Pakistan, Turkey, Syria or even India. I do feel the internal disruption will settle down quickly after this matter is addressed. 

In the next two weeks we will see results in Ukraine. Hold tight because this push can have an unintended fallout or effect that was not anticipated. 

Watch money through June and July, spend very carefully on food and necessities only, you may want to think about stocking up on winter foods and clothing in advance for winter returning in the northern hemisphere as October could be a month of shortages and difficulties. So please think carefully, needs or wants.

That is what it is coming down to for many of us, is it a need or is it a want?  There is a big difference, and now is the time to educate children about finances too or expect heartache. Children need to know that money is tight and they cannot have things that are expensive because there is food, rent and other important things that must be paid for. Don't sugar coat this, there was no sugar coating in the Great Depression or in both world wars. So we must very carefully explain to children exactly what the situation is without scaring them. 

Take care, and thank you for taking the time to read this.

Warm anf fuzzy hugs


The astrology notes came from the book, The only way to learn astrology book 1 by M March and J McEvers.



 Psychic Scams 


Phone Scams 


Postal Scams

I actually got one in an email on 16 July however it was in a different email address than the one that I use daily. I kept a screenshot of it too. 


Please look at this scam involving motherboards 

Elements of Air,  a gas attack in girls school in Afghanistan (below) I didn’t factor in this not being terrorism but it actually can be a terror act but gender violence is a form of terrorism when there’s a deliberate attack to prevent the rights of girls and women to education and freedom of movement, speech etc. Gender terrorism. 


Element of water, the big push and an act of absolute evil and destruction 


Element of water and metal, China’s navy ship and a US naval ship in the news


US debt ceiling 


Unexpected, this is something the world needs to keep an eye on! 


UPDATE:  18 July, I did say think about stocking up for winter food, this may be a a problem for the northern hemisphere countries shortly 


Bangladeshi leader flees to India


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