This is basically common sense; and humanity has always known we need nature around us to be grounded and nature is needed for our mental health and for our general wellbeing. We are part of nature and not separate, just the same as we are a body- mind- spirit composite. Take one of these things away and we become ill and we create disharmony within ourselves. To be disconnected from nature is humanities downfall, we were not designed to live in a concrete jungle and lived cheek by jowl as this creates tension or disharmony and dis-ease of body, mind and spirit.
Also the movement or flow of energy is harmonious without sharp edges as observed in Feng Shui. The elements play a large part in our lives whether we realise or not. But the experts in Feng Shui have been able to demonstrate this for centuries. The west has lost much of its ancient wisdom to its detriment and especially its spirituality.
Why are they not also mentioning in this article the fact that most houses are not designed for harmony and harmonious energy to flow freely? A square house or building is like a box, it’s closed in and restrictive. The sharp edges of the building should be smooth. Small windows don’t allow the sunlight and thus affects the chi or energy flow.
My house has large windows front and back, my gardens are green with shrubs and trees and inviting to wild birds and insects. I have a seat next to a window so that I can sit and relax when I need to. This is bringing the outdoors, indoors. So that I can feel immersed in nature no matter what the weather is doing.
Your house also needs to have things in each room that are not just attractive to the eye but must be placed in the correct location for the energy to be harmonious. That includes certain types of plants and again working with the elements in Feng Shui. You will definitely notice the difference when done correctly.
Clutter is bad for us mentally too, so things need to be stored in cupboards and drawers. Hoarding is also something that affects our mental health and this becomes a huge burden on the individual.
Colour also plays an important role to lift the mind. There are plenty psychologists that will attest to the correct use of colours to create a harmonious environment. Colour does stimulate the brain just like shape and nature does. You will notice that hospitals use pale calming colours and this is to stimulate healing and ease the mind.
I often have clients that need to be near water often to feel grounded. These people come from various walks of life. Others prefer forests to feel grounded, I must admit that I love being near forests, however I do like rivers and little streams to enhance my sense of calm.
Unfortunately many people are not in the position to introduce these harmonious elements into their work environment and even their home environment. Due to the nature of their work and also living conditions.
This makes the ability to relax difficult but not impossible. Meditation and mindfulness are an option, as is listening to calming music, switching off the tv and read uplifting books or novels. Avoiding distractions that are stressful is vital as is taking time out to unwind from the daily routine and pressure. Use magnesium cream on your body to relax and at night to get a peaceful sleep put the magnesium cream on the lower back, behind your knees and on the top of your feet before getting into bed. Do this every night to build up the magnesium levels in your body as 50% of the population are deficient in magnesium which leads to depression and other health problems.
Please read the information about magnesium here scroll down to where it says “required reading “ then click on each page. This is valuable information for anyone, I use magnesium all the time. I started off with this brand at my local health food shop, but they stopped stocking it for some reason and started stocking Amazing oils magnesium which is just as good, they add chamomile and lavender for the night time cream and I love that stuff. Below is the link to Amazing Oils magnesium.
I find soft classical music is very therapeutic as is meditation music which you can find on YouTube. My favourite meditation music at present is Thai meditation music This is the YouTube link to the 3 hour meditation video I love. I haven’t put the video on here because some YouTube channels don’t like others uploading videos to their blogs. If you choose not to click on the link but would like to hear the music. Then type in 3 hour relaxing music, evening meditation. 🧘 You will see a picture of candles, a rolled up towel and a pile of stones on the left side of the picture.
I hope that you get so much pleasure from the music as I do.
I would like to caution people, that certain music on some individuals can open up the chakras unintentionally. So please be mindful of this. Ground and attune your body before and after listening to any music designed to work on the mind. If you feel a strange sensation like floating or a feeling of leaving your body, stop immediately because that should not be done. Refocus and ground yourself immediately. Then perhaps have a cup of tea. The goal is to de stress yourself only.
So whatever floats your boat and is enjoyable is perfectly fine for the individual. Create what you feel is harmonious in your home or bedroom if you live in a shared house. But do look into the Feng Shui position for your bedroom as that is a place of rest. The position of the bed is important. Often using mirrors can improve the energy flow and a sense of calm.